Treasure Ch. 81-85


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Michael was staring down at the papers in awe. Packs normally didn't give up land if they weren't forced to, and no one wanted to share a boundary with another Pack. To give them this meant more than any piece of treaty paper. Margaret jumped forward, hugging Rori then Chase before Michael did. "Thank you," she said.

"Thank you, Auntie," she said as they both cried.

"Now, it's time for us to return to our new homes. Take the rest of today to settle in, because tomorrow will be all about preparing to host the many guests who are coming as we relaunch the Arrowhead Pack on our ancestral lands."

Two days later, over a hundred werewolves from across America and Europe arrived on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend for the festivities. The new Pack was strained to the limit, all of their rooms in use and the Oxbow Lake Pack volunteering to host the overflow. Rori did the best she could in her condition, but Donna and Colletta were there to help her with everything. Both were staying in the guest rooms, along with her grandfather Charles, Alpha Martin, and Council Chair Coffey. Coral was hosting her brothers, Alpha Carson, and Alphas Sawyer and Ashley, along with the remaining Council members. The vehicles were kept busy picking people up from the airport, while the jet skis and boats got a workout on the big lake.

Dinner that night was a formal black-tie dinner and reception in their new Pack House. "I look like a blimp," Rori complained as she stepped into the silk maternity gown. "I should just take the drapes down, put in a few pins and call it good."

"You look lovely, my dear," Chase said as he came over in his black tuxedo. He put a white gold necklace around her neck, a diamond-studded set of brushes on an onyx palette was his Valentine's Day gift to her.

Chairman Coffey pulled them aside before they walked up to the party. "This is all for you," he said as he handed him an envelope. "It took half a year, but we finally unraveled all the hidden accounts and money trails. Alpha Sawyer helped as well, finding the Council IT supervisor was Craig's mole broke it open. The money that belongs to his Pack has been returned, the rest belongs to you and the women who were abused and enslaved. If they have moved on, we've given them their share."

"How much is here," Chase said as he looked through the papers."

"Eight point seven million, roughly. Use it well, Alphas." Chase left it on the table as they walked out of the house.

They didn't stay long as the dinner turned into dancing and socializing, and he brought her back home and put her to bed. "I love you," he said as she tried to get comfortable around her belly.

"I love you too, baby." He wrapped his arms around her from behind and they went to sleep.

She woke up at four, feeling the liquid between her legs. At first she thought she had peed the bed, but the smell was off. "Chase, wake up," she said.

"What?" He smelled it too, and sat up quickly. "Your water broke."

"Yep. Help me into the shower." He did, sending mental messages to Keith and his staff. By the time she was cleaned up and changed, the first contraction hit. "Grab my bag," she said.

"Keith is bringing the car, Colletta and Donna will be coming with Roadkill in a different car," he said. "Doc is ready, and Alpha Michael has been informed we are coming."

"Great timing, eh, babe?" The babies decided to come early, during the busiest weekend of the year, but that was life.

Beta Ron took over at the Pack, making sure the celebrations continued while Rori suffered through fourteen hours of labor. Chase rubbed her back and encouraged her through the hard labor, while her Moms did all they could to make it easier. Their son was born just before six at night, followed ten minutes later by their daughter. Rori may have wondered if she would be a good mother, but as soon as they were laid on her chest, she overflowed with love for them. They had a little bonding time alone while the Moms went out and told everyone the news. The next morning, after Rori had a chance to rest, they started seeing visitors.

"Have you decided on names," Margaret said as she held the little girl in her arms.

"Her name is Cheryl Joanna, after the woman who saved my life and my mother," she said. "His is Mark Charles, after my adoptive father and my grandfather."

"Beautiful," Donna said as she rocked a sleeping Mark.

Rori relaxed back into the bed, holding Chase's hand as she thought back to how much her life had changed in the past year. She was truly happy and greatly loved.

Ch. 85

The sound of the motorcycles carried on the light breeze as it announced the return of the Steel Ladies. Chase looked up from the hanging papasan chain on their wide deck overlooking the lake, both of his children leaned against his chest in just their diapers. He watched as little Cheryl looked around before starting to cry, her red hair matted with sweat from their time outside. Mark was on his right arm, his hair was also red, and he was fussing in the warm day of mid-August. They were two months old, and he and Rori had been extremely busy parents. Without the help of their mothers, they would still be getting little sleep.

