Transformations - The New Gym Pt. 03


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"Aiggh!" Emma cried.

"Leave her alone!" Pam yelled.

"Who sent you?"

"Go to hell!" Pam answered.

"Titty grow please, Brittney. And, a big needle."

"What are you doing?" Pam asked.

"Emma wants bigger breasts, don't you Emma?"

Emma's eyes grew wide in terror.

Brittney rolled a cart with a large bottle of liquid and a huge needle beside Emma's chair.

"Titty grow is amazing. One CC increases the bust by one cup size... but, there's a catch."

"What?!" Emma asked as Maria held up the bottle and inverted it.

Maria slid the long needle into the bottle.

"Titty grow has a negative effect on intellect. The more we give you, the dumber you get." Maria drew one CC into the syringe. "Now, this much formula will get her to an A cup, and it won't cost her much in the IQ department. But, tell me, Emma, what name did I give the new bimbo you that's lying dormant in your brain."

"D... Double M Emmie."

Pam gasped.

Maria smiled and nodded. "Brittney, dear, recite the breast sizes, please?"

"Ooo, I know this: A - B - C - D - DD - DDD - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N..."

"Stop," Maria said. "I like to call N, Double M instead. It will take fourteen CCs of Titty grow to get poor Emma to a Double M."

"No!" Pam screamed.

"Oh, yes. I'm afraid poor Emma will have the tits of a goddess but the brain of a small kitchen appliance. Brittney will look like a brain surgeon in comparison."

"Please don't!" Pam cried.

Emma said nothing. She just stared as Maria drew more and more Titty grow into the syringe.

Maria smiled. "I think this should be Emma's decision, Pam. What do you think, Emma?"

Emma licked her lips.

"Emma! Tell her no!"

Emma's lips trembled.

Pam gasped. "Jesus! Emma! Are you insane?"

Maria's face softened. "It's lonely isn't it? Hard to meet people in the first place, and then to be so flat chested. Men never see you, do they?"

Emma shook her head.

"Emma! Goddamn it! Tell her no!" Pam pleaded.

Emma turned on her. "You don't know what it's like! You're beautiful! Perfect!"

Pam sobbed. "You're beautiful! Just like you are. I think you're beautiful."

"I don't." Emma looked up at Maria. "Do it. I want to be huge."

Maria raised an eyebrow.

Pam cried out, "Helen! Her name is Helen! She was at the coffee shop across the street! She wanted us to come here and look for Nancy, she's her sister. Please don't do that to Emma."

"Why!" Emma sobbed. "Why did you do that?"

Pam shook her head. "I love you, Emma. I couldn't let her do that to you."

"Helen?" Maria set the needle back on the cart. "I remember her! She got away. At the coffee shop, you say? She must have been staking us out for weeks!" Maria handed Pam's phone to Helga. "Destroy that, please?"

Helga took the phone in her strong hands and snapped it in two.

"What are you going to do to us?" Pam asked.

"Nothing nearly as bad as I would have done if you had been spies, I can assure you." Maria smiled.

"What are you people?" Pam cried. "What gives you the right to do these things?"

"History, my dear," Maria said. "Haven't you been paying attention? How many millions of people have died since the last century? War, famine, disease - all things that could have been avoided. Morpheus has a plan to eliminate all the scourges of mankind, even death itself. The only thing that stands in the way is man's lust for power. So we're going to take away that hunger - free will is a small price to pay for eternal harmony."

"You're insane," Pam said.

Maria caressed her cheek. "I am almost one hundred years old. I have seen the horrors that men inflict upon each other, the depths of evil, and I promise you, what Morpheus is creating is paradise in comparison."

Pam jerked her face away.

Maria smiled and nodded. "Everyone will play a role in the New Order. Even the unwilling."


Helen sat at the table in the coffee shop and stared at her cup.

"Hey, we need to lockup, okay?" The barista said.

She was the only customer left in the shop.

Helen nodded.

They weren't coming back.

Pam and Emma, two innocents that she had involved in this madness.

It was her fault. She should never have told them her story.

Nobody who went into that gym came out unchanged, if they came out at all.

She turned up the volume on her earbuds and pulled the hoodie over her head. "Mind if I go out the back again?"

The barista nodded. They were used to her leaving through the back door.

The alley behind the coffee shop was dark and the pavement was wet from a light rain. She could smell the vaguely sweet aroma of garbage from the dumpsters.

Helen shoved her hands in her pockets and put her head down as she made her way to the street beyond.

She looked up and saw the white witch standing at the end of the alley, smiling.

"Hello, Helen."

