Trick and Treat


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Pauli sat for a time to collect her rational thought. She had to find out who that was. The ball was still going on. She asked around to see if any one knew who her partner had been. Many asked her first. They had assumed he was her date. She had to give up her search as the party broke up. She drove home, almost vibrating. How was she going to find this person? No one knew who it was, least of all her. She was so distracted she had to slow down to drive safely. When she got to their apartment, she saw Ash's car.

A thought flashed through her mind: What if it was her? She is so intelligent she could do it. When Pauli came in, Ash looked up from her movie, Dracula, with Bela Lugosi. "Have a good time, Pauli?"

"Well, I did have a first tonight. I got laid and it was great." Pauli watched Ash's expression but saw nothing to give anything away.

"Who was it, Pauli?" Ash seemed genuinely interested.

"I don't know. He never said a word, just danced me into submission. He took me out in the garden, and we kissed for a long time. They were such gentle kisses my whole body was afire. Then he kissed my neck. That was too much, so I parted my thighs. He slid his hand up to my pussy and stroked so gently. My entire being was focused on that part of me, and I just erupted. The convulsions blacked me out. When I came to, he just bowed and walked off. I will never forget his black eyes. They just bored holes into my soul." Pauli slumped on the sofa next to Ash and focused on her ice blue eyes.

Pauli finally got up to take her costume off and pack it for return to the rental house. She then showered and lay in bed, pondering the events of the evening. Ash turned off the movie and also went to bed.

For Pauli, the next week was filled with detective work. She had to find the one. Couldn't figure this one out. By Thursday, Pauli was back to concentrating on work. Fine. If he wants to hide, so be it.

The two housemates had to return their costumes on Saturday. When Pauli saw Ash with a box she piped up. "I never got to see your costume, Ash. Show it to me." Pauli's broad smile was undeniable to Ash. It took her some time to get the costume just right. She had help before. When she was ready, she was frightened about Pauli's reaction. Pauli's eye's were popping out of her head. Here was her 'Romeo'. What was she to do?

Ash retreated to her room but was followed to her door by Pauli, who had a look of wonder on her face. She watched Ash remove the contact lenses that had changed her eye color. She took off the shoes that had lifts to increase her height. And packed her things to return them. Ashlyn Martin was in great fear she had lost her friend forever. She silently picked up both costume boxes and left to return them.

Ash returned to God knows what. She fumbled with her keys before entering, only to find the place empty. She went to her room to plan what to do next. She had taken a chance and it had failed. For the first time since Connie had died, she wept without control. After some time, she heard a soft rapping at her door. "Come in, Pauli."

Paulette entered as though she was a child caught in the cookie jar. "Ash, don't cry. Please. It is all so sudden for me." Ash looked at her with hopeful eyes. "Do you think we could do it for real?" Ash stood and engulfed Pauli in an embrace that had a gentle urgency that Pauli felt. Pauli lifted her face for a kiss. Ash was softly gentle and loving. She had waited for this moment since high school. The couple ended on the bed, slowly disrobing one another, exploring familiar yet new things.

Ash played Pauli like a rare violin eliciting moans and gasps. Pauli just rode the crest of the wave. Ash wanted this to be as memorable as possible. She led her lover to the promised land over and again. Pauli was in a frenzy. She had studied every lesbian sex book she could buy. Now it was time.

The National Weather Service could not explain the sudden development of a hurricane over Philadelphia. It quickly strengthened to a category five. Pauli had thousands of things planned for Ash. Unrelenting pleasure: Fingers, lips, tongue, thighs, even her nipples were used. Ash was exploding in the most intense pleasure she could ever have imagined. Pauli tried to make up for 28 years of nothing happening all at once, until Ash's explosive climaxes rocked them both off the bed. Pauli did not skip a beat and drove her friend onward until Ash pled for mercy. Had they had the TV on they would have heard the reports of seismic activity that the USGS could not explain. The two had 69ed and scissored. Pauli had rubbed Ash off with a hard nipple to a massive orgasm. Pauli used her mouth in every way possible, stimulating breasts to orgasm, even on Ash's anus.

Ash had never experienced anything approaching this. Her head was filled with the wonder that is Pauli. Why didn't I do this before?! God, she is so good! She is going to stop my heart with that level of passion!

The couple slept away the afternoon until Pauli's work phone rang. She answered groggily. It was Alma Jones. She needed immediate attention, so Pauli left Ash to sleep. She listened to the problem. It was a criminal case, not her forte. So she shot off an email. One of the partners did this kind of work more often than she so she needed advice.

