Tristessa: A Succubus in Love

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A demon with a conscience falls in love at first sight.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 04/27/2013
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It's never difficult for me to find a man. Men want sex more than they want anything else, even money or power, for those are just ways to increase opportunities for sex. In my nearly twelve centuries on the globe, I'd never gone hungry for more than a few hours. No, I'm not a vampire, if that's what you're thinking, although they are out there. The world is full of things ordinary people think are mythical, if they think about them at all. Actually, the vampires have had it pretty easy of late, what with all their pop culture cache.

I'm a purer demon, a succubus. I feed on souls, not blood, and I don't do it with my mouth. In the simplest sense, I fuck men to death. As I reach climax, my pussy emits a hormone-like substance that almost immediately triggers orgasm in my victim. But it's no ordinary orgasm. It's more like an orgasm tsunami. It lasts several minutes, and is exponentially more intense and pleasurable than a regular climax. It also, essentially, converts their life essence—their soul—into ejaculate, which is poured forth in copious quantities, nearly three liters, in fact, before it's all over. It is this life essence that nourishes me and keeps me alive. Losing it, unfortunately, has quite the opposite effect on my partner. Still, it's pretty much the best way to die, as far as I can tell.

In my natural appearance, my skin is red (though skin tone varies among succubae), my hair black, and I've got little horns and a long pointed tail -- the very cliché image of a devil girl, in fact. That image didn't come from nowhere, after all. But except on Halloween, it's kind of tough to mingle when you look like that; fortunately, we can alter our appearance more or less at will. Not entirely, mind you—my basic features and size can't change. But skin tone, hair color and length, eye color, and the horns and tail, all these things I can alter or hide, right up until the moment I feed. Then I revert to my true form. I usually embrace a very pale white skin and keep my natural black hair while giving myself deep purple eyes and lips to match. Kind of a Goth look, as it's come to be known in recent years, although I was rocking it centuries ago, thank you very much.

Anyway, as I was saying, getting men has never been an issue. Love, on the other hand, well, that's another story. In fact, demons aren't supposed to care about love. Most of us have some sort of physical need upon which our survival depends -- blood, souls, pain, and so on. But emotions generally don't enter into it. Maslow's hierarchy definitely does not apply to demons. And yet, for whatever reason, I came to develop what you might call a conscience. It's this, I suppose, that allowed me to fall in love after so many years. I don't know, and I can't explain it. This is one of the common misperceptions about demons and other "supernatural" beings -- that we have some sort of insight into the true workings of the universe. It's not like I have the gods on speed dial. Although I do know several of them on a casual basis. That's neither here nor there. The fact is, I fell in love. And I fell in love with a woman. And about women, I knew next to nothing.

Her name was Charlotte. I saw her one night across a bar in London. I was smitten instantly. It was unlike anything I'd ever felt. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Her face was perfect, like some sort of Roman statue, her skin flawless, pale, though less so than mine. Her dirty blonde hair, thick and lustrous, hung across her shoulders in gentle waves, parted in the middle. Her eyes were green, and I wanted more than anything to just fall into them—into her. She looked, somehow, equal parts vulnerable and completely self-assured. I would do anything for this woman; that much I knew within seconds of laying eyes on her. I didn't question it.

Twelve centuries of experience will give you some confidence, even if you've never tried to pick up a woman before. At least she looked like she was alone. I sidled up next to her.

"Hi. I'm Tristessa," I said with a not-too-seductive smile.

"Charlotte," she replied, not overly interested.

"Seems like a nice place."

"I guess. My first time here."

"Mine too," I said.

"Well, enjoy," she said as she waved to someone at a booth. I couldn't help but admire her curves as she walked away, her thin waist rolling out perfectly into ample hips and ass, all accentuated by the skin-tight black fabric of her dress. I could hardly believe my luck when I saw the man she sat across from in the booth. Everything happens for a reason, whether you know it right then or not.

I ordered another drink and watched them talk for a few minutes. Clearly a first date, I could tell from their body language, although I had other ways of knowing it was. Eventually I made my way over.

"Ellison," I said to the man. He looked like he was in his early 40s, very distinguished, with tan skin and a closely cropped goatee that showed just a hint of grey. The girls wouldn't notice the grey as much as they would notice his fifty-thousand dollar watch. I smiled down at Charlotte.

"Tristessa," Ellison said, doing his best to look cordial.

"You two know each other?" Charlotte asked.

"Do you mind?" I said, sitting next to her without waiting for an answer. "We're...acquaintances."

"I'd say we know each other by reputation and little else," Ellison said.

"We work in the same...industry," I offered Charlotte by way of explanation. "I haven't actually seen him since..."

"It's been a very long time," Ellison said. "San Francisco, if I recall."

