Transformations - Return to Sinful Suburbia Ch. 05


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Madison had enough presence of mind to scream, though she felt nothing beyond the fondling of her sex.

She screamed louder and forced herself to pee.

It ran across his fingers and onto the tile floor.

"Nasty slut." He wiped his fingers across her face. "Enough."

Madison slumped, trying hard to look like she had just been through agony.

A tall, black nun descended the steps into the basement. She looked troubled... no, she looked terrified.

Levi turned back to Madison. "Madison, I'm going to hurt you."

Madison cowered and whimpered.

"But, worse? I'm going to hurt your friends."

Madison looked up, this time in actual terror.

"Yeah, I thought that would scare you more. You're the type." Levi walked over and stood by the bed where Belynda lay. "Whew. Motherfucker, she's hot. Now, let me make sure I understand this: you haven't had your Transformative Ambrosia yet, right?"

"N... No," Madison said.

"They're still trying to decide what to do with you and your brother, Donny?"

Madison nodded.

"So, I could do all kinds of freaky shit to you. Give you some of this cum of mine, make you an obedient little Sister of Morpheus, maybe?"

"I'd rather die," Madison spat.

"The point is: I can do all kinds of things to you, but your friends here? Already completely transformed. Not much I can do to them other than inflict a massive amount of pain... or, is there?" He grinned.

Levi pressed a button on Belynda's bed, and a robotic arm swung up by her head.

A long, gleaming golden needle was poised over Belynda's forehead.

"No!" Jason yelled.

"Shut up, you, or I'll cut her goddamned throat."

Jason glared at him.

Levi pointed at the robot arm. "Madison, you've been around long enough. Do you know what this is?"

Madison nodded. "They used to call it a knitter. It was used for mind control..."

"Oh, in some places, it still is." Levi laughed. "You see, Jason, this little needle is computer controlled - it zips around the patient's head and drives this little needle into specific places in the human brain. It deadens some areas, heightens sensitivity and communication in others. Drugs and White Witches can't mind control the transformed, but it turns out? The knitter can."

Madison shook her head. "Levi, don't."

"Bishop Leviathan! My name is Bishop Leviathan, you fucking cunt!"

"Bishop Leviathan, please don't..." Madison was beginning to cry.

"Oh, there are side effects. Massive loss of IQ - cognitive ability goes right down the shitter." He squeezed one of Belynda's breasts. "But, shit, how smart does she-hulk here need to be?"

"I'm going to fucking kill you," Jason growled.

Levi laughed. "Yeah, get in line." He reached over and stroked Lisa's long, black hair. "Be a real shame to do this to a White Witch, though. I mean, without all that brain power, she's just a fuck toy, am I right?"

"Bishop, may we speak?" The nun asked in her crisp African accent.

"Not now, Illia."

"It is important."


"What?" Levi asked as he walked up the steps with Illia.

"There was a problem when the agents abducted them," Illia said as they reached the top of the steps and closed the basement door behind them. "Two other transformed attempted to interfere. A couple, one was a man whom they beat severely..."

"Why weren't they brought here?!"

"You instructed the agents to retrieve the Moores and the Fuchs, no one else."

Levi thrust his fist against the doorframe and the wood split, sending plaster from the wall onto the floor. "Idiots!"

"It's worse. The other transformed was a White Witch."

"That's not possible. Was it Sugar Tits? Gwen Kincaid?"

"No, this was a young girl. Probably just transformed."

"Where are they now?"

"Ithaca police arrived to process the scene..."

"Have them brought here immediately."

Illia shook her head. "Let me finish, please. A few minutes later, an SUV with Sugar Tits, a Whoremaster, and what the police described as a 'girl wearing a robot costume' arrived and ran them off. Dr. Demona was with them."

Levi squeezed his eyes shut.

"Levi, you must release them. By this time, Maria Marapova knows..."

His huge black eyes flashed with anger. "I am not afraid of Maria Marapova!"

"Then you are a fool!" Illia yelled.

"How dare you! I will..."

"What, Levi? Torture me? Kill me? Please, go ahead. I would rather die at your hands than at hers. You might show mercy," Illia said. She was trembling.

Levi turned away. "She wouldn't dare come to this house. Sister would destroy her."

Illia laughed. "Sister?! Sister will not lift a finger. We are nothing, Levi. Maria Marapova is Whore Caste. She is necessary. She is needed. Sister would kill us a thousand times over before risking losing the support of Whore Caste in subjecting humanity."

Levi turned around and put his hands on her shoulders. "I can handle Marapova."

