Trial by Fire


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"I am proud of you, Danni. You're beautiful and bouncy and smart and you work very hard at school and you're kind to everyone and very, very good. I couldn't ask for a better kid. You make your mother and I proud every day. I do remember that conversation. I remember every word you've ever said to me. Why do you ask?"

"Well, we were talking about me and Lanston and being good. You told me to keep my clothes on and not sleep in the same bed. I have kept my clothes on when we were together in the hammock and we haven't slept in the same bed. But Lanston is graduating tomorrow. I want to give him a special graduation present."

"I think I know where this is going, Danni, but say it. What do you want to give him?

"Me," she whispered. "I want to sleep in the same bed with him, with no clothes on, and show him how much I love him. He'll be gone next year and running the tug and he will meet lots of girls. They'll all love him and I will be very jealous. I want him to be mine, but I'm scared he'll find someone he loves more than me." She sobbed and shook on his chest.

"Hey, sweetheart, don't cry. It's going to be fine. You have two things going on here, not one. The first one is easy, the second not so much."

"What's the first one?" she asked.

"Well, I wouldn't worry about Lanston finding someone else. I've never seen anyone so in love. He worships the ground you walk on. He would die for you, Danni. He took a bullet for you. I don't think you need to worry about that."

She smiled. "Yes, that's true. I'm so glad I talked to you. I feel much better. I hadn't thought of it that way. He did get shot saving me, but what about the hard thing?"

"That's the tricky one. I don't know what to tell you, Danni. I think you're old enough and mature enough to make up your own mind. Pioneer women in America were married and had kids by the time they were your age. I don't think that's a good thing, but it is a fact. I don't think you ought to do it because you want to give Lanston something. That's part of it, but the primary part is because you want it yourself. You find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with and you share the gift. Anything else is just cheap. It's a quick thrill and then when it's over you've given away something you can never get back and you're a little smaller in your own eyes. People with no morals don't think like that, but that's the way it is. You're quite a prize, Danni, and almost any boy would give his right arm to be with you, and probably quite a few girls. You're the cutest little thing to ever crawl on my lap, and I've had quite a few. Finding the right one is the hard thing. I think Lanston is the right one for you. I know he's my son, but he's a good man, Danni. Do you think he's the right one for you?"

"Oh yes," she said. "I'll never love anyone but him. He saved my life, twice. It would be treacherous to ever think about anyone else. I'll always love him. He's so beautiful. Remember, you said he was."

He chuckled. "Yes, I remember and yes he is. But you seem a little unsure about this thing, button. That's a sign that you shouldn't. You need to be sure. If you're sure, you can forget about our promise. Just once. This can't be an ongoing thing. Special occasions only. You're too young and I won't let you marry him until you're both out of college. Do you understand?"

"Yes Dad, I understand. I even agree. I need to think about it some more. I'll tell you what I decide."

"I'd prefer not to know, Danni. That's your business and none of mine. Of course, you can tell me anything you want, but don't feel like you need to. Only tell me if you want to. I have to ask you one more thing. Are you safe? I mean, you won't get pregnant, will you? That is one thing I won't tolerate. You're too young to have kids and I'm too old to raise them."

"Oh yes," she said. "Alex took me to Angela back when we were on the ship and I've been taking pills ever since. Don't worry, Dad. No matter what I decide, I'll still make you proud. I promised you that you'd never regret adopting me and I always keep my promises."

"I know you do, Danni. That's one of the things I love about you."

She sighed happily and snuggled in a little closer. "I'm through talking now," she said. "I think I'll take a nap."

He smacked her rump. "Not here kitten, I'm working. I'm not your cushion. Go find Lanston and sleep on him."

Danni laughed and sprang up. She wiggled her butt at him as she went out the door and the sound of her giggle faded away.

She didn't find Lanston, he was out, but she found Mason sitting on a sofa in his sitting room playing a video game. She got a pillow and put it on the sofa arm, careful not to block his view, crawled under his arm and curled up on his lap with her head on the pillow on the arm of the sofa.

He was very involved in his game and hardly noticed her. It had become so common for her to sit on his lap that he paid no attention. This was not to be tolerated, so she pulled on his beard. "What are you playing, Mason?"

