Transformations - Return to Sinful Suburbia Ch. 04


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The waitress's eyes glazed over. "I'm sorry, Ma'am. Did you say something?"

"No," Sugar said with a smile.

"I'll... have what she's having," Carrie said.

The waitress walked away, and Carrie's eyes were drawn to the girl's hips swaying in the tight pink outfit. She shook her head. "God, not only am I super horny, I'm an absolute lech. I feel like a frat boy."

Sugar laughed. "So, you like looking at pretty girls now? There's no crime in that."

"There are several crimes in what I want to do to her," Carrie groaned. "I have the urge to..."

"Transform her?" Sugar said.

"Yes! God, I want to... modify her. Change the way she thinks and looks."

"And, make her happy?" Sugar asked.

Carrie nodded. "I do. If you weren't here to stop me, I might... God, I don't know what I might do to her, to everyone in the diner." She looked around the restaurant at the people talking and laughing, eating salads, burgers, and sandwiches.

She wanted to turn the room into an orgy.

Sugar laughed. "Tempting, isn't it?"

Carrie grinned wickedly. "Let's do it."

Sugar took her hand. "No. You're still high from transformation. We can hurt people, Carrie. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I created a few monsters my first day - they still haunt me. That's why we don't just make White Witches and walk away anymore. Tomorrow, you're going to be paired with a White Witch named Lisa. She's going to be your mentor."

"Did she make any monsters?" Carrie asked.

Sugar raised her eyebrows. "She destroyed entire families."

Carrie nodded.

"You can learn from our mistakes."

Carrie took another look around the room. "It would be fun though."

"Oh, I didn't say we couldn't have fun," Sugar said and winked.

The waitress brought their sodas.

Carrie looked up at her. She was haggard looking, but not as old as Carrie had thought in the beginning. She had dark circles under her light green eyes and unkempt curly red hair. Her face had a sadness to it.

"Go ahead," Sugar said.

"What?" Carrie asked.



"Take her hand," Sugar said.

"I'm sorry? What?" the girl asked. Her nametag said Roxy.

Carrie reached out and grabbed the girl's hand.

She tried to pull away.

"Calm," Carrie said.

Roxy stopped struggling.

"Sit beside me," Carrie said.

"I... can't... the boss doesn't let us sit when we're on shift," Roxy said. Her eyes were half closed.

Sugar stood up. "Who's your boss?" She looked around the restaurant.

"Bill, he's at the register."

Carrie craned her neck. A heavy set bald man was staring toward them.

"Bill, Roxy is going to sit here with us. That's okay, isn't it?" Sugar said over the din of the crowd.

Bill stared at her blankly for a moment. Then he smiled. "Yeah, sure. That's fine. I'll cover her tables."

Sugar sat down. "Proceed."

"Sit beside me, Roxy."

The redhead shook her head slowly. "N... No, I don't want to."

"Stronger, Carrie. She can't resist you. You're giving her too much leeway," Sugar said.

"Sit beside me, Roxy," Carrie said. She pushed with her mind.

Roxy's eyes fluttered shut and she sat down beside Carrie, still holding her hand.

"That's better," Carrie said.

"Much better," Sugar agreed. "Look inside her mind. She's very afraid right now. She can't understand why she can't make herself walk away."

Carrie squeezed Roxy's hand. "No, Roxy, don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. I promise."

"Better," Sugar said. "Now, you need to go inside her mind - gently! This is very invasive. It's the same thing as penetrating her for the first time."

"I know." Carrie whispered.

A couple at the next table were staring at them.

Sugar looked at them and smiled. "Your girlfriend wants to try anal, but she's afraid you'll think she's weird. Take her back to your apartment and show her she's wrong."

The couple appeared to nod off. Then the man sat up and shook his head. "Check, please?"

Carrie giggled. "You're terrible. Does she really want to try anal?" Carrie whispered.

Sugar shrugged. "She does now. Continue."

