Tribute to 'My Boobs'


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Not another word was spoken. I laid you on the grass and kissed you with a passion to match the months of longing and regret that had built up inside me. Everything felt perfect, so I asked you the question of all questions, if I could have the honor of being your first (assuming you had been telling me truth this whole time).

You told me that you would absolutely have done it if I were going to be staying. But I was leaving and you knew I was going to do whatever and whomever I wanted there. But you didn't want the moment to end, so you did go down on me, and I ultimately came in the most blissful orgasm ever – with my hands on your hair and your wonderful tongue around me, as I watched the stars in a perfect summer night's sky.

And you smiled and swallowed for me, too. No humiliating hot, sticky come drying on your face this time. I kissed you as I dropped you off at home. It was sad, but pretty erotic too. I'd never tasted myself before. I can't say I liked it, but I can't deny that it was hot.

At this point, a normal person would have said goodbye to you forever. I had a new life to live, and you had three more years of school here. But it was rough for me. I wasn't the Big Man on Campus anymore. My knee was feeling better and I tried playing football again, but the running backs on the squad were the size of the linemen in our old school. I was done with football. I went out with a decent number of girls, but they were not quite the caliber I'd always envisioned myself with. None of them did anything for me the way you did.

Like a fool, I always tried to find out what you were doing when I came home. I shouldn't have bothered. It was one embarrassing moment after another. I'd either show up at some party and get laughed at for being "that guy that can't let go" or I'd find out you were off in some room fucking somebody. Yeah, one of my friends from a year behind said you were dating seniors pretty exclusively and that you fucked now. I felt like throwing up.

The last time I tried to catch up with you was the summer of your sophomore year. There was some ridiculous barn party somewhere and I went by myself. When I got there, you were kissing a senior and he had his hands all over you. I could tell there was something wrong with you. You looked either way too drunk, or too high, or like someone had slipped you a roofie.

I pulled the guy off you. He was pissed but there was no way he could have taken me one-on-one. I took your hand and walked off with you. I was hoping to be your white night, but I couldn't even be sure it you recognized me. Once I got you sitting down I tried to talk to you. You were mostly incoherent. Then you realized who I was. You kept touching my cheek and saying "My Eddie." I hugged you and nearly cried. You told me to make love to you. I couldn't. Your eyes were way glazed over. Then you told me to fuck you. There was no way. Then you told me to let you go back to the party. I didn't want to do that either. Then the guy you had been kissing found us, and he brought his friends with him. They beat the hell out of me – the worst beating of my life - and took you away.

That was the last time I saw you until tonight. That was what, six, seven years ago? I was back in town visiting family and getting ready to move to New York City. Things are going really well for me now. I have a contract to write 12 articles for a well known national magazine, and an agent working with a publisher to negotiate terms on my first book. He can't promise anything, but says he bets it's gonna be 6 figures.

The funny thing is I even thought about looking you up yesterday, but figured I should just let it go.

Then, completely randomly, I saw you. You've become a woman now, but you haven't lost any of your aura. I didn't even have to debate whether or not to approach you.

I went over and said I was giving an award for the prettiest woman in town, but the winner wasn't available to accept, so I was wondering if I could give it to you.

It wasn't' the smile on your face – it was the smile in your eyes that told me you were happy to see me too.

You blew off your friends, and I blew off my family, and we went and got dinner. We gave new meaning to the phrase "getting caught up." I told you how things didn't seem like they would ever be good for me again until just recently. You told me your life had been out of control for awhile but you were in a good place now. We and laughed and teased and hid our faces in mock shame and rolled our eyes and giggled. It could have been my senior year all over again.

I asked if I could take you home, and you said you would like that a lot. I brought you to your door. I was determined to kiss you, but believe it or not I was nervous. I felt like a kid.

"Uh, Laura," I said.

You turned around and threw your arms around me. We kissed in a way I never have before in my life. It was almost as if we were revealing our true selves to each other with our mouths.

We moved to your bedroom. I had to take deep breaths so my heart didn't explode from anticipation as I unzipped your dress and watched your glorious full figure step forward. You pushed me down and helped relieve me of my clothes, and shortly we were exploring each other with hands and mouths the way only reunited lovers can.

Your breasts were even larger than the last time I'd seen you. Of course I spent time giving them the attention they deserved, but this night was about more than that. You licked my nipples. I sucked on your fingers. You rubbed your chest all over me. I reached around your ass and teased your labia with my fingertips.

"Make love to me," you said.

As I'm trying to come up with the words to describe what it was like, I'm turning into Mike. All I can think of is, "it was sweet." Not "sweet" the way the kids throw that word around today. Sweet as in, "I've waited for this for ever. It was better than I could have imagined. You were so soft, so perfect. Our bodies felt so right together, with my cock nestled far up inside you. I can die happy now." You know, that kind of sweet.

You came on top of me. Really hard and really loud. I loved it. I flipped you over to take my turn, but you said you couldn't because we had no protection. I begged and pleaded with you. I wanted to come inside you so badly. You put your arms around my neck and pulled yourself up so your mouth was by my ear. I could feel your naked breasts against my chest.

"I want you to mark me," you whispered in my ear.

"No," I said, remembering how humiliated that used to make you feel. "You don't have to do that. I would rather just..."

"Mark me," you said.

I tried to protest again, but it was too late. You were going down on me. You took me in your mouth, even though my cock had been deep inside you not one minute ago. You looked me in the eyes and purred. I told you this wasn't necessary. You lavished me with meticulous oral attention.

You are the best ever at this.

I was ready to come. You knew it. I said you didn't have to do this, but you did it anyway. You pointed me at your face first, and I sent a stream from the corner of your mouth, across your eye, and into your hair. The next one was the biggest. It hit your chin and neck as you brought my cock down towards your tits. A huge pool of come formed in the base of your neck. All the remaining spurts hit your chest and tits. When you were done milking me, you rubbed my load all over your breasts.

I was worried. I didn't want you to think this was what I meant to happen. You laid there with my seed drying all over you like a used, humiliated come-slut. I was about to apologize when you said, "I love when you do that to me..."

I asked you if you wanted to get cleaned up, but you just wanted to fall asleep in my arms. I wasn't going to argue.


That was about six hours ago. I'm writing this in a notebook I found in your room while you're still sleeping. I think I'm going to go now. Not because I'm ready to move on, or I don't want to talk about it. I want you to read this first, before we talk. So you know how I feel.

I didn't always make the best decisions. Nobody does. But all we have is the future. And if you want me to be a part of yours, I think I'd really like that.

Now I've said everything I needed to say, and I finally got to make love to the most exciting and intriguing and sexy woman I've ever known. I'm going to remember you the way you are right now.

There's only one thing I wasn't able to do, and hopefully that's next.



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