Trapped, Trained and Twisted Pt. 08

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Slave cunt is displayed and used at a private bdsm party.
8.1k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/16/2021
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Chapter Sixteen: A Private Party

It had been a month since I felt the warm sun on my skin at the farm and I hadn't since left the quaint single story abode that my Master inherited after his mother died. I was comfortable with my routines as they gave me structure and comfort. Sometimes he would even generously dump the scraps from his plate into my dog bowl, providing me with variety beyond my usual broth and cold oatmeal. I felt special and loved when he would charitably share such gifts with me. I was a lucky little cunt indeed for having such a caring Master.

I never ventured back into the basement after that night at the party. Master still went down there a few times a day to get things from storage or deal with house issues but it was made clear to me that my area was upstairs and venturing back into the basement would result in a severe punishment. I certainly didn't want to face a harsh reprimand, but more so, the thought of disappointing my owner filled my flat little tummy with dread.

It was the early afternoon and I had just finished eating my lunch of cold chicken broth while in the eat position. As always I ran my soft pink tongue over the smooth gleaming surface of my bowl, lapping every drop of the delicious liquid. I crawled to the bathroom and was squatting over my bucket, the warm yellow pee spraying out of me with force loudly striking the gray metal interior of the container when my Master appeared in the doorway.

"You may remember meeting Lady Kara at that party we went to a while ago," Master said as he gazed at the flow of yellow liquid streaming from between my legs. "She's having her event tonight and I told her that we'd attend. Does that sound like something you'd like to do?"

My eyes lit up and my heart started pounding wildly. Another chance to get out of the house and see people was thrilling news indeed. "Oh yes Master, yes please Master," I exclaimed excitedly as my stream of salty urine turned into a dribble and finally a few errant drops before stopping entirely. "Please may the Cunt go with its Master tonight?"

"Since you've been such a good little fucktoy, I'll allow it. Start getting yourself ready my faithful bitch in heat, hair, makeup and the works. We want to look your best to reflect well on your owner. You have permission to forgo the remainder of your edging sessions and pose work for the rest of the day in order to get ready."

I quickly scurried on all fours to my Master's feet and got into 'thank' position, kissing his slippers profusely while raising my plugged ass and arching my back just as I had been trained.

He leaned over and gently pushed on the plug that stretched my rectum, reminding me of how filled I was. "Go ahead now, my little toy, get ready and make me proud."

I spent several hours preparing myself. I showered, washed and styled my silky long dark hair and applied makeup to make myself look beautiful for my owner. Master left out the shiny black latex dress and stripper heels for me to wear. Whatever clothing adorned my body was the choice of my Master and if it pleased him for me to be seen in this outfit again, that was all that mattered.

After inspecting me thoroughly including having me twirl around several times to give my Master the full view of my little body, he clipped a leash to the O ring at the front of my collar and led me to the garage where his chariot, the familiar rusted Toyota, sat waiting to escort us to the party. On the journey to our destination I enjoyed the beauty of the orange sunset. The way the sky lit up in bright bands of pink and purple as the clarity of daylight gave way to the mystery of darkness. We drove through the brightly lit gates of a large house just as the digital clock on the dashboard struck six and travelled up the cobblestone driveway, parking near the front next to a variety of fancy European luxury cars.

Master helped me out of his compact Corolla and held my slim arm as I adjusted my latex dress, pulling the hem of the slick shiny garment down until it barely covered the round cheeks of my firm behind. I took small strides on the smooth stones, careful not to slip while wearing the platform stripper heels that were tightly secured onto my small feet and the slender chain leash dangled freely from the heavy steel collar that graced my slender neck. My lithe little body felt sexy, slutty and desirable in my fetish friendly attire and I had spent the entire day ensuring that my hair and makeup were perfect. Master on the other hand was disheveled; his weighty figure dressed as if he picked up the wrinkled clothes from a pile of dirty laundry on the floor and put them on. We approached the walkway where an intimidating looking bald man wearing a dark suit and a headset kept a watchful eye over the entrance.

He held one of his thick arms out to block us from proceeding and with a disinterested monotone voice inquired "name?"

