Travel Delays Ch. 05

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Andy and Al prepare to return home.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/13/2018
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Note: This is the fifth and final chapter in this series, but it is not the end of the story. I will return to these characters again, in time.


I was not surprised when she slid into bed beside me, early in the morning. In fact, I was expecting her and woke almost immediately. A glance at the VCR told me it was not quite four.

"Are you awake?" she whispered.

"Nope. I'm dreaming that an irresponsible and headstrong girl has just joined me in my bed, despite the fact that her father's guns are stored in the next room. I know that no one could be that foolish."

She giggled. "Well, I've been told several times that I should think before I act. But, I just find living that way much too boring. When I want something, I prefer to just go and get it."

"And, is there something that you want right now, Chris?"

"Yes, there is. Andy, I want you."

"I'm right here."

She giggled again, taking my hand and sliding it between her legs. She was already wet. "I know. But, I want you in here. Would you please make love to me? I saw how you were with Allie. It was different than with me and Ros. Can I have that? Just once is all I need."

"That's really dangerous, Christine."


"Because if I treat you like that, we could fall in love. Are you ready for what that means?"

"If it means I get to carry your baby, yes."

That was like a slap to the face, but I was sure that she didn't even realize it. I tried not to react angrily. "Chris, think about what you just said. Last night, you took something from me without permission. You thought it was all fun and games, a neat way to get what you thought you wanted. But the way you did it was completely wrong, and you don't even understand why. If it had been the other way 'round, you would have had every right to hate me. And now, instead of coming to apologize and ask me to forgive you, you want me to give you something very personal. You want me to love you the same way I love the most important person in my life. Do you really think that you deserve that? You just said you only want what I can give you, you don't really want me. I should tell you to go to a sperm bank and take your chances."

"What do you mean?" She was totally confused by my response. "Don't you want me?"

I took her hand roughly, slapping it over my erection. Still, I kept my voice quiet. "Does my body want to fuck your brains out? Hell yeah. Do I think that you deserve me to treat you like someone I love? Fuck, no. If you want me to treat you any different than a five-dollar whore, you'll need to make me believe that you care about more than what's in my balls."

She burst into tears and turned away. As good as she was at manipulating people to get what she wanted, I could soon tell that it wasn't faked. I let her cry for almost ten minutes before rolling her over to lie against my side. It had not really registered in the dark room, but she was completely naked. Her tiny breasts pressed against my lower ribs as she cried against my chest.

"Tell me why you are crying," I said softly.

"Because you hate me. I've messed everything up."

"Why do you think I hate you, Chris?"

"Because I stole a baby from you, and I'm trying to steal the love you give Allie."

"If I hate you, why am I holding you right now?"

"Probably 'cause you want to fuck me like a cheap whore."

I shrugged. "Maybe. But, if that's all I wanted, I could have done it while you were crying. Why am I holding you instead?"

"I don't know," she whispered.

I stroked her hair, letting my fingers trail across her ear and along her jaw. "I think that you do, but you're afraid."

"You can't love me, Andy. You don't even know me, or the kind of things I do. I can't let you fall in love with me. And I can't fall in love with you; you already said you won't stay here with me."

"I can still care for you. Besides, Shelby and Al are going to be apart for most of the next four years. They accept that, and they have a lot more to be afraid of than you or me."

She looked at me, her face barely visible in the glow of the electronics. "Andrew, what do you want from me?"

"I want you to understand."

"Understand what?"

I thought about how to get it across to her. "If you didn't know us, what would you think if you saw Al and I making love, knowing that we are brother and sister?"

"I think it's kind of hot."

"That's because you know us, and you know that we love each other. Take that away. Think of some other pair of siblings that you know. They're just a couple normal people. And then, you find out that he's having sex with his sister. Now, what do you think? Is incest good, or bad?"

"Well, it's usually bad..."

"Why isn't it always bad? After all, that's what the law says; that's what society says, that incest is illegal, immoral and completely wrong."

"But, like you said, Andy, sometimes they really care for each other. Like you and Allie."

"And yet, that's rare, isn't it? When you hear of incest, what's usually going on?"

