Travelling Man


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"What do you mean, 'when they will be back'?" I asked the question because I was quite concerned that I had forgotten something important. I hadn't been asked if I would look after Julia, so I had no idea they had left.

"Come on, all of you. You lie on your pillow and I'll lie on this one." She had stretched out straight on the bed and now, the sun was shining on her from the window and for the first time I could see the hint of reddish hair through her nylon underwear. "Come on, lie here Ted," she patted the bed beside her.

I gave in and stretched out beside her on the bed, but not close enough to touch her. She just lay there with her arms close beside her, just as I was, probably mimicking my pose.

"Now, Julia, tell me where you parents are, right now!" As usual she evaded the question,

"Did you think I wanted you to fuck me when I got up here?" She was looking towards the ceiling as she spoke; she has that big, broad grin on her face when she teases me. She liked surprising me and this was another surprising question for which I had no immediate response. I was truly out of my depth with Julia.

"I don't know what to think about you. You are a very precocious girl, and I don't like you tempting me with your young body. All I want to know if where your parents are today." Surely, that would provoke a simple answer from her.

"They have gone to an Agricultural Show, where they sell cattle and tractors, near Penistone. They won't be home until tomorrow." She rolled slightly closer to me and in a sexy whispery voice she said, "That means we can sleep together tonight. Do you want to do that, Ted?" My mouth went dry and I couldn't get my tongue to work, I was dumbstruck at this latest revelation. I changed the subject.

"What are we supposed to do tonight? For meals, I mean?" I asked as if I had missed a important message. She looked at me and said,

"I will cook tonight. I know how to do that too. I have been doing it for a long time now. I promise I won't poison you. Besides, I want to sleep with you tonight. I already told you that."

"That's not happening, you are too young for me, and you must know that, don't you?" I admonished her. I had no experience in dealing with teenagers and I felt vulnerable to her sexual suggestions.

"Ted, how about you take your undies off and I'll take mine off too?" Julia smiled as she spoke.

"No, that's not happening either, so forget it." She was so persistent it was frightening. She didn't see why I was so reluctant about her offers; she seemed not to notice my rebuttals.

"Your dick wants to get out, look at it. It has been hard since you got on the bed. Look at it, Ted?"

"I know it is, but it will go away soon, when nothing happens. If we do nothing it will disappear just as quickly as it appeared." I tried to convince her, but I hadn't convinced myself. This girl was a real cock-teaser; there is no doubt of that. I wondered where she learnt all this adult behaviour.

"Where did you learn all about men and sex and all this stuff?" I asked her.

"I live on an animal farm; you see it all the time. I ask mum and she tells me what is happening. Mum is good at explaining things, sometimes she shows me things. I know lots of stuff by listening and watching her." Julia explained how she knew, but I was surprised at what she meant when she said her mother 'showed her things'. What did she mean and how did it happen? Dare I ask her about it? I changed the subject,

"What are you cooking for dinner tonight, Julia?" She looked at me and frowned. I suppose she also noticed the sudden change of topic.

"I won't tell you unless you take your undies off. Go on, be a devil. It won't hurt you. I've seen your cock, so it won't be a surprise." There was a pause as she looked at me then asked,

"Do you want me to take them off for you?" She sat up on the bed and reached for the waist band and started to pull them down. I offered some resistance, I tried to unclasp her hands from my shorts, but she hung on tight, to her it was a game. "Oh Ted, don't be such a tease, you know you want me to pull them down. I know you do; I can see it in your eyes."

"No I don't. It isn't right; you know that it is wrong. I told you, you are too young for me." I tried to enforce my opposition.

Julia was good at sexy whispering, this time in my ear. I could feel her warm breath on my cheek.

"How about you don't take them off, just pull them down so I can suck your dick — like I did last time. Is that a good idea?" I could see I wasn't going to win, but I didn't feel comfortable giving in to her, but what choices did I have? She would only go on about it until I relented.

"All right then! I give up! Just part way down, OK?"

Julia nodded and smiled. She started to pull at the waist band and I instinctively raised my buttocks, my underpants were off and over my feet in a flash. I guessed she had done that before, probably with her dad if what she said earlier is to be believed. Julia's eyes were sparkling now and my unrestrained cock, started to harden again.