Carrie looked into Roxy's eyes. She felt herself fall into the green irises. "Roxanne... Dumont. Twenty-three. Single... no, a boyfriend. She wants to get married. He's hesitant." Carrie frowned. "Show me your wrist."

Roxy looked half asleep. She raised her free hand above the table revealing black and green bruises in a ring around her slim wrist.

"No, no, no," Carrie mumbled. "No. He is not sorry, Roxy. And, no, getting married and getting pregnant won't help that."

Roxy whimpered.

"He's mostly verbally abusive..."

"But, he's evolving," Sugar said.

"Yes. She's so timid..."

"They like timid. Men like her boyfriend look for timid," Sugar said.

"Let's go hurt him," Carrie whispered. And, she could. Her mind filled with images of tortures that would have made the Spanish Inquisition look tame.

"No. If we started going after every asshole in the world, we wouldn't have time to save the world. But, we can save her."

Carrie reached out with her free hand and caressed Roxy's face. "She thinks she's ugly. For fuck's sake..."

"Low self esteem. Fix it."

Carrie closed her eyes. Then she opened them. "Should I? Is it right?"

Sugar laughed. "There are no right or wrong answers, Carrie. Let her go, if you want."

Carrie shook her head. "No. No way." She stared intently into Roxy's eyes. "You're beautiful. And, you know that. You're not vain, but you're not going to delude yourself into thinking you're ugly, either."

Roxy sat up a little taller.

"What do you want to change in her, Carrie?" Sugar asked.

Carrie shook her head. "No. Roxy, what do you want to change?"

"Interesting," Sugar whispered.

"Short. I'm short," Roxy whispered.

"We can fix that." Sugar opened her purse and pulled out a vial of Gam Grow and a syringe.

A man two tables over stared at Sugar's hands.

She looked at him. "Insulin. Ignore it. Better yet, go jack off in the men's room."

The man nodded and left his table.

"Wicked," Carrie giggled.

"Mind control can be very entertaining." She handed a syringe to Carrie. "In the thigh. You have to go through to the bone."

Carrie nodded.

"Imagine her leg is totally numb before you inject her. Let go of her hand and touch her temple instead - the closer you are to her brain the better."

"Okay." She touched Roxy's temple and imagined that Roxy's left thigh was numb.

Carrie took the syringe in her left hand.

"It's important to keep thinking about her leg being numb - if you're afraid it will hurt her? It will hurt her. Understand?"

"Yes." She held the needle in her fist and brought it down on her thigh.

"Don't stop. All the way," Sugar said.

The bone made a crunching sound when the needle hit it.

"Now inject."

She squeezed the plunger and sent the Gam Grow into her thigh.

"She'll be four inches taller in an hour - at least one leg will be," Sugar said.

Carrie pulled the needle straight out and laid it on the table.

Sugar covered the empty syringe with a napkin. Then she handed a second full syringe to Carrie. "Now the other leg."

Carrie almost jumped out of her skin when Bill showed up at their table with their orders.

He stared in confusion at Roxy and the syringe in Carrie's hand.

"Nothing to see here. Just give us our food and go back to the register," Carrie said.

He blinked. "Will there be anything else?"

"No, thank you," Sugar said.

He turned and walked away.

Sugar picked up her burger and took a bite. "Keep going. I'll setup the shots."


By the time they finished eating, Roxy was barely recognizable. She was four inches taller with wider hips and a narrower waist. Her breasts were a healthy DD. She had also been slutified.

The injections after her thighs had required Sugar to put everyone in the diner to sleep for four minutes.

Roxy sat quietly by Carrie's side as Carrie and Sugar ate.

As Carrie downed the last of her shake, she ran her fingers through Roxy's hair. "What happens to her now?"

Sugar smiled. "Whatever you want. I can send her to Stallion's. They'll ship her off to Havana to the Whore Market. Most likely she'll end up in a household - we call them Orgy Whores. Full time party girls. It'll be like a permanent beach vacation for her."

