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An older woman takes a young man on a voyage of discovery.
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We lived in a semi detached house. The Corbys lived next door. I think that maybe I was 11 or 12 years old when I was awoken by the sounds of Les Corby beating up his wife Trish again. Dad had warned him. Now the time for warnings was over. The next sounds I heard was Dad giving Les the kind of belting that he'd been dishing out to his wife every time he got drunk.

Not long after this Les Corby moved out never to be seen again. Nobody was more relieved and pleased to see him go than his wife.

For the next few years Trish Corby was the nice lady who lived next door. I used to run errands and help out wherever I could.

Then when I got to be about 16 or so I realised that she was more than just a nice lady she was a very attractive lady. She would have been in her early thirties by then with mid-length fair wavy hair and bright blue eyes.

It wasn't until I reached the age of 18 that I discovered that she was more than a nice attractive lady. She was downright sexy.

It was a hot summer day and I was reading in my room. I glanced out of the window to see Trish gardening barely twenty feet away. She was wearing a white shirt with the top buttons undone and a short skirt. The hot summer sun was causing her to perspire so that the shirt was sticking to her in a way that woke me up to the fact that Trish Corby had very nice tits and come to think of it her whole figure was definitely hot. All of her curves were firmly in the right places, nothing jiggled. At one stage she stopped work stood up and stretched with her arms above her head. I could clearly see her nipples pressed against the fabric of her shirt which led me to think that she might not be wearing a bra. It was almost as if she were reading my thoughts. When she continued working she bent over to pull out a weed I could see full firm breasts, no sign of a bra. She swivelled around, her skirt tightening around her butt was revealing the lines of her panties. My imagination was working overtime wondering what colour they would be and what they were made of.

Again it was as if she had read my mind, she turned back toward me and hiked her skirt up around her thighs, squatted on her heels with her legs apart to till the soil. Nothing made of cotton could possibly be that raunchy. Her pale blue panties nestled in that salacious space where her body met her thighs and thanks to 20-20 vision I could clearly see the cleft of her sex.

It goes without saying that my 18year old cock was rock hard and screaming for release. I looked down to unzip my fly. As soon as my cock sprang free I took hold of it and was stroking at a fair pace as I stared at the sensuous sight of Trish's firm white thighs and the clearly defined slit of her pussy. And was I imagining it or were her legs further apart and was that a slightly damp patch that I could see?

I was close to cumming when I dragged my gaze upwards straight into the eyes of Trish Corby who was watching me with a wry smile on her face. She had sprung me. I was horrified as I packed my rapidly deflating cock away. Not that she could have seen it as it was just below the level of the window, but she could have easily seen my right arm pumping furiously and it would not have required much imagination to figure out what was going on.

As I gazed slack jawed at her,Trish raised her right forefinger and made a beckoning motion to me. I rose to my feet and went out into the garden. Trish made her way to her back door, entered the house and turned to once again beckon.

It was the work of seconds to cross the wire fence and join her in the kitchen. She was seated at the kitchen table I stood before her.

'Sit down.' she commanded.

I took the chair opposite her. ' Now Jeremy.' she began. ' Were you looking up my skirt?'

There was no point in denying. 'Yes Mrs Corby.'

' I think that you are old enough and mature enough to call me Trish.'

' Yes Mrs Cor- I mean Trish.' I stammered.

'And what were you doing whilst you were gazing at my panties?'

I hesitated. Unwilling to put my deed into words. Embarrassment overwhelming me.

'Come on Jeremy. I have just admitted that you are mature enough to call me by my name. This also means that I consider you mature enough to hold an adult conversation with me. So tell me what were you doing.'

'I was masturbating.' I held my breath waiting for her wrath to descend upon me.

Instead of looking angry she appeared apprehensive and paused before asking. ' Why on earth would you masturbate over an older woman like me?'

'You're not old!' I blurted. 'You are still young and attractive. No! More than that. I wouldn't have been masturbating if I didn't think that you were sexy!' I closed my mouth before any more words could tumble out. Aware that I had really gone too far this time.