"See, it didn't hurt you, did it? Look at your wonderful cock. Now, I'll take mine off so I won't be the odd one out." With a swift slide of her hands and a quick lift of her behind she was completely naked. I have to admit she did look lovely, a picture of a beautiful young woman. Now I could see her pubic hair, a deep reddish colour just surrounding her puffy mounds. She truly was a red-head, so I told her so.

"You've done that before, haven't you? The way you slipped my pants down was well-practised, wasn't it? I saw how quickly you took yours off too."

"Maybe I have. But it isn't rocket science, is it? They just slide up and down, not very technical are they?" She was doing it again. Trying to make light of what I think is a serious subject, she couldn't see it was wrong.

"Julia, you are a beautiful young woman. You have a beautifully-shaped body, and soon you will be the envy of other girls your age. I am finding it hard not to touch you, to caress your whole body and to touch those lovely red hairs you have down there." I was almost breathless at the vision of her young beauty. She seemed to realise I admired her in the best possible way. She rolled on her side to face me and said,

"Ted, thank you, you are a very kind man. No-one has ever told me that before, although my dad made some remarks one day, but not really nice, not like you just did. Thank you." After the second 'thank you' she kissed me on the cheek. I found myself reaching my arm around her and pulling her close, so close her lower body was pressed against my rigid cock when she placed her leg over my body. I kissed her on the lips and she whispered, "You have made me go all wet inside. You know where I mean, don't you?"

"I do indeed," I said and I smiled at her.

"Oh Ted, look at your cock, it needs me to release all that hardness. Can I suck you off, please Ted?" I had passed the point of no return, and answered her almost silently,

"Yes, please do it. You do it so well." She didn't need a second invitation, she had moved her body so she was now parallel to mine with her feet and vagina close to my head and arms; my hands were within easy reach of her pussy.

As she worked away on me I took the opportunity to feel her wetness and rub my finger along the pink vaginal slit with the curly, red hair adornment. I felt the young hairs as I moved my fingers along her young womanhood, my index finger moved along the full length from her clit to her love opening, but I did not intrude. She stopped bobbing her head long enough to whisper,

"You can put your fingers in, I'd like that." When I did I could feel her womanly wetness and her tight entry. I had forgotten the heat of the day, until I became aware of the whirring sound of the fan now blowing warm air over our naked bodies.

I felt Julia taking me to a height of enjoyment I have not experienced in a long time. Then the explosion as she took me to my peak. I felt the jerks as my cock forced out the pent up juices that exploded into her mouth. I lay motionless as the pulsing in my penis eased and Julia sat up and asked me,

"Was that good? Did you enjoy that one?" She obviously knew how I reacted; she was close to the action. I told her it was the best I have had and she is truly an expert at blow jobs. She came up to me, reached over me to the cold drink near the bed; the ice had melted now, and poured a glassful which she drank. "That was to wash your lovely cum down my throat. I hoped you liked what I did for you." I had to say that I did, but more questions popped into my head.

"Julia, how did you get to be so good at this sex stuff? You're so young." Julia smiled,

"My mother taught me." Now, I had opened a can of worms. How could her mother teach her so expertly? She did say she had watched some instructions given by her mother, so I asked the next question.

"How did your mother teach you, Julia? I am intrigued. Is there a story you can tell me about your teaching?" Julia sat back on the bed and took my hand to her crotch and directed my fingers into her wet place.

It was some time before she spoke, but I sensed she was trying to find a way to tell me without giving away family secrets, perhaps the secrets Kath suspected were there.

"If I tell you, will you promise not to tell anyone about it? And I mean anyone! Mum said most people would think it is awful, but I will tell you about it, but you must promise not to tell anyone ... anyone at all, because if mum ever found out we would both be in terrible trouble." Her face took on a stern expression which I took to emphasise her serious request, so I gave her a guarantee that I would never speak of it to anyone ... ever. She seemed satisfied.

