Transformations - Were-Bimbo Ch. 04


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"Listen, we need to meet and compare notes," Patricia said.

"No, we don't."

"Why not?! Obviously, you're investigating these people..."

"Detective, I'm going to give you a piece of advice: you are in so far over your head right now the depth is going to crush you. Go home. Take a shower and stay out of this. Your government is on this..."

Patricia stood up and screamed at the phone. "You condescending motherfucker! Do you know how many people have gone missing? Not just last night, people all over New York have been taken against their will!"

"New York?" He laughed. "Kid, you don't have a clue do you? New York is a blip on their radar. This is bigger than you can possibly imagine. Now, pick up that notepad you threw at your fat partner and get your pen."

Patricia's eyes went wide. She looked around the room.

"Yeah. I see you. You need to iron your clothes if you want to get ahead in this world, by the way. Sloppy people never succeed."


"Just get the notepad and write this down: Latigo Key."

Patricia snatched the pad off the floor and wrote on it. "Latigo Key? Florida? Wait, about twenty years ago..."

"Yeah, whole population of the island disappeared overnight. Wikipedia has it wrong, though. It wasn't a freak tidal wave, it wasn't a terrorist attack, and it sure as shit wasn't fucking aliens."

"The Church..."

"Give the lady a prize - now, you are dealing with people who could make an entire island full of people disappear. And, that was twenty years ago, when they were still learning how to do all this voodoo shit. What do you think they are capable of now, Detective?"

Patricia stared at the notepad.

"Go home, Detective. Tell your bosses you got nothing. Get a nice re-assignment to something safe and wholesome like homicide or vice."

"I can't do that. They took cops last night."

The man sighed. "Well, then you'd better start praying. And, if anybody looks at you and makes you all tingly inside? You better run like hell. Good luck, Detective."


Cindy stood on a field of white.

"Sindy, it suits you better. Use the 'S', it's fierce." Her voice, Gwen's voice. Somewhere nearby.

She looked down and almost collapsed.

She couldn't see her feet. Her breasts were in the way.

"I like you better this way," Gwen said. She walked past and brushed her hand.

Cindy blinked and Gwen was gone.

"Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." A woman said. She was a redhead, tall and buxom and she appeared out of the white void with a smile.

"Stunning, I would say," a woman said to her left. This one was a young, tall brunette with an amazing smile and body. She stroked Cindy's hair and disappeared.

"Welcome to the club," a young black woman said. She smiled as she walked past in a clinging, white latex minidress and promptly disappeared.

"What club?" Cindy asked.

"The most exclusive club on earth. A group of women who are destined to save the world. We are his hand." An immensely tall and powerful looking platinum blonde said. Her huge brown eyes sparkled. Unlike the others, she did not disappear from view.

"Witches," Gwen said as she re-appeared and took Cindy's left hand.

"Warriors," the redhead said as she took Cindy's right.

"Sisters," the brunette said as she caressed Cindy's shoulders from behind.

"Welcome," the black girl said as she took the platinum blonde's hand.

Cindy woke with a start and sat bolt upright on the operating table.

Bull caught her before she could fall. "Welcome back."

Cindy stared wide-eyed at her chest. "Oh, fuck!" She had two volleyball sized breasts on her thin frame.

"Yeah," Bull said. "You are... impressive."

Delia crowded in beside her and squeezed Cindy's huge breasts. "You're so beautiful."

"I'm a fucking... freak!"

Gwen laughed behind Bull. "Personally, I think you look petite."

"What am I?" Cindy asked. "The dream?"

"Not a dream." Gwen sat down beside her on the table. "If you want it."

Bull and Delia looked at one another in confusion.

"Who were they?"

"Your sisters, if you accept them."

Bull looked from Cindy to Gwen. "What are you two talking about?"

"Witch business," Gwen said.

Bull's eyes widened. "What?! Really?"

"Your choice, Cindy... with an S. Really, truly with an S. Sinful Sindy. It's up to you," Gwen said.

"I can be... like you? Like them?"

Delia drew in a breath, realization coming over her face. "Do it, Cin! Oh, my God! You have to become one of them!"

Gwen took Delia's hand. "It has to be her decision, Delia." With her other hand, she took Cindy's. "You are strong, and we would welcome you. But the decision is yours."

Cindy looked at Bull and smiled. "Do I still get to be... Will I still be Bull's wife? And, Delia's?"

Gwen nodded. "Most definitely. It's a package deal."

Cindy bit her lower lip and looked down at Bull's long, hard cock. "Then come here and take me, because whatever Gwen did to me makes me want you to fuck my brains out."


