Trinx Ch. 02


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Trinx gulped subtly. "Healthy living. Like you, Frankie."

"Of course. I don't suppose she's talked to you? I never hear from your mother, ever since she married that awful man."

"No. Not since I ran away, grandma."

"What a shame." Francine looked concerned, suddenly. "Did I say the same things to you last time? You look as if you want to tell me something awful. I know that I don't remember things like I used to."

"You did." Trinx sighed softly. "But I don't mind at all."


She gazed out at the water, as she so often did after the visits. Her stomach pressed firmly against the rail bordering the bay, as if she would be carried outward by the breeze without the restraint. The gently-curled ends of her hair flapped into her view as she gazed into the eternity of the horizon, creating a busy border for the seascape.

"Have you seen this child?" Francine had asked the old, homeless man.

Trinx remembered seeing her for the first time. She was not far from immobility then, struggling to move with the aid of a cane. The elderly woman had held the picture of a lovely blonde girl towards him.

"It's my granddaughter. She's out on the streets, somewhere. I want her to go back home."

"I am sorry..." The vagrant shook his head, looking at the woman.

"I am sorry..." Trinx whispered to herself mindlessly, gazing out at the rippling water. The words offered to Francine had marked only the second time she had ever spoken to anyone on this planet. And, sadly enough, it was the exact same phrase that she had said the first time she ever spoken aloud.

"Take it, anyway..." Francine had turned the picture over to reveal a phone number and address. "If you see her, I hope you can find a way to reach me. I'm sick with worry."

The old, bedraggled form of a man accepted, flipping it to look at the picture again. In that form, Trinx had nodded agreeably, while trying not to think of how the vagrant had last seen the girl in the picture. The fear so deeply set into her eyes, as if beyond the point of uncertainty. As if she knew that she would not be saved...

"And here..." The vagrant's eyes jumped as they saw that the old woman had pulled a sandwich from her handbag and extended it towards him. "God bless."

"God bless you too, ma'am..." Trinx remembered smiling up at her, thinking of what should be done.


She stopped at the sound of the word. Her rear foot almost froze in mid-swing as she turned to look out at the street. The hotel that was her destination stood only a few long strides away; Trinx's mind instantly evaluated the chances of making it through the doors and to a stairwell in time...

"ALIEN!" The alarm repeated and rapidly ricocheted around her skull. The voice belonged to a woman, but Trinx didn't see her. Her eyes didn't seek out the source of the cry, since they were held captive by the figure running panicked past her.

Their eyes met for a moment; one of his eyes human, the other seeming reptilian. Under other circumstances she might have thought that he winked at her. As it was, he was obviously reacting to having lost one of his contact lenses. Most of his skin looked normal, like that of a thirty year-old human male. In contrast, the top of his head was smooth and purplish, indented with darker, curved lines.

Trinx recognized the markings as those of a race from a planet near her own. Bekjerines. Her eyes narrowed sharply. There were only the three of them sent from her system, as she had been told. And the Bekjerines weren't explorers; they were a violent lot...

The blasting sound jolted Trinx from her thoughts. Whatever mockery of human skin that this alien had been wearing dissolved as the beam entered its back and exploded from inside. The Bekjerine dropped like a rock, its true appearance revealed as it lay a few yards from her.

Trinx swallowed as she clamped her open palm over her chest. The beating of her heart throbbed in her ears, as if there was no other sound in the known universe. Two uniformed men raced up onto the alien corpse, their weapons drawn. One of them carried a wig in his free hand, the strands of black hair swaying with his movements. The men observed the Bekjerine through the darkened visors of their helmets, one kicking at it to insure that its demise was not a ruse. The two men spoke to each other, but Trinx heard no words. Her eyes staggered their way back to the fallen visitor.

"What is he doing here?" She thought, transfixed on the corpse. "Why..."


She gasped at the sound of her name, broken from her trance. One of the uniformed men was smiling at her, his visor raised to reveal strikingly green eyes. He still held the wig, casually twirling it around his finger.

"I...what?" She spat out.

"I'm sorry. Not the best timing, I suppose." He smiled more broadly, the charming nature of the expression soothing her slightly. "It's Luke. Maybe the uniform threw you off."

"Oh, it did!" Trinx began to settle herself into the situation. "How are you, handsome?"

The memory had returned to her. It was a few weeks previous, and he was a referral client. A good one too, as she fondly recalled.

"Just keeping busy." Luke waved his weapon casually towards the dead alien. "How about you?"

"Oh, the same." Trinx almost gestured towards the nearby hotel, but thought better of it. "I didn't know this was your job."

"Yeah, don't talk about it a lot. Fuckin' aliens, you know."

"Yeah, what are you going to do, right?" Trinx disguised her nervousness as an awkward giggle. "Well, I guess you know what you're going to do. But still."

"I knew what you meant." Luke grinned. "Hey, I still have your email. I was short on credits for a while, but I really want to see you again."