My Master cleared his throat and weakly answered "Arnie...Arnie Pierce."

The daunting gatekeeper stared at Master dismissively before reluctantly scanning a piece of paper attached to the clipboard in his hand. "You're not on the list."

"What do you mean I'm not on the list," Master pleaded. "Lady Kara invited us. Check the list again. Arnie Pierce."

"You're not on the list Sir. Perhaps you would like for me to check under the lady's name?"

"It's not going to be under her name."

"Then I'll have to ask you to leave Sir."

"Fine," Master capitulated. "Her name is the Cunt."

"Seriously? That's her name?"

"Yes, that's her legal name. I'm telling you the truth!"

The menacing guardian rolled his eyes and shook his head before returning his gaze to the register before him. "Well what do you know; I do have the Cunt on the list. " He gave his headset a tap and said "I have a young lady at the front named the Cunt." He bobbed his hairless head in a nodding motion, tapped his headset again and turned to us. "She'll be out momentarily, please step to the side."

Master played with the handle of my leash with one hand as the chubby fingers of his other hand found their way under my dress and gently caressed my firm rear. We didn't have to wait long before Lady Kara clad in black leather and thigh high boots strode confidently down the walkway with her little blonde slave following dutifully behind. "Oh there you are, you stunning creature," she said as she opened her arms and gave me a strong hug, pulling me into her ample bosom. She then grasped my willowy frame by my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "You are even more spectacular than I remember. I'm so glad you decided to attend tonight. You remember my slave Holes don't you?"

"I thought her name was Drink Holder," Master interjected.

"For that party it was. For this party it's Holes you silly man." She said dismissively as she turned to her pierced pet and said "tell them why your name is Holes."

"My name is Holes because I am a worthless trio of holes," she answered obediently.

"Good girl! Indeed that is exactly what you are. The Cunt here is going to be serving with you tonight. Why don't you welcome your new slave sister properly and take her in the back to help prepare her for the evening's festivities."

"Yes Goddess, thank you Goddess," she said as she bent her petite body into a respectful curtsy. Holes approached me and placed her small hands on my arms, pulling her beautiful form against mine, only a thin layer of latex stood between our tits which seemed to melt together. She looked into my crystal blue eyes and slowly pressed her soft crimson lips against my own. Her pierced pink tongue slipped out of her mouth and into mine, exploring my gums and dancing joyfully with my soft saliva coated tongue. I breathed deeply of her scent and indulged in the flavor of her mouth as we held a long passionate kiss that seemed to go on forever.

"Where are all the other guests?" My Master inquired.

"Oh they'll be along soon enough. No need for you to worry about that. Thank you again for lending your beautiful slave to me for the evening, truly I'm grateful. You may come to collect her at midnight."

"What are you talking about? I'm coming to your party," he protested.

"Oh dear Arnie, I simply must apologize. I fear we've had a bit of a miscommunication. The invitation was only for your slave, it was never for you. I mean seriously dear, you could not have actually thought that offer could have included you. Just look at you. You simply don't belong here and you wouldn't fit in at all. How a man like you got a gorgeous slave like your Cunt is beyond me. At any rate there you have it and if you will excuse me, I must take my leave as I have a great deal left to do to prepare for my soiree."

Holes quickly broke off our kiss with several clear strands of saliva continuing to connect our mouths together and she took my hand in hers. Lady Kara swiftly turned and marched back up the path toward the front door of the house with Holes and I keeping pace behind her.

Master started to follow but the large gatekeeper stepped into the middle of the path to prevent him from proceeding up the walkway. "I'm sorry Sir, I can't let you inside."

"That's my slave, she belongs to me! Give her back now!"

"I can't do that Sir, you need to leave now."

"I'm not leaving until you give me my slave back."

"As Lady Kara said, you may collect her at midnight. This is private property and you are trespassing. If you don't leave now I'll be forced to contact the police service. Is that really what you want?"

The voices became muted as I reached the doorway and I glanced back to see my Master's shoulders slump in defeat as he turned and made his way back to the corroded heap that sat out of place between the elegant vehicles.

