Triple Secs


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The garage, formerly the gym, was still clean. Cyndi unrolled a big practice pad on the floor and added a few pool cushions. "Class is in session. First, how to hot-up a woman. That is a verbal skill, not physical, not right away."

Cyndi sat me on the mat, cross-legged Indian style. She sat naked and open in my lap. She held my head.

"The position doesn't matter but words do. Tell me that I'm wonderful, that I excite you, that I'm the best thing around. Or if you're in a hurry, just leer at me and ask, 'Hey baby, wanna fuck?' That works a lot of the time."

I held her shoulders. I bit her neck. My hands brushed her arms, sides, boobs, thighs. My lips brushed her mouth. I whispered, "You are so beautiful! You are all I need. You are my everything. Wanna fuck?"

She slapped my cheek. Not too hard. "Hey, slower... mmmm..." I was blowing in her ear. I whispered and murmured, nothing comprehensible beyond "you are..." and "so good..." and shit like that.

"Better," she said, and kissed me. With tongue. And then climbed off me.

"Alicia, show him how to kiss a woman's body."

The elder goddess pulled me near. "Like this, but on me."

She kissed my mouth and face and neck. She kissed up and down my arms. She kissed my chest, with a few good nipple-sucks. She pushed me down on the padded mat and lay next to me. She kissed my belly, my hips, my cock again, and then down my legs to my ankles, my feet. She kissed my feet! Then up for my cock again, and my hands, and my mouth.

"Now do me."

I did her. Lying beside her, I kissed every inch of her glorious exposed body except her rich delta, where I nuzzled. I kissed her feet and licked her clean toes. She liked that.

"I like that," she whispered. "More." I sucked her toes and tickled her soles. She REALLY liked that. Her eyes captured mine. "You show potential, kid."

:Who gets to show him how to use his tongue?" Cyndi asked.

"Let's do show-and-tell," Alicia said. "You show on me, and Bren tells little Daryl what to do."

"Right," Cyndi said. "Okay, side by side." Alicia and Bren lay down together with knees open. "Watch. Do like this." Cyndi pulled my head beside hers and put her mouth to Alicia's goddess-like groin. She nuzzled, kissed, and licked. I watched. Bren pulled my hair. "Do that to me." I did.

I watched Cyndi bring Alicia to a screaming orgasm with her tongue and hands. I practiced on Bren a little. She yelled too, eventually.

"Now for advanced lessons," Alicia announced. "69ing is very important. Use your tongue and fingers to earn the privilege to stick your dick in a woman's mouth. A woman likes to be supported like this."

Cyndi climbed onto her big, beautiful, bullying sister. Knees and elbows kept her at a comfortable height. Their tongues worked. Hands clenched butts, stroked sides, pinched nipples, or poked around and into pussies. Boobs rubbed bellies. Butts and thighs quivered. Both goddesses moaned wetly.

"You've seen how. Now me," Bren ordered. "On your back, kid."

I lay on my back. My closest goddess put her pussy in my face and her mouth around my hard-again cock. I licked and licked. She sucked and sucked. She moaned around my cock. I was still stiff.

"Not bad," Bren said, recovering. Her sisters were still busy.

"Now you can learn how to fuck. No, not that missionary stuff. Hey Cyndi, let's go to Doggy-Fuck 202." She slapped her sister's ass. Alicia pushed Cyndi off her.

"You're the doggy, right?" Cyndi asked Bren. Bren pushed Cyndi back and open, positioned her face in Cyndi's crotch and her butt in the air, peered at me, and asked, "You ever seen doggy-style?"

Well yes, I was hard. I got on my knees behind Bren's butt and shoved my very hard cock into her very wet, inviting opening. I scooted closer. I ran my hands over Bren. held her hips, and pushed totally inside. She grunted. I stroked in and out. She frigged herself with one hand and Cyndi with the other. I stroked and pushed and then pounded, pounded.

I was young. My balls did not take long to recharge. They discharged right into my big, beautiful, bossy sister's willing womb. A good, fat load, too.


"That was my first day of re-education," the tidy young man said. "I faced a long week of rigorous training. I learned many ways for a man to pleasure one or two or three women. I got very good at it."

"That stuff a long way off -- How did Princeton go? And Wall Street?" the rangy redhead asked, taking another sip. "Why are you here, not there?"