He didn't answer for a moment so she tugged harder and repeated her question.

"Huh, oh, hi kid," he said. "I'm playing Dark Souls."

"Is it fun?" she asked.

"Very," he told her. "What you doing?"

"I'm going to take a nap."

"Not here you're not," he told her. "Go find Lanston or Dad and put their legs to sleep."

"Please, Mason. Dad is working and Lanston isn't here," she pleaded.

"Why do you always have to sleep on someone?" he groused. "It's annoying, Danni."

"Because you make me feel safe," she told him. "I'm sorry, Mason. I won't bother you."

"No, no," he patted her head. "Don't start that crying thing. It's okay. You can stay here. You do feel kind of nice," he petted her shoulder. "Just don't squirm around and get me killed."

"No, I won't, thank you Mason. I love you," she closed her eyes and she was instantly asleep.

Mason looked down fondly at his little sister and brushed the hair back from her forehead. She looked about ten years old. It was amazing how she could curl up on your lap and make you feel warm all over. He pulled a throw over her bare legs and was promptly slain by the Smelter Demon.

When Sara came home she found them like that. Danni was a little ball cured up on his lap under the throw. Mason's head was back on the sofa and he was snoring while the Smelter Demon roared in the background. She smiled to herself and walked quietly away.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The big graduation day dawned with a hint of rain in the air. It was chilly and fog rose off the harbor. The temperature had been abnormally cool but it was getting warmer. The rainy season should have been over, but the effects of the volcano continued. On that day the world began to recover. The furnaces beneath La Garita were dampened and the seething caldera began to collapse. Smokes and steams issued from fissures but its fury had unleashed and it returned to an uneasy sleep. Billions had lost their lives and the environmental impact would be felt for a century. North America was a slagheap and vegetation would take years to return. The acid rain would fall for a decade. The world population had decreased by 60 percent.

Jason's studies were revealing that temperatures were actually not as decreased as he had feared for that portion of the globe not directly shadowed by the ash cloud. The sulfur compounds formed in the atmosphere were actually increasing the ability of the envelope to retain heat and he expected the southern hemisphere would have hotter than normal summers soon. That time had not yet arrived, and Graduation Day called for jackets and umbrellas.

Lanston was number ten in his graduating class. His innate laziness prevented a higher rank but his intelligence had kept him near the top. Reagan was the keynote speaker and Senator Prius, the Prime Minister and all their friends from the journey south were present to congratulate him on his accomplishment.

Senator Prius provided a limousine for Lanston and Danni and the whole group ate dinner together at the Green Roof Inn. The two kids excused themselves soon after dinner and they boarded a plane for Grenada.

The Jaguar was waiting for them at the airport and Danni drove to Villa Zanzibar where the staff had lit a fire in the fireplace and retired.

Lanston untied the bow tie of his tuxedo, relaxed on the sofa in front of the fire, and turned on the TV. Danni went into the master bedroom and ran the big Jacuzzi tub full of hot water and bubble bath. She poured two glasses of wine, lit some candles and took off her long gown. She dropped her panties in the hamper and set out two towels on the counter. She turned on the jets of the tub and the throb of pumps set up their vibration.

Her slight form disappeared into the bubbles and she leaned her head back on the headrest. Her golden hair was pulled up in a cunning knot and her slim neck looked very elegant.

"Lanston," she called, "would you come in here please?

He stuck his head around the door. "What is it, pixie?" he asked.

"I need someone to wash my back."

"I'll do that," he started toward her.

"Not like that," she said. "You'll get your tuxedo wet. That would be a shame because you look so beautiful in it."

He snorted. "There you go with the beautiful thing again. What do you want me to do?"

"Take off your clothes and get in here with me," she commanded him.

"That's not fair," he said. "You're all covered up with bubbles but you want me to be naked."

"I'm naked too," she sat up and the tops of her firm mounds rose above the bubbles. He could see the hint of brown areole through the suds.

His breath quickened, "Just a minute, beautiful."

He went to the bedroom, stripped off his clothes and walked to the tub in his boxers. He dropped them and quickly sank into the steaming water.