"Okay, what are we not going to do in the truck stop?" Alex asked.

"We're not going to fuck anybody," Lita laughed as they approached the front doors. "Nobody?"


"I'll be good, I promise." They stepped into the store.

"Seriously, the experiment is over. You get weird with anybody in here and we have to take them with us."

"What if they're super cute?" Lita asked.


"I mean, what if I go back to the bathroom and find a cloister of nuns? A hot yoga class?"


"What if I find a guy with a bigger cock than yours?"

"Call Guinness." He spanked her butt through the tight jeans she had changed into. She was also wearing a Hello Kitty t-shit that was three sizes too small over braless super tits.

"Fine. But, you and Gwen better be ready for hot, nasty sex tonight, because I haven't cum in almost two hours." She skipped away toward the bathroom. She looked over her shoulder at him, posing with her hips cocked. "Get me a Cherry Ssssslurpee and a foot long... hot dog?" She breathed in a sultry voice.

Alex held in a laugh and pointed at the restroom. "Go pee."

She turned and bounced up and down, her unhindered breasts causing a gaper's block across the entire store. "I'm hungry!"

"Okay. Fine. I'll get it."

She blew him a kiss and skipped toward the restroom.

Alex got an empty cup at the Slurpee machine.

"Beautiful girl. You're a lucky man... Mr. Kincaid."

Alex hesitated with his hand on the Slurpee handle. "Excuse me?"

The man who spoke to him had gray hair in a military cut. He was sitting in a booth and smiling.

Alex walked to the booth with the empty cup. "Do I know you?"

"Not officially. Your wife likes to turn my men into tree-hugging imbeciles."

Alex grinned. "Oh. A visit from 'The Man'?"

"So, I have been called over the years. You can call me Colonel - that is unless you can read my mind in which case you already know my name, rank, and serial number."

Alex sat down across from him. "What can I do for you, Colonel?"

He smiled. "That was a nasty piece of business you pulled off last night."

"No clue what you're talking about."

"Yeah, okay. How'd you do it? Turn all those people into sex zombies or whatever they were?"

Alex shrugged. "I think you have me confused with someone else."

"Alex Kincaid, designation Whoremaster. Transformed at the Temple of Morpheus in Havana three years ago."

Alex gave him a grin. "Well, I was in Havana three years ago. Don't know what a 'Whoremaster' is though. Sounds kind of derogatory."

"You know, I can make you disappear right now if I wanted to. It's called rendition."

Alex nodded. "Hmm, yeah. Only problem is I have dual citizenship, US and Cuba. And, I have diplomatic immunity through Cuba - my entire family does."

The Colonel nodded. "How long do you think that's going to protect you, Mr. Kincaid?"

A woman walked up to the beverage stand with a fresh pot of coffee.

Alex looked at her. "Excuse me, Ma'am."

The woman looked over and smiled.

"Could we have some of that coffee?"

Her eyes glazed. "Of course." She walked to the booth and smiled at Alex.

Alex caressed her free hand. "Be a dear and pour that hot coffee on the gentleman opposite me?"

She turned, grin still in place and began tilting the boiling coffee over the Colonel's head.

The Colonel jumped to his feet and caught the woman's wrist.

Her face took on a grimace of determination as she tried hard to scald him with the coffee.

"Make her stop, Kincaid. I don't want to hurt her," the man said.

"If you do hurt her? It will be your last act on earth. You think my diplomatic immunity is to protect me, Colonel? It's to protect you."

"Kincaid, goddamn it. Release her before she gets hurt," the Colonel groaned as he struggled with the woman.

"It's okay, Ma'am, the Colonel is switching to decaf."

The woman blinked and stepped back.

The Colonel released her.

The woman stared at the pot in her hand. "What was I..."

"It's okay," Alex said. He stood up and caressed her wrist. "Oh, this might bruise. I want you to forget all about this, okay? You go take some aspirin and put an icepack on this wrist." He turned to the Colonel. "Cash. Give her some money."

The Colonel frowned and pulled out his wallet. "All I have is a hundred."

Alex snatched it out and handed it to her. "For your trouble."

She looked down at the hundred. "Wow! Thanks."

Alex watched her walk away. "You really want to whisk me off to a black site, Colonel?" He reached under the table, took hold of the steel support holding up the table and bent it.

The table tilted to the Colonel's left as the metal groaned under the strain.

"Why not? Ready when you are," Alex said with a smile.

"Okay, okay. Point taken."

Alex bent the support back and made the table level.

The Colonel got up and stepped away from the booth. "Sooner or later? Magic tricks or not, we're coming for you, Mr. Kincaid - you and your wives."

