Triple-Tryst Ch. 01

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FFM triplets come home to dad.
8.5k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 11/24/2006
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CHAPTER ONE—Welcomed Reunion

On our 21st birthday, my two sisters and I (we're identical triplets) went back home to visit with our dad. He and mom had recently divorced, so we just wanted to be with him and make sure things were okay.

Mom had gone off with her step-sister, of all people, but she was more than all right.

We found dad pretty much as he was when we'd gone off to college, but a bit older and way sadder than before. He greeted us at the door with warm hugs and kisses—except for me, of course, who being the male of our little triplet pod, received a handshake and a hug—and then we were unpacking and getting readjusted to being home again after so long.

Dinner was ordered-out pizza which dad always enjoyed, and a 6-pack of beer was enough for all of us. We sat around the fireplace afterwards just talking and joking, eating slices of birthday cake, and catching up on things. I sat back with my nearly full beer, appreciating the whole scene. It was beautiful in so many ways. Memories filled the place, but the present company seemed to make the whole living room glow with affection and love. My sisters always had that affect. It was like their joy of living radiated from them. To top it off, they were just actually stunningly beautiful! That was never in doubt, and even for me, being male, there was a certain presence that I must've had too, because on more occasions than I could recall, I'd enter a room or classroom, and heads would turn.

Even, I have to admit, guys' heads.

I leaned my head back against the back of the sofa and just listened to the happy chatter and laughing. Dad was getting into it too. It was like a late frost was just now melting, and I felt good about that. Sometimes I guess that's what kids are for—to help the parents when times get tough.

But times were tough all over. Even for me.

Recently, I'd been discovering things about myself that I felt uncomfortable with. I'd stand before a mirror and look at myself, but I'd see a smile on my face that really wasn't there; like a superimposed image over my own reflection. And the image was always of one of my sisters—Meg and Courtney. We look so much alike, are so identical, that pictures of our faces, if Photoshopped, just fit, layer over layer with only tiny differences. I'd actually grown a mustache so people wouldn't call out to Meg or Courtney when they saw me on campus! I don't exactly walk around wearing dresses, but it happened more times than I wanted to remember.

But during these superimposed moments, inside, I actually sort of liked what I saw and felt, and at times I actually envied my sisters for being the way they were; so comfortable being who they were and what they were. I remember shaving my mustache one day and never growing it back. If people thought I was one of my sisters, then fine; it was a compliment.

Then one night while laying in bed, I felt the urge to touch myself. My roommate was fast asleep so I just pushed my underwear down and started to rub my cock. I was hard before I knew it, but as I continued to rub with one hand, my other hand slid up my chest and then down my belly. I suddenly didn't like the feeling of hair on my skin. I remember sitting up under the covers and running both hands down my legs and then up again. Hair. I wasn't incredibly hairy—like my roomie, gawd, a walking sweater!—but I simply felt weird feeling all this hair on my body. I got up and went to the bathroom, locked the door and looked at myself in the sink mirror.

The same image seemed to cover me. Meg or Courtney—I couldn't tell which. But it now felt as though I was one of my sisters standing in front of her mirror in her own dorm room. I raised my arm and the sight of my underarm hair made my nose wrinkle. I got my razor and started to dry-shave right then and there, and when I was done I ran a finger over my smooth armpit and really enjoyed the sensation. Just that touch had given me goose-flesh, and my nipples were hard and excited.

I wound up shaving both my armpits, my chest, the hair around my nipples, and then stripped my underwear down and started shaving my pubes. I didn't shave everything down there; I left a V shaped patch around my cock—which was rock hard. My whole body felt that way—hard and completely aroused.

Then I left my crotch the way it was and shaved both my legs completely, and when I was done I cleaned up all the loose hair with a damp piece of toilet paper, dumped everything in the toilet and flushed. It seemed that an old part of me was swirling down the toilet, and when the water refilled fresh and clean, I looked down at myself.

Closing my eyes, I started to run my hands all over myself, feeling freshly hairless skin tingling like never before. Every part of me seemed alive in ways I never knew were possible before. I finally grabbed my erection, and because of all the previous excitement, it took only five or six tugs before I was spurting into the sink. The climax was incredible—feeling as though my whole body had orgasmed and not just that one part of me, and when I had cleaned everything up and made sure no semen remained anywhere, I cleaned my cock off, slipped my underwear back on, and went back to bed.