Keith came out from inside, bringing a fussing baby girl named Hope after changing her. She had been born on July 5th, five weeks later than the twins, and was slightly larger with chubby cheeks. "At least the babies got a good nap in after their noon feeding. Think the girls had fun?"

"I know they did," he said. "Coral told me I need to prospect the Club just so she can become a Steel Lady."

"I got a heads up from the gate guard, they'll be here in a few minutes," Colletta said as she came outside. "I bet Rori's about to burst." It was true, she wasn't a big woman to begin with, and feeding twins had the milk coming in. She took Cheryl from Chase so he could get up, then they all walked to the stairs to wait for their mates.

While they were still in Florida after the wedding, Rori and Chase had made plans for a Steel Brotherhood rally at their property so they could see everyone again. The date was set for the week after the Sturgis rally, allowing everyone to relax and have a more family-friendly time after the time in South Dakota. None of the Arrowhead Pack had made it to the rally. Even Roadkill, a veteran of a dozen Sturgis rides, was too busy to join the rest of the Club.

This event had a good turnout, though, as it was Club-only and family oriented. All of the Club officers from all of the Chapters that Rori had stayed with had come. Add in patched members, prospects, old ladies and families, and they had about a hundred and fifty bikers and a couple dozen children here this week. Some had ridden in, some flew, and some drove. In addition to those staying in the houses, they had a small RV park with hookups, and large area for camping away from everyone else. The Arrowhead Pack did all they could to make this a fun week for them while hiding their wolf nature.

The remainder of the home construction had been completed by the end of July, and the mated couples had moved into smaller cabins down the lakeshore from the big house on the point. The single women had moved into two of the houses, leaving two strictly as guest houses for now. The Pack had grown rapidly after their Memorial Day weekend move-in, accepting twenty-six new members, losing three to matings, and bringing their Pack to a respectable fifty members. Many of the new members were mated, and now their Pack was much more balanced. Accountants, lawyers, teachers, construction workers, mechanics- all were now represented with the Pack.

The busiest man this week was probably Roadkill. As Beta of the garage and all things internal combustion, he and his staff of four had to keep all the gear up and running. Motorcycles, ATV's, boats, jet skis, cars, trucks- they had it all. The Pack had brought in a member who was an experienced mechanic, and three of the female Omegas were training under them and helping with the basic maintenance, fueling and checkout. Everyone was having a great time, and they were up late at nights getting everything ready for the next day.

Beta Ron was almost as busy, with his housekeeping and kitchen staffs kept hopping by the needs of all the guests. They did breakfast buffet style at the Pack House, but they stuck to outdoor cooking for the lunches and dinners, weather permitting. Ron had built a long barbecue pit down by the beach, and they had a pavilion with refrigerators, sinks and prep tables next to the covered picnic area. The Oxbow Lake pack was pitching in, sending over extra help for the big barbecues.

Aces and Bunny even drove up in the toy hauler RV they had kept for Rori since they were attacked near Salt Lake City. Rori now had her custom-painted Harley back, and they were leaving the Winnebago with them and riding back home on his motorcycle.

The motorcycles started to break up in formation as they approached the houses, and a minute later Rori, Coral and Donna were pulling up to their house. Donna had bought a 883 Sportster Super Low when they moved into their house, and was enjoying the freedom of riding her own bike instead of being behind Roadkill all the time. They took off their helmets and shook out their hair. Both men were looking at their mates with wolves forward and lustful thoughts, as they looked really good in their jean shorts and halter tops. Motherhood and breastfeeding had filled their tops out nicely, their wolves agreed.

"Did you bring me a slice of pie," Chase asked with begging eyes as she moved into his arms and kissed him deeply. The Ladies had gone to lunch at Betty's Pies after lunch for secret women's business.

"Check my saddlebags," Rori said with a grin. "How are my babies?"