Illia shook her head. "She will kill you. She will kill us all. For God's sake, do not harm the captives."


"Belynda! Wake up!" Madison hissed. "Please, Belynda. They're going to kill us."

If the Amazon awoke, she might be able to get free.

As strong as Madison and especially Jason were, they were no match for the restraints.

But, Belynda was built to rip apart restraints.

Against anyone other than a Whoremaster, a Mother Superior, or a Bishop, she was unstoppable.

Dozens of knock out darts not withstanding.

"Please, Belynda. We need you."

It was no use, the powerful drugs were coursing through her body, and she showed no sign of awakening.

"My fault. It's my fault," Madison wept.

"No, it isn't," Jason said.

She looked up.

The handsome boy watched Belynda and Lisa with bloodshot eyes. "I had followed Religious Caste because I never really knew them. Now, I see them for what they are. If we get out of here, we're with you. They hurt my girls, and they're going to die for that."


Thirty-two thousand feet over central New York, Maria Marapova paced the aisle of the LearJet. "If they've harmed any of them, I swear..."

"Ya can't kill them," Brittney said.

Maria glared at her. "Oh, watch me. I'm going to rip them to shreds."

"No, you're not."


Brittney stood up from her seat and put her arms around Maria's neck. "You are not a killer, Maria Marapova."

"You don't know me. I've killed. In Russia, I was death incarnate..."

"In Russia, like a hundred years ago."

"Not that long," Maria growled.

"Before you became my Maria? Yeah, you were a killer. But, you're better than that now. You're my hero, and my hero is not a killer."

Maria sighed. "This is war! You don't understand."

"I do. I'm the only one who understands. All the world fears you, Mistress Maria Anastasia Marapova di Morpheus. But, in all the world? I'm the only one afraid for you." She laid her head on Maria's chest and held on tight.

Maria stood stiffly. Finally, she reached out and stroked Brittney's long blonde hair. "You... are such a... little idiot sometimes."

"I know."

"Honestly, I don't know why I put up with your insolence."

"I know." Brittney smiled. "Are you crying?"

"Don't be ridiculous. See, what I mean? You're just a little idiot."

But, Maria's voice cracked.


Outside Ithaca, Ray paced on Level 10 of Stallion's. "I'm going to squeeze his scrawny neck till his head pops like a zit."

They were in the lounge outside Demona's surgery.

Sugar and Carrie sat in white leather chairs as Ray paced.

"You can't," Sugar said. "He can kill you with a thought."

"I should go in," Rita the Bimbot said. She was leaning against the wall.

"No way," Ray said. "He's Church, he'll activate your self-destruct code before you get within striking distance."

"We have to do something," Carrie said as she stared at the double doors leading to the surgery room. "Do you think he'll kill them?"

Sugar shook her head. "Why did he even take them in the first place? It doesn't make any sense."

The elevator doors opened.

Christine and Nathan got off the elevator, and Christine ran to Carrie.

Carrie stood up as Christine pulled her tight. "Are you okay?"

Carrie broke into tears. "Yes. But, Mark..." She looked toward the doors and sobbed.

Sugar took Christine's hand. "Demona's with him."

Christine nodded. "Carrie, honey, the best doctor in the world is taking care of him. He's going to be okay."


Madison looked at Levi and tried not to let him see her cry.

"I know you helped Tyler kill Styx, Madison. Tyler couldn't have done it without help," Levi said as he stood by Belynda's bed.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Madison said.

Levi rolled his eyes. He smiled down at Belynda. "I'm thinking of making her into a sort of pet. Teaching her how to walk on all fours, lead her around with a leash and collar. What do you think?"

"Motherfucker!" Jason screamed and strained against the bonds.

Levi laughed. "Why are all these women attracted to weaklings like you, Jason? First Emily with Tyler, and here you are with two exceptional women somehow wrapped around your finger?"

"It's called love, asshole," Madison said. "You wouldn't understand."

"It will take a few hours to modify Belynda here to suit me. I suppose I should get started." He turned back to the bed.

"I swear on my life I don't know who helped Tyler," she said.

"Hmm, you see, Madison? I don't believe you. I think not only did you help Tyler and Emily? I think you know where they are. I'll make a deal with you: tell me where they are, and I'll let the others go." He smiled. "You're dead either way, I can't have a Whore Caste traitor running around scott free. But, I'll let the Moore's go. Otherwise?" He walked close to Madison. "I'm going to play games with Belynda and Lisa and Jason before I kill them, and then I'm going to bring your... what is Donny, exactly? Your brother? Your lover? Both? I'm going to bring him down here and make you watch me kill him. Slowly."