Her answer amazed me. 'Thank you Jeremy. It's been a long time since anybody complimented me about my appearance and a damn sight longer since anybody remarked upon my sexuality.'

"In for a penny in for a pound." I thought then answered.

'Your appearance and your sexuality compliment each other. You are one very desirable lady.' I waited with bated breath for her reply.

When it came it was accompanied by that same wry smile that I'd seen on her face in the garden


'You are certainly mature enough when it comes to complimenting a lady. Thank you once again.' she paused I could practically hear her thinking. She seemed to come to a conclusion then she continued.

'OK I think that the time has come for you and I to have a real adult conversation. With regard to my sexuality, well its been a long time. There have been no men in my life since my husband and even when he was there I always thought that something seemed to be missing in our love life. The beatings that he gave me put me off any kind of a relationship with the opposite sex. That doesn't mean that my sex drive had completely dried up but it had been driven to a dark place somewhere deep inside me.'

She went quiet. Somehow I sensed that she needed reassurance but words were failing me so I reached across took her hand and lightly squeezed it. The wry smile had gone from her face and was now replaced by a small soft gentle smile that seemed to come from within. She didn't withdraw her hand, rather the opposite she gently squeezed mine before continuing.

'Then just recently, in the last four to six weeks or so, I felt that darkness begin to lift, it was as if my sexuality was being re-born. A similar feeling to that which I had during puberty but this time far more intense. A kind of sexual re-awakening which should have felt good but instead I was assailed by doubts. Did I even have what it takes to excite a man? And if I did was it still there or had far too much water flowed under the bridge for me to resurrect it? I strongly suspected that the tyranny of time had taken its toll and I had simply become a jaded aging woman.'

' You! Jaded. Aging.' I echoed. 'Don't you have any mirrors in this house?'

'Yes of course.' She gave a laugh before continuing. ' And what I saw in them was what I thought was a reasonably attractive woman. But doubts are not so easily conquered. I simply had to find out if a member of the opposite sex would find me desirable and I could only think of one way of discovering that. So that is when I hatched my plan.'

'What plan?' I asked.

She gave a little secret smile before replying. 'Oh Jeremy I thought that you would have figured that one out for yourself.'

The only comment that sprang to my mind was delivered by a shrug.

'I decided to put on a little show. Something overtly sexual. But what I needed was an audience then I realised that I had one living right next door. A sexually mature attractive young man.'

Something went click inside my head. 'So you knew I was watching you!'

'More than that. I made sure that you did And I was watching you to gauge your reactions but you were too busy looking at my body to notice my eyes. I stretched upward to display my breasts pressed against my shirt. I kept bending over allow you to see my breasts and to show off my butt then I finally turned toward you and squatted with my legs apart. All the time I was watching your reactions. Then you did something that far exceeded my expectations. You started masturbating I didn't for one moment believe that I was capable of arousing you to that extent. I found myself becoming excited so much so that for the first time in years I could feel myself getting wet. It was then that you finally saw me looking at you so the show was over.'

For a short while I was too stunned to speak. Trish's words and my memories of what had occurred between us had caused my erection to re-appear. Luckily it was hidden below the table but for comforts sake needed re-arranging. I tried to sneak my left hand down to sort things out hoping that Trish wouldn't notice but a knowing look crossed her face as she squeezed my hand again. Then I realised that she was waiting for me to reply.

I shuffled my thoughts into some sort of order then said. ' Trish I'm going to be absolutely honest with you so I want you to listen.'

She respected my wishes and replied by nodding her head.'

'Firstly I want to thank you for making me the subject of your umm experiment. It was easily the most erotic thing that has ever happened to me. Although I've never had sex I've seen my share of the bodies of girls of my own age. From making out to skinny dipping I've seen and sometimes touched these girls.

'But let me make this clear, not one of them gets anywhere near you when it comes to sheer sensuality. They pale beside your maturity. They have a lot to learn before they can come anywhere near the eroticism that comes naturally to you.

'You wanted to know if you are sexually attractive. Well let me put it in a word for you. Stimulating. Exciting, Erotic. Arousing. O.K. So that's four words. Well here's another. A challenge. More than anything else right now it is my deepest desire that you will be the first woman that I make love to.'

