Transformations - Visions of Sugar Plums Ch. 03


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"We'll tell them we had an allergic reaction or something. Maybe they can reverse this at a hospital?"

Melanie smirked. "Oh, yeah. I saw it on TLC just last week: Fixing my Sex Kitten Body, or maybe it was Emergency Breast Reduction."

"Dick Pruning ER," Ken added.

Melanie burst out laughing.

Ken laughed too and that felt really good.

"Was I really that bad?" Ken asked.

She sighed and looked at the ceiling. "You just... no... you just weren't there when I needed you."

"What if I was?"

"It's too late."

"Who says?"

"I do."

"Why? You think there's a Colon out there who will always be there for you every time you need him?"

Melanie laughed. "You just really love that his name was Colin, don't you?"

"Colon? Yeah. I'm going to put my foot in old Colon very soon."

"Not attractive, Ken. This whole barbarian thing? Not working for you."

He shrugged. "I'm sorry. I'm just talking shit. Probably the music from the speakers or something." Ken sighed. "But, I'm serious about the other part: do you really want to toss me aside?"


"Because I love you." He shook his head. "I don't know how to not love you."


"Too late, yeah, I heard you. But, what if it wasn't?"

"Ken, don't do this."

"What if I gave it up? The job. The career. What if I just called them and told them I quit."

"And, do what, Ken? You'll have to work at something, and it will consume you because that's who you are."

"And, you can call me on it if I do. Tell me to knock it the fuck off. Keep me in line."

"So, you're telling me to nag you for the rest of our marriage..."

He got on his knees. "I love you, and I'm telling you I will give up everything: the money, the cars, we'll sell the fucking house - shit, my sister has been begging to sell it for us so she can get that fat commission check. I'll fucking deliver pizza like a teenage stoner."

She laughed. "You'll be managing the pizza parlor in a week."

"I'll drive for Uber..."

She chuckled. "They'll make you CEO in a month. You can't help it..."

"Then I'll stay home. You go to work... just not with Colon."


"Same thing."

She started crying.

Ken put his hands on her shoulders. "I'm begging you. Give me another chance. I love you, Mel. And, that's more important to me than anything else."

She reached out and touched his face. "My mom and dad, they should never have been together, but they held on for me. Christ, Ken, they threw their lives away and it was for nothing. They actually thought I was better off with them together, hating each other."

"Do you hate me?" Ken asked.

"God, no!"

He smiled. "Mel, I don't hate you either. We don't hate each other. I love you and I'm pretty fucking certain you love me."

"But, I almost..."

"This isn't horseshoes. Almost? Doesn't count."

"I let him kiss me. I wanted to do more, Ken."

"And, you didn't."


"But, nothing. You didn't. And, you can tell me it was because you didn't want to be like your parents, but I don't buy that, Mel. You didn't because you love me."

"It's not enough."

He shook his head. "No. It isn't. But, that's better than most people have in their lives, Mel. It's a start. I'll work on the rest."

"You won't quit your job."

"Watch me."

"You'd sell the house?"

"Move you to a trailer park."

She laughed. "Lying sack of shit."

"Pink flamingos on either side of the gravel walk to the trailer door. El Camino under the shed in back. I'll wear wife beater t-shirts and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon."

"That's attractive."


"Too far," she laughed. "The kids would hate us."

"Maybe, but when they're dysfunctional adults like us? They'll appreciate what we did. We might even be their heroes."

"I need time to think about this..."



Ken shook his head. "Jump. With me. Right now. No parachute, just dive in."

"I can't."

"Mel, I figure I weigh somewhere around 360 pounds right now. I have arms like tree trunks. I can literally bench press a Cadillac, and I am on my knees crying. I just ripped out my heart and handed it to you. It doesn't get any more real than this. Don't leave me hanging."

"You left out something," Melanie whispered.


"You have got literally the biggest cock I've ever seen on anything short of a Clydesdale," she laughed.

"Bigger than Colon's?"

"I'm sure. I mean I never saw his cock, but he couldn't have been that magnificent."

"Absolutely not," Ken said. He pulled her into his arms and kissed his wife.

"God, this is the probably the biggest mistake of my life."

Ken laughed. "Naah, you married me in the first place. This pales in comparison."


Mrs. Claus knelt before her master. Around her was a crowd of giggling Bimbo flu victims.

Santa sat on his throne at Pictures with Santa and stroked his beard. "I want the elves."

"The guards are looking for them," Mrs. Claus said. "It will take time, the mall is huge."

He smiled down at her, then grabbed her hair and yanked her closer. "Don't give me excuses. I want the elves."

She winced. "You have dozens of women at your disposal already. An entire mall full if you want."

He pointed at the bloody gash across his nose. "I'm going to kill them. I'm much stronger now than I was an hour ago. I'm going to kill them. The girl first. I'm going to make the boy watch before I kill him." He tossed her back and she landed on her ass. "Find them!"