From then on, it was as though a female side of me which I'd never known, had awakened. I'm not saying I became gay or flaming or faggy or anything; I just felt...more female with each day that went by.

And now I sat in my parent's home with beer warming my insides and the flames of the fire warming my outsides, and the ongoing conversation and laugher warming my heart. I only wished I knew how I fit into this scene!

We went to bed an hour or so after that—I, to my own room, the girls to theirs—and when I undressed the first thing I did was run my hands all over my body. I'd shaved that day before the trip and the hours of wearing scratchy clothing had gotten to me. I was so aware of my hairlessness within my suit and underwear, I had almost excused myself from the gathering earlier so I could come up here and masturbate. Now I could do it with no hurry and no expectation of rejoining the party. Then I heard a loud giggle through the wall, and the sound of something metallic bumping into it.

"Stop it!" one of my sisters was laughing. "Daddy might hear!"

"Oh you know you want it!" my other sister chuckled. My cock, half-erect, now sprung up full and stiff. I couldn't resist creeping toward the wall to listen, and then I wished I hadn't.

"...mmmm....Courtney..." Meg moaned. "...yah...just like that...." I pressed my ear right up against the wall, and could now hear soft, moist, sucking noises. Then another humming moan and a gasp. My dick throbbed, thickened. I wondered how long my sisters had been having sex together. For some reason though, it didn't bother me or even surprise me! Two beautiful, loving women; what could be more of a perfect match? I only wished I had been included in their relationship. More than likely if I had been born female I might be in that bedroom right now, squirming and kissing and licking things that only females knew about.

The thought of kissing either of my sisters now thrilled me in ways it never had before. Like any other siblings we'd kiss—affectionately, on the cheek—but now even the thought of something that simple filled me with desire. And then that thought blended into an image of kissing one of them on the neck, then her shoulder. I stood there listening to them making love just beyond that wall and envisioned myself in one of their places. And it was easy to do now; now that I'd been drawn to my feminine side. I thought of kissing their boobs and bellies and hips, and then simply spreading their legs and pressing my tongue to their most secret place—even as they did the same to me.

—But strangely, not to my cock but to my own pussy!

The sounds were now getting more and more intense. The moans were turning into grunts and hissing gasps.

"Put a pillow over your face or something..." Courtney said. "You're getting too loud."

"...yah, okay, but...just don't stop, all right?"

" can I, stupid?"

They laughed, but then fell silent again and the moist sounds resumed. I knelt there at the wall, listening intensely, my organ fully erect and throbbing at an angle between my thighs and abdomen. I began to wonder if I would or could ejaculate simply by listening—just hearing them doing what they were doing—when Meg took a deep breath.

"Okay, okay, wait, okay?" she whispered. "I just don't feel right about this."

"I'm not doing it right?" Courtney answered. Her voice sounded hurt.

"No, dummy, not that." Meg said. "It just doesn't feel right not having Ronny with us...."

I'm sure they spoke back and forth a little more than that, but hearing my name mentioned made my entire body freeze—my entire being! I was speechless, my mind was numb. Without thinking, I pushed my prick down between my thighs to hide it, even though I knew no one could see. I took a quiet breath and listened in again.

"Yes I know," Courtney said softly. "It's like I can feel him here in the room with us right now, watching, listening."

"Oh gawd!" Meg put in. "I just realized that he can probably feel what we're feeling. Just like with everything else!"

"Like when I nearly broke my shin?"

"Yah, and when that car nearly hit me on winter break last year. You both felt it...."

"Well, I'm going to go next door and get him," Courtney said. "It would be totally bad if our first time together didn't include him...."

I panicked. I thought my heart had stopped. I couldn't let them see me like this! Since I began shaving my body, I'd given up wearing shorts or walking around shirtless even in my own dorm room, not wanting my roomie to see me and think I was weird. And now...I heard the sound of bare feet going across the floor in the other room, heard the door open, heard those same feet padding up the hall, then heard a soft tapping on my door. Standing, I tried to make my way to bed. If I got there in time I could get under the covers and pretend I was sleeping. I got one knee on the bed when the door opened.