Alex laughed. "Oh, Colonel, you need to be real careful of my wives. I'm a pussy cat in comparison."

"We'll see." He started walking away.



"You ever ask yourself why your masters won't just let you take us out? You might want to think outside the box a little. Nothing is as it appears."

The man stared at Alex for a moment and then walked away.

"Who was that?" Lita asked as she arrived at the booth.

He put his arm around her and drew her against him. "That was Colonel Menser from the NRO... the National Reconnaissance Organization. He doesn't officially exist any more than his organization exists."

"They're the bad guys?" Lita asked.

Alex shrugged. "Depends on your perspective I guess."


Cindy kissed Bull as his cock pistoned in and out of her. Whatever had been done to her had given her the internal structure to accommodate Bull's massive dimensions.

She had always enjoyed sex. Unlike most hookers who looked on sex as a means to a paycheck, Cindy had always taken her pleasure where she could, whenever she could.

She didn't do drugs, so fucking was her outlet.

But, this wasn't fucking.

This was insanity.

Seventeen inches of meat was alternately filling and being removed from her body and hitting nerve endings that hadn't existed a few hours before. She rotated her hips as he thrust, her strength amplified by whatever Gwen had done.

Usually, lying on her back, she had felt totally in the man's control.

Not now. Now, her body was quivering with power and she wasn't just being fucked, she was milking him.

And, she loved it.

He fucked her with his eyes open.

He fucked her and smiled at her.

He fucked her and kissed her while she fucked him back, wrapping her legs around his waist and trapping him deep inside her.

She wasn't building to an orgasm, no. She was in a constant orgasm, her body electrified, strong core muscles flexing with each thrust, her pussy squeezing him.

Suddenly, she was an athlete and sex was her sport.

And, God, she loved it.

Loved the man between her thighs.

Loved Delia who knelt behind Bull, her tongue probing and caressing both of them.

Loved Cum Slut who nursed at her huge breasts and, Oh, God! Was milk coming out of her? Was Cum Slut drinking her milk?!

"Yes," Gwen whispered. The beautiful blonde was kneeling by her head, caressing her forehead. "Ambrosia, not breast milk." She laughed. "You'll need little clamps on your nipples to keep from leaking." She twisted the brooch at her throat. "See?"

The top of Gwen's dress fell open and her huge tits tumbled free.

A silver inverted pentagram was clipped to both her thick nipples. She twisted a stud on the side of her left clamp, and it released.

Warm milk dripped onto Cindy's cheek and Gwen gently guided her nipple to Cindy's lips.

She took the leaking nipple and suckled.

The world exploded in color! The constant orgasm became a tidal wave and she moaned against the tit flesh as she sucked down ambrosia.

"God, I'm close," Bull groaned.

Cindy opened her eyes. She wanted this so bad! More than anything in her whole life, she wanted this gift!

"Hold back until I say," Gwen whispered.

"Hurry," Bull moaned.

Gwen pulled her nipple from Cindy's mouth. She picked up a small glass of white liquid and touched it to Cindy's lips. "Now, Bull."

Bull cried out.

Cindy felt him gush inside her and the glass was tipped into her mouth. She swallowed.

The world went away.

Dreaming. I'm dreaming again, Cindy thought.

There was no white plain, no white sky. It was a city. The sun was bright, and she could smell the ocean. In the distance, she saw a white pyramid shaped building that climbed toward the sky.

She was holding Gwen's hand. On her other side was the beautiful brunette from her dream.

They were standing in a line, side by side. It was war.

The tall platinum blonde was at the center of the line.

They were all holding hands.

Bull was standing in front of her, holding a huge sledgehammer.

Delia was behind her holding a whip.

Cum Slut was beside Delia with a knife in each hand.

"We are his hand!" The platinum blonde screamed.

"Impudence! Blasphemy!" A woman screamed back.

Cindy blinked. Cindy and her friends were on one side of the street.

On the opposite side were women wearing rubber nun outfits. The woman who spoke was tall and dark with eyes as black as coal.

Beside the nuns were men dressed as priests and other men with guns.

A woman on Cindy's side stepped forward. She wore a white latex dress - a White Witch like Cindy. "Hecate, this isn't you. I know you. I love you. You don't belong with them."

"Stop this, Cathy, God please stop," one of the nuns pleaded. "We don't want to hurt you. We don't want to hurt any of you."

The woman on Cindy's side, Cathy, spoke. "We are his hand. You know we are. It's not too late."

Behind the line of nuns, a man rose into the air. The sun at his back made it impossible to look at him as he rose at least forty feet above the street.