He put his arms under her and turned onto his back, pulling her slick nakedness on top of him and cradling her in his arms with her cheek on his chest. They drank their glass of wine and his hands roamed at will and she was soon writhing with excitement on top of him. Her lips were hot brands on his. He pulled away. "Hey," he exclaimed. "You got your braces off, Danni."

"Yes," she said, "Kiss me again and feel how pretty my teeth are."

He pulled her down and explored with his tongue. She sat up on his lap and she could feel his excitement as she looked into his eyes. "Lanston, do you think I'm the right girl for you?" she asked.

"Yes, sprite," he told her. "You're the only girl for me. I've been helplessly in love with you ever since I kissed you in that little creek back in Missouri."

"I'm in love with you too." Her face took on a very serious expression. "Lanston, do you intend to spend the rest of your life with me?"

"I do if you'll have me," he said. "What's this all about, Danni?"

"I want to be your lover," she confided. "Just for tonight. This is a special occasion. Will you make love to me, Lanston?"

"Are you sure, Danni? I thought you promised Dad?"

"He told me I could if I was sure," she said. "If you were the right person for me and I intended to spend the rest of my life with you. I do, Lanston, and I'm sure."

She eased herself down on him and the heat and sweetness were incredible. She gasped once and again, and a spasm of pain flickered across her face.

She rested for a moment and began to move against him. He captured a firm mound in each hand and she threw back her head and moaned her joy. The water grew cool and he lifted her out. He dried her with the big fluffy towel. He carried her to the huge bed and they fell asleep with her leg across him, one firm breast crushed against his chest and her cheek on his shoulder.

Twice more in the night she woke him and he took her again. Each time was sweeter and more wonderful than the time before.

They awoke, nestled together in the bed in the morning and Lanston got up and showered. When he returned, she was still in bed. He pulled the covers off her and said, "Get up lazy. I smell bacon and coffee."

"I want to, Lanston, but I'm so sore I don't know if I can walk"

"I'll fix you up, sprite."

He covered her back up and returned to the bathroom and ran the tub full of hot water again. He added bath oil and perfumed salts to the tub liberally. Then he went back to the bed, lifted her easily and carried her beautiful naked form to the tub.

"There pixie, relax for a while and I'll be right back."

He returned with orange juice and coffee. He got a sponge and scrubbed her skin vigorously as she drank her juice and began to sip the coffee, pausing occasionally to squeeze a handful of firm breast. She giggled delightfully each time.

He washed her gently lower. She winced at first but soon relaxed and he turned her over. He washed her back. He constantly returned to the firm brown cheeks, testing their resilience and shape with his fingers.

"You have an incredible butt," he told her. "That's the sexiest thing I ever saw."

She giggled and swished it in the water. He lifted her from the tub, set her on her feet and patted her dry with a towel. He wrapped another around her and carried her back to the bed. He got pillows and propped her up.

"I'll be right back," he said.

He soon returned with a large tray. There was a large platter on the tray, heaped with bacon, eggs and three kinds of melon. There were two tall glasses with milk. They took turns feeding each other until the platter was empty and the milk was gone."

"Where do you put it all, Danni?" he asked. "You should be as fat as me by now."

"I'm very active," she said. "If you got as much exercise as I do you'd be skinny like me Lanston."

"I wouldn't last a week," he told her. "Feel better now? You've got a mustache," he kissed the milk away."

"Oh yes, Lanston," she said, "Very much better. The water and the oil helped a lot. If we go slowly, I think I can walk well enough to go to the plane and we can go home. Lanston, remember this is only for special occasions. You can still pet me and stuff, but we're too young to be doing this all the time."

"I know, sprite," he said. "It was very special to me. I'll never forget how lucky I am that you shared it with me. I'll always try to be what you need me to be. You know what; we sound a lot like Dad. That's just what he would say."

"I know," she said. "He's a very wise man."

Chapter Thirty

Reagan was very busy over the next five days. Once he flew to Kingstown on St. Vincent and returned the following day. He spoke with the American Ambassador there and arranged affairs with his agent. The family boarded the yacht. The party included Senator Prius and Joseph as well.

"I hate to see you enmeshed in our coils, Jeff," Joseph said.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything," Prius said. "Reagan has a nasty glint in his eyes. I would not wish to be the senator."