"Ronny? I—" was all my sister was able to say. She'd caught me and there was no doubt about it. Even with the dimness of the light from the hallway I knew there could be no doubt she saw my condition. I stopped and turned to look at her.

Wearing her robe, she stood there grinning ear to ear!

"I uh, well actually..." Courtney continued calmly, "...Meg and I were wondering, if you would uh...." I pulled the edge of the blanket over myself and sat. Courtney came closer, a look of wonder in her face. "That is you, right?" she asked.


"Just then," she explained, "I...I thought, well, you looked so...different. So...I guess the word is pretty...."

Then more soft footsteps coming out of the other room, down the hall and into my room. Meg now stood there in bare feet and robe, puzzled.

"Is there a problem?" she whispered, and Courtney turned to her. For just a moment I could so easily imagine the two of them making love, my cock, softened from the panic, now rose to full erection again.

"No," Courtney answered. She stepped closer and then closer, and finally grabbed my covering and started to pull it off. I resisted but then gave in. It was a dream come true for me, but in a strange nightmarish way. Then Meg was there helping to uncover me and a moment later I was completely exposed. Still, I crossed my hands down over my crotch, even though that didn't hide anything else. I was so utterly exposed, but at least I was able to shove my cock down between my thighs again!

"Like I was saying," Courtney resumed, "Meg and I were wondering if you would like to join us in something...special...we were doing. It's your birthday too and we didn't feel right about you not being with us. You are sorta prepared though...."

"Gawd," Meg said. "I had no idea you shaved your body like that, Ronny!" I tried to cringe under the other side of the blanket but Meg came and sat down right beside me. Without another word she ran her hand gently down my thigh and then looked up at Courtney. "He's so smooth...."

Courtney sat to my other side. I so wanted to be with them like this but I was so afraid at the same time. Then Courtney gave me the sweetest, softest kiss to my shoulder and the shudder that went through me made me forget all about fear. I turned to kiss the top of her head and her face turned to me. Our lips were just an inch apart, and then Meg kissed my back, and I finally melted and pressed my mouth to Courtney's. We kissed.

We kissed deeply.

We never made it back to my sisters' room according to what they'd originally planned, and instead began to touch and kiss and explore each other right there on my own bed. And as each passing moment went by I became more and more glad that I'd shaved myself down so recently; no stubble, not a hair anywhere. My sisters' hands slid smoothly over whatever part of me they happened to touch, just as my hands moved effortlessly over their bodies. We turned and curled and snuggled and touched, our mouths and fingers ceaselessly moving, caressing, feeling.

Eventually a hand grasped my cock and squeezed it. I was glad that I had recently begun shaving down there as well: there was nothing but soft, velvety skin on my crotch, cock and balls, and the hand loosened its grip slightly and gently moved up and down my organ, so delicately that it didn't move the outer skin—it simply enveloped it in a soft, caressing touch. But then, even with that strange and comforting femaleness already stirring within me, an even stronger level of that same force overwhelmed me. I turned slowly, saw a beautiful thigh before my eyes, and kissed it. I heard a soft moan. The leg moved and I kissed its knee, and then another leg, exactly the same, slid over my shoulder—foot pointing outward into my view. I felt hands caress my back, slid my own hand down that raised leg and went on kissing the one which was now rubbing back and forth against my face. The room seemed filled with sighs and quiet gasps, silky, warm skin touching me everywhere, legs and arms moving in some slow, alien rhythm. I turned the other way and found a face smiling directly at me. It was like looking into that mirror! We kissed, and now other lips seemed to brush down the backs of my own legs. Hands rubbed my ankles while another took hold of my cock and squeezed it again.