"For the last goddamned time: I don't know anything about Tyler and Emily."

Levi nodded. "I hope for Belynda and Lisa's sakes, you come to your senses soon. I'm running out of patience. I'll give you a few more minutes to decide." He looked at Jason. "Their lives are in her hands, Jason. Maybe you can reason with her?"


The next time the elevator doors opened on Level 10, two blondes stepped out. Both were as tall as Street Whores.

The shorter of the two was dressed in a black latex jumpsuit that emphasized her huge breasts. She had long curly blonde hair and black plastic glasses perched on her tiny, perfect nose.

The other blonde had hair like snow. Her eyes looked almost Asian with very high cheek bones. Her body was hard muscled under the white latex jumpsuit.

Sugar took Carrie's hand. "Carrie, this is..."

"Maria Marapova," Carrie said. This was the woman from the white room.

Maria smiled. "Hello, Carrie. So, you're the girl that managed to... contact me?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"You did well."

"Maria, Levi has them in the basement of his house. It's a regular torture chamber from what I've been told," Sugar said.

"Why did he take them?" Maria asked.

"We don't know. All we know for sure is that Sister tasked him with investigating Styx's death."

"And, he thinks Madison Fuchs is involved?" Maria asked.

Sugar shrugged.

"Well, I'll find out soon enough."

"What's the plan?" Ray asked.

"I am the plan," Maria said. "I intend on marching into the house, rescuing our people, and then... I'm going to kill everyone else."

"Maria!" The other blonde said.

Maria held up her hand. "Quiet, Brittney. I tried to explain it to you: this is war."

"The house is surrounded by Church agents," Ray said. "You'll need help."

"No. Leviathan isn't a danger to me, but his mental powers are a deadly threat to all of you."

"Those agents are armed," Ray said. "You aren't bulletproof."

"Yes, she is," Carrie said.

Maria tilted her head to the side. "How do you know that, child?"

"Aren't we all bulletproof?"

Sugar stared at her. "What? No."

"I am," Carrie said.

Maria smiled. "Are you? Interesting."

"Their darts just..."

Maria completed her sentence. "Curved around you?"

"Yeah. Until, I lost my concentration."

Maria nodded. "Bullets curve around me as well as darts. And, I won't lose my concentration." She winked.

"Wait," Carrie said. "But, his mental powers? I thought they can hurt us?"

Sugar nodded. "Us? Yes. Not Maria."

Maria smiled. "I am Maria Marapova di Morpheus - created by the god himself. Church 'magic' has no effect on me."

Christine went to Maria and knelt down. "Mistress Marapova, please don't kill them."

"Why not?" Maria asked.

"My daughter. She is Sister Elizabeth... she's in the house with them..."

Brittney took a step back, and then she returned to the elevator.

"I understand," Maria said. She knelt in front of Christine. "I will do everything in my power not to harm your daughter, but safeguarding Whore Caste must take priority."

Christine burst into tears and Maria stroked her hair.

The double doors to the surgery opened.

Dr. Demona came out with a smile on her face. "He's going to be okay."


Carrie stood by Mark's bed as he came around.

He opened his eyes and smiled, his face a mass of black and green bruises. "Am I dead?"

She smiled at him.

Dr. Demona took his wrist and felt for his pulse. "Damned close. Ruptured spleen, fractured skull, four broken ribs - one of which shishkabobed your left lung. Fractured vertebra in your neck, broken leg. Oh, and a broken pelvis - they literally kicked your ass."

Mark shook his head. "I don't feel any pain."

"Of course you don't, other than the bruising, you're completely healed."


"What? Are you a doctor? A mad scientist? No. You don't need to know. I know how, that's all that matters. Try not to pick fights with guys who are bigger than you from now on, okay?"

Mark laughed.

Demona winked.

Maria stood behind Carrie. "The men who did this will pay. I promise you."

"I'm going with you," Carrie said.

Maria smiled. "No, you aren't. You're powerful, little witch. But, you're not ready yet." Maria nodded toward Mark. "Stay with him. Brittney and I will handle Leviathan, won't we, Brittney?"

She looked behind her.

Brittney wasn't there.

Maria's smile faltered. "Brittney? Has anyone seen..."

Maria went pale.


Brittney drove through the suburbs in the SUV they had driven from the airport to Stallion's. As dumb ideas went, this wasn't her dumbest.