Helen's hand caressed the wooden handle of the revolver in her hoodie pocket. She grasped it and pulled it out. Helen turned slightly sideways, supporting her gun hand with her left hand. She lined up the witch in her sights.

Helen had enrolled in a gun safety class the week after escaping from Maria Marapova.

"Step back," Helen said. It was a mistake. She had tried to condition herself to shoot first - this hesitation, she knew, would be her undoing.

But, shooting a person in cold blood was just not in her.

The tall blonde turned her head to the side and smiled. "Impressive."

"I said step back! I'll shoot you, I swear to God..."

"When was the last time you ate? Days ago, I'll bet..."

"Shut up, bitch. And, step the fuck back!"

Maria shook her head. "You're not going to shoot me, Helen. If you were, I'd already be dead." Maria made a twirling motion with her index finger.

Helen shivered. Her right hand shifted, pointing away from Maria. Her fingers had a mind of their own as they undid the cylinder and let the bullets fall to the alley pavement. "God... No..."

She dropped to her knees as the gun clattered on the asphalt beside the bullets. She put her hands behind her back and clasped her hands together, thrusting out her chest.

Maria stood over her, legs spread.

Her wet sex glistened under the white rubber skirt.

She smiled down at her. She pulled the earbuds out of Helen's ears and dropped them. She pushed the hood back from her face. "You're very beautiful."

Tears streamed down Helen's face.

Maria pulled out a cellphone and held it so Helen could see the screen.

Helen cried out.

"Your sister, Nancy. We call her Nasty Nancy now."

Nancy was decked out in black latex. Her body, where it wasn't encased in rubber, was covered in pornographic tattoos. She was bent at the waist, grasping her ankles as a man fucked her from behind on a darkened city street. She moaned and cooed as he fucked her hard.

People passed by on the street, laughing and pointing.

A few masturbated.

"Havana. That's live, by the way," Maria said.

The man's long, thick cock slid in and out of her sister's heavily pierced pussy.

"Nancy, I have your sister, Helen, here," Maria said.

Nancy looked at the camera, obviously a cell phone camera. "Hi, sis! Unnh... I missed you. Come play with me!"

Helen stared in horror at her sister's smiling face.

"Oh, we have other plans for Helen, Nancy - but, you'll see her someday," Maria laughed.

Helen shook her head. "Please... I can't look..."

Maria laughed. "No. Look. Look at your sister's face. This is the first time she's been happy, maybe in her entire life, Helen."

"Gah, so fucking good!" Nancy groaned as her eyes closed.

Maria closed the phone screen. "All this time, you've been obsessing, searching for your sister, and she's been deliriously happy, off the drugs, and serving a useful purpose. Foolish girl."

"Let me go."

"Oh, it's far too late for that, dear."


"You shouldn't have told her," Emma whispered. She was alone with Pam, chained to St. Andrew's Crosses.

"You don't know what you're saying," Pam said, shaking her head.

"Yes, I do. You should have let her give me the shots. You know what she'll do to Helen?"

The door opened and Maria walked in with a smile. "What will I do to her, Emma?"

Pam stared behind Maria.

A grinning Brittney stepped in holding a black leather leash. It led to a black rubber and chrome collar around Helen's neck.

Helen's eyes were bloodshot and tears rolled down her cheeks. She was naked, her hands bound behind her. Her athletic breasts were thrown forward by the bondage.

A two foot long, thin metal bar was attached to her ankles, keeping her long legs spread apart.

"I'm so sorry, Helen," Pam whispered.

Helen didn't look up. "Not your fault. It was going to happen sooner or later."

"Of course, it was," Maria said. "I'm surprised I didn't sense you spying on us before." She reached out and rubbed Helen's clit between her thumb and index finger.

Helen whined and tried to pull away.

Maria laughed. "I'm going to do something special with you, Helen. I haven't quite decided yet, but..." She kissed the woman's lips. "It will not be to your liking."

"Can't you just let us go?" Pam asked.

"Of course. I'm going to free you and Emma shortly." She smiled at Pam. "That is, if I can trust you won't go to the authorities?"

"Please let Helen go too," Pam pleaded.

"Oh, no... I don't think so. She's going to provide me with some much needed entertainment." She nodded at Brittney. "Please release Pam and Emma?"

"Yes, Maria," Brittney said. She skipped across the floor and began undoing their restraints.

"Of course, once you get out of here, I'm sure you'll decide to go to the police despite your promises."

"No! We won't!" Pam said.