Hours seemed to slowly move by, images and thoughts and sensations blurring together. So many times I lost track of whose body I was touching or kissing or making love to with my mouth. I remember seeing a leg pointing at the ceiling, reaching out to it and running my hands down from knee to thigh and realizing it was my own leg, but then one of my sisters was there, kneeling, holding my leg over her shoulder, kissing the inside of its knee. I felt my organ stand erect. I knew I would come soon so I tried to hold back the feeling. But it was nearly impossible! Legs, hips, breasts brushing against me, hands running up and down my hips, over my feet, my shoulders and face! For long, breathless moments, I seemed to be misplaced within my own body—the life force of one of my sisters taking my place—while at the same time I seemed to recall being in their body, looking down at myself.

Then after time beyond measure, we formed a circle, laying on our sides, each using their mouth on the one ahead of them. A Daisy Chain I think it's called.

At first my mouth was planted on one of my sister's sweet, swollen pussy, while hers was planted similarly on her sister, who in turn engulfed my cock with her own mouth. There were gasps of pleasure all around—except for me. I held back, not wanting this all to end. Then we turned the other way around and I got to sample my other sister's secret tastes. There was no difference that I could detect! Even the way they gasped and moaned was identical. Then we each began to kiss and lick and touch further down each other's body—leaving the genitals alone and kissing thighs and knees—the fear of ejaculating from direct contact faded—but only for a moment or two.

My legs, my feet, my toes, had all become hyper-sensitive. My sister's mouth—which ever sister it was—gave me shivers that seemed to race up into my groin and form a twisting knot that connected my navel to my rectum in some way. And it only got worse when we had kissed our way down to each other's feet in this ever-expanding circle! I thought I would spurt in thin air when my toes entered my sister's mouth! I finally had to pull back and roll away, and shivering, I sat with my legs drawn halfway under me, watching as Meg and Courtney stopped and looked back.

"Ronny?" Courtney asked.

"I'm just...needing a little break is all," I said, and she nodded. The both of them curled up closer together and resumed kissing and sucking each other's toes. That sight alone was enough to keep my organ standing stiff, and it went on like that for I don't know how long! I sat there, spacing out on the sheer beauty of the scene. It was almost as if I were watching one girl make love to herself. They way they moved together, the way they touched—it was almost beyond intimacy. And the strange thing was, even though I was sitting on the sidelines, I could feel what they were feeling. One would gasp and I would get shivers. My nipples would harden. I could almost feel the tingle of lips around my toe, and then a hand would slip down to lightly brush the other's pussy and I could feel the tingle in my crotch and it would make my cock lift up hard.

Then they began to squirm and wriggle back toward each other's crotches, each of them lifting a leg to make room, and in moments both my sisters were completely and absolutely absorbed in licking each other out. They seemed lost in their own world, gasping, moaning, licking, tasting.

To see such beautiful women naked like this—either one by herself—would be enough to make any man hard, but to watch them making love like that! I knew that had even a gentle breeze blown across my cock at that moment I would've been spurting. And then, taking a breath to clear my mind, I thought that I had actually ejaculated. I could smell semen in the air somehow. I looked down and saw that my prick was still as it was, reddish and veiny and harder than it had ever been, with thin droplets of pre-come drooling down. I hadn't ejaculated so I wondered about that smell. I started to look around, and though I was still halfway lost in the dreamy state I was in, I saw that my bedroom door was open—wide. It was as Meg had left it, and with the way things had started happening, none of us had thought to close and bolt it.

Then, as if in answer to my question, I noticed a glossy spot on the wooden floor just outside the door. It shone in the light from down the hall, and looked wet; like a tiny puddle. Mystified, I got carefully off the bed so as to not disturb the two orgasming beauties who continued to writhe and squirm against each other and padded silently over to the puddle. The smell of semen grew stronger and I squatted down and was just about to touch it with my finger when a hand suddenly came down with a clump of toilet paper and began to sop and wipe it up!

I nearly jumped out of my skin at that point but I went on all fours and peeked around the edge of the doorjamb, and met dad, eye to eye!

Dad nearly fell back in surprise, having not known I was there, and having only extended his arm across the open door in order to wipe up—semen. That's what it was! But now he crouched there frozen, staring at me with abject fear on his face.

"...I'm...." he began, but then I noticed that dad wasn't wearing anything. He's a bit paunchy, but still good looking, and the sight of him—of another family member in the same state as I was—somehow made my fallen prick flick up a little bit.