Transformations - Return to Sinful Suburbia Ch. 01


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Nathan glared at him. Other things that had changed after transformation? Modesty was a thing of the past along with morality. "What is it?"

"The rooms have been prepared for your new wards. They're on their way here now."

"Good." Nathan yanked Christine's hair back. "Hear that? We're going to have to tone back our behavior."

"Unnh," Christine moaned. "For a while." She laughed. "Nathan... I need..."

Nathan nodded as he thrust into her. "You," he called over his shoulder. "Are you a eunuch?"

"No, sir," the agent said.

"Then get over here," Nathan said.

The man crossed the room. "Sir?"

"Stand in front of her," Nathan said as he stroked in and out of Christine's pussy.

The man stood with his crotch in front of her face.

"Unzip and give her your cock," Nathan said.

The agent unzipped the fly of his black suit pants and pulled out his long, cock. It was over ten inches long.

Christine licked her lips.

"You want him, slut?"

"Yes, Master!"

"Then suck his cock."

The man rubbed his cock across her red lips.

Christine opened her mouth and let him slide between her lips.

Nathan pulled her head back harder and the agent began fucking her mouth.

Nathan fucked her harder, matching his strokes to the man taking her throat.

A few weeks ago, Nathan would never have accepted sharing her with another man. Now, threesomes were a daily occurrence, and all he wanted was to make her happy.

She orgasmed, her miraculous body gripping and milking him, her girl juice erupting from her as she took the agent to his balls.

The man groaned and shook as his cum filled her.

Nathan felt his balls rising.

He fucked her harder and came deep inside her.

Nathan leaned over and kissed her between the shoulder blades as he gently slid out of her. "We better get cleaned up. They'll be here any minute."


Carrie sat in the backseat of the SUV and looked at the two bald men sitting in the front. They wore identical black suits, and both had secret service style earphones in their ears.

"Unit four inbound to McGee residence with cargo," the man in the passenger seat said.

"Who are you guys?" Carrie asked,

"We work for the church," the driver said without looking back.

They had shown up a few minutes before, taken her bags, and escorted her to the SUV while her mom had told her that 'everything was going to be okay'.

Her phone rang.

She dug it out of her purse and hesitated with her finger on the button. "Can I answer this?"

The guard in the passenger seat turned around. His face was expressionless. "You're not a prisoner, Miss."

She pressed the button.

It was Jeffrey.

He sounded panicked. "Bitch, you are not going to fucking believe this..."

"Your mom and dad kicked you out of the house," Carrie said still staring at the gleaming bald head of the guard on the passenger side. "And, now you're on your way to live with strangers?"

Silence. And then, "Oh my fucking God, are you fucking psychic?"

"No, two guys in suits are driving me to my new home too."

"Fuck me. Hot guys? Like tall, bald, hot guys?"

"Not going to comment on the hotness. I'm too scared," Carrie whispered.

"Yeah, I know. I mean, I've had fantasies about being abducted by hot guys, but I'm totally freaking out right now."

"Where are they taking you?" Carrie asked.

"That's the worst part. Some Baptist family, the Cavanaugh's or Carpenters or something? Jesus, Carrie, Baptists? They're taking me to live with Baptists... they're taking a gay Jewish boy to live with Baptists. They'll kill me. I'm gay and a Jew, they've never forgiven us for Jesus..."

"Calm down. Is it the Cavendish's?"

"Yeah, that's it! Wasn't that the name of the hillbilly family in Deliverance? I'm too pretty to survive hillbillies."

"I know the Cavendish's, you'll be fine. The mom bakes cupcakes. The worst that's going to happen to you is you'll gain a few pounds."

"No, no, no... when Baptists smell sweet little Christian girls? Then, they bake cupcakes. But, they sprout fangs and haul gay kids off to re-education camps. I'm dead. Totally dead."

"Deep breath, Jeffrey."

She could hear him breathing on the other end. "I'm trying..."

"We'll figure this shit out tomorrow. Meet me at the elementary school at 7:00 PM. Have you heard from the others?"

"Only Tank, he said they were taking him to live with two lesbians named Fuchs - why does he draw the hip lesbians? Did they think any of this through?"

"Would you calm the fuck down?"

"I'm trying." He took a deep breath. "Listen, in case I don't make it..."

"Fuck's sake would you shut up?"

"No, I have to get this out. You remember six months ago when you lost your fuchsia eye shadow?"