Holes pulled me into the opulent entryway and led me down the hall toward the back of the house. The sound of my high heels clacking on the smooth white marble floors echoed throughout the lavish residence with each step I took. Holes was barefoot and seemed to glide along in her exposed natural state. I admired her little body which looked not too dissimilar from my own. Except for her hair color and the fact that her tits were slightly larger, our willowy bodies and pierced flesh could have easily passed as mirrors of each other.

We reached a large marble bathroom and her posture and facial expression suddenly became more relaxed as she closed the door. "I thought you were really cute when I saw you at the club; I'm so glad Goddess invited you to join us tonight," she said with a bright smile as she spoke with a slight lisp due to her tongue piercing. "My name is actually Cara but obviously Goddess calls me whatever she wants. I like it; it's a lot of fun."

We stood together in an awkward silence before Holes spoke again. "You are able to speak right? I mean can you understand me?"

"Yes Ma'am, the Cunt can speak and understand you."

"Whew, you had me worried for a minute. Are you just the quiet type?"

"No Ma'am, the Cunt may not speak unless spoken to."

"Okay first of all I have that same rule but it only applies when we're in the presence of our owners or other superiors. When we're alone together we can speak freely. Second, I'm not a Ma'am. I'm an owned animal just like you. Since we're equal slaves, why don't you call me sister and I'll do the same for you, okay?"

"Yes sister, the Cunt can do that."

"So sister, what's your real name?" She asked as she unclipped the leash that dangled freely from my gleaming steel collar.

"Its real name is the Cunt," I replied with a look that showed my confusion about the meaning of her question. "Master even showed the paper to the Cunt that was filed with the court that made it so."

"And the court accepted that? That's just wild. Such total dedication to your owner is something I really respect," she said as she unzipped the back of my shiny latex dress and slid the straps off my shoulders, gently gliding the garment down my slender body and over my toned legs until she was at my feet and I stepped out of the gleaming outfit. While she was down there she unstrapped the black stripper heels from my dainty feet and removed them. When she stood erect again I saw that we were nearly the exact same height. She embraced me once more, our breasts pressing directly into each other, our nipple rings colliding and my glimmering silver bells pushing into her soft white flesh. "We are going to have such fun together tonight, I promise," she said with a comforting smile.

Our lips came together once more and we spent a few more minutes enthusiastically discovering each other's mouths with our tongues. I sensed the large ring that dangled from the tip of her soft pink organ as it occasionally hit my teeth and I wondered what it would feel like to have such a decoration in my own tongue. Finally our kiss broke again with even more saliva strands connecting our soft mouths.

"Have you ever had an enema?" She asked with her mouth so close to mine that I could feel her sweet warm breath on my skin.

I nodded "yes sister, my Master gives me one every day."

"Excellent, then you already know what to expect." She said as she prepared the enema bag and corresponding hose and nozzles. "First let's get that plug out of you sister, you won't need it tonight, Goddess has other plans for our asses," she said with a wink.

The willowy blonde slave motioned for me to bend over and grab the edge of the tub before she gripped my jeweled pink princess plug and twisted and turned it, pulling ever so slowly and gently until it escaped the confines of my rectum with a pop. "I wish you could see how beautifully your ass is gaping right now. Goddess is right, you really are stunning and so exotic looking too."

She lubed up the end of the nozzle and inserted it deep into my anus before injecting the water deep inside my bowels. She released a reasonable amount of fluid then directed me to the toilet to expel the water before washing my insides another two times. Since I didn't have to hold the water inside me for very long I didn't even have to suffer the usual cramping that I had on a daily basis when my Master cleaned me out nor did my belly become distorted as was the case when I had to hold a much larger volume of fluid.

"There doesn't that feel better? You're all clean inside and out and ready to be used." Suddenly the bathroom door pushed open and Lady Kara stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. Holes quickly fell to her knees and pressed her forehead to the shining marble tile at her feet in a sort of greet pose. I swiftly followed her example and pressed my head to the floor next to her. I felt the Mistress' fingers dance along my stretched spine as I dutifully held my position.

