Transformations - Return to Sinful Suburbia Ch. 03


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The naked clones looked up from where they were sucking Esteban's cock.

"You two come here and eat out Carrie. She's got a substantial amount of cum in her pussy, and she needs to be clean."

The girls giggled and crawled between Carrie's legs.

"Wait, what?"

Then Carrie cried out as both girls began kissing and sucking the cum from her inner thighs.

"Spread your legs, Carrie," Christine said with a wicked grin.

"Oh, God," Carrie moaned as she spread her legs apart.

The kneeling Pennys pulled her pussy lips apart and giggled as they licked and sucked her cunt.

"Jesus," Carrie whispered. She wobbled on her feet and Christine took her hands, steadying her.

She stared into Christine's eyes as the girls cleaned her with their darting tongues.

"I... Oh, God!" She came and her squirt drenched both laughing girls.

They fell on the floor, licking and kissing each other's faces.

Christine led her away from the Pennys.

She pushed Carrie against the wall and retrieved her clothes from the floor.

She helped her get dressed and then led her out of Esteban's office.

Carrie was in a daze.

"I... don't want to forget this, Christine. I really liked doing this. Did you make me bi?"

Christine shook her head. "No. You're just losing your inhibitions, that's all."

"Please don't make me forget..."

"Shh, trust me." She led Carrie into the restroom. "Lift your skirt."


"I know best. I promise you."

Carrie lifted her skirt, exposing her latex panties.

Christine pushed her back into a stall. "Sit."

Carrie rolled her eyes and sat on the toilet.

"Look at me."

Carrie looked up into Christine's glowing blue eyes.

"This was a fantasy. An amazing fantasy. It was so incredibly kinky to imagine being fucked by Esteban - you even imagined your friend Penny had a clone and they were there too. You will remember everything that just happened as just something you thought about when you masturbated. You will ignore the fact you now have huge breasts. You will think you are wearing your normal heels. You will not realize you are taller. Do you understand?"

Carrie nodded slowly, the words becoming her reality. "Yes, Mistress."

Christine laughed. "No, darling, I'm not your Mistress. I am your friend." She stroked Carrie's cheek. "I am going to take very good care of you. Now, when I leave the bathroom? I want you to masturbate to a very nice orgasm, then come back to the office, okay?"

"Yes, Christine," Carrie mumbled.

Christine leaned down and kissed her.

Then she closed the stall door and left the restroom.

Carrie blinked hard.

God! That had been the most amazing fantasy! She thought about it again and touched her clit through the rubber panties.


Mark watched as Madison squared off with Belynda in the gym. It was a large room filled with weight equipment, but the center of the room was a ten foot by ten foot padded square.

Madison had changed into a white pair of yoga pants and athletic bra.

Belynda wore the same outfit in black.

Lisa held her 'husband's hand and smiled at Mark. "We love watching them spar."

"You should be the one in here, Lisa," Belynda said. She never took her eyes off Madison.

"No fucking way. You want to get physical with me we can go to bed."

Mark gasped. The concept of this 'throuple' was way outside the norm.

"You going to come at me, Puta? Or, are you just going to dance around me?" Belynda scolded Madison.

Mark saw a flash of anger in Madison's eyes.

"What? You don't like being called Puta, Puta?"

Madison charged.

She spun on her left foot, throwing her long right leg into a spinning roundhouse kick.

Belynda ducked the kick easily and kicked Madison's ass, sending her face first onto the pads. "What'd you do wrong?"

Madison growled and slapped the pads. "I got angry."

"No shit. You got angry and came at me with that Karate Kid shit? That all you got?"

Mark almost jumped out of his skin.

Madison had been lying on her stomach, but then she did a backward somersault and spun in mid air trying to land another spinning kick.

This time Belynda swatted it away with her muscled right arm.

Madison landed on her feet in a fighting stance.

"Ooo, and now she tries some Kung Fu. Predictable."

"God, this is so fucking hot," Jason said.

"Hey, shut the fuck up, I'm working in here," Belynda said. Then she blew him a kiss.

Madison ran at her and tried a front kick.

Belynda caught her leg and held her. "Uh, oh... now what're you going to do? Huh?"

Madison hopped on one leg as Belynda made a twisting motion with her hand on Madison's trapped ankle.

"Ow! Motherfucker!" Madison howled.

"Why are they doing this?" Mark asked.