"You didn't lose it - I stole it."

"You bitch."

"It wasn't your color and it is totally mine."

Carrie rolled her eyes. "We'll talk about it tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too."

She hung up and watched the dark street pass by.

A moment later, they pulled onto a narrow driveway.

The house was much bigger than her own. The neighborhood was affluent, definitely a few steps up from her street.

They stopped behind another identical black SUV.

A boy in a blue windbreaker stepped out of the truck.

He was Carrie's age, but she didn't recognize him.

He looked around like a deer in headlights.

"We'll get your bags and your bike," the guard on the passenger side said as he opened his door.

He opened hers and she stepped out into the crisp night air.

She walked over to the tall boy in the blue windbreaker. "Hi, I'm Carrie. Were you shanghaied as well?"

He looked at her. He looked dazed, but it didn't stop his eyes from traveling down to her breasts. "Mark. I'm Mark."

The door opened.

The McGees stepped onto the porch.

The man was tall and broad, with graying hair above a chiseled face. He looked like an athlete a few decades past his prime.

Beside him was his wife. She was tall with full hips and gravity defying breasts in a tight blouse. She smiled warmly, red lips leading to smile lines.

It was the eyes, though.

Brilliant blue, they seemed to glow in the dim light.

"We're the McGees. I'm Christine and this is Nathan. Welcome home."


Carrie and Mark followed Mr. and Mrs. McGee into their house as the church men carried their bags up the stairs.

Christine McGee climbed the steps in front of them. She wore a tight business skirt, and Carrie noted that Mark watched the gentle sway of the woman's hips as they ascended.

He had a youthful look, but here under the lights, she saw that it was an illusion - Mark was at least her age and maybe a year or two older.

But, his face held an evident innocence - he looked just as terrified and lost as Carrie felt.

Christine spoke calmly and genially as they went up the stairs. "We have cable and WiFi, and a big refrigerator to raid if you get hungry between meals. Do either of you have food allergies?"

"No, Ma'am," Mark said softly.

"Me neither," Carrie added. She paused halfway up the stairs. The outline of a crucifix was on the wall, but the cross itself was gone. All that was left was a small nail hole where it had once hung and the halo of sun darkened paint where it had shielded the wall beneath it.

She stared at the missing crucifix for a moment.

She felt eyes on her.

Carrie looked up to see Christine McGee smiling at her. "It was old. We took it down." She turned with a smile and continued up the stairs as the church men walked down past them and out the front door.

Nathan opened a door at the top of the stairs. "This is your room, Carrie."

Carrie looked inside and her eyes bulged. "My stuff?! All my things are here?!" She stepped in and looked around. All her posters, her furniture, even her bed linens were in place. The only thing out of place were her small suitcases sitting in the middle of the floor where the church men had deposited them.

Christine smiled. "The team moved everything a few hours ago. They took pictures and tried to match everything's placement." She stood beside Carrie and whispered. "They threw away your marijuana. Sorry. It's against the rules."

Carrie stared at her in utter astonishment.

Christine winked. "It's okay. We won't discuss it further, honey."


Christine took Mark's hand and led him further down the hall, leaving Christine alone and dumbfounded in her room.

"Now, Mark, if you go in Christine's room or she comes in yours? The door stays open. You're a man, and we expect you to be a gentleman."

He nodded at her wide-eyed. "Y... Yes, Ma'am."

As they walked he stared at her hand in his.

Christine smiled. Her pheromones were affecting the boy - his pulse was racing, and, the poor thing probably didn't even know why.

As for herself, she was dripping wet. Between the beautiful Carrie and this delicious smelling boy, it was all she could do not to seduce him right there in the hall.

But, this was an experiment in seduction, crafted not by the Church, but by the Whore Caste.

They reached the end of the hall and Christine opened the door. "This was my son's room before he... well, before he left with his girlfriend."

The boy looked shell shocked as he took in his room.

"Yes, they brought in all your stuff as well," Christine said.

Art paper was hung on every available wall. Charcoal drawings and pencil drawings interspersed with oil and watercolor images.

"You're very talented, Mark," Christine said as she put her arm around him.

She felt his body go stiff, and, looking down at his pants, saw he was stiff in more ways than one.

Nathan stood behind them and held back a laugh.