Colleen and Beth nursed from Tara's breasts as Todd fucked her with long, deep strokes. Rich knelt by her head.

Tara sucked Rich's red and white striped cock.

Colleen and Beth were orgasming constantly from Tara's Ambrosia.

Todd tried to keep a clear head. It wasn't easy.

This morning , their lives had been so different. A few hours ago, he hadn't had the nerve to even ask Colleen out.

Now, he was sharing her roommate with her on a bed in Mattress Kingdom while sex zombies moaned outside.

He had lost track of how many times he had cum.

At least three times inside Colleen before she had urged him between Tara's thighs.

Tara believed she had given him too much of the drugs, and that he was now practically a 'Whoremaster'. He wasn't sure what that meant exactly, but he had an idea.

He wanted Beth.

And, the reason was that she was still technically human and unbound.

He felt an urge to bind her to him.

Not the he actually would, but the urge was there. Rich was his friend and he wouldn't do that to them. That would be a dick move, even though he was pretty sure Colleen and Beth would agree to it.

Tara would be ecstatic.

He worried that meant he would feel this urge with other women. And, without his friendship with Rich, would he give in to the urge?

Tara screamed and came. A moment later, Rich shot jizz on her lips.

Beth and Colleen crawled up her body and licked the cum off Tara's face.

"Fuck! It does taste like peppermint!" Colleen laughed.

Todd thrust forward and came, filling Tara with cum as the girls laughed.

Todd pulled out and collapsed back on the bed.

He looked up to see Beth eyeing his cock hungrily.

His pheromones were strong according to Tara.

Beth was under their influence, and she clearly wanted to be in the coven.

Rich touched her arm. "You can if you want. I won't be mad."

Beth smiled and shook her head. She climbed up into his arms and nuzzled his neck.

And, for some reason, that made Todd feel good.

They were in love, and if Beth could fight off the pheromones he was putting off, that meant he could fight his baser instincts as well.

Tara and Colleen snuggled against him.

Todd sighed. "Okay, no more playtime. We have got to get the fuck out of here."

Tara nodded. "Absolutely."

"We should probably go through the back of the store and into the back hall," Todd said.

The overhead sprinklers came on.

"The fuck!?" Rich yelled.

They were drenched in seconds along with the mattresses.

Tara stuck out her tongue and licked her lip. "Oh, shit."

"What? What's wrong?" Todd asked.

The sprinklers stopped.

"It's not water."


"It's Ambrosia," Tara whispered.

"You mean like your breast milk?" Colleen asked.

"Nuh-uh. The other kind. Transformative Ambrosia. I'm so sorry, guys."

"Why are you..." Todd began, and then he went into convulsions.

Tara sat on the bed as Todd, Colleen, Beth, and Rich spasmed and jerked around her.


Ken and Melanie clung to one another on the floor of the maintenance room. He was deep inside her, deeper than should have been possible.

His back was red from her nails digging into him during her orgasms.

Sex had never been like this. These new bodies were like fine tuned machines and it was almost as if their muscles knew what to do without input from their brains.

Ken felt like he was just along for the ride.

However, it was a fun ride.

"Stop. Got to stop. I can't again," Melanie moaned into his ear as her body spasmed again.

He had never been good at holding back, but again, this new body seemed capable of going all day long and then cumming on command.

Ken stood up, carrying her with him, still buried deep inside her.

She looked at him in astonishment.

He smiled. "Always wanted to do this." He pressed her back against the wall.

"Oh, my God," she whispered as he fucked her even harder.

She screamed when he came.

He filled her to overflowing, another first.

Legs still wrapped around his waist, she reached down and felt where they were joined. She raised her fingers and stared.

Cum dripped from her fingers, more cum than either of them had ever seen.

"Oh, fuck. I stopped taking the pill, Ken."

Ken laughed. "Oops."

"Oops? You want another baby?"

"There are worse things." He smiled.

She laughed and laid her head on his shoulder. "Put me down, I'm heavy."

"I could actually carry you home just like this."

"Naked? Through the Minnesota snow?"

"They'd arrest us," Ken said.

"You'd break us out."


The sprinklers came on.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Melanie said as the water drenched them.

Five seconds later, they collapsed on the floor in convulsions.


In his mind, Todd was standing on a marble floor. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

The shirt had writing on it: We're Not Terrorists, We're Just Transformed.

The room he was in looked huge. It was a museum of some sort. A wide curved television dominated the wall in front of him.

The TV came on. Video of the Capitol Building in Washington filled the screen. "On La Noche de las Brujas, every senator and congressperson was murdered, most in their sleep, and most by a family member."

A soft hand took his.

He looked beside him.

Colleen was holding his hand. "It wasn't our fault. We tried to stop it."

People were chanting outside. "Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, the Transformed have got to go!"

Colleen wiped away a tear. "Not our fault."

He pulled her into his arms as she sobbed.