"You might think about it... but, I wouldn't advise it. I've implanted some instructions in your mind - if you attempt to tell anyone about what you've seen or heard here? Your little brains will shutdown. Sort of a psychic induced lobotomy. You'll be vegetables before you can tell the police anything."

Pam swallowed. Somehow, she knew this was the truth. She hurriedly put her clothes on. "I'm so sorry, Helen."

Emma pulled her clothes on, though much slower than Pam.

"It was my fault," Helen whispered. "You wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for me. I'm the one who's sorry."

"Mess?" Maria looked amused. "You really think this isn't a happy ending? You'll think otherwise soon."

Maria put a hand on Pam and Emma's shoulders. "Now, as I said, no tattling. That will be very bad for you, understand?"

Pam and Emma nodded.

Maria turned away and Pam pulled Emma toward the door.

"Oh, one other thing," Maria said.

Pam and Emma froze. They turned around.

"I've created new personalities for you: Pammie and Emmie. They're sleeping inside your subconscious. One day, I will wake them up." Maria smiled and her eyes narrowed. "And, you will be mine. Forever. I will twist you and form you into anything I want. And, my appetites? They're legendary, aren't they, Brittney?"

Brittney giggled. "Yep." She winked at Pam and Emma and popped a pink sucker into her mouth.

"When? When are you going to do this to us?" Pam asked. She shivered.

Maria shrugged. "Anytime I like... or, anytime you like." She smiled at Emma.

"What?" Emma asked.

"I'll give you everything I promised, Emma. All you have to do is come to me." She held out her hand.

Pam pulled Emma toward the door. "Come on."

Emma pulled her hand away. "N... No."

Pam grabbed her shoulders and shook her. "Emma! Come on!"

Emma shrugged away. "It's so easy for you! You have someone, even though he's a pig. At least you aren't alone!"

Pam reached for her again, but she pulled away.

"I'm alone, Pam. I can't stand it. I'd rather be her toy than alone."

Pam took her hand. "Emma, please don't! I love you. I wont let you be alone..."

Emma smiled and caressed Pam's cheek. "I know. But, I don't want your pity." She pulled away and nodded at Maria. "I'd rather have her lust."

Maria grinned triumphantly. "Come to me, Emma."

Emma walked toward her. She lowered her eyes.

"Kneel," Maria said.

Emma knelt at her feet.

"Don't do this to her. Please, Maria! Don't!" Pam cried.

"Shh. Be still." Maria caressed Emma's cheek. "Dear, sweet, Emmie. You are my good girl, now and forever."

Emma fell forward as Pam screamed.

Maria caught Emma's shoulders and steadied her.

Emma began to giggle. She looked up at Maria. "Hi."

"Hi, Emmie. Is my darling awake?"

"Mmm, hmm." She leaned forward and began kissing Maria's thighs.

Maria laughed. "Such a good girl."

Emmie groaned and shifted her face under Maria's short skirt. "Yummy," she giggled.

Maria patted Emmie's hair, and then she looked up at Pam. "Come to me, Pam. You know you want to be my good girl as well."

Pam shuddered, the words touching her inside like a caress.

She turned and put her hand on the door handle.

"Pam. You want this. Don't fight it."

Pam shook.

"What is your life, really, Pam? Does it fulfill you? Are you so in love with your husband that you don't long to be free of him?"

"You don't know me?"

"Don't I, my love? I sense nothing but regret in you, Pam. I will give you an eternity of love, indulgence, pleasure - you will be happy till the end of time. Or, walk away. Go back to your failed marriage. The choice is yours, for now."

Emmie sucked and moaned between Maria's thighs.

Pam trembled. She thought about Chad, waiting at home. Did she miss him as much as she would miss Emmie?

Pam turned and took a step toward Maria.

Helen looked at her in horror.

Maria smiled at her.

She dropped to her knees at Maria's feet beside Emmie, who licked and sucked at Maria's sex.

Maria tilted Pam's face up. "I will make you happy, Pam. You know I will."

Pam sobbed. She nodded.

"Pammie. You are my good girl, now and forever."

Pam went to sleep.

Pammie woke up and smiled as Maria pulled her to her dripping sex.


"Pam? Where the hell are you? It's after midnight. Call me, please?" Chad hung up the cell phone and paced. He had tried Emma's number almost as much as Pam's.

Something was wrong. Pam was never this late coming home.

Other than Emma, he didn't know any of Pam's other friends.

Had she left him? Maybe. Things hadn't been right between them for awhile.

That would explain why flat chested Emma hadn't answered.

They were both probably hiding out at Emma's place plotting Pam's divorce.

Well, if that was the way she wanted to play it, fine. But, fuck if he was going to take it lying down.