"I'd like that. But for the moment, maybe...I'll let you get back to work."


Trinx halted the elevator on the way up. She breathed deeply in the otherwise empty space, letting her muscles unbind themselves. It was already past the time for the date, but there was little choice. She was simply no good in this frazzled state. Her mind strived to find a better environment, like the sensation of Beau's gentle embrace or Rick's rougher touch. The breaths came more easily as she dreamed of happier moments.

It was twenty minutes past when he opened the door. A businessman, she guessed from a quick evaluation, and probably divorced. She smiled sweetly.

"I am so terribly sorry. There was an...incident...outside, I was a witness." Trinx cleared her throat, the sound of shifting from the truth to a lie. "The police had to talk to me, I had to make up a story on the spot, even."

"It's...OK." The original irritated expression had quickly morphed to one of understanding. "Come in. Would you like a drink?"

"I would absolutely love one. Thank you so much."


The night air swallowed Trinx whole as she left the hotel. Its coolness overtook her, quite blissfully considering the previous hour in the stuffy guest room. She breathed it in with relish, turning down the sidewalk towards the surface-bus stop.

"Hey there, beautiful."

The voice caught her in her place, nearly making her trip over her own feet. She knew who it was, but slowly turned to look. As expected, Jellico leaned against the building, smirking at her. His gray suit jacket lay open over his prominent belly. Gray hair hung sloppily over the left side of his head. A predictably insufferable smirk adorned his rounded face, the look of someone with a distinct advantage and an even more distinct lack of restraint.

"What the fuck do you want?" Trinx sighed.

"Answers, as always." Jellico kicked himself off of the wall and strode towards the blonde.


He was silent for a moment, picking up strands of hair from her shoulder and examining them. They were damp from the date in the humid hotel room. She had tried to straighten up afterwards, but obviously not enough.

"Been in a sauna?"

Trinx narrowed her eyes, but said nothing.

"You staying here? I thought you had an apartment somewhere."

She glanced to the side, as if bored.

"Have relatives visiting from out of town? That must be it."

"Must be." Trinx finally replied.

Jellico stepped forward, sniffing her skin. She jerked back, repulsed. His nose threatened to graze her flesh as it traveled up her chest and along her neckline.

"Smells had a date with a guy who likes to give out pearl necklaces."

Trinx blinked for a second before realizing. "Oh my God."

"You gonna show me who your relatives are? Or should I go with all the detective skills that tell me you're still hooking?"

"It's not illegal to fuck, is it?"

"Not for free. Should we go back to your boyfriend's room and see what he says about it? I'm sure he'd like to know that you were ashamed to tell me about him."

She sighed, like she had previously. "What do you want?"

"A little fun." Jellico provided the familiar response. "Surely you can handle that."

"Yeah." Trinx faked a thin smile. "You got a room here?"

Jellico's smile was much more genuine. "No."

He led her back into the alley, guiding her with a hand on her firm ass. They stopped on the blind side of a dumpster.

"Looking real good, Trinxie." Jellico chuckled as he roughly pushed her up against the wall.


Jellico kissed her forcefully, pawing at her. His tongue tried to snake its way past her lips, and she grudgingly let it in. Perverse, porcine grunts slipped from him as his fingers squeezed her right tit like a vise.

"Hey..." Trinx chuckled as she broke off the kiss. "You wanna kiss, or do you want to bust your nut?"

"Can't I do both?"

Her expression became sterner. "Listen. You're not paying me for my time. If you want to get it off, let's get it on."

Jellico shrugged as he unzipped his pants. "As the lady likes it."

Trinx was sent to her knees before she knew what happened. Her mouth was suddenly stuffed with the cop's lengthy cock, as hard as she had ever felt it before. Even harder, it seemed.

"There you go, whore...suck it out."

Her moist hair was gripped by his sweaty fingers, forcing her to take him fast and deep right out of the starting gate. She grabbed his hips, more out of a need to orient herself than to touch him.

"Look at me while you do me the need in those pretty blue eyes."

Trinx obeyed, doing her best to create a sparkle in her eyes. The thought of Beau crossed her mind, but it was difficult to match his face with the gut that partially obstructed her view.

"That's right...that's a good little daddy how much you love it."

The sound of the fat man pounding her face bounced against the narrow walls extending hundreds of floors into the sky; the wet, gagging sounds spurted from her throat with every merciless thrust.

Jellico pushed his balls forward with his fingers, holding himself firmly in her throat. Trinx slipped her tongue outwards, lapping at his nutsack.

"Fuckkk...that's it...I can see how you get so much business." The detective chuckled.

She grunted as he went back to fucking her mouth with full force. The idea of stopping it suddenly occurred to her. It's not as if she was defenseless, as a couple of men had found out. But the risk was too great, she realized. Nobody could be allowed to find her. Jellico had arrested her a couple of times already, and he easily could have written down all of the other times that he had forced her to pleasure him, one way or another. He was exactly the kind of perverted fuckwit to keep track of such things, Trinx thought.