The very thought of this caused my erection to increase in hardness. It was causing me discomfort. I wriggled in my seat waiting for Trish to reply, sure in my heart of hearts that she would find my suggestion to be nothing more than the immature babbling of gauche youth. Her reply, when it came, stunned me.

She squeezed my hand and looked me in the eye as she spoke. 'Jeremy, up till now your comments to and about me have been complimentary. What you are now suggesting is not complimentary it is much more than that. What you are proposing would be an absolute privilege for me. Are you certain that this is what you want?'

I nodded. 'I've never been more sure.'

Trish rose to her feet and came to stand before me. ' Stand up.' she said.

'I can't.'

' Why not? Is it because you have an erection?'

I nodded a reply

'Well that's good because you are going to be needing it.'

I stood as Trish reached out and drew me to her till we were nearly touching then she changed her hold to put her arms around me so that now we were touching, I responded by putting my arms around her and drawing us even closer so that now I could feel her firm breasts against me the hard nubs of her nipples were pressing into my chest. But more than this I was aware that my erect cock was pressing into her lower abdomen. I could feel her pubic bone grinding hard against me.

Then before I knew it we were kissing but this was not the kind of girl-boy kiss that I was used to, this was the kiss that told of a woman's need. Our tongues lashed against each other. Warm moist thrusting that mimicked the sex act that I longed for. Trish briefly withdrew I felt her fumbling with her dress. Within seconds she came close again then I realised that she had lifted her dress for I could feel through the material of my pants that my cock was being pressed hard against her pussy. Even through the material of my trousers and her panties I could feel the warm clasp of her sex rubbing up and down my rock hard but oh so sensitive cock. Already this intimacy with Trish had taken me further than I had ever gone with girls of my own age but I hungered for more so I started to rip open the buttons of my shirt.

'Oh no you don't young man. I undress you. You undress me. But let's do it slowly and take it to the bedroom shall we?'

Bedroom!! The very word was music to my ears. When we got there we sat on the bed and she began to slowly unbutton my shirt. With each button she kissed the part of my chest that was revealed. As she did so she pushed the shirt back off of my chest till my nipples were being kissed and nibbled. This sensation was startling for me I honestly had no idea that my nipples were so sensitive. By using nothing more than her teeth tongue and lips she had me squirming in ecstasy.

My fingers were trembling as I began to unbutton Trish's shirt. I tried desperately to do it slowly but my fingers were way ahead of my thoughts. Nevertheless I had her shirt open to her navel before I eased it over her shoulders revealing breasts that were nothing short of perfect. The glimpse that I had of them in the garden did not begin to do them justice. Full and firm they stood proudly filling her chest, leaving just enough room to form a deep cleavage that begged to be caressed and kissed. Which is exactly what I proceeded to do. I must have learned well from what Trish had done to me because as I nipped nibbled and sucked on her delightful nubs her reactions were exactly like mine except that she was far more vocal.

'Oh yes yes yes Jeremy! Now bite a little harder! Oooh that's fantastic baby Wow!!'

Never let it be said that I'm a slow learner.

While this was happening Trish had reached down to unzip my fly and was trying to pull my pants down. I raised my hips and quickly found my pants and boxers around my ankles so that I was able to simply kick them off. Her hand began firmly stroking my steel hard erection. My cock had been in the hands of girls of my own age but Trish was showing me the difference between girls and a woman. Her hand was knowing in the way that it glided up my shaft to smooth its way over my glans where she used her fingers to spread my leaking pre-cum.

Once again following the example that Trish had given me, I slipped my hand under her skirt allowing it to move smoothly along the inside of her thighs till when I reached her panties I found that they were not damp, they were soaking. Now it was Trish's turn to raise her hips and as she did so I pulled her panties down till, like me, she kicked them off.

The soft downy hair of her pussy was covered in the moisture it was not so much sticky as smooth allowing my exploring fingers to slip naturally toward her opening. As I was about to probe my way into her she said.

' No, let me show you.'

With that she led my questing finger along the slippery cleft of her sex till right at the very front I felt a slight bump. She paused there then began to circle my finger around.