"I told you about Trudi, that's Sandra's sister, the person I watched jerking off her boyfriend. She told me that boys liked it, so I asked mum how to do it. At first she didn't think I should know, but after talking to daddy about it, he said I should learn things when I ask. After all, I was told about animal sex after watching a couple of our goats going at it, so he suggested that I learn from my mother and not the girls at school, or Trudi."

"So what happened after that? How did it get started?" I was so curious now, nothing else mattered. My finger was still rubbing her pussy and teasing her clit. When I stopped moving it she moved my hand wanting me to continue. I found it hard to believe she was only nineteen, yet so worldly wise when it came to matters of sexual relationships. Julia started her story,

"It started on a Sunday morning when I climbed into bed and snuggled in between mum and dad. I asked mum what a 'blow job' was and what it did. She started to explain how to do it by rubbing one of her fingers up and down with her other hand. I asked what she did it for and she couldn't explain it. She thought I had seen enough watching the animals, but dad said there was a lot more to it and I should be told." She paused for breath before continuing, but I interjected, probably because of my impatience to know if that was the secret.

"So, how were you told about it and by whom? It seems your dad had firm ideas about giving you correct information. Is that true?

"Yes he did. He said I knew the truth about the animals, so I should learn the truth about humans too. Now, this is the part you can't talk about. Promise? Cross your heart?"

I made a gesture of crossing my heart and reaffirmed my promise. It seemed I may have more to learn her from what she had already told me, but I would be patient and wait. She smiled and continued,

"Dad said the best way to learn was to watch, so he asked mum to suck his cock so I could see how to do it. He slipped his pyjamas pants off and lay there. He didn't have a hard-on then, but it didn't take mum long to get him hard. I watched carefully and when mum had him hard she asked me if I wanted to try and copy what she did. Of course I did. Why wouldn't I? It was when I told you about seeing my dad's dick when I first met you. I don't know what you thought back then, but I sometimes think about my dad's dick, which was a lot different from Kevin Arnold's at school. I asked to see yours because I was curious to see what yours was like. Sometime after seeing Kevin's I discovered what 'circumcised' meant and how it was done, but it only increased my curiosity to see who was circumcised, so that was why I wanted to see yours."

"Did you go all the way with dad to make him cum?" I asked to find out how complete her teaching was. My curiosity had been triggered when Kath told me she felt there were strange things going on.

"Of course I was allowed to finish the job, under mum's instruction. She told me not to swallow, but to see how much cum he shot out. It seemed like he wasn't going to stop, so I asked mum about it and she told me dad had more cum than most men or boys she knew. But you weren't the only other person whose dick I asked to see. Did you know I asked Hugh, my step-brother? I suppose you wouldn't know that because you don't know him, do you?" I nodded knowingly with a half-smile on my face.

"Yes, your dad introduced him to me at your party. Kath told me you asked Hugh, but she told me he said 'no' to you." Julia laughed out loud and shook her head,

"No, he didn't. He didn't say 'no'. He wanted to me to do it. He was ready for it. I used him as an experiment to see if I did it right." Julia paused for a short while, she was thinking, "Why did Kath tell you that? How did she know I asked him? Did she tell you that?" I said she did tell me.

"Julia, she told me that Hugh told her you asked him and he told Kath he didn't do it. That seems to suggest to me he had a conscience and thought he could appease himself by telling his wife half a story. I can tell you men do that sometimes to appear to be honest with their partners."

"Do they? Why? I wonder what else he told her. I told him to keep it a secret. You can't trust brothers, I think." After a short pause to catch her breath, "And step-brothers too," she added.

"OK, let's forget about Hugh for a while and I'll tell you what she told me after that, if you want to know." She nodded and urged me to continue. "She said she thought there was something strange going on at your place and she thought there were some secrets. I guess she was right on that score, how many people know what you did to your daddy, and how many knew your mum started you off? Some time ago you told me your mother didn't know you and your dad still did it on the sly. Is that true?" She frowned and gave me a girlish pout as if she had been caught out in a lie.