And the disappearance of a police detective would lead people like Luke to her doorstep, in a capacity that involved more than off-duty recreation.

"Fuckin' aliens..."

Luke's voice was cut off by Jellico's jarring groan and the sensation of his cock throbbing in her throat. Trinx looked up at him as he pumped out a thick load of spunk, his head thrown back dramatically.

"Ohhh yeaaaahhhh...suck it, whore... SUCK it! FUCK yeahhh swallow that fucking cumload..."

She held him in until he was finished, then pulled back slightly. Jellico released her, letting her slump back against the wall.

"Until next time." The detective fixed his pants as he walked off, leaving her in a heap. Sounds of his chuckles echoed through the alley, diminishing with distance along with his footsteps.


October 31, 2090

Another anniversary. One year ago, it happened. My birthday, of sorts.

I haven't been able to take on any clients today. It's all regret and replay rolling about in my skull. It's a bit hard to get in the proper mood like that, to say the least.

If only she had made some sound sooner. When her whimpering made its way to my ears, I was on my feet in an instant.

Yet, a moment too late.

I saw the life in her eyes for only a blink of my own. The fear seeped from her very pores, as Pongo held a glowing knife under her chin, the long blade pressing into the soft flesh that lay below her tongue. My hand froze as it reached for the man, cut off by the moist gasp that spilt from her, along with the sound of the knife piercing her to its hilt. Her eyes released thin trails of tears before they locked in place, wide and disbelieving. The sound of her body being unceremoniously dropped onto the pavement was almost more disturbing, if such a thing was possible. The wound sealed itself, a faint glow fading around the hole. I remember gazing at her limp form, seeing her head cocked back sharply with her eyes locked onto a place just beyond my shoulder.

"I am sorry..." The rasping voice sounded both foreign and distant to my own ears as I stared at her motionless body. She was eerily beautiful, like a mannequin or a painting that seems uncomfortably real.

"Move on, you creaky-ass fuck." I heard him snarl at me. "This ain't your business."

I had no words, as I finally looked at him. The language was much more familiar, now, and I felt like I could speak adequately if needed. But nothing came to mind which could express the emotions which were rippling through my veins. The sight of his dismissive, arrogant face made my pulse increase to an even more dangerous pace.

"I said move on, you piece of shit bum." Pongo lazily waved the glowing blade in my direction. "Before I give you a taste of the same."

I wish that I could say that I blacked out. That I don't remember it. That I didn't, on some level, choose to do it.

But I did. As quick as that decision may have been, in whatever state my mind was in, I was aware of what I was about to do.


He didn't even form a full syllable. His face looked just like those of the villagers as they ran from the creature, at least as far as palpable horror is concerned. The flash of curved claws entered my sight before they carved their path into Pongo. I remember every grisly moment of his dismemberment, hasty as it was.

I still smile with the recollection. I wish I could say otherwise, but the truth remains.

It would have been easy enough to leave them there. Another pair of unsolved murders, adding on to a number that was virtually infinite even a hundred years previously. While I could be halfway across the continent, in the completely untraceable form of another human. I had no other connections to this place, no reason whatsoever to remain here.

But I couldn't leave her that way. Additionally, I had torn my own clothes drastically when I changed my form to that of the rokkrath. I couldn't very well just go back to being the nameless old vagrant, not without fixing my wardrobe situation. Even a bum's clothes in such a state would draw attention. After making sure that nobody was around, I morphed into Trinx for the first time. I slipped out of the vagrant's rags, feeling the night air envelop my bared skin. I paused for a moment, taking in the sensation of being her. It felt natural, somehow; not like home, exactly, but like a home that I had just realized that I needed to own.

I stripped the streetwalker's clothes from her, as respectfully as possible, and put them on. Trinx was friendly with a shop owner nearby, I remembered. After testing my voice to ensure that I could pass myself off as her, I found him and asked to borrow his vehicle. A mere batting of eyelashes was all it took.

The power was nothing short of amazing. It was much like being the rokkrath, in a way, knowing that I had control. One form with raw physical force, and one form holding sway over the will of men.

With a discarded roll of carpet for Trinx and some trash bags for Pongo, I cleared the alleyway of all of the remains. Well, almost. I happened to find one of Pongo's eyeballs a few days later, being chewed on by a rat.

After disposing of the bodies in the bay, I used Pongo's credits to buy some used clothes for my return into the vagrant's form. In the back of my mind, I knew that it would not be the last time that I wore Trinx's body. The sight of myself in the store's mirrors as I passed froze me in midstep. I stared at my beauty unabashedly, even going so far as to run a hand delicately along the curve of my own breast.

I fell asleep that night as I had for many nights previously; as an old man in a dirty alleyway. But under the surface, the seed of a new identity had been planted.


To be continued

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