"Oh... can... I mean can she just be her? Can't she just stay here and live her life?"

"Just as a sex goddess?"


Sugar smiled. "For awhile. Until the Church takes over."

"I don't want her going back to that dick."

"Absolutely not. We don't tolerate people who hurt Whore Caste." She reached over the table and took Roxy's hand. "You've looked inside her head and let her change anything she wanted about herself. Now comes the difficult part - changing her mind."

"Do we have to?" Carrie asked. "I mean, she just got her dream body. Maybe she doesn't need any modifications to her mind."

"Maybe not. But, what if we had used that logic with you? What if we didn't influence you? Would you have been happy just having a perfect body?"

Carrie frowned. "I... I didn't think about that." She looked at Roxy and smiled. "I mean. We could just change a few things." She bit her lower lip.

"Not here," Sugar said. She stood up. "I can't put the restaurant to sleep that long."

"Where are we going?"

"Ladies room."

Sugar and Carrie walked back to the restroom with Roxy between them.

The restroom was empty.

Sugar locked the door behind them.

Carrie stood close to Roxy and smiled. "Kiss me."

Roxy blinked. "No. I'm not gay."

Carrie laughed. "Neither am I. Kiss me. You've wanted to all your life - kiss a girl. You want to know what it feels like. I'll show you."

"Her thoughts or yours?" Sugar said as she hopped up on the row of sinks and sat down.

"Does it matter?" Carrie said with a smirk.

"Nasty girl."

Carrie laughed. "Kiss me, Roxy. A nice, long, soul kiss."

Roxy leaned forward and put her arms around Carrie's neck.

Roxy turned her head to the side and Carrie kissed her, tasting the girl's full red lips. She eased her tongue inside Roxy's mouth, finding her small tongue and playing with it.

"You two want to be alone?" Sugar asked.

Carrie looked at Sugar, lust burning inside her. "Don't you dare leave."

"Hmm, in that case?" Sugar spread her legs and the rubber dress slid up her thighs. Her pussy was wet and dripping.

Carrie winked. "Look, Roxy. Isn't Sugar beautiful?"

"I... guess."

"She's beautiful. All women are. Men too. You don't have to be a good girl anymore. You can be naughty. Let your mind go," Carrie whispered.

"I think you're getting the hang of this," Sugar said as she slowly stroked her clit with two fingers of her right hand.

Carrie took Roxy's hand and led her to stand between Sugar's thighs. She let go of Roxy's hand and moved around behind her. She raised her hands to Roxy's temples. "She's very pretty, isn't she, Roxy?"

"Yes," Roxy whispered.

Sugar put her arms around Roxy's neck and scooted forward.

"You liked kissing me, didn't you, Roxy?" Carrie asked.

"Yes," Roxy said.

"You'll like kissing Sugar as well. Go on. Try it."

Roxy leaned forward and Sugar kissed her.

"That's right," Carrie said as she pulled down the zipper on the back of Roxie's dress.

The girl began helping, shrugging it off her shoulders as Sugar kissed her fervently.

It fell to the tile bathroom floor.

Carrie unhooked the simple white bra the girl wore and laughed - her DD breasts had overstuffed the B cup bra, and, once free, her breasts shoved out of the cups on their own.

Carrie eased it off her arms and tossed it in the wastebasket.

The girl's Ambrosia was coming in quickly and she dribbled a few small drops from her nipples.

Sugar stopped kissing her and opened her purse. She pulled out two inverted pentagram nipple clamps and clipped them in place. "You'll need to wear these or you'll wet your blouses," Sugar whispered.

Roxy moaned. "Yes... Mistress."

Sugar smiled. "Such a good girl." She kissed Roxy again.

Carrie took a step back and looked at the white cotton panties stretched across the girl's ass. They looked ready to rip, and her juices had rendered the back and crotch almost transparent. "No more panties for you," she whispered in Roxy's ear. Then she reached down and tore the back of the panties in half.