"I'm very impressed with you Cunt. You are a very well trained animal," she said as her fingers continued to gently rub my skin. I felt waves of tingles flow from my tummy and through my body at her praise. "Kneel up Cunt and stick out your tongue," she commanded.

I obeyed quickly not wanting to disappoint the beautiful dominatrix. I swiftly moved to my knees, arching my back and thrusting out the udders that I cupped in my small hands before pushing my pink tongue through my lips. She grabbed the tip of it with her thumb and forefinger and inspected it closely. "It's so unfortunate that you lack a ring in this organ, my pretty little pet. If you were mine we would have remedied that failure long ago." She released my soft saliva soaked tongue and her delicate digits fluttered to my slender neck where they brushed over the cold metal collar that was a part of my being. "It is unfortunate that this ridiculous thing is locked on," she said with a sigh. "Stand up Cunt and bend over."

I followed her commands, obediently standing and bending. "I do so love your vaginal piercings but this mess with the little chains is simply not appropriate at all for my event." Lady Kara carefully unclipped each of the slender silver chains from my labia rings before unbuckling and removing the black leather straps from my lean thighs. For the first time in recent memory my sensitive pink flesh wasn't being pulled and stretched and the sensation of not being spread and open was a strange one at first. "Turn around little Cunt and let me look at you." I straightened up and faced the beautiful dominant. "Much better; have my little pets finished preparing themselves?"

"Yes Goddess, Holes and Cunt are cleaned out and ready Goddess," Holes quickly responded from her position on the floor.

"Excellent, such good toys you both are. Then on your feet Holes and both of you may follow me to the foyer."

"Yes Goddess, thank you Goddess," Holes said as she quickly hopped to her feet. Lady Kara spun around on the platform of her boot and exited the room with her two naked female pets following obediently behind.

We reached the front foyer where the Mistress instructed my new slave sister and I to stand on a small marble platform facing each other while she brought in a small bag from the next room. She had us hug each other and affixed thick black leather cuffs to my wrists, securing my hands together behind Holes' back before applying the same method of bondage to Holes, forcing our bodies into a tight and warm embrace.

Lady Kara hooked a small luggage lock through the shiny silver ring that penetrated my left nipple and connected it through the gleaming golden ring in Holes' right nipple and clicked it closed, locking Holes and I together by our stiff little pink nubs of flesh. Our other nipple was also locked and even our clit and labia rings found themselves secured together with a series of small locks, our pink flesh brought together as one.

She pulled out a bright red ball gag with a tangle of black straps leading from it and held it in front of our faces. "I actually wanted to lock your tongue rings together, but obviously that plan won't work so feast your pretty eyes on the backup plan; a double ball gag."

Holes obediently opened her mouth wide the instant Lady Kara held the gag in front of her, anxious to demonstrate her obedience for her owner. The device was pushed between her soft ruby lips and the dominatrix deftly fastened the straps to hold it in place. She then gently pushed my head forward toward Holes' gagged orifice and I instinctively opened my mouth to allow the soft rubber device to lodge itself between my lips. Buckles were fastened and I found myself staring in Holes' beautiful green eyes, the breath from her nose and mine commingling as our mouths were locked together in a permanent kiss denied.

Indeed the two of us were now a singular organism, existing together in one connected body. We breathed together as one, our chests rising and falling in unison. I could feel the tug on the various nubs of sensitive flesh that connected to hers with each slight movement she made.

It wasn't long before Lady Kara's kinky guests began to arrive. She stood at the doorway and greeted them with enthusiasm and warmth. The first was an elegant looking older man with dark hair and olive skin who entered with a gorgeous redhead on a leash who was wearing only her collar and restraints. Her ample tits jiggled with the movement of her hips and her beauty electrified the room.

"Ricardo, thank you for coming, it's been far too long!" Kara exclaimed as she moved in to give the cultured gentleman an air kiss on each side of his face. "I see you still have the lovely Flame, how are you dear?" She inquired as she stepped forward to give the willowy pale skinned submissive a firm hug.

"I'm good Goddess Kara, happy as always on the end of my Master's leash."

"You've had her for four years now, haven't you Ricardo?"

"Six actually, she's been a delight to own and we're always finding new things to explore together."