She led him to the largest picture on the wall. It was brightly painted in acrylics. A tall, buxom woman in a red spandex outfit with a yellow belt. She had long flowing brown hair. "And, who's this?"

"Mega... Mega Girl," he said drowsily.

"I know you painted her, but is she completely your creation?" Christine asked. She ran her fingernail along the outside of his right ear.

"Yes, Ma'am. I draw comics about her. She's a superhero."

Christine smiled. "Well, she's lovely, and you're very, very talented."

He smiled. "Thank..."

She turned him to face her.

Her eyes throbbed. "After we leave, I want you to get undressed and go to bed. You don't need pajamas. Go to sleep and don't wake up till your alarm goes off in the morning."

He stared intently into her hypnotic eyes.

Christine smiled as she saw the blue patterns dancing and glowing, reflected in his own brown eyes. "When I turn away, you won't remember what I just told you, but you will obey. Do you understand?"

"Yesss, Ma'am," he whispered.

She cupped his face in her hands. "Darling, you don't have to be afraid here. We're going to take wonderful care of you and I'm personally going to make you very happy."

He smiled slightly.

Christine took her hands away.

Then she looked away.

The boy jerked as if he had almost fallen.

"Okay there, kiddo?" Nathan asked as he put a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Y... Yes, sir. Sorry."

"You're tired. It's been a long night, I know," Christine said. "Bathroom is just down the hall to the left. Good night, darling."


Carrie sat on her bed and stared at 'her' room. Everything was in the position she remembered. The room was larger than her own by several feet in each direction, and her floor at home was carpeted while this floor was hardwood.

Carrie rubbed her eyes. This was a fucking nightmare. Tomorrow morning, she would figure out how to get out of here. Maybe she could start college early. Jeffrey had friends in Greenwich Village, and maybe they would let her and Jeffrey crash there until they could get on their feet.

Christine and Nathan McGee seemed nice, but there was something over the top weird in all of this.

Someone knocked.


"May I come in?" Christine asked from outside the door.

"Your house."

Christine sighed on the other side of the door. "Honey, I'm so sorry about all of this. I know it's upsetting, but we can make this work. This is your room even if it is in our house. I'm only coming in if you want me to."

Carrie rolled her eyes. When did she turn into a jerky teen? She felt a little ashamed of herself. "I'm sorry. Yes, please, come in."

Christine opened the door and stepped inside, her heels clicking on the hardwood. She closed the door behind her with a smile.

She looked around the room. "This was my daughter, Elizabeth's room. But, she never decorated it this well."

"Where is she?"

"She became a... nun."

"Oh, she's in a convent?"

Christine giggled a little. "You could... say that." She came in and sat down on the bed beside Carrie. "Not the way you thought your gap year was going to turn out, huh?"

She shook her head. "No."

"Darling, you're not a prisoner here. It's just a place for you to eat and sleep. Next fall, you're heading to college - NYU wasn't it?"

She nodded.

"Your parents tell me you're a genius," Christine said with a smile.

"That's an overstatement," Carrie said sheepishly. She jumped when Christine pushed a lock of hair out of her face.

"I doubt that. But, I just want you to know, Nathan and I are not going to cramp your style or whatever you young people call it nowadays. You can still spend time with your friends - oh, and you'll have money. You're going to work with me at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart."

"Huh? Me, work in a Catholic church? I don't think..."

Christine giggled. "It's easy, it pays well, the hours are short, it'll look good on your resume..." She looked conspiratorially around the room. "And, Father Esteban is totally hot." She giggled. "Don't tell Nathan I said that."

Carrie laughed in spite of everything. Something about Christine McGee set her at ease.

Christine took her hand. "Yay! A laugh! I knew I'd get a laugh. I have a winning personality."

"You do. You really think the Catholic church is going to be okay hiring a backsliding Baptist part time?"

"Of course, I'm the head of administration. I do the hiring."

"Well, okay. I guess." She looked into Christine's eyes and froze.

Christine's eyes throbbed. "That's right. Everything is going to be okay, Carrie. You have nothing to be afraid of."

"Nothing... afraid..." Carrie whispered.

Christine nodded and smiled. "Now, when I get up? You're going to be very sleepy. You're going to get ready for bed. I want you to take off all your clothes and get in the bed naked. Then you're going to go fast asleep and you won't wake up till your alarm goes off. You also won't remember my commands. Do you understand?"

"Yesss," Carrie moaned.

Christine stood up.