Roxy moaned into Sugar's mouth as Carrie ripped the panties again and finally tossed the shredded cloth into the waste bin.

The girl had sparse red pubic hair.

Carrie rummaged in Sugar's purse till she found a bottle of green liquid. She poured some in her hand and warmed it. Then she reached between Roxy's legs and applied the liquid to the girl's crotch from just below her navel to her anus.

Roxy squirmed against Carrie's hands as she massaged. Carrie made sure to massage the depilatory deep into all Roxy's folds.

The red pubic hair began to slide off.

Carrie took a few handfuls of paper towels and began wiping the green liquid away. All the remaining hair came with it, leaving Roxy's sex smooth and wet.

Carrie tossed the paper towels in the trash and then stood up behind Roxy again. She put her hands back on Roxy's temples as the girl kissed Sugar. "You're bisexual. It's a lot more fun. You'll see. You're also done with your fiancé. Nobody gets to hurt you anymore. When you leave work today, get your friends together and get them to go with you back to your apartment. Get your stuff and leave."

Sugar stopped kissing Roxy. "And, if he ever lays a hand on you again? You're going to find out your new body is a lot stronger than it used to be. You break his arm - don't kill him, but break his arm. Understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good girl." Sugar put her hands on Roxy's shoulders and pushed her down to her knees.

Roxy stared at Sugar's pussy.

"Go on. You know you want to, Roxy," Carrie said as she ran her nails across Roxy's back.

Roxy closed her eyes and kissed Sugar's cunt.

A moment later, she began kissing and sucking Sugar's clit.

"God, so good," Sugar whispered as she wrapped her fingers in Roxy's hair. She pushed her harder against her pussy.

Carrie retrieved the sterilizer dildo from Sugar's purse.

Sugar smiled at her and winked.

Carrie knelt behind Roxy. She pushed the blue dildo against Roxy's pussy.

The girl moaned into Sugar's pussy. "What are you doing?"

"Loving you. Just relax. You're going to fuck a lot of guys from here on out. Can't have you getting some weird disease. You want me to do this, Roxy."

"Y... Yes. I want you to do it," Roxy whispered.

"See?" Carrie slid the dildo inside.

Roxy rotated her hips and rocked them down, taking the dildo as deep as she could.

"Right there."


Roxy cried out and Sugar stroked her hair. "It's okay. It's all over now."

Carrie held the pistol grip firmly.

The dildo slid forward.

Roxy gasped.

"Don't stop eating her pussy, Roxy. You want to make her cum, don't you?" Carrie asked as the dildo slid deeper and deeper.

"Ooo! Oh, God!"

Roxy came, her lube squirting around the dildo and pooling on the floor between her legs.

"Suck, girl," Sugar moaned as she pushed Roxy's face firmly against her crotch.

Roxy licked and sucked harder.

"Yes! Oh, God!" Sugar came, wetting the waitress's face with her juices.

Carrie slowly pulled the huge dildo out of Roxy's pussy and smiled up at Sugar.


Carrie zipped up Roxy's dress. The fabric was stretched tight over the waitress's new curves and she was showing a mile of legs. "Remember, don't go back to your apartment alone. You have friends who can go with you, don't you?"

"Yes, Mistress," Roxy said.

Carrie stroked her cheek. "You don't have to call me that."

"She does," Sugar said as she applied lipstick to Roxy's lips. "Get used to being called 'Mistress'."

Sugar finished applying the lipstick and handed Roxy a card. "This is my card."

"Stallion's Adult Video?" Roxy asked as she read it.

"Yes. Now, if you get into trouble or even if something scares you? Either call that number or just go there. Tell them Sugar sent you. You're not alone."

She smiled. "Thank you, Mistress."

They led her out into the restaurant.

People turned and looked at the three of them.

Mouths dropped open.