It took over an hour to handle getting the information, and Pauli still had to go in to meet Alma. Alex Brightsmann met her at the office. They had a few minutes to talk before Pauli had to go fetch Alma. She was obviously very upset. She was being charged with a criminal act that she did not commit. After all the facts were discussed, it was an obvious mistake. Both lawyers assured Alma that they would handle the problem. Pauli wanted to go back and wrap up Ash in her arms. She noticed they were getting sore. By the time Pauli got home, she was having a little trouble walking also. She was greeted by a smiling face.

"Where on God's green earth did you learn to do those things, Pauli?"

"I've been studying just in case. I wanted you to like me enough not to give up on me." Ash hobbled over to hug her new lover.

"Fuck that, Pauli! You're stuck with me now." Ash planted one soft kiss after the other. The two had a lot of scheduling to work out. They were motivated so there were no insurmountable problems. Pauli moved into Ash's bed but had to keep her clothing in the other room. She had a lot of clothes!

They called Mary the next day to tell her the news. She was crazy happy with them and planned a visit. Ash called her parents. At first they seemed lukewarm. Then Pauli told them how long she had feelings for their daughter. Plans were made for Thanksgiving at the Martins, including Mary Jackson. Both the 'girls' knew she was a great cook. Pauli was earning over 3,000 billable hours a year now, and her bonus reflected her work.

Pauli slowed down in bed a little, but not much. She had many things to try, sometimes to the groans of Ash. That was until she lit Ash's fuse. Soon Ash learned to let her experiment.

In Pauli's fifth year she was getting too valuable for the firm to lose. She had many high profile clients. She knew this herself and was starting to look to see if she should move on. Word got out even though she was very discreet. Pauli was called in to talk with Mr. Silverstone about her future. He tried to convince her it was too early to think about making partner.

"Mr. Silverstone, at this moment I have many life decisions to work on. This is just one of several."

"Ms. Aston, if there anything I can help you with, please feel free to ask."

"I am not as shy as I was when I first began, sir. I have no problem asking anyone anything."

Alma's case developed into a case of malicious prosecution by the PennDOT administrators. While Pauli was not a criminal specialist, this case offered her no real problem. She easily showed the charges were trumped up and got the case dismissed. The countersuit, however, was a long, complex trial. In the end, it relied on subpoenaed emails again. This time the awards to Jones Construction and Alma Jones herself were substantial. Both of the office holders were charged by both state and federal district attorneys.

Ash came to the party thrown by Alma at her hotel. It had been six months since she and Pauli had got together. During the dancing, Pauli pulled Ash aside and asked for her hand in marriage. Alma almost whooped out loud. The whole party erupted in applause when Ash said yes. It was a magical night for the couple.

Pauli was greeted at work the next day with huge bouquets from both Ash and Alma. She was congratulated almost continuously all day long. No one had ever seen the 50,000-watt smile she could not wipe from her face. At lunch, Ash made a rare appearance at Pauli's office. It was the first time she had ever worn a dress that either could remember. Ash bowed down on her knee and slipped a ring on Pauli's finger. The act occurred out in the open office to a great uproar. Mr. Silverstone, accompanied by Sylvia McFadden, had come down just in time to see.

Pauli was sent home. The partners were sure she would not get anything done anyway. It took hours for the two to make it out of the building. On the way, Pauli was given a courier's pouch which she opened in the lobby of the building. She didn't want to take documents home, but inside she found a ring case from Alma. She fell down on one knee and offered the ring to Ash, who was crying with joy. The people in the lobby stopped to witness the spectacle and clap.

Neither Ash nor Pauli had ever been happier. Pauli insisted on taking many photographs. She could not help but shed a tear that Connie was not there to see this. On the other hand, Karen and Scott danced a jig of happiness after getting over the shock of Ashlyn in a beautiful dress. Mary called them within a minute of receiving the text. Both future mates had calls to make so it took a while. Love was made most of that night, slowly and passionately.

In the morning, Pauli almost didn't make it in to work. She sent off a sincere thank-you text to Alma, asking for a total she owed for the ring. Almost within the minute, Alma called her. "Pauli, you are not paying me back a cent. Neither is your betrothed. The rings are my gift to you both. Now, when it comes to buying her a dress, that Ashlyn is a tigress!"

Pauli burst out in laughter. "Alma, I've known her since we were both five. And I have never seen her in a dress once. What magic did you use to get her wear one?"

"I told her it would make you happy. Was I correct?"