"No, mum thinks the only time we did it was when she was there showing me how to do it. When dad and I were rounding up cattle with the tractor some days later, he told me I do it better than mum and he wanted me to do it more often, but not to let mum know, because he said she doesn't need to know everything. We were in the back paddock, rounding up stray cattle. We got off the tractor and dad asked me, 'Would you like to get more practice at blow jobs?' I said I would, but mum would know if we did it at home. He said, 'We could do it here, no-one would know and the cows won't tell.' So, I did my third 'blow job' and dad was very pleased because he said I made him cum more than mum, because he said she slows down as she goes along. I bet you never thought of that happening, did you, Ted?"

"No, I did not! I am totally shocked. I am truly lost for words. You have really shocked me, Julia." My surprise was obvious as I answered her, but not before I wondered if there were other things she did secretly. "So, what else does Julia get up to behind her parents' backs?" I suppose there are more things; you look like a clever girl when it comes to keeping secrets. Do you do more than blow jobs?"

Julia looked at me and her face changed to looking concerned at my interest. At this point I wasn't sure if she were telling the truth, or just trying to get my attention to prove she was 'growing up'.

"What are you trying to ask me, Ted? Do you want to know if dad fucked me? Is that it? I can tell you I have never had a cock inside my pussy, I have felt his knob slip between its lips, but not go in the hole. It was dad who did it to me the first time. It happened later that week, near the creek, not far from the dam. He wanted a blowjob and before we did that he asked if I wanted to feel what a hard cock felt like touching my pussy. I let him do it and I liked it. I was hoping when I slept with you tonight you would rub the tip of your cock in me the same way as dad did. I don't want you to fuck me, that would be wrong and it would probably hurt me, but we can play around going close, can't we? Dad said that by rubbing his cock-tip on my pussy lips that it helped him reach a quicker climax and a bigger squirt of cum. Is that true, Ted?" I didn't know, so I just shrugged my shoulders.

The sun was starting to lose its heat as it sunk in the west, but the air inside the room was starting to feel oppressive. I was still idly rubbing my fingers in her pussy slit while listening to her story, when Julia spoke, "How about I get dinner ready, while you have a shower? A shower would be nice for us. Ted, before we go would you lick my pussy, I'd like that and I guess it isn't something you get to do very often. How about it, Ted? For a favour to little Julia, your new best friend?"

"I don't know, we might end up doing more than that. Who knows where it may end?"

"I do. No fucking! I told you that!" Her response was forthright. As she spoke she came closer to me and put her leg over my chest and soon I was looking at the sweetest pink pussy I have ever seen and the cutest rosebud arsehole that really needed to be licked. It took another hour or more before we got to the bathroom for a shower. Her tongue not only tingled on my balls, but her rimming was the best by far; most of my girlfriends didn't like doing it. Our play went on and my tongue was firmly pressed into her vagina opening which made her shake with enjoyment. I couldn't let the day end without me rimming her pink puckered hole. She made me cum again before we left the bedroom. I had resolved to let her stay the night in my bed.

The bathroom was the one room in this old house that had been refurbished by Clive and Clare. When I first met them, Clare made a point of showing me the new bathroom, saying 'it really needed to be fixed up. It was old and stained. You never can know who used it before we came here.'

Julia and I reached the bathroom and I started to run the hot water in the shower. Julia had a pee in the toilet while she waited. She seemed completely unabashed and asked me if I was going to pee in the shower. I stepped into the small area of the shower and was about to close the screen door when Julia pushed her way in with me.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"I'm having a shower with you, what does it look like?" she answered quite clearly "Haven't you showered with a girl before, Ted? It saves water." I nodded and pulled her close to me under the running water, and whispered,

"Yes, but none as beautiful as you." She hugged me as tight as she could and the showering commenced. I told her I needed a pee and she wanted to watch me doing it. I didn't mind, after all, she would have seen the animals doing it. She insisted on soaping my dick and wanted me to soap her pussy. To allow me to do it, she stood on her tip-toes, opened her legs wide and supported herself by clasping her hands behind my neck. What a lovely little pussy she has too, very firm and tidy. I enjoyed touching it as I washed her while she was standing with her legs parted for me.

She prepared the steaks and vegetables to perfection; I helped with the gravy and the garnish. We sat down to eat our meal quite late, just as the summer sun disappeared behind the low hills in central New South Wales.