She was a very good driver, but she was driving a little fast through the narrow country streets. That's why she locked up the brakes when she almost hit the cute squirrel.

The SUV went sideways and left black marks for thirty feet.

She rolled down the window. "Go on! Shoo! Ya almost wrecked me ya nut wrangler!"

The squirrel darted away, and she continued to follow the GPS directions.

"In one hundred yards, your destination will be on your left," the GPS said.

Brittney pulled onto the shoulder.

In the distance, she could see a big house surrounded by bald Church agents in their crisp black suits.

She opened the glove compartment.

There was a Glock 17 nine-millimeter in the glove compartment.

She shoved it out of the way and took a white Kleenex out of the box under it. She also pulled a small mini syringe out of the glove compartment and put it in her little black purse.

She looked at the gun again and bit her lower lip.

Brittney was an excellent shot. It was fun shooting at targets, and she knew the Glock well.

But, she was completely incapable of killing someone.

Not even to save herself.

Still, she could shoot to hurt.

It was a conundrum. She could shoot people in the thigh or arm or shoulder or tushy, and that would be fine.

She shook her head. No. She didn't even want to hurt anybody.

She closed the glove compartment and got out of the car, then she locked it.

Brittney took a deep breath and started walking toward Bishop Leviathan's house.

She almost tripped over the homeless man sitting on the curb. "Golly, I'm sorry."

The man was eating a ham sandwich.

He had black hair and a full black beard. The man was dressed in a dirty t-shirt and jeans.

He squinted up at her. "Wow, you're a big one."

Brittney smiled.

"Where ya goin'?" The man asked.

"To that house down there."

"Why'd ya park so far away?"

"I figured I should walk down there, so I'd be less threatening."

"I see. You sure you want to go down there?" The man asked. "Lot of weird shit goin' down there, man."

Brittney sat down beside him. "Mister, you shouldn't ought to camp here. There's gonna be trouble."

"Oh, yeah? I thought you looked like trouble."

"Huh?" Brittney asked.

The man smiled. "Every time I ever got in trouble, there was a pretty blonde involved."

Brittney laughed.

"What's your name, trouble?"

"Brittney. Actually, it's Bubble Brain Brittney di Marapova."

"Whew, that's a mouthful. I think I'll just call you Britt. I'm Eric."

"Hi, Eric... say, people used to call me Britt like a long time ago."

"Is that right?"

She nodded and smiled.

"Why are you going to that house, Britt?"

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Not at all," he said with a grin.

She laughed. "You're funny. Those guys abducted some friends of mine, and I'm going to go in and get them before my girlfriend comes here and kills everybody."

Eric nodded. "Hmm, that's pretty brave. Those guys look tough."

"Oh, I'm not gonna fight them. That's why I have this." She held up the Kleenex.

"A tissue?"

"A white flag. People don't shoot you if you have a white flag of truce. I seen movies about it."

Eric nodded. "Seems like a pretty good plan."

"I think so."

"Just so I understand: you're going in there to negotiate the release of those prisoners, so nobody gets killed? Even though those guys might shoot you?"

She nodded. "Oh, and even if I do get past the guards? There's a guy in there who can kill me with his mind," she whispered.

"Whoa. Heavy. Can I ask you a question?"

"I'm an open book, Eric."

"Why don't you just wait on your girlfriend and let her..." he drew his fingers across his throat in a slashing motion.

"Oh, no! See that would be bad."

"Bad for them."

"No, bad for her. She's only hanging onto her humanity by a thread, that might push her right over the edge. Which is why I'm saying, you might want to camp someplace else - because if something happens to me? She's gonna go nuclear on this place."

"I see. You're very brave, Britt."

"Who me? Naah, I'm scared shitless. But, I'm more scared of what will happen to my girlfriend if I don't do this. Does that make sense?"

Eric smiled and nodded. "Your god didn't make a mistake when he made you."

"That's a funny thing to say," Brittney said. She stared at him. "You know what else is funny? You don't smell like a homeless person."

"I don't huh?"

"Nuh, uh. You smell like a sea breeze."

"You're very sweet, Britt. That's good. You know what they say, Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."

"That's pretty. You make that up?"

Eric laughed. "No, it's from the Bible. Never had much time for it, but the quote fits."

"I gotta go. Seriously, you ought to go someplace else."

He nodded and looked at her forehead. "You have a little something right there."


"Right here," Eric said. He touched her forehead and smiled. "There. That got it. That's much better."

She smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem."

She stood up and walked away on her stiletto heeled boots. "Hey, I mean it. You should leave." She turned around.