"They want some momma milk," he said. She went and sat in the papasan chair while he ran for her bike. Rori untied her halter and exposed her breasts as the twins were placed in her arms.

"They were hungry," she said as the two started to feed. Coral sat in a chair next to her and pulled her shirt and maternity bra to the side, giving Hope what she wanted. Fifteen minutes later, the babies were fed, burped and changed, and they brought them inside where Grandma was waiting. As their eyes started to close, they were placed next to each other in the portable crib they kept downstairs. The babies were together a lot with the Grandmas, and were soon sleeping together.

"Mom said she would watch them for a couple hours so we can spend some time at the beach." There was a sandy stretch near the campgrounds that had become central to the lake fun. They had volleyball courts, lounge chairs, the dock had all the jet skis and a boat for water skiing, and a good swim area. The beaches near the Point and below their houses had more rocks, and the swimming wasn't as good.

"I guess we should get our suits, then," Coral said as she led Keith away. "We'll be back for you in ten minutes."

"Thirty," Keith said as he grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder, smacking her firm ass for good measure. "You've been away from me too long, and the baby isn't the only one who wants to play with those," he said as he ran off for their house.

Rori laughed at her sister-in-law then her eyes got wide as she looked at her own mate. "Chase..." Rori was backing up as Chase started to stalk her.

"Don't run from me, love, my wolf will always catch you. Easy way or hard way, but either way, you're showering with me." Chase had been making up for lost time since the Doc gave him the go-ahead to resume their 'mated activities' as he had put it. Rori had almost lost all her baby weight now, and her wolf was all for being with her mate.

"Fine, but don't wake the babies," she said.

"I'm not going to be the one screaming out my name," he said as he herded her towards the stairway. He took her hand and led her to the second floor and their master suite.

Colletta grinned at their antics as they moved away. "Charles is going to be here soon," she said. "He'll keep me and the babies company, so take your time." Rori's grandfather had been spending a lot of time at Arrowhead over the summer, much of it with Chase's Mom. It was helping her get over the loss of her mate, and for that they were all thankful. Their wolves had claimed each other as second chance mates, but her human side wasn't ready for that yet.

As soon as the door to the master suite was closed, their clothes were flying off and they practically ran into the shower. The house had tankless water heaters, so the shower was hot in seconds. They devoured each other in a kiss as the water crashed down over them, washing away the dust and the sweat of the day thus far. Rori reached down, her hand moving over his shaft as it reached full hardness. She jumped up into his arms, and he lifter her petite body up as she wrapped her legs around him. She put him at her entrance, then sank down slowly onto him. "I've been thinking about this all afternoon," she said as she bottomed out. She had her hands around his neck, and he lifted her up until she was almost off again before he let her go. Fully lubricated now, she slid down fast with a loud moan. "Fuck me, baby, fuck me hard and fast," she begged as she started squeezing him.

"What my mate wants she gets," he said. He moved her so her back was against the shower wall, and she reached up and grabbed the shower head for support. His strong hands held her hips in place as he started to piston into her. She broke, screaming her pleasure at his use of her, and that just encouraged him to do more. It didn't take them long before they came together with him buried deep inside her. She lost herself in the feelings over their bond as her walls coaxed every last bit of his seed from him.

When they recovered enough to move, Chase backed up until he was sitting on the built-in chair. He kissed her deeply, then started kissing down her neck to her empty breasts. "Wow," she said.

"You amaze me every day, love. I'm not going to be happy when I'm away from you over the next year."

"Don't remind me," she said. "All of those nurses that will be lusting over you while you are working your ass off."

"They won't get a second look from me, I have everything I want and need in the house with me right now." They had talked a lot about his future; even though he was the Alpha, he was not the dominant wolf in their pair, Rori was. Chase didn't want to waste his medical school training, and he needed to complete his psychiatric residency in order to help people just like the women now in his Pack. It also would give him access to drugs and medical supplies and keep a werewolf doctor in the area after the Oxbow doctor finally retired. He was going to be starting residency at a hospital in Duluth after Labor Day. Once he was done, he would take up more of her duties so she could go to school. With their Moms helping and the Pack Omegas, she was hoping to be able to paint again.