"And you two look like you're just beginning to get to know each other," I said, smiling.

"We met the other day at a book store," Ellison said. "Charlotte had the graciousness to agree to meet me for a drink." He was directing all his charm at her.

"Well, I didn't mean to interrupt anything," I said. "Just wanted to say hi after so many years." To Charlotte I added playfully, "Nice to see you again. Be careful with this one—he's got a bit of a reputation."

Ninety minutes later, a valet brought around a very expensive black Mercedes, and Ellison and Charlotte came out of the bar. He held the door for her, quite gentlemanly right to the end, and then positioned himself behind the wheel. The advantages of demonhood are many, not least of which is the ability to climb, leap, and run with a degree of speed, silence, and dexterity of which even the most adroit human is bereft. From my vantage point on the roof opposite the bar, I could easily see the car turn north and then onto the New King's Road. After several minutes of pursuit, they turned into a garage beneath a posh flat in Belgravia. Three minutes later I saw the lights turn on in the top-floor apartment.

It was pretty obviously his place, I judged once I reached the balcony. The décor had nothing like a woman's touch, and most of it was old and overly distinguished. A number of medieval weapons festooned the walls, a very unsubtle touch on Ellison's part, I thought. I watched as he opened a bottle of red wine and poured two glasses, after which he led Charlotte to a well-appointed leather sofa, pausing only to turn on the fireplace with the flick of a switch. Their talk continued, Ellison ratcheting up the charm all the while. It wouldn't be long now before he made his move. If you haven't figured it out by now, Ellison was an incubus, my male counterpart. He did to human women what I did to human men.

Now, there are two ways to kill a demon, generally speaking. One involves very specific ritual and incantations, and often some mixtures of obscure ingredients. The other is to chop off our heads. I eyed a nice set of crossed axes that hung over the mantle. If they weren't just for show, they ought to do the job.

Just then, Charlotte adeptly dodged a kiss from Ellison and rose from the couch, gesturing toward the very axes on which my rather simple plan was now hinging. Ellison followed her, his attention now on the axes as well. She seemed to be asking questions, and he answering. After a few moments, he reached up and took one down, holding it out to her with both hands. She lightly ran a finger over the edge of the blade, then suddenly jerked her finger away and slipped it through her lips into her mouth, giggling.

"Yes, it's very sharp," I could imagine Ellison saying, although I could hear nothing through the thick glass. I could see Charlotte's lips, though, and she clearly asked, "May I?" Ellison nodded, and she gently took the axe from him, weighing it carefully in her hands, measuring its heft and balance. And then, with a sudden and graceful motion, she swung it. That was the end of Ellison.

It would have made sense for me, at that point, to leave. But I believe I mentioned I was already head-over-heels in love with this woman. So instead, I went in, yanking the patio door hard and cracking its locking mechanism.

"It's not what it looks like," Charlotte said. "I can explain." She was still holding the axe.

"You don't need to explain. I told you he and I worked in the same industry."

"So know what he was?"

"I do. I came here to save you. Obviously you had it under control though."

"So you're a demon hunter, too?"

I had to think about that for a moment. I didn't want to lie. I didn't want to get my head chopped off, either. Finally, I said, "Something like that."

"How did we both wind up targeting him?"

"I don't care. Look, Charlotte. I'm just gonna come right out and say it. I find you impossibly beautiful, and I want to do very unchaste things to you, and I hope to hell you're into women."

"I'm not. But I do get horny as fuck every time I finish a job, and usually wind up screwing the first semi-attractive person that comes along."

"Do I qualify?" I began to move slowly toward her, as slinky and seductive as I could manage to be, which was very. Now, succubae have no innate ability to seduce women as we do men, but we are pretty much the sexiest fucking things you will ever see in your life—which, unfortunately, is usually just about over at that point. I could feel my heart pounding, hoping against hope that my charms and her horniness would reach some sort of critical mass. I felt like if I could only get my lips to hers, it would happen. Our eyes were locked, and she began, I thought, to look more and more vulnerable the closer I drew to her, biting her lower lip gently. If it wasn't a come-on, I didn't know what was. I didn't much like the axe that still dangled from her right hand, though. When she swung it upward, I leapt to the side, flying over the back of the couch and landing on my feet.

"Succubus whore!" she yelled, reaching up and grabbing the second axe that still hung on the mantle. "You knew who I was all along! You came here to try to save him!"

"No. I saw you across the bar, and I fell in love with you. I know it sounds ridiculous. Just as you know that I can't hurt you. I'm a succubus, not an incubus!"

"You're a demon. That's all that matters."

"If you'd let me explain..." I trailed off when one of the axes flew through the air toward my head. I ducked, letting it sail past, where it embedded itself into the wall behind me. She was hard on it's heels, leaping over the