Travel Delays Ch. 02

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Andy & Al receive a warm welcome in Philly.
11.4k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/13/2018
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Note: This is the second chapter in a series. I recommend that you read Chapter 1 first. The story alternates viewpoint between the two main characters.


I woke up with my sister in my arms. Although I had a massive hard-on, I wasn't really tempted to do anything with it. I still had her taste in my mouth, and that was something I would remember for a long time to come. We had woken early in the morning, spending another half-hour gently exploring each other. We had both climaxed again, though it was nothing like the first mind-blowing experience she had given me after the power went out. Our relationship had changed, but I still wasn't sure where we were going from here. There was one step we couldn't take, but apart from that, I would give her anything she desired.

Alison stirred in my arms and looked up at me with a smile. "Hey, gorgeous."

I leaned my head down and gave her a soft kiss. "Hey. How are you feeling this morning?"

"Mmm. Never better. You're a fantastic lover, Andy."

"Must be my teacher."

"Really? Who was she?"

I laughed. "Al, I've been with a couple girls before, but none of them have reacted to my touch the way you did. You let me know exactly what you want, without saying a word."

"That's because you're my dream lover. Told you."

"Yeah, you did. Now, as much as I'm enjoying the feel of you against my body, we should get up and get on the road. It's still nearly three hours to Philly."

Her head dropped back to my chest. "Nah. This feels too good to stop. Too bad we can't afford hotel room in Philly. That would be perfect."

I kissed the top of her head. "Al, anywhere you are is perfect for me." I sighed. "I don't know if I'm going to be able to find any girl who fits with me the way you do."

"You don't have to. If you want me, I don't mind being your girl. Forever and for always, right?"

"As appealing as that may sound, I think Mom and Dad might have a word or two to say about it."

She giggled. "Only if they know what we're up to. We could get a two-bedroom apartment to share when we get home. Only you and me would know that anything's going on."

"Al, how long have you been thinking about this?"

Alison shrugged. "Since you gave me an orgasm that literally knocked me out. I'd still like you to make love to me, all the way, but I'll take what you gave me last night if that's all I can get."

"Don't you want kids?"

She rolled onto me and slid up so her face was even with mine. "Andy, I want you. I'll take whatever you can give me, but it's you that I really want to be with."

I smiled and kissed her. "Whatever you wish. Uh, except that one thing we mentioned."

She pouted and rubbed her pussy against my cock. "Damn. I thought for a second I'd broken you down."

I slapped her bare bottom. "Get up, you little brat. We need to have breakfast and get on the road."

"Want a quickie first?"

"Nope. I want you to wait, getting more and more frustrated until we can manage some time later." I leaned up, placing my mouth next to her ear. "Next time, maybe I'll use some of the toys you brought with you, on you."

I slipped out from under her and dashed to the bathroom. She screamed and threw a pillow at me just before I got around the corner.

We checked out fifteen minutes later, heading to McDonalds for a quick breakfast. We were on the road before nine, taking Pennsylvania Road 92 east. Although we had been told it was flooded the previous night, there were no remaining signs of that. We got to the interstate with no issues and had smooth sailing all the way to Philadelphia.

We turned into Christine's driveway just before noon. Alison pulled me close for a long kiss as soon as I turned off the motor.

"Just so you know, big bro," She said with a teasing smile. "I'm not wearing underwear today."

"You should have told me when we got to the interstate," I said. "I might have given you a little attention on the drive."

"Oh, that wouldn't be fair to you. Besides, I didn't want you to get too excited and crash."

She hopped out, running to meet her friend, who was coming just as fast down the front stairs. I adjusted my shorts and got out, then started to unload our things. Alison soon brought her friend over.

"Andy, you remember Chrissy, right?"

Christine was five-foot-six, three inches shorter than Alison. But, at barely a hundred and ten pounds, she was probably thirty or thirty-five pounds lighter. Not that Alison was at all heavy, but Christine was the definition of petite. Everything about her looked tiny, even though she was average height for a female. While Alison might complain about her breasts, Christine's were noticeably smaller. However, the tiny A-cups fitted her frame very nicely. She had mocha skin -- a gift from her mother -- auburn hair and soft, brown eyes.

I extended a hand. "Nice to see you again, Christine. How have you been?"