"Oh, that. Princeton was fine till I got kicked out for fucking the dean's wife and three daughters. Other deans' women, too. But Stanford picked me up and I did well. They didn't care who I fucked as long as media didn't catch on. I'm with a VC firm, that's venture capitol, down in Silicon Valley."

"But my three sisters made me what I am," he said, and waved for a refill.

Down the table, a sun-bronzed man, who looked like a swimmer, caught the redhead's eye.

"You talked about three sons at once. I'll tell you about three ANYONE at once. And necessary, not only perverted fun. It gets tragic." He sipped.


*** Unraveled DNA ***


I do medical research at Sutter Labs. Our team tracks weird genetic diseases, one-in-a-billion ailments, the tough kind. We came across a woman from Nevada, long Basque bloodline, with an impossible degenerative syndrome. She was generally weak and lethargic but none of the standard diagnoses worked. We did nuclear scans and found... that her DNA was unraveling.

It is more complicated, of course, but that was the big thing. Genetic codes must fit together exactly right and each must be held in a helix, like a beaded spiral. DNA and RNA normally unzip and mix and zip back up. Hers unzipped and stayed unzipped. The ailment was terminal.

We had seen something similar in lab rats the year before. We tried many treatments but only one worked at all, and imperfectly: massive injections of suitable DNA. Degeneration slowed after such treatment. We found the DNA did not need to go directly into the sufferer's blood but could be applied anywhere in their genito-urinary or alimentary tracts.

What DNA was suitable? In some cases, our lab subjects required doses from other rat 'tribes', distinct but allied genetic strains. We called that Syndrome A. Others needed DNA from close kin. Only sperm from close male relatives provided any relief. We called that Syndrome B.

We labored hard over our first human patient, the Basque woman. We experimented with many strains of DNA and found that only sperm from men of the Zuni Indian tribe of New Mexico had any effect.

We devised a treatment plan. She relocated to Zuni pueblo and took a job in a tourist-goods factory carving animal figures, fetishes. We hired a Zuni man to fuck her every day. That sufficed awhile, but she still weakened. More sperm was needed, and more often. From once a day, to twice, to four times, eight times... It still was not enough. And our man was tired.

We hired another man, a supplement. They took turns. But that was not enough. They took to double-ending her, what is called spit-roasting, a cock in her ass and another in her mouth. That was soon not enough. Now she goes airtight with three cocks inside her, vagina and anus and mouth, five times a day. Zuni women are jealous but hey, it is necessary!

She was our first patient. The second was much closer to us, my own lovely middle-aged MILFy cousin Marva. She expressed the same symptoms as the Basque woman with Syndrome A. We tried all experimental regimes and found that Marva suffered from Syndrome B. She needed DNA from her close male kin.

Our family took the news roughly. Arguments broke out. I was not personally involved there -- as a blood-cousin, Marva and I only shared one-eighth of our DNA, so my contribution would be trivial. I was not a candidate for her survival. I would not fuck her -- not for that, anyway. Sure, she is hot, but..

But Marva's dad, brothers, sons, grandfathers, and blood-uncles argued terribly. She settled the matter. "Fuck me if you love me," she demanded. "Fuck me or I'll die." Her husband did not dispute. He wanted her alive.

It was like the Basque woman's situation. Marva's oldest brother volunteered first. One, two, four, seven times a day -- he could not last. Another brother added his efforts. Then another. Then the uncles. Then her sons. And last her father, who had been so noble and restrained.

Single doses were not enough. I observed some sessions in her specially-rebuilt bedroom. Her dad's dick up her ass; a son's or grandfather's cock in her pussy; an uncle or son or brother or two with their cock(s) in her mouth, spewing, then replaced with another cock or two, and another. She is airtight many times daily, with screams smothered by the cock or cocks she sucks. She tries not to complain.

Three at a time, every time. Rotating threes. Repeated foursomes at her fuck-seat. She said she can tell their cocks apart, all fourteen of them. But sometimes she calls the wrong name. Nobody is offended.


He looked into his cocktail glass, then up at the patrons.

"Marva has survived for over a year now. She seems stabilized. That is great, especially with Grandpa Lazlo's heart attack. Uncle Alfredo needs to slow down, too, or he'll keel over. But five dozen ejaculations each day, by oral, anal, or vaginal infusion, keeps her steady."

His glass did not remain empty long, nor full for long after.