"No, I think Reagan is a dangerous man. He loves his kids beyond anything I've ever seen. The senator made a bad mistake when he kidnapped Danni. Reagan worships that girl. You should see them together. She adores him and he's been guarding her like Ft. Knox. I bet she spends two hours a day curled up on his lap. She's afraid to leave his side except when she's with Lanston and it's eating him up. I don't know his plan, but I'm glad I'm his friend and not his enemy. The senator is a very stupid man."

"What is your part in all this?" Prius asked.

"Not much," Joseph said. "I'm supposed to introduce myself to the Senator and get him to set by me so I can keep an eye on him so he can't leave. He's never met me and we don't think he knows who I am. I'll do my part; I just hope Reagan can pull this off."

"I hope so as well," Prius said. "I've never seen him in action but I've heard all the stories from his children. It should be quite a show."

Danni refused to leave the yacht with the Senator on St. Vincent and none of the others cared to leave without her. Reagan, Sara, Mason and Jason, along with Prius and Joseph moved off the yacht into their on the evening before the event and Alex and Kierra stayed on the yacht with Lanston and Danni. An hour before the event they were ferried ashore and took their places in a box in the balcony with a good view of the floor and the stage.

The hotel theatre was packed with dignitaries, eager to hear the tale of the Thayer's escape from the volcano. Reporters covering the event had taken their places and Ambassador Armstrong appeared with Senator Stephen Johnson in tow. Armstrong had neglected to inform the Senator who the speaker was going to be, and he was unsuspecting as he supposed that the affair would be a good opportunity to meet a lot of powerful people.

He was unaware that the Ambassador had purchased his house in the Florida Keys from Joseph Altman and that they had been friends for years. Armstrong introduced the two men and mentioned that Joseph was an old friend from Florida who was one of the wealthiest real-estate developers in America. Johnson was desperately in need of funds, and was satisfied to be left with Joseph to speak about a donation to his refugee foundation.

The lights dimmed and everyone took their seats. Joseph escorted the Senator to the chairs that had been reserved for them and they took their seats. Large white block letters were projected onto the crimson curtains behind the stage.

"Escape From the Inferno."

They were followed by the words: "A Story of Terror by Dr. Reagan Thayer."

Reagan stepped into the spotlight to thunderous applause and the Senator leaped to his feet. He glanced toward the exit and saw the tall, menacing form of Mason lounging against the door. Two policemen stood beside him. His eyes darted to the side entrance to find Jason and another officer in that doorway. Jason's tuxedo opened a bit and the Senator saw that he was armed.

Joseph pulled at his elbow and said. "Sit down Senator, the man is about to speak."

Johnson fought down his growing panic. They wouldn't dare attack him here. It was too public and they would be arrested. His nerves calmed a little.

"My friends thank you for coming. I'm honored that you are interested in a book about the American tragedy. I believe the best way to give you a glimpse of 'Inferno' is to tell you a story."

"What kind of story are you going to tell us, Dr. Thayer?" A reporter called.

"My story is about heroism," Reagan began. "It is about incredible danger and it is about villainy. It isn't about some great military leader or a sports figure, but about young woman. My story begins 17 years ago on the 18th of May."

"But that's my birthday," Danni whispered to Lanston.

"I know, baby. Now be still and listen," he put one heavy arm across her shoulders.

"In the small town of Fayette, Missouri in America our heroine was born. She was a small baby, somewhat premature, and spent the first week of her life in an incubator in the University of Missouri Medical Center. She was her parent's third child and her older brother and sister were very worried about her.

She survived her premature birth and grew into the perfect tiny little girl that attended her first day of school, frightened and with her big brother holding her hand. She was the smallest child in her class but her beauty and kindness won the hearts of her classmates and she became quite popular. She was very successful in her studies and she loved cheerleading.

When she was 14-years-old her parents were killed in an automobile accident and our heroine was left an orphan. Her sister and brother took care of her but she became sad and a little wistful without her parents. She was very brave and she intended to become a doctor some day so that she might save the lives of people like her parents.

At the end of her sophomore year of high school, her life was again disrupted as the largest volcano the world has ever known erupted. She hid in her house with her brother and her sister until they ran out of water. Her brother went into town to search for water and he was gunned down in a grocery store parking lot by looters."