A man was standing behind them. He was tall and thin with wavy blonde hair and a beard. He wore a battered leather bomber jacket. He put his hands on their shoulders. "She's right. It wasn't your fault. It was never the Transformed. You tried. You all tried. Change only comes through pain, Todd." He smiled. "I think that's the only thing Morpheus got right."

"Who are you?" Todd asked.

"Call me Adam."

"Why am I here?"

Adam smiled. "Because time bends. And, this time? It bent for you."


Todd sat bolt upright on the soaked mattress.

Tara threw her arms around him. "You saw something, didn't you?"

"I..." He looked around. The others were recovering as well.

"What did you see, Todd?" Tara whispered.

"I... I don't know. I think I saw the future."


"What just happened?" Beth asked.

"So, you guys are now transformed," Tara said.

"Which means?" Todd asked.

"You're like me," Tara said.

"I still feel smart," Rich said.

Beth punched him in the arm.

"Ow! Sorry, but I mean... we're not like Tara."

Tara giggled. "No, silly. I'm... ditzy because they gave me a huge dose of Titty Grow." She thrust out her chest. "For these."

"Oh," Rich said.

Tara smiled. "The transformative Ambrosia made you immortal. You'll never grow old, and you'll never get sick."

Todd took her hand. "Tara, when you say immortal? Are you seriously saying we'll live forever?"

She nodded and smiled. "Yep. Oh, and you can take that stuffing out of your ears. The music won't affect you anymore, you can't be mind controlled... Other than by the Church." She frowned a little.

"That scares you?" Colleen asked as she pulled the mattress stuffing from her ears.

Tara nodded. "Sometimes they're not nice. The Mother Superiors and the Bishops. They're a little scary."

"Okay, eternal life," Rich said. "That doesn't sound so bad."

"No, it's totes cool," Tara said. "Only, you guys can't be bound anymore - that has to be done before the final Ambrosia. So, you and Beth are unbound like me."

Rich shrugged. "That's okay."

"Yeah, but, um... transformative Ambrosia makes all the other changes permanent."

"What?" Beth whispered.

"The, um..." She pointed at Beth's ears.

"Oh, my God! We're going to be elves forever!" Beth whined.

"Jesus!" Rich whispered.

"Look at the bright side: you're super cute and festive," Tara bubbled.

Beth burst into tears and Rich held her.

Tara sniffled. "All the changes are permanent. Sex drive. Titties. Cocks. Everything."

"Sex drive?" Todd said. He ran to the window. "Then that means all these people are going to be like this for the rest of their lives!" He peered around the mattress leaning against the plate glass.

The orgy continued on the mall floor.

The floor was dry.

"Wait," Todd said. He looked at the wet interior of Mattress Kingdom. "They only turned the sprinklers on in here."

"What?" Colleen said as she joined him by the window. "Why would they do that?"

"They purposely did this to us and just us," Todd said. "We're like lab rats in some kind of experiment."

He put his arm around Colleen's waist and she smiled. Todd nuzzled her neck. "You're okay with this?"

She shrugged. "Looking like a fetish model for eternity? I'm good." She hugged him tight. "As long as we're together? I'm good."

Todd looked out the window at the orgy participants. These were people with families: mothers, fathers, college students, grandparents. "Tara, if the Ambrosia is released on these people, the sex zombies? Will they be mindless like this? Forever?"

Tara shook her head. "The Church would never..."

"Honey, this isn't the Church. You said it yourself," Colleen said.

"Oh, yeah," Tara whispered. "Oh... that would be really bad, Colleen. Really, really bad."

"We have to stop them," Todd said.

"How? They have guns, Todd."

He cupped her face in his hands. "If we don't stop them, none of those people are going home to their families."

Colleen gasped. "If we got away and called the cops..."

Todd pointed through the glass at the ceiling. "They could turn on those sprinklers any second, Colleen. We're the only chance these people have."

Todd looked over at the bed. He had Colleen, Warrior Princess Barbie, and two depressed elves.

Somehow, they had to save a mall full of sex zombies.

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Jack506Jack506over 2 years ago

“Todd looked over at the bed. He had Colleen, Warrior Princess Barbie, and two depressed elves.

Somehow, they had to save a mall full of sex zombies.”

Best closing sentence ever. Kudos.

AnoniemousAnoniemousabout 3 years ago

Interesting change here re Slutznet. Is there humanity in the computer or is all just an experiment??

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 3 years agoAuthor
Where do you sign up?

Contact the Church of Morpheus for instructions on joining Whore Caste care of Maria Anastasia Marapova, New York, New York ;).

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Soo where do I sign up?

I wanna be a street whore where do I sign?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Todd is the newest whoremaster with Colleen with him as his white witch. They have what it takes. I am looking forward to seeing Amy coming back in the story at some point. Santa and Mrs Clause are going for reprogramming I'm getting because they are just too much trouble. Keep up the good and tell me where I can sign up to be a whoremaster, that reverse aging thing sounds great.

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