He grabbed his keys just as the doorbell rang.

Pam? Why the fuck was she ringing the bell?

He jerked it open.

A ridiculously tall blonde with a mountain of tits squeezed into white rubber smiled down at him. "Chad Davis?"

Chad stared mesmerized at the perfect breasts aimed almost at his eye level. "Um, yeah..."

"My name is Maria. You're no doubt frantic to find your wife?"

Chad blinked. "Pam? Do you know where she is?" He felt like he was in a daze, but the fog was clearing.

Two other women stood behind her, one a slightly shorter blonde with black plastic glasses and a black latex dress. The other, a tall woman wearing a hoodie pulled over her face.

"That's why we're here, Mr. Davis: to explain about your wife. May we come in?"

Chad felt a moment of panic. Something was not right, and it went far beyond the bondage outfits.


"You should let us in, Chad," Maria said gently.

Of course he should! What was wrong with him? He stepped aside and motioned them inside.

Maria nodded and strode past him. Both she and the black latex blonde were wearing thigh length boots with skyscraper heels.

The woman in the hoodie and sweatpants also appeared to be wearing heels.

Maria went into the living room and sat down in a wingback chair. The other blonde and hoodie girl stood behind her.

Chad sat down on the couch facing them.

"I'm afraid your wife won't be coming home, Mr. Davis."

"What?! Where is she?"

Maria smiled. "Her breasts are growing, and she's receiving subliminal programming. Once completed, she'll be an expert prostitute and exotic dancer. Her porn career will be legendary"

Chad stared blankly. Then he burst out laughing. "What the hell? Is this Pam's idea of a joke?"

Maria shook her head. "I assure you, this is no joke. Your wife is now my property. A sex slave, to serve the Church of Morpheus. Strangely, she chose that fate on her own, along with her pretty little friend, Emma. To be honest, I think they are very much in love - I doubt she would have remained with you much longer in any event. You are a bit of a brute, and Pammie responds better to a gentler touch."

Chad took out his phone. "I'm calling the police..."

"Feel free. I will deny everything I just said, and, should the police ask, Pammie will tell them that she left you of her own free will. Further, she will file charges against you for sexual assault, which Emmie will corroborate. You will be disbarred. Your career will be over."

Chad set the phone down beside him slowly. "Who the fuck are you people?"

"The future, Mr. Davis. The salvation of all mankind if you can imagine that." She smiled at him, her eyes sparkling. "Do feel free to stand on your morals, however. Call the police and let's get started."

Chad shook his head. "Just... get out."

"Soon, however, I want to discuss reparations."


She nodded. "I took something away from you, Mr. Davis. The Church is not so unfeeling that they will not compensate you for your loss." She held up her left hand.

The woman in the hoodie took her hand and stepped around the armchair.

"This is Helen. Helen, dear, what makes you cum the hardest?" Maria asked.

The woman pulled the hood back from her face. She had huge dark eyes and short black hair. Her lips were full and painted red. "I love to be fucked up the ass."

Maria smirked.

Helen unzipped her hoodie, revealing her naked torso beneath. She was hard muscled, and her breasts stood up firm and high, somewhat larger than a DDD.

Her torso was tattooed with words in feathery script: Whore, Slut, Ass Slut.

She turned around.

A tattoo adorned her lower back: Chad's Whore.

Helen bent at the waist and slid the sweatpants down her narrow ass.

She pulled her cheeks apart, exposing her asshole.

Chad gasped.

Her pussy was pierced with at least a dozen gleaming, stainless steel rings.

She stepped out of the sweatpants, leaving her in nothing but a pair of four inch heels.

"Recognize the rings in her clit and perineum?" Maria asked.

Chad looked closer: a tiny diamond ring pierced her clit, and a thick platinum ring pierced the skin between her pussy and asshole. He nodded.

They were Pam's engagement and wedding rings.

"Mr. Davis, you have quite a reputation as a lawyer," Maria said. "The Church values professionals such as yourself. Therefore, we are gifting you this new... wife. You'll find her much more compliant than Pam."

"Who... is she?"

"Unimportant. She was nobody. Now, she's your slave... should you agree to join us. To serve the Church as one of our attorneys. We will pay you twice what your firm pays you, and the benefits? Oh, Mr. Davis, Helen is only the beginning of the benefits. Our god promises you anything you could ever dream of, and more."

Chad stared at Helen's pierced sex.

"Just say you want it, Chad. We'll give you the world," Maria whispered.

Chad swallowed.

Helen looked at him over her shoulder, lips slightly parted, tongue gently wetting her lips.