"Yes, ma'am! But not as much as her mom. She might still be in shock, but she is working on Ash to wear a dress for our wedding. I think Ash is about to explode. This is so much to ask from her."

"Let me get ahold of that girl. I'll get her all dolled up for you, Pauli. And I need to call your secretary about setting a meeting with you."

"I'll take care of it if you want. Just send me dates, times, and subjects."

"You are so good to me, young lady. I've recommended you to several business friends."

"Thank you, Alma! I will gladly meet them all."

Alma's friends were diverse: One owned a bioengineering company that needed patent work. Another had copyright infringement problems. Two more needed contracts written in very specific terms. Pauli was a busy little beaver over the next few months. Mary and Karen were in charge of wedding plans. They didn't argue much. Pauli had arranged a venue at a local country club that had an on-site hotel. It was just to the west of town and quite opulent. It fit with Pauli's childhood dreams. Both mothers of the brides were impressed.

Ash finally gave in to demands that she wear a dress. Her personality was changing. She had seen Pauli's face light up when she saw the dress Alma bought for her. Ash also decided to grow her hair out. She had her own fantasies of her wedding. Both women had their mothers' dresses to be altered. The mothers coordinated every thing. Invitations were addressed and sent out. Pauli and Ash asked judge Marla Thomas to preside over the wedding. She happily agreed. The two bought wedding bands and arranged for a ring bearer and a flower girl. They both asked bridesmaids and paid for dresses for them. Sylvia McFadden was to be Pauli's matron of honor. Alma Jones was her other bridesmaid. Ash asked two of her fellow vets who were her friends. There would be no best man, but several women volunteered to act as ushers. The wedding and reception went off without a hitch. Both fathers gave their daughters away. Both mothers cried, as did many of the guests. The brides wore tea length dresses. Both wore white strappy heels and carried matching bouquets and garters. The reception was held on-site. There was dancing and canapés and an open bar. The married couple spent the night in the bridal suite enjoying sweet love. Mary and the Martins stayed at the girls' home drinking too much champagne. Why not? They both had just married off their girls and were happy as all get-out.

Pauli's work load had started to increase -- new clients were coming on board every day. Ash had moved up in her clinic also. Marriage seemed to be just what both of them needed. Pauli wanted to move up in the firm or she would take her clients somewhere else. She was being actively recruited by several top firms. Six months later, Pauli asked her wife if she had helped birth any animals. "You know calves, foals, piglets, puppies, or kittens?"

"Many, Pauli. Why?"

"Would you help me have an offspring, Ash? I want a baby. If you do."

"Yes! I will, lover! I can also inseminate you if you like."

"I don't think you have the right equipment, Ash." Pauli giggled.

"I've got an office full, babe. I can't make the sperm. But I do know how to inject it." Pauli just muttered an 'oh' and rested her head on Ash's leg. Pauli let her own Doc Martin research what they would need. She got everything together. They picked a sperm bank that would send the samples to their home. Ash was very professional about the procedure until she went down on her wife. Pauli came very hard and afterward she complimented her doctor on her bedside manner. The two laughed their asses off.

It came to pass that Paulette Marie Aston found she was pregnant and made partner the same day. She and Ashlyn bought a home with four bedrooms in a top school district. Ash was so excited about being a mother she was telling everyone. Pauli had to buy into the partnership, which she did easily, since she was such a frugal person. She had paid all along to be covered on Ash's health insurance and had to rely on it full time now. Partners did not get coverage, and now that she was pregnant, she could not get coverage at a reasonable cost.

As Pauli progressed in her pregnancy, she decided not to try cases in her last month. She still supported her clients with everything else until the day her water broke. Her secretary called Ash and an ambulance for her. Pauli called both mothers as they wished to be present. The two were going to stay at the new house. Scott came also -- this might well be his only grandchild. Pauli would remember the birth fondly later, but at the time she was not at all comfortable. Ash coached her breathing and wiped her forehead. Mary was wide-eyed. This was new to her, but Karen remembered it all. Ash delivered the baby. It was not so different from the livestock she had done in the past. The baby was weighed and measured. She was then handed to her mother for her first feeding. Ash was bubbling over with happiness, as were the grandmothers. Their girl was perfect!

After the birth, Ash became insatiable. She wanted to love on Pauli all the time. Pauli had heard from women at work that sometimes guys lost their desire for their wives after birth. Pauli didn't mind one bit -- she loved sex with her wife!