Lisa smiled. "Belynda is an expert at martial arts, knives, firearms - a couple of months ago, Madison asked her to train her."

"Yeah," Jason said. "Maddie is nuts. I'm married to Belynda and I wouldn't fight her."

"Stop talking," Belynda said. "She needs to concentrate. What am I doing to your ankle, Maddie?" She twisted her ankle again.

Madison screamed. "Fuck! Krav Maga joint lock."

"How you getting out of it?"

Madison growled and rolled.

Using Belynda's grip as leverage, she lifted her free leg off the ground and kicked Belynda in the face.

They both tumbled to the mat.

Madison rolled away and got to her feet, wincing from pain in the leg that had been caught.

Belynda jumped to her feet. "Better."

Madison limped away a few feet.

"You hurt?"

"Fuck, yes, I'm hurt."

"Aww, poor baby."

Madison suddenly ran forward.

Belynda jumped and spun, her ankles closing on Madison's neck and throwing her to the mat.

Belynda rolled on top of her, ending up with Madison's head between her thighs, her crotch against Madison's mouth. "Get out of it."

Madison twisted and kicked, but she couldn't get loose.

"Get out of it," Belynda said again.

"How?! How do I..."

Belynda leaned down and stroked Madison's long black hair. "You bite me, dummy. You latch onto a bitch's clit with your teeth, or better yet some fool's cojones? They'll let you go."

Belynda smiled and rolled off her. "You're getting better."

Madison rolled onto her ass. "I don't feel like I am."

Belynda kissed her. "You are."

"I can't beat you."

"Of course not, I'm motherfucking Wonder Woman."

They both laughed.


Jeffrey lay on the dusty leather couch in the dark room. He drifted in and out of consciousness. He had found a first aid kit in the office and had washed down four aspirin with water from a groaning and complaining washroom tap.

The aspirin did little to dull the agony.

His chest was swollen and tender, his stomach convulsing in horrendous spasms. And, the ache in his balls had climbed steadily up into his groin until it was now somewhere near his navel.

He didn't dare feel inside his pants.

He was different down there, and not just the immense cock that now strained against his underwear - he felt... open. It felt like there was a void beneath his cock.

Jeffrey sobbed in the darkness.

He had always been effeminate. Even his closest friends called him a 'Diva' and a 'Drama Queen'.

But, for the first time in his life his drama was real and tangible.

Was he dying? He felt like it.

It might be weeks before they found him here in the dark.

He pulled out his cellphone and looked at the black screen.

Still, he didn't dare turn it on.

He might die in the dark, but the people who had done this to him were monsters.

He cried out as pain lanced through his teeth... even his fucking teeth hurt!

All he wanted to do was call Carrie and beg her to come save him, but he didn't dare turn the phone on. Finally, he fell blessedly asleep.


Carrie rode in the passenger seat of Christine's car.

They were almost home when Christine's phone rang.

The car had Bluetooth, but she turned it off and put the phone to her ear. "Stacie? What's wrong?"

Carrie watched as Christine slowly began to frown.

"Will he be okay?"

"Is someone hurt?" Carrie asked. For some reason, she was immediately afraid something had happened to Mark.

Christine smiled weakly. "It's okay, honey." Christine's eyes opened wide as she somehow realized what Carrie was afraid of. "Mark is just fine."

Carrie nodded, feeling embarrassed that she was so easy to read.

Her libido had returned to five alarm fire level. God, she had fingered herself three times today and she was horny again. That last fantasy had pushed all her buttons - she could almost feel Father Esteban's cock inside her.

She squirmed a little in the seat, wishing she could relieve the tension.

"Do you need me to help look?" Christine asked whoever was on the phone. "No, she's here with me. She's fine."

Carrie looked at her questioningly.

"It's nothing," Christine whispered.

She hung up as they pulled into the garage.

Carrie brightened as she saw that Mark and Nathan were just getting out of Nathan's car.

Mark seemed... taller and broader across the shoulders. Had he always been so well built? She tried to remember.

"Open a couple of buttons," Christine whispered.

"Huh?" Carrie asked.

"Show a little more cleavage, darling. You want him, don't you?"


Christine rolled her eyes. "Honey, he's a handsome man, you're a beautiful woman. There's a massive amount of chemistry between the two of you. It's not wrong to feel lust."

Carrie bit her lip. "I know."

She unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse.


Carrie sighed and showed about seven inches of cleavage. She frowned down at her rubber encased boobs. Was she a lot bigger? It was hard to pin down, but she felt like she was much bigger.