"That's not the tough part. I AM personally involved. I was diagnosed with Syndrome B. I'll need massive DNA doses. I hope Grandpa Lazlo recovers."

His eyes closed. Nobody spoke right away.

A Latino man down the table broke the silence.

"That is strong shit, 'migo. I wish you well. My story is easier. Sort of."


*** The Trifecta ***


I run a small supply shop. One afternoon I was working the counter and this babe walks in, a gorgeous babe, about my age. We did business and started talking and man! We just clicked, y'know. I think we smelled good to each other, too.

I asked Fera out to dinner and she said yes. We danced after dinner. We went to my place -- that was easy, my apartment is upstairs from my shop. We fooled around. We sucked and fucked. We showered afterwards, and sucked and fucked again, and cleaned up again. Then Fera had to go home. Her mother and daughter expected her. Sure, she called to say everything was okay, but she drove off before midnight.

We had a few more dinner-and-dancing nights, then just a dinner she or I cooked up in my kitchen, and lots more fucking -- horizontal dancing, yeah. But she always left before midnight. Not a Cinderella thing, no way! But she had obligations. And she was extending those obligations to include me.

"You're so good," she told me. "You feel like someone I've always known."

It did not take her long to invite me to her home. She had a nice little house she and her mother's office salaries paid for, with space for her daughter, just enrolled in the community college.

Man, the mother and daughter! Little Lara, not so little in hips and tits, was a stone fox! And Grandma Giselle, well, what can I say? She worked out on lunch breaks, did not fatten-up on pastries or anything. In shorts, and with her midriff bare and her tits prominent, she almost outshone her daughter and granddaughter. They all had great butts and legs and tits and faces.

And they all liked me! We all just seemed to click. I felt like I belonged.

I came without phoning one day after I closed shop. Lara was there alone, wearing a short white smock. I had interrupted her; she deliberately brushed away chips and dust from her wood carving. She showed no debris on her bare arms, legs, and feet.

She took my hand. "So what do you think?"

I thought she looked great but I knew she meant the carving. I looked close at it, and at her other recent work. She was really good at projecting the flavor of a piece, of combining traditional and modern elements to shine with a new beauty, beauty all her own. I told her that.

"You're so sweet!" she said. She pulled my arm around her waist and wrapped herself into me. "And yes, the Mayan forms..." But I only held HER form, close enough to a Mayan goddess.

She pulled my hand lower. Off her waist. Onto her butt. Her bare butt, under that short smock. She rubbed my hand across her tight bare ass.

"You see exactly what I'm doing," she said. She let me go and pulled the smock off over her head. She wore nothing else but a serious smile. "And now I'll do more." She rubbed my enlarging crotch.

"You've been so good to Mama and Grandma and me," she said, unzipping me. "And you feel so good here. Especially HERE!" emphasizing my cock.

Long story short, she stripped me and licked me and took me. She had me slurp her while she slurped me and it sure was good! Then she pushed me on my back and sat on my cock, feeding me her great tits, bouncing on me, fucking me to death. I died happy.

This became a regular. I stopped by. Only Lara was there. We talked art and stuff, and fucked and stuff, and cleaned up before or if her mom or grandma arrived.

"I know you're Mama's but damn! I feel so good with you! We'll have to let her know someday. I don't know if she'll share you. I just don't know."

We fucked again, and cleaned up, and had a great dinner with her mom and grandma. Nobody said anything weird.

Things changed one week. Lara had evening workshops that week, Fera had late book finish-ups, and Grandma Giselle got a bonus week from work and was taking time off.

I rang their bell before dark. Shop close-up had taken a little time. The door was opened... by Giselle, in a smock shorter than Lara's. "Don't mind me, I was just airing myself in the sun." She needed no tan. She took my hand and led me inside. I knew where to park my overshirt and briefcase.

"Come on with me?" She led me to the airy back patio, shaded by avocado tree leaves and twisting vines in a trellis. She lay in one of a pair of lounges.

"Don't mind me." She slipped the smock over her head. She wore only skin beneath. "Take off your shoes. Get some air." She spread her thighs to the slight breeze. "Ahh, air is good..."

I stared. I had to. Damn, she was gorgeous! She saw me looking, of course, and grinned. "Go on, take it all off. Lie down there. Refresh yourself."

I undressed. My cock was pretty refreshed. I started to sit in the other lounge but she said, "Wait, come here first."