"What are they staring at?" Roxy asked.

"You," Carrie said. "They're staring at you."


"Whoo! That was amazing!" Carrie yelled and danced in the parking lot. "Let's do it again! I want to fix more people."

Sugar laughed. "Get in the car, you nutcase."

"How do you do it? How do you control yourself? We can do so much good."

"And bad. We can do a lot of bad," Sugar reminded her as she opened her car door.

Carrie hopped in beside her. "It's like a drug. We see broken people and we fix them."

"Sometimes they're not broken. Roxy wasn't broken. She just hadn't found her way yet. We took that choice away from her."

"For the better! I mean, she's like Super Roxy now. She's empowered!"

"But, it wasn't her choice. What about Brooke and Deborah, did we fix them?"

Carrie groaned. "No, but that wasn't our fault. We had to do that to keep Case happy..."

"And, what happens when his usefulness comes to an end? Believe me, it will. What happens to Brooke and Deborah? Hmm? Worse, what happens if they suddenly comprehend what we did to them? We'll pay for all these transgressions, Carrie."

"So, you're saying we shouldn't transform them?" Carrie asked as Sugar drove them back to the suburbs.

"No. We have to. I have faith that we really are saving the world - if nothing else? We're saving it from the Religious Caste." She reached over and took Carrie's hand. "We just have to think before we act and know that everytime we change someone, there are consequences. We have godlike powers, but we aren't gods. Remember that."


Carrie walked up the driveway to Christine's house.

Sugar had made Carrie one of the most powerful creatures on earth, but she had also made her terrified of that power.

She unlocked the front door to find Christine waiting for her.

The older woman looked her up and down. "Wow. I guess I have to call you Mistress now, huh?"

"No, you don't." She pulled Christine into her arms and kissed her for almost a minute.

Christine smiled at her. "That was nice."

"I love you."

"I know. I love you too."

Carrie looked behind her and saw Mark staring at her. She held out her hand.

"You're a White Witch," he whispered.

"Still want me?" She asked.

He nodded.


He took her hand and kissed her.

Carrie stood holding the two of them close. She kissed Christine again.

Then Christine kissed Mark.

"You just going to stand there?" Carrie asked as she smiled at Nathan.

He was staring at the three of them from the kitchen doorway.

"No. I'm not," Nathan said. He walked to them and kissed Carrie, then his wife.

"Dinner?" Christine asked as they clung to each other in the hallway.

Carrie shook her head. "How about we just go to bed?"

They all smiled.

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wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 2 years agoAuthor

Correct, they are different folks.

Jack506Jack506over 2 years ago

You apparently have two named Hecate. In this chapter Cum Slut Cathy says she is bound to Hecate who lives in Cuba. In Soccer Mom you identify the nameless boy who was with Jimmy and Hank, and who has been transformed into a futanari type one, as Hecate. I assume these are not the same person?

Another excellent chapter.

Ravey19Ravey19about 3 years ago

Who knows who's going to win? I don't like the religious caste at all so am rooting for White Witches although I have concerns about Maria.

Everything might change by the end of the next chapter but I doubt it. Mote likely to be amother win in a rearguard action. As for Madison et Al I cannot see how they can survive unless something is given to them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

It is amazing the way you continue to help us IMAGINE new and interesting constructs within this story. WE ARE BOOKS DEEP...and yet you continue to bring us new ideas and experiences to every chapter you release...simply incredible.

Specifically taking all of us on the ride inside to mind of a white which, sharing with us first hand how they think, act, and do what they do. How they struggle and have to forcibly balance themselves in a world without good and evil, or right and wrong. The corruption of power, the knowledge of consequences, and always wondering when it does end...knowing one day it will...will it be filled with retribution or relief.

This was an amazing chapter. Thank you again.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 4 years agoAuthor
Last chapter submitted!

Chapter 5 is now in the queue and should be up sometime over the weekend. Once again, thanks for reading!

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