"That's better," Christine laughed as she got out of the car.

Carrie got out as Christine embraced Mark in a hug that was much more than friendly.

Mark's eyes went closed as Christine's big breasts mashed against him.

And, it was turning Carrie on. How could watching this woman old enough to be Mark's mother embracing him make Carrie wet?

Christine pulled away and then wrapped her arms around Nathan's neck.

They kissed like lovers who hadn't seen each other in a month.

Nathan led her into the house, leaving Mark and Christine alone in the garage.

"Hi," Mark said.

"Hi." Her voice came out low and sultry. It wasn't something she consciously meant to do. She walked toward him, breasts moving, hips moving. Where was this coming from? She had never been so...

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, picking her up off her feet - was he taller? He was definitely stronger.

But, the kiss was just like last night's, maybe better.

She tingled all over.

He had seemed shy before, but now the timidity was gone.

Mark crushed her against him.

She was breathing hard as he held her. "Wow."

"Yeah, wow."

"How was your day, honey?" Carrie asked breathlessly.

"Do you really care?" He was playful, almost laughing.

"Fuck no."

He kissed her again, his hands dropping down to cup her ass, lifting her higher in his strong arms.

She wrapped her legs around him, and he held her effortlessly.

Her fantasy about Esteban and the Pennys had been hot, but this was somehow hotter.

The fantasy had been about getting fucked.

This was making love.

And, that thought filled her with warmth and happiness.

She pushed away from his arms and knelt on the floor.

"What are you..."

She smiled up at him and lowered his zipper.

Her eyes grew wide as she reached into his fly.

Memories of the Father Esteban fantasy came back to her.

They had the same sized cocks. Identical in fact.

She pulled out the quickly stiffening monster cock. "How... you're huge."

"I know. It just... how much did they tell you about what's happening?"

She shook her head.

Then she opened her mouth and took his thick, purple head into her mouth.

The thick precum tasted delicious and she smiled as she worked more of his cock across her tongue.

"Oh, my God," Mark gasped.

It would be impossible to fit the whole thing into her throat, especially since it appeared to still be growing!

But, then it went past the back of her throat and down.

Carrie's eyes bulged. How was she doing this? A veteran porn star couldn't do this!

She felt it slide deeper and deeper down her throat.

"Jesus, Carrie, honey," Mark moaned.

He had his hands on the side of her face.

She almost hoped he would slide them around to the back of her head.

She winked up at him as her lower lip touched his ball sack.

His hips began to buck, forcing the cock in and out as she struggled to match her breathing to the thrusts.

She saw Mark's eyes roll back as he became lost in the blowjob she never knew she had in her.

His body went stiff and his cum surged into her throat.

She pulled back, letting his cum spurt into her mouth as well, wanting to taste him.

He staggered a little from the force of the orgasm.

His cum tasted wonderful as she slowly swallowed, easing his length from between her lips.

Christine called from the kitchen. "Hey, you two? Dinner in five minutes."

Mark and Carrie stared intently into each other's eyes, not having to say out loud the words they were both thinking.


Levi stood in his living room along with Sister Illia and a group of Church agents.

"Have you learned anything useful?" Levi asked the lead Church agent he had assigned to investigate the Whore Caste in Ithaca.

"Nothing damning, Bishop. We checked into the Whoremaster running the brothel downtown, Bull Drummond - he has an alibi as do his whores. Dr. Thompson, the brothel surgeon has also been eliminated as a suspect."

"What about the individuals at Stallion's?"

"Again, they all have alibis, though to be clear, we were turned away at the top level by..." He searched through his notepad. "A bimbot named Rita who threatened us with bodily harm should we attempt to enter - we then contacted Sister Asmodea who vouched for all the Stallion's staff."

Sister Illia spoke up. "What about Level 9? My understanding is the creatures there are no longer under the control of the Whore Caste."

"Unknown, Sister. We're under orders from Havana to have no contact with Level 9."

"The college," Levi asked. "What about the college?"

"Well, Bishop, there are a lot of Whore Caste and Professional Caste there - more everyday..."

"Have you investigated or not?"

"Ongoing, sir. But, we do have a few individuals in mind."

"Name them."

"There is a White Witch there, a Lisa Chase Moore. Her activities are somewhat unclear. Also, her mate, Belynda Torres Moore? She has extensive paramilitary training - she could easily be our killer. And, then there's Madison Fuchs..."