The talk led to kissing, and kissing led to caresses, she moaned into his mouth as his fingers ran down her side. She started rolling her hips, which would have predictable results if she kept teasing him. "Remind me why we had to shower when we're just going to go out in the sun, put on lotion and swim in a lake?"

He nibbled on her shoulder gently. "Because my love, I wanted you, and the shower makes cleanup easy," he said. He lifted her up and stood her, and she felt the big blob work its way out and then plop on the shower floor.

"At least we don't have to worry about being pregnant again yet. One great thing about being a werewolf is only having to deal with one heat a year," she said. "I used to wonder if I was too stressed or the drugs were doing something when I didn't have monthlies."

"There's a lot of great things," he said as he started to wash off her back. "Come on, we've not much time." They finished showering and got into their swimwear, a pair of blue board shorts and a University of Minnesota-Duluth T-shirt for him, a black bikini and a long Steel Ladies shirt for her. They grabbed towels and put on flip-flops and before walking outside to the waiting shuttle bus. A few minutes later, they were dropped at the beach.

The afternoon sun in the far North was very strong in the mid-afternoon, so a lot of people were hanging out in the shade of the trees or in the veranda. Chase was happy to see a dozen of the Omegas here with the bikers. They were learning to talk, flirt and have fun again, and the men were happy to have the beautiful women around. He wouldn't doubt if some of the girls were having fun at night, too. Sex with humans happened, but none could be mates so they didn't let it get serious.

They stayed for a few hours, talking and swimming, and as the hosts making sure everyone was having a good time. This was the last day where most of the activities were going to be at their compound; tomorrow, a Club run up to Grand Marais was scheduled. Almost all the members were going, and Chase was leading it.

"This has been a good year for you," Mighty Elk said as she sat next to them, her huge rack straining the bikini she was wearing. Wolfman sat on her other side, a T-shirt covering his expanse of back hair. "You look so happy and blessed."

"So many things have happened, but I was happy before all this," she said as she waved her hand at the lake. "There were dark times in my life before I met the Steel Ladies, times when I thought I'd never have anyone to love or who loved me. You guys were the ones who drew me out, and for that I'm eternally grateful."

"And you kept her safe until I could find her," Chase said. "Now we have a home, family, friends. You will always be welcome her. Now if I could just convince some of you that it would be fun to visit in the winter."

"Are you kidding," Mongo said. "I'm smart enough to look at weather maps."

"Yeah, it's cold, but you dress for it. We are going to get a big ice fishing house to put out on the lake, we can drive you out on the truck and stay there in comfort. We've also got a bunch of snowmobiles, and those are a blast with all the snow we get."

Three Tequila elbowed him. "It's not going to kill you to try something new," she said. "He's a wimp sometimes, he likes the humidity." She reached down to cover her belly, it seemed as good a time as any to tell people since most of the leadership was around. She had been feeling off this week and had stopped by to pick up a test on the way back from lunch. "I'd love to come up, but it has to be before I'm too far along or I won't be able to snowmobile."

Everyone looked at her as Mongo held his hands over her hand which was on her lower stomach. "You're pregnant?"

She nodded. "Just found out this morning. I should be due in April." A cheer rang out and she was picked up and hugged by just about everyone, and that took a while. Lines of shots were laid out on the portable bar, and Wolfman led a toast for the happy parents.

"Come up over Thanksgiving," Rori whispered when she hugged her. "I love you guys, you're my family too."

Chase was having a good time, and Rori told him to stay and watch over things while she went back with Coral to feed the babies. "I'd like to go too," Howler said. Three Tequila and Elk also wanted to go, saying they wanted to spend some time with the babies while things were quiet. The girls caught the shuttle bus back to her house, it was late afternoon and they were all tired from the heat and activity. "Have I mentioned how much I love your place," Howler said as they entered the main room.

"A few times. I love the lake views," Rori said as they went over to where Charles and Colletta were sitting on the couch with the babies, their nanny Michelle was changing Hope. They all sat around as the babies started to feed. Charles and Colletta said they were going to take a walk down by the lake, so soon it was just the Ladies.