Carrie slumped forward and Christine caught her. "You poor thing, you're exhausted. Bed, right now. You're going to have a big day tomorrow, young lady."

"Um, yeah," Christine whispered.


Nathan and Christine stood at the bottom of the stairs and listened as first Mark and then Carrie finished in the bathroom and retired to their rooms.

Nathan held Christine and rocked her slowly.

"Second thoughts?" Christine asked.

"No. Their lives will be better," Nathan said. "You Whore Caste do it right. This isn't what happened to you."

She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. "No." She smiled up at him. "You should have been Whore Caste, you know?"

"As long as one of us is. That's all that matters."

She nodded. "Bring the kit?"

He turned and picked up a cloth bag from a table by the stairs.

They walked up slowly.

"Which one first?" Nathan asked.

"The boy."

Nathan laughed. "Oh, of course. The boy first."

"Aren't you happy I like boys?"


"But, you like watching me with girls more," Christine laughed as they passed Carrie's door.

He slapped her butt through the short, tight skirt. "Yes."

"Well, look at it as if I'm saving the best for last," she said as she turned the doorknob on Mark's door. Light streamed into the room as the door opened.

He lay on his back in the twin bed, eyes closed.

Nathan turned on the lights and closed the door behind them.

Mark didn't move other than the gentle rising and falling of his chest under the linens.

Christine smiled down at him and pulled the covers down to his feet. "Oh, my, my."

Mark was long and lean, his muscles well defined with very sparse body hair.

His balls were thick, and his cock was half erect.

"There's a surprise," Christine said as she gently stroked his long cock. "Nine inches I'd say. Can't imagine why he's so shy."

He moaned in his sleep.

She gently stroked his cock head with her thumb, spreading out his precum over the purple head.

Then she licked her thumb.

"Sweet," she whispered. "SlutzNet is sure he's a virgin?"

Nathan pulled a tablet out of the kit. It blinked to life. "Mark Jones, nineteen, homeschooled. Only friend is a pen pal in Idaho."

"Never had a girlfriend?" Christine whispered as she stroked his shaft. He was hard now, his cock curving back toward his flat stomach.

"I think the girl on the wall is his girlfriend." Nathan smirked. "Well, I suppose he has a real one now."

"Two before it's over - our little Carrie keeps looking at him, I think she's a little infatuated." Christine laughed. "I can't wait to teach him. Makes me want to wake him up and start his education." She leaned forward and licked his shaft.

He groaned and moved in his sleep.

She let go of his shaft and held out her hand. "Kit?"

He handed her the bag.

She opened it and drew out a syringe. "Almost cruel to do this to him. Hold him down."

Nathan leaned his weight on the boy's shoulders.

Christine drew slutifier into the syringe. She cupped his balls in her hand and inserted the needle in his left ball as gently as she could.

He whimpered and tried to move, but Nathan held him fast.

Christine pushed in the plunger slowly. "There we are. Almost done."

His nut started to swell as the medicine filled it.

She gently pulled out the needle.

"You're getting better at that," Nathan said.

She smiled. "Practice."

She grabbed a second syringe and put in a single dose of Cock Grow. "Lucky boy. You're going to wake up in the morning with a ten inch cock." She winked at Nathan. "Think he'll believe he's just growing?"

Nathan shrugged. "Maybe the first inch. The next three he's going to know something is up."

She pushed the needle into his shaft.

He whined again.

"I know. I know. But, you're going to love this afterward," Christine whispered.

He relaxed in the bed as she pulled the needle out.

"There. Now for the good part." She dropped the spent syringes in the kit.

She kissed the head of his cock as she knelt by the bed on her knees. "I so wish I could wake you up for your first blow job. But, we're going to take this slow."

She gently lowered her lips over his cock.

He gasped and jerked his hips as Christine slid down, taking him to the back of her throat and then further. Her lower lip touched his balls and she moaned.

The boy began to thrust in his sleep, fucking someone in his dreams.

Christine began a slow, deepthroat, sliding all the way up before descending to his balls. She worked her tongue as she sucked him.

Christine gasped as she felt Nathan lift her skirt onto her hips.

His big thirteen inch cock pushed at her pussy and she wiggled her hips.

Nathan's big hands closed on her waist and pulled himself forward, filling her.

Christine chuckled to herself. Mark's first sexual experience, though he would not remember it, was a threesome.