Levi frowned. "Madison Fuchs?? Stacie Fuchs's daughter?"

"Yes, Bishop."

"She was there at the house when Tyler McGee and Emily di Fuchs escaped... she attempted to follow them but said she lost them somewhere north of town."

The agent nodded. "Yes, sir. We've also discovered she bought a number of burner phones over the last six months."

Levi smiled.

"Shall I have her brought in for questioning, Bishop?"

Levi shook his head. "No. Not yet. Watch her - watch all of them, but especially her." He smiled.


"We have a goddamned problem," Madison growled as she drove out of town.

The burner phone was attached via Bluetooth to the car stereo.

Demona's modified voice came over the speakers. "What kind of problem?"

"Church agents have been following me. My tough friend ran two of them off earlier."

"Fuck. Two were turned away here as well today."

"What do I do?"

"Nothing. Lose the phones. Don't call anymore. And, if you get into trouble? You go straight to your 'tough friend' and get your ass here."

"I won't endanger..."

"Shut the fuck up. We'll hang together or separately. One of us goes down, we all do. Shit goes sideways, you get your ass over here where we can build an army."

"We can't stand against him, you know that."

"I know a certain goddess who can."

"Yeah, if she doesn't kill us first."


Dinner at the McGee house was wonderful.

Carrie, Mark, Christine, and Nathan had laughed and talked over chicken casserole.

The whole time, Mark had run his fingers up the inside of Carrie's thigh under the table.

And, Carrie had the distinct impression that Christine and Nathan knew.

After dinner, they had announced they were heading out to meet Carrie's friends and rushed to the garage.

As soon as they closed the door, Carrie had thrown herself around Mark's neck. He pressed her against the garage wall, holding her a foot off the ground in his strong arms.

"We're different," she whispered as he kissed her neck.

"I know."

"You were shy before."

"I know."

"What changed?"

"Don't you know?."

"They did something to us. Christine and Nathan?" She kissed his neck.


Carrie burst out laughing. "What did they do?"

"I... don't think I'm supposed to tell."

She leaned back and ran her fingers through his hair. "Christine doesn't want you to tell me?"

He shook his head. "But, if you want me to tell? I will."

She thought for a moment. "It's nothing bad, is it?"

"I don't think so. I think it's pretty amazing, actually. Kind of like evolution, I think. Just, like, speeded up."

Carrie swallowed. "Is that why... God, I don't know how to say this."

"You're attracted to Christine?" He asked.

"I'm not gay."

"I noticed," he laughed.

"But... it's like I want to..."

"Be intimate with Christine?"

"God, yes!" She hugged him tight. "Nathan too. That's so fucked up, isn't it?"

"I..." He sighed. "With Christine. I did."

Carrie leaned back and stared at him.

"Please, don't be mad. It was before I even kissed..."

"I knew," she whispered. "Somehow? I knew you had sex with Christine."

"Jesus, you must hate me?"

She laughed and shook her head. "No. That's just it. It just turns me on and makes me think about... the three of us. Maybe the four of us?"

He nodded.

She smiled. "Did you fuck Nathan?"

"What?! Hell no. I'm not into guys. I don't think he is either."

She hugged his neck. "No, but I think you're going to have to handle being in bed with the three of us."


Carrie and Mark rode their bikes through the dark streets on their way to the school.

As they crossed into the parking lot, they saw Tank's truck but no sign of Morris's Toyota.

Tank was lying on his back in the truck bed.

And, a tall blonde was bouncing on top of him.

They were... fucking.

Carrie slid to a stop a hundred yards behind the truck and just stared at the woman riding Tank.

"Holy shit," Mark said as he pulled up beside her.

"Who the fuck is she?" Carrie whispered.

"Um, pretty sure that's your friend, Cheryl," Mark whispered.

"No... that's not..." She stared in disbelief.

The face was definitely Cheryl's. But, other than that, she might as well have been an alien.

First she was much, much taller. And, her breasts were so big you could see them from the back. She was wearing a tight, black sports bra looking thing.

And, Cheryl was wearing a cat ear headband over her bouncing golden hair.

Carrie started to turn her bike around.

Mark stopped her. "It's okay. They're still your friends."

Carrie looked from the couple fucking in the truck bed to Mark. "You mean... they're doing stuff to Cheryl and Tank as well?"

Mark smiled and nodded. "Evidently."