"It's usually like Link," she said bitterly, "just taking what he wants without caring what his sister feels. Sometimes, I think the only thing he loves is making her feel like dirt. I'd like to borrow Daddy's gun just once..."

"Careful, there, Chris. You're starting to care too much about one person. Think about what would happen to you if you did that. Think about what it would do to Shelby."

"Why would she mind?" Christine hissed. "He'd be gone. And, if it helps her, I don't care about me."

"Why should she mind?" I asked. "Sure, I mean, he's abused her for years, and he's a complete douche. But, he's still her brother. And if you went to jail, how would your family feel? Your father, who loves you unconditionally, despite how much of a brat you are. Your mother, who loves you enough to keep trying to teach you to be a responsible young woman, even though you throw it back in her face with every attempt. The brother who looks up to you as his big sister. What about them? And your friends ... Ros, Shelby, Al. Me. What would happen to our baby? Do you want her to grow up in a foster home?"

"I...I never thought about that," she whispered.

I lifted her chin so she was looking at me. "Christine, you are a beautiful, smart girl. You have so much potential. But you'll never achieve what you're capable of if you only care about your own pleasure. Or, if you don't consider the consequences of your actions. You know who only thinks of himself? Link. He's the kind of person who would take something without asking, just because he wanted it. And, if you complained, he'd try to convince you it was your own fault. Consider that, and how you treated me last night by tearing that condom."

"You feel like I raped you?" she asked, astonished.

"I don't know that I'd go that far, but you did abuse our friendship. I might have agreed if you asked, but you didn't give me the chance. You didn't trust me enough to offer what you wanted. You didn't consider my rights or my feelings."

"I'm sorry, Andrew," she said softly. I could feel her tears on my chest again. "I was wrong. Can you forgive me?"

"If you tell me why you think you were wrong."

"Because I tricked you. You're right, I didn't consider how you might feel. I never thought you might be upset about me getting pregnant. Most guys don't seem to care if they knock a girl up. I didn't think it would matter to you, so I didn't give you a choice. And now, I have no right to ask you to make love to me."

"Well, you don't have the right to expect it of me. If we were a couple you might, but even, then there has to be consent. We're just friends right now, but you can still offer me anything you want. If there is something that you would like from me, you need to tell me what it is."

"Damn," she said softly.

"What's wrong?"

"I think it's too late for me." She lifted her head, bringing her lips close to mine. "I would really like it if you were to kiss me, Andy."

I bent my head down to make contact, gently touching my lips to hers. Her hand came up to brush my hair, fingers running between the strands. I could just make out her expression in the low light. Her eyes had a different look than before. Gone was the playful, slightly predatory look she had always given me. But, this look was just as intense.

"Why's it too late for you?"

"Because, I think I might have fallen in love with you," she said with a smile. "If you want me, Andy, you can have me. Any way you want, any hole. I've realized that I just want you to be happy."

"What if I want to use a condom?"

She shrugged. "That's your choice. But, I'd prefer you make love to me without any protection whatsoever. I'd love to feel you dumping your cum deep in my pussy. I would really like you to make me the mother of your child. It would make me feel wonderful if you chose to do that."

I smiled. "Slide on top of me."

She did as I asked, her legs straddling my hips. As she lay her head on my shoulder, her breasts were pressed against my chest, small enough that I could barely feel them. I had to chuckle as she sighed contentedly.

"Chris, I would really enjoy making love to you. But, if we do this, it won't be the hyper-orgasmic experience like before. If I'm making love to you, it will be much different."

"You mean it?" Her eyes lit up. "Really?"

"I think so. But, it will probably end up being too late for both of us by the time we're done." I paused. "You should know that I'm not going to stop being with Al. We won't be like this weekend, but we'll still spend time together."

"I don't care; I love her too. And, I won't mind loving her too, as long as Shelby is okay with it."

"Well, I can't answer for them." I lifted her slightly, allowing my cock to slip between her legs. "Are you ready to make love to me without a condom?"

She bit her bottom lip and nodded.

"Then give me a kiss and tell me you love me."

She giggled and bent down for a kiss. "Damn, but I do love you, Andrew. Could you please show me how to love?"

"Hell, yeah," I whispered.