Pauli had settled on a name before the birth. She named their daughter Christen Marie Martin-Aston. Ash and Karen wept at the name. It tied the child to Ash so fully. Ash was tasked with getting a diaper service, something she had already done. They had a home consultation to make sure they knew all they needed to keep their girl happy. Mary offered to stay with them so they could go back to work. She would happily be day care. Pauli's work allowed 22 weeks of leave. She planned to take a lot of it. She wanted time to nurse and bond with her child.

Pauli bought a hospital grade breast pump her OB/GYN recommended. On the baby's second month birthday, she put her in a stroller and took her to work to show off. The expected oohs and ahhs filled the office for a good half hour. Paulette took her daughter up to her office, where the partners got a turn at the cute girl. Pauli took Christen to Ash's clinic without her knowledge. Ash proudly showed off her daughter to everyone, disrupting clinic. Ash was quickly infected with the baby bug. She started planning. Her mother and Mary were so jacked up by the idea they could hardly keep the secret. When their girl was 16 weeks old, Pauli was informed of her wife's intentions. She was all for it. Ash taught Pauli how to do the procedure. They set up to do the IUI the next week. Ash had worked out her cycle very exactly. Pauli made her orgasm both before and after as well, making Ash laugh.

Two weeks later, Ash tested positive. She could not hold in her maternal tears. She was so excited! Ash did suffer with morning sickness gladly. She kept up her practice so others would not have to make up the slack. She did take special precautions to protect her baby. Mary came to live with them -- she was already being a nanny to Christen. She loved her granddaughter. Karen came often to check on her daughter and granddaughter. The baby was spoiled with granny love, but both said that was not possible. Karen went with her daughter for her first ultrasound. Ash, ever the overachiever, was going to have twins. She was a little overwhelmed. Her babies were fraternal so they could be any combination. Of course, Karen was very excited, as was Pauli. Mary was excited but not looking forward to all the work.

Ash got huge with her babies while they celebrated Chris's first birthday. Karen moved in to help Mary. They loved taking the girl to the park to play. Ashlyn was busy picking out names. She had been told the sex of her babies. She was going to have one of each, much to the delight of all her parents. She didn't know a damned thing about boys. She was frightened until Mary told her she had helped raise her brothers. She chose the name Emanuel Jacob Martin for her son after both fathers. She and Pauli had both rejected the name Aston-Martin -- they would not name their children after autos. Her daughter would be Ellen Allison Martin. Ellen was Connie's middle name. Allison was Karen's middle name as well as Mary's.

When the day came, Scott baby sat while his daughter gave birth. Mary and Karen each delivered a baby under Pauli's watchful eyes. Her son was first, followed by her daughter. Ash was a beaming mother. The household was an uproar for the next eighteen years. Mary kept everything under control. She could reign with a hurt look. Chris was the athlete of the group. She was a star second base on her college softball team. She led the league in home runs every year and went to medical school. Manny was the mathematician. He studied engineering and went to work at Jones Construction. Elli was the analytical one. She became a lawyer like her mom.

Alma came to visit so often that it became apparent she was visiting Mary, who fell in love again. When the couple married, they had all the bridesmaids they could use. Manny gave his grandmother away. Alma's brother Jack did the deed for her. Alma took them on quite a honeymoon. Things turned out well. The children all married and gave grandchildren of their own. Ash and Paulette had a very enjoyable life together.

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Nicole2023Nicole202311 months ago

I enjoyed it and the high marks suggested others did well

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I have the same last name

BigGun44BigGun44over 6 years ago
Great As It Is

I think the story stands well as it is. As with any story, if there's some term in there I don't understand, I just look it up.

pheacockpheacockover 6 years agoAuthor
Hot and cold

It appears that this story was either liked or not. Thank you for your comments. I do not despise non-American readers. One of the joys of this site is getting to know other cultures. I can't recall the number of times I have stopped reading a story to look up a word that is used in another culture. When I started posting here all my writing experience was in scientific papers. I used the contest schedule as a guide to force me to broaden my scope. There will be more postings coming including a novel length (75+K) story. I also want to finish up projects that working.

Keep reading and try writing and posting.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I liked the story just exactly as it was written. It was written just as it could have occurred. The overworked junior lawyer was exactly like my overworked junior accountant daughter numerous years ago. The narrative was necessary to paint the picture as it really was. The acronyms are so common among those with a college education that they should not need further explanation-that might detract from the flow.

If I were to criticize anything about this story, it was that it was too perfect. Life is never this even. This friendship leading to mutual self discovery encountered few if any of the normal challenges to be conquered in real life. But, readers deal with all those challenges themselves, so why not enjoy a light, happy read that is uncomplicated?

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