The dark nun laughed. "If you are his hand? Why does he stand behind us?"

Cindy coughed and jerked awake.

She was in the basement, cradled in Bull's arms.

"Where... where was I? Oh, my God," she whispered. Then she blinked and smiled. "Bull? I love you! I love you so much!"

He held her tight. "I know. I know. I couldn't wait for you to wake up. I love you too."

A hand touched Cindy's shoulder. "I need you to tell me everything you saw," Gwen said.


Amy was on her back staring up at Lorraine's dripping pussy.

"You know what to do. Just do what would feel good for you."

They were on a bed in a large upstairs bedroom.

Lorraine was straddling her face, her pussy inches above Amy's lips.

Amy opened her mouth slowly.

"That's right, honey." Lorraine whispered. She stroked her own clit with a blood red nail.

A glistening drop of juice formed on Lorraine's wet pussy lips.

It grew as Lorraine stroked her nubbin.

Amy watched it grow.

It dripped down and fell on Amy's tongue.

Amy closed her mouth and savored it.

God, she was so lost.

The taste was wonderful.

Lorraine spread her thighs slowly, lowering her pussy to Amy's lips.

Amy opened her mouth as the musky lips came within reach.

She sucked Lorraine's labia, drawing more of the woman's lube into her mouth. Amy pushed her tongue gently into Lorraine's quim.

"Unnh... yes. Amy. Yes." Lorraine grasped the headboard and rocked. "Just... like that. See? It's not... wrong. What you're doing to me? Amy, it's beautiful."

And, it was. She was damned, but hell was heaven in this topsy turvy world.

"God, Amy. Oh, fuck. You... you're so good..."

Make her cum.

Amy Lynn! In her head, her voice.

Make her cum, Amy. It's who we are now. Make her cum. She needs to use you, let her. Let her use your mouth.

Amy hesitated.

Lorraine groaned. "Oh, baby, please don't stop. I'm so close."

She needs you, Amy. Service her. It's what we're for - we're whores, Amy.

Amy moaned into Lorraine's pussy. She sucked Lorraine's lips into her mouth, driving her tongue in and out of her cunt.

Cunt. A cunt. She was eating out a cunt. She was a whore, a fucking whore and she loved it.

That's right. Now you understand, don't you?

Amy smiled and tongue fucked Lorraine harder.

Make that slut cum. Make her cum in your fucking lesbo mouth, you pussy whore!

Amy shivered as she worshipped Lorraine's pussy. Amy Lynn's words were driving her toward her own orgasm. She shoved her hands down and plunged two fingers into her own pussy.

No! Don't you fucking dare! The customer cums first. Get those fingers out of your whore cunt, Amy!

Amy whined but obeyed.

"God, God, going to cum, Amy! Fuck!"

Lorraine's pussy clenched and spasmed and Amy laughed. Dr. Love's juices poured into her mouth and she sucked them down.

Lorraine's thighs quivered as the spasms ended.

Amy rolled Lorraine onto her side and pulled her close.

"Did you like that, Lorraine?" Amy asked. She smiled with one side of her mouth and raised her eyebrows.

Lorraine laughed. "Jesus, you seem pretty proud of yourself."

"Shouldn't I be?"

"Yes. Yes, you should." Lorraine kissed her.


"My name is Sindy... with an S... Sinful Sindy." She whispered as she lay in Bull's arms.

"Whatever you want, Sinful Sindy," Bull said. They were sitting on the basement floor.

"Sinful Sindy Drummond, is that okay?" She whispered.

"It's got a ring to it," Bull said and kissed her.

Delia climbed into his lap on the other side. "And, I'm Delia Drummond, right?"

Sindy laughed. "Dominatrix Delia Drummond."

Delia snickered. "That name sucks."

Cum Slut laid her head on Delia's lap. "Not as bad as Cum Slut Drummond."

They all laughed.

Delia stroked Cum Slut's short hair. "Poor baby. I'll come up with a better name."

"Thank you, Mistress," Cum Slut whispered. Her fingers wandered down to her crotch.

"No, Cum Slut. I'm going to put you in chastity. You need discipline. Don't touch yourself without permission, understood.?"

The woman looked miserable. "Yes, Mistress."

Sindy nodded toward the other corner of the room. "What are we going to do with them?"

Mr. Muscles was forcing his cock down Stella's throat.

Mama Jugs just sat and stared at Bull.

Gwen was sitting above Bull on the operating table. "Mr. Muscles and Stella have a mistress to serve. Her name is Mary - she used to be Stella's wife, and I think she will put them to good use. As for Mama Jugs? She's all yours."