' Now that Jeremy my love is my clitoris and if you intend to get a girl really excited this is where you start.'

I began to rub her firmly.

' No! Gently and slowly. I'll tell you when to speed up,'

If I thought that stimulating her breast produced an exciting result then I soon learned that arousing her clitoris was twice as rewarding.

' Oooh baby that's fantastic. Yes! Yes! Just like that... Now faster.. Not too fast .. Aargh.'

Her hips were bucking her legs thrashing, her breasts began to perspire. There was a line of perspiration along her top lip, her head lashed from side to side. I'd had no idea that I could bring a woman to this level of excitement by using nothing more than my fingers but if I thought that this was as good as it was going to get I was soon to learn differently.

Trish had decided to change tack she twisted her body away from me and began to kiss her way down my torso, once again briefly circling my nipples with her tongue and teeth before kissing and licking around my navel then heading south till she was circling my rock hard cock. The sensation was almost unbearable But when she took me into her mouth my pleasure found a whole new level.

Sure I'd heard of and knew a little about fellatio, but I honestly thought that it consisted solely of having my cock sucked. Trish proved that there was much more to it than simple suction. Her head bobbed slowly up and down at the same time as swirling around. This combined with the act of sucking was a completely new experience for me. I now realised why it was called a "Blow Job" Trish was blowing my mind.

Talking of my mind, Trish seemed to be able to read it because she ceased sucking me just as I was very close to ejaculating. Had I come at this point then the whole thing might well have been over but she was by no means ready to stop. I felt her lips kissing and licking their way up my body, across my chest and neck to circle around behind my ears, (Hey!! I didn't know that this was an erogenous zone.) But I was learning fast.

I quickly realised that this beautiful woman was expecting me to return the compliment. She never had to ask. I simply followed her example. Once again lapping my way across those incredible boobs then heading south to kiss her navel. With a quick wriggle of her hips her skirt was gone and I was continuing down across her abdomen. Once again this was a voyage of discovery for I was soon to learn how soft and smooth the skin on a woman's tummy is.

When I reached her pussy I remembered what she had told me about her clitoris.

'If you intend to get a girl really excited this is where you start.'

So I began by circling her clit with the tip of my tongue. The effect was immediate and electrifying. Her whole body stiffened and she wrapped her thighs around my head grasping it firmly clamping me against her honey coated sex. This was for me an invitation to lap which I proceeded to do. Drawing the flat of my tongue along her slit whilst kissing and nibbling at that all important little nub. Trish's reaction was totally rewarding her hips were bucking and her voice was keening.

'Aaargh Yess yess Jeremy that is wondeeerrrrful.'

I told you that I'm a fast learner. What I had achieved with my tongue went far beyond what I had done with my fingers. But the best was yet to come as Trish cried out.

'I need you on me! I need you in me!!'

If there was one thing that I had learned from Trish it was don't rush these things. So despite the fact that the one thing that I wanted above all others was to make love to this wonderful woman, somehow I managed to constrain myself. As I lay between her spread legs I allowed the tip of my cock to enter that deliciously hot wet slit. I had never experienced anything like it. As I entered her slllooowwly I could feel the walls of her pussy clasping wetly around me, then before I was half way into her I equally slowly withdrew, her pussy now simultaneously sucking and clasping me trying to draw me back into her. My next penetration went slightly deeper slightly faster. The next took three quarters of my length and it was taking all of my will power to not thrust into her as far and as fast as I could. Therefore it was something of a relief when Trish called out.

'Damn you Jeremy! Fuck me harder! Fuck me faster!'

I needed no further encouragement as I slammed into her as hard and as fast as I could. What felt incredible was that even though it was soaking wet her tight sex still clamped firmly around me. As I hammered into her as hard and as fast as I could Trish kept pace by thrusting her hips up to meet me so that my cock was as far inside her as it could go and our pubis were grinding together. This of course was stimulating her clitoris even more. I was thinking that it was not possible to get any further into her when she drew her knees up which changed the way our bodies were meeting and allowed me to thrust even deeper into her honeyed depths.