She took my hand, holding it much longer than required for a simple handshake. "I'm very good, Andy. You know that I just turned eighteen on Wednesday, like Allie, right? We're having a combined birthday and pre-grad party tonight, now that the other birthday girl's here. So, you're looking good, too ... working out?"

"Every chance I get. Al even got me to perform some exercises last night."

I saw my sister blush at that, but Christine was still looking at me.

"Really, Allie? You're such a slave driver."

"Trust me, Chrissie, he wasn't complaining. He seemed to enjoy exerting himself."

"Hm. Maybe we can find someone you can do around here."

I raised an eyebrow. "You mean something?"

She giggled, "Yeah, that too."

The girls grabbed Alison's things and ran into the house. I put my pack over one shoulder and locked the car, then followed them inside. Christine's father was just inside and offered me a hand as soon as the door was closed.

"Andrew, glad to see you were able to get your sister here. Chris has been going crazy ever since Allie said she was coming."

"Not a problem, Mister Cooley. I'd do pretty much anything for my sister."

"Good to hear. But, call me Mick. You're not working for me any more."

"All right, Mick. I understand the girls are planning to go shopping this afternoon."

He gave a long sigh. "Yes, so I've heard. I'm afraid my credit card's going to melt once my little girl gets hold of it. She's invited a couple friends to join them. I'd avoid the malls today, if I were you."

"Good advice," I laughed. "Uh, Mick, where should I toss my things?"

"Well, if you don't mind using the games room downstairs, there's a nice pull-out there." He led me to the stairs. "I've got a projection TV and cable if you want to watch a movie or something. I often host ball games when the Eagles are on the road. I have season's tickets for when they're in town."

The 'games room' was massive, taking up about three quarters of the basement. The rear-projection TV's screen must have been sixty inches, and there was a custom leather sectional sofa arranged in a curve around it. The middle section seemed to be the only one that didn't recline, and that had been pulled out to provide a queen-sized bed.

"Now, that would have been nice last night."

"How bad was it?"

"Well, we got the last room in the cheapest motel in Nicholson. When the clerk told me it only had a single bed, I thought he meant one bed. There was one bed -- a single. It was a bit tight and just a little awkward. Then the power died, so we had no AC."

Mick laughed. "Well, it looks like you both survived the night. I can guarantee that the accommodations here will be much superior to what you had last night. Oh, there's a fridge around the corner, near the stairs. It's located there so the light doesn't interfere with the picture when we have a movie on. There's some beer and snacks inside, help yourself."

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

"So, do you have any plans for the rest of the day?"

I shook my head. "I was thinking about just relaxing a bit. I brought a couple books with me."

"Well, I'm taking my boy shooting this afternoon, along with a couple of his friends. You're welcome to come along."

"I might just do that. Rifle, shotgun or pistol?"

"Don't know. I'll take a couple of everything and see what we want to shoot. The rifle and shotgun ranges should be clear today, as hunting season's still a way off, but you never know about the handgun ranges." He pointed a thumb back toward the stairs. "Oh, there's also a shower down here. That cost me a bit to get installed, let me tell you. The city insisted that I have a licensed plumber put in the drains, like I don't know how to do the work. Anyway, we won't be leaving until after lunch, so you may want to clean up."

"That would be great, Mick. The tub in the motel room was not exactly welcoming."

He patted me on the shoulder. "Oh, been there, my boy. I did a tour in Korea when I was about your age. I would have loved a setup like M*A*S*H. Anyway, we'll have lunch served in about thirty minutes, so you've got time for a shower now if you want."

"I think I'll do that. Be up in ten minutes."

"No need to rush."

Mick headed back to the stairs and I tossed my bag on the bed. I pulled out a clean tee shirt and a pair of boxers before heading to the shower. Although the room only had a toilet, vanity and glass-enclosed shower, it was a lot larger than the bathroom in the motel room. I pulled off my shirt as I looked in the mirror. It was obvious that I would need to shave, but I decided to leave that until Monday morning. The grad ceremony was Monday afternoon, and I would want to be clean-shaven for that.

My shorts dropped to the floor, and I again looked at the mirror. I was six-one and just under two hundred pounds. Mick was the same height as me, but a bit thinner. I did not have a chiseled six-pack, but my muscles were nicely defined, with very little excess fat. Of course, I had been working construction every summer since grade ten, when Mick Cooley offered me a job. That meant I was used to physical labour, and my physique showed it clearly. Apparently, both Alison and Christine had noticed.

I didn't realize I had not brought my clean clothes in until I stepped out of the shower. Shaking my head with a small sigh, I dried myself off, then wrapped the damp towel around my waist. Padding around the corner, I ran straight into Alison.

"Whoa!" I said, arms going around her as I skidded to a stop.

She was wearing a thin cotton blouse and a skirt only slightly longer than the one she had been wearing before. I could feel her nipples press through the cloth, and her hips pressed against mine, with predictable results. She pressed against me, rubbing her hip against my crotch to let me know she noticed my body's reaction.

"Hey. You look nice; the stubble gives you a rugged look." She smiled and reached up to kiss me. "You don't smell bad, either."

"Hey, yourself. I didn't expect you."

"Nobody expects ..."

"The Spanish Inquisition!" we said together.

Alison laughed. "Well, I'm glad Chrissy didn't come own with me. She would have insisted in having you all to herself all weekend."

"Oh, we can't have that, can we?"

"Hell, no. She only gets to fuck you if I'm watching."

"Uh, not sure that's a good idea, Al."

She kissed me again. "Andy, I'm telling you that she wants to, and I'll let her ... but only if I get to watch. And, maybe touch you a bit."

"Do you have any idea just how crazy that is, Alison?"

She pulled me a bit closer. "Yeah. Totally, completely, and utterly insane. Will you do it ... and by 'it' I mean her?"

"Won't her parents be upset?"

She winked. "They'll be out all night. And Finn's staying at a friend's place. Oh, there might be one or two others here."

"One or two others?"

"Don't know yet. Roslyn Gunn and Shelby Saunders are going shopping with us this afternoon. We'll see whether they come for the sleep-over tonight. Oh, and there's an after-grad party here on Monday night."

"When you say here, you mean at the house, or down here?"

"Both. We've got some movies we can watch, and there will be lots of snacks and things. But, tomorrow's birthday party is all outside."

"All right. I'll make sure my stuff is out of the way and the bed closed up."

Alison looked at the bed. "Hmm. Maybe you can leave it out. That would have been nice last night."

I laughed, "Yes, I had the same thought. But you'd better get upstairs so I can get dressed."

She dragged a hand across my towel. "Like I said, I don't mind watching."

"I'm sure you'd like that. But, I don't know if you'd be in any shape to go shopping it you did."

She kissed me again. "Okay, I'll let it go this time ... as long as you promise to give me one of your amazing orgasms tonight."

I smiled. "I believe I can agree to that. This time, we can even do it with the lights on."

"Damn," she whispered, "you're getting me all wet."

She grabbed my hand, sliding it under her skirt and slipping two fingers into her pussy. She still wasn't wearing panties. She pulled my sticky hand out, guiding my fingers to my mouth.

"Just a taste, dream lover. You can have a lot more tonight."

She slipped out of my arms and ran upstairs. I must have stood there for five minutes before I moved again. I glanced at the boxers and decided that I'd better go with briefs. I might need the extra support to control my cock.



Andrew was driving me crazy, and he wasn't even touching me. Or rather, because he wasn't touching me. I had wanted a nice fling before leaving the motel, but he'd said no. Then, I ran into him right after his shower, only a towel around his waist. When I felt his cock begin to stand to attention, my pussy flooded with sexy juices. He wouldn't do anything then, so I ran up to Christine's room, where I'd be sharing her big bed.

"Hey, girlie. Back already?"

"Damn, Chrissie. I just ran into Andy half-naked."

I had already told her what had happened in the motel room, and she immediately perked up.

"Yeah? What happened?"

"Nothing!" I groaned, flopping backward onto the bed. "I got all wet and stuck his fingers in me, but he told me I had to wait. He's being so fucking unfair!"

Christine's eyes grew and she crawled over to me. "Yeah? You're wet right now?"

"Soaked. And I'm not wearing panties. I'll bet it's all down my legs now."

She ran a hand up the inside of each leg, stopping just shy of my skirt. "Nope, legs are still dry. Hmm. What to do, what to do?"

"Oh, Chrissie, I just wanted him to get me off quickly. Is that too much to ask?"

"Not at all, Allie. You really look frustrated and worked up. Did you...need a hand. Or something?"

"I definitely need something, babe. What I want is his cock, but he won't do that."

She rolled away, fumbling in a drawer before rolling back. She presented an anatomically-correct dildo nearly as long as my forearm. It had thick veins protruding from the surface along its entire length, but wasn't overly thick. "Did you need a surrogate? I bet I can get you off in two minutes."

I eyed the toy waving in her hands. "Yeah? And what if you can't?"

" get to stick this in my ass." She held up her other hand, which was holding a tapered object that looked a bit like a tiny lava lamp

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"This, my dear, is a butt plug. It can drive you completely nutso when you wear it. Every time you move, it causes stimulation of the anal passage. The wide base is so it doesn't go in too far, and it's narrowed so the sphincter can relax a bit when it's in."

I was intrigued. "Do you have another?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. You'll want the smaller one, though, since it's your first time."

I spread my legs and pulled my skirt up. "Do your best, bitch. Good luck making me come in two minutes."

I had to admit it, Christine was good. I had played around with her back when I lived in Philadelphia, but I had not found someone who I could trust in Ontario who had her sense of adventure. Jennifer was my best friend in Peterborough, but that was a different kind of friendship than I had with Christine. She had evidently kept learning since I moved north.

Christine teased me with the dildo but didn't actually insert it. Then she crawled over me, straddling my head as she dropped her face to my pussy. My eyes were closed, but I felt her legs cradling my face, and I could smell the sweet arousal wafting off her. Then her tongue made contact, drawling a damp line across my pussy lips. She continued to tease me with the dildo as she spread my lips with her hot, soft tongue. When she hit my clit, my hips surged up at her. Her tongue started to lap across the sensitive nub, and she slowly pushed the dildo into my waiting cunt. I had used toys before, both dildos and vibrators, but they had all been smooth cylinders with tapered ends. The bulbous tip on this dildo was completely different from what I knew.

Although she was doing a marvelous job, I fought her off until I was sure we were past the two-minute mark. If I had been cooperating, it would have taken about thirty seconds. As the orgasm started to build, I pulled her hips toward me, burying my face in her cunt. I stuck a couple fingers inside her as I sucked on her hard clit, making her whimper against my pussy. I went to move them back, but there was already something in her ass. I put the fingers back in her pussy, pushing them in and out of her as fast as I could, rasping the tips across her G-spot. I moved my other hand to her chest, grabbing her tight little tits through her shirt. Her breasts might have been small, but they were very sensitive. I managed to get her to come just before my climax hit. We both screamed into each other's crotch as we climaxed, then she collapsed beside me.

"Damn, girl. You were cheating."

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently.

"You were holding back, Allie. I can't believe you made me come first."

I pulled her face to mine for a kiss. "Hey, you're the only girl I've ever made love to. I remember what you like. I would have fingered your ass, but that hole's already full. Do you already have a plug in?"

"Uh, huh. But it's smaller, the size I'd give you if you were to wear one." She picked up the tapered black plug. "Well, you won. Did you want the honour of changing it?"

I took the butt plug from her. There was a jewel-like blue crystal mounted in the base, which would be visible while it was being worn.

"I'm guessing you need some lube?"

She passed me a tube and rolled on her stomach, spreading her legs. "You'll need to take out the other one. Get this lubed up first, then you can slip it in before I close up."

I knelt between her legs and flipped her skirt up. The one she currently had in boasted a pink jewel. I leaned forward, gently biting her ass as I slid three fingers into her sopping cunt. She moaned under me, pressing her hips back. Sitting up, fingers still in her pussy, I spread some lube on the new plug. I slowly pulled out the one that was in her, noting that it was less than half the diameter. As soon as her ass was empty, I moved the fingers from her pussy to her asshole, reaming her good for about half a minute while she cried under me. She was almost at another climax when I slowed, removing my fingers one by one. I picked up the new plug, spreading the lube around it with the fingers that had been in her. I watched as her asshole started to close up.

"Don't wait too long," she said anxiously. "I don't know if I can take it if I'm closed."

I leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "Do you trust me, babe?" She nodded with a slight whimper. "Then just relax. Allie's going to take care of you."

She was nearly closed now; her ass only opened the thickness of my pinkie finger. I spread some lube around her anus, teasing her a bit. Then I pressed the narrow tip against her asshole. Christine had started using anal toys just before I left Philadelphia. I had been reluctant to try, and had still done no more than tease my outer ring with a finger. But, I remembered quite clearly those first few times I had penetrated her tiny ass.