I walked close to her muscular naked beauty. She pulled my naked butt nearer and stuffed my cock in her mouth. "I'm so tired of waiting," she said, and sucked enthusiastically. Then some more.

Long story short: we sucked and fucked and all that, yada yada, all that evening and for the rest of the week. Hour after hour. She was insatiable, inexhaustible, relentless. She damn near killed me.

The days staggered. I staggered too, following the generations, grand-daughter and mother and grand-mother. Very grand. Fucking amazing! A trifecta! In case you are wondering. Fera and I are over thirty-ish. Lara is legal, and Giselle looks decades younger than almost-fifty.

Secrets could not stand, of course. I rang their bell one afternoon -- I had closed early. The door opened. Three women in short smocks and nothing else awaited me. I was pulled inside. Words and deeds followed.

Fera hit me a few times, and cried. Her mother and daughter held her, and cried, and then they hit me too, but not too hard. Then Grandma Giselle and Little Lara and even Mama Fera the Magnificent shed their abbreviated smocks and dragged me to the largest bed.

I was cried on, laughed at, beaten and slapped some more, softly comforted, kissed, sucked, and fucked. I fucked and kissed and slurped and otherwise kept my mouth shut, word-wise. I knew better than to spar verbally. It is best to play dumb with stuff like this.

Life was good after that. The women did not lick pussy but they kissed each others' mouths, faces, chests, and tits. They took turns at blowing me, or they paired up, fuck me! The licked me all over. Sometimes I had a pussy at my face and two tongues on my cock and balls. Or other pussies on my face and cock, switching. Then different arrangements. I cannot say which was best. All were best. Everything rocked.

We did other things than fuck and slurp and tickle and talk of art and shit. And dinners and dancing, right in their house. We strolled in outside gardens and parks when we were all free. We visited non-toxic amusement sites. We did museums and galleries and outdoor festivals about this and that.

Yeah, we all fucked an awful lot. But that was only part of it. We fell in love. They were already family. I became a part of them.

And that meant talking about ourselves, where we were from, where we were going; what we did; what we wanted to do; what we might do.

I did not have a lot to tell of myself. I was orphaned, and adopted early by a fine couple, and I did not go TOO wrong. I fucked around when I was a kid, sure. I was the slick, sly guy who put booze and stuff in the party punch and screwed the girls when they passed out. That is only natural, right?

Then came the Army, and specialist training, and when I got out, I was able to open my shop. That kept me busy for years. Girls along the way, sure, but my business was not going to build itself. It was work. Till Lara came.

My folks had left me some old photo albums. Lara and Giselle had their own. We paged through each others' backgrounds. Some things started to look funny. Those pictures, from those places and dates, and those faces...

Long story short, oh shit. Giselle had given her firstborn son up for adoption because she was not ready to be a mother at fifteen, not after being a wild child. She married some other guy a year later - that was legal in her state -- and had Fera, another wild and indiscreet child. Age fifteen, she got fucked at some party... in a town where I happened to live at the time. When I was a bad boy. Where I was drunking and drugging and fucking wild and careless girls. Girls like... Fera.

You can probably guess. Giselle was my mother. Fera was my sister. Lara was my daughter. I had been fucking all the women in my blood family for months now. Without protection. Were pregnancies possible?

We were shocked. I was accused, and beaten and slapped, and yelled at, and cried on... and fucked again. We kept on fucking. We never stopped.

But hey, I fucked my mother and sister and daughter, three generations. I call that The Trifecta. If you have a better label, whip it out, 'migo.


The Latino man waved for a refill. Patrons peered at each other.

A pale, perky woman sipped her drink.

"This is all so familiar. Just three years ago, I had my three nephews over for Christmas and the New Year holiday -- they're all keen soccer players, really ripped, and rough -- and we were drinking and laughing, and puffing some e-vap stuff, hanging out by the fireplace, and it got so warm. I remember lying on the carpet there. And then the next thing I knew..."

The stories continued to flow. The night was young.

The End?

Author's note: This crud by Hypoxia Smurf, who has never quite fucked three blood relatives at once (more is the pity), is copyright (c) 2018. I hope I caught all the typos. Your constructive comments are welcome. If you like this SUMMER LOVIN CONTEST 2018 entry, join the 1%-ers and VOTE!

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
here's a beautiful sentence

"Which could happen, what with how young mothers practice childrearing now."

I guess so???

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