I slid my cock along her slit a few times, and she soon found that she was getting some pleasurable sensation from the friction. Christine began to rub herself against my shaft, almost coming to an orgasm before I stopped her.

"No rush, baby. You have lots of time. I don't want you chasing after orgasms with me. I promise I'll take care of you." With a hitch of my hips, I pulled my cock back just far enough to place the tip at her entrance. "Ready?"

"Am I ever. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

I slowly slid my cock into her. Her face lit up with pleasure, her head reaching back and mouth opening to gasp for air. Her small breasts lifted from my chest and I moved my hands up to cup them. I loved my sister's breasts, but these were so petite and perfect, I could not say which I preferred. When my hands contacted her nipples, her body shook with an orgasm.

"Wow. I hadn't intended you to come so soon. Your breasts must be very sensitive."

"Yeah," she panted. "Almost as much as my clit. Allie can make me come just with kisses and fondling my tits."

"I'll have to keep that in mind for the next time."

"Next time?" She sounded excited by the prospect.

"Absolutely. Do you think that I'm going to let myself fall in love with you and then never see you again? I want you to come up with Shelby."

"You want to spend the summer with me?"

"No, Christine. I think I might want to spend a lot longer than that with you."

She started to move her hips, massaging my cock with her pussy. "Do you mind if I try a few things now? I seem to have found my motivation."

"Kiss me first."

Christine's kiss was pure passion. Her hips never stopped moving, and I could feel my climax starting to build. After a couple minutes, she lifted her head, allowing us both to catch our breath.

"Chris, are you sure you're at your fertile time?"

"Yep. I can show you exactly when my last five cycles were and I'm certain to be in the most receptive range."

That knowledge, and knowing that she really wanted me to make her pregnant, seemed to magnify the pressure in my groin. I started to push my hips up, stroking my cock into her.

"In that case, you'd better get ready to be a mother. Because, if I have anything to do with it, you'll be pregnant today."

"Oh, yes, baby. Please give me your child."

We started to pick up the pace, and she sat up to ride me. The blankets fell off her, and I gazed up at her dusky skin, now coated with a light sheen of sweat. My hands slid up her sides, and she moved back and forth like a dancing cobra. Just as I was feeling my balls come to a boil, I grabbed her around the ribs, thumbs running across her tits as I pulled her down to me. We came together, my hips going up and hers coming down as one. Our teeth clashed as we made contact, but I barely noticed. She gave no indication that she had, either. Her body shook above me as my balls unloaded into her fertile womb. We both screamed our orgasms into each other's mouth, and I felt the vibrations of her cry deep in my chest. Our violent contact became a gentle kiss, both of our mouths moving into smiles.

"Damn, Andy. I could really get used to that."

I chuckled. "It was a bit more than I expected. I intended a gentle, soft lovemaking session."

"Roll me over and you can do that," she suggested.

I rolled to my side, turning her to face away and then pulling her back to spoon with me. My cock slipped easily between her legs and she helped me enter her again. I put a hand around her waist and kissed her neck.

"This will take a bit longer."

"Mmm," she moaned. "That's good. I'd like to be held by you for a while."

We both went silent. I felt her lithe, soft form pressed against my belly. She was so unlike my sister, but still fit so well. It might have been half an hour before I started to get close again. She hadn't climaxed since we'd changed positions, but she wasn't complaining at all.

"Would you like me to help you come?" I asked softly.

She shook her head. "Not this time. I just want to feel your orgasm completely."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah I never focused on you coming; it was always about me before. This is nice, just keep it up."

I kissed her neck again, bring out another moan. I gripped her hip a little tighter, and picked up my pace just a bit. I didn't need much more stimulation, and climaxed only a half-dozen strokes later.

"Oh, that feels so nice," she sighed. "I never realized how wonderful it is to feel someone else's pleasure."

I laughed softly. "With that in mind..."

I slipped a hand between her legs, quickly finding her clit. At the same time, I leaned over her, taking her entire breast into my mouth. Half a minute later, she was shaking violently under me. She had stuck her fist in her mouth to block her screams, then seemed to lose all muscle tone when the orgasm ended.

"I love it when a girl I'm touching comes like that" I whispered, stroking her hair. "We'll be able to practice more when you come to visit. You are coming, right?"

"Oh, yeah. I'll be coming all right. As many times as I can. And, your hands seem to be very good at making me come." She turned her head. "Kiss me before I go back upstairs?"

I slipped out of her and let her turn face-up. I leaned over her, gently kissing her lips. "Up north, you won't have to run back to your own bed."

"Your parents won't mind?"

"Nope. They won't even know. I've decided that Al and I are ready to get our own apartment. Two bedrooms, with two big beds."

"They better be real big."

"Oh, don't worry. They will be." I kissed her again. "Now, get upstairs before your parents get suspicious."

She slipped out of bed, pulling on a robe I hadn't noticed. She leaned in for another kiss. "Thank you, Andrew."

"For the awesome sex? You're most welcome."

"No. For the love. I found what I was looking for, and didn't even know I was looking." She winked. "But, the sex was awesome."

Then she darted from the room. I collapsed back to the bed, smiling widely. That had been completely unexpected, but I was not about to complain.

"You were right," Alison said softly, surprising me.

"What? You're awake?"

She laughed quietly. "After that little performance, I'm surprised her parents didn't come down to check on us."

"Oh. Sorry."

"Don't be."

"Umm, what was I right about?"

"I really should have let you date Chris before. It would have made a lot of things easier. And, we probably wouldn't have crossed a couple lines."

I turned to kiss her. "I don't regret crossing any lines with you, Al."

She stroked my cheek. "Yeah, ditto, big bro. Love you."

I pulled her into my arms. "Ditto, squared."

We could have started something, but I got the feeling that Alison really just wanted to be held. To tell the truth, that seemed to be a good idea to me, as well. It only took a few minutes for me to fall back to sleep.



I woke with both Shelby and Andrew cuddling me again. It was something I was more than willing to get used to. And, of course, I had heard what Andrew had told Christine -- he was going to get an apartment for us. I still had another year of high school, but already planned to apply to Trent. I wasn't sure of my major yet, but I was confident that I would be accepted to whatever I selected. That meant that I would be staying in Peterborough for at least four years of post-secondary. I would have to ask Andrew to find something close to the university. As long as our parents didn't object, I could move in with him immediately. If they did, I'd wait until the next spring. But I'd still be able to visit with him regularly.

We eventually got up, with Shelby and I sharing a quiet shower while Andrew dressed. Afterward, we went upstairs to see the others. Christine's parents had already left for work, and Finn wasn't back yet, so it was just the brat pack and Andrew. I noticed that Christine was getting a bit of ribbing from Roslyn as she sat on his lap.

"Darling, if you don't let him go, he'll never be able to finish his breakfast."

"That just means he has to stay here a bit longer," she replied with a smile. "I really don't see a downside."

Roslyn shook her head. "Girl, how much did you drink last night? You sound like you're still wasted."

"I only had one drink, and I'm completely sober."

"Really? Coulda fooled me."

I had to laugh. "Ros, she's just realized that she's fallen head over heels for Andy."

"Yeah, right. Chrissie's not falling in love with anyone. She's too independent for that. Plus, there's no way she'll give up having multiple partners."

Christine kissed Andrew before feeding him a forkful of eggs. "No, Allie's right. Andy managed to capture my heart. But don't worry, Ros. I'll still have plenty of time to play with you. Oh, except that I'll probably be going north to visit them when Shelby does. You could come with."

Roslyn didn't seem too happy about that, but quickly hid the frown with a smile. "I have to work, Chrissie. But thanks for the invite."

"I wonder if Dad will let me borrow the car for the trip."

"What's that, Chris?" her father asked, entering the kitchen.

"Dad!" she shouted, trying to get off Andrew's lap quickly without falling down. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, this is my house, I believe." He watched his daughter extricate herself from Andrew's chair as he walked past the table, a smile on his face. "I just forgot my lunch in the fridge. So, anything new?"

"Um, no, Daddy."

"You said something about borrowing the car? Where are you going?"

"Um, well ..." she trailed off, not sure she wanted to answer.

"Simple question, Chris. Where to?"

"Where to? Um, Allie and Andrew asked if I wanted to come up when Shelby goes to visit. She'll be gone half the summer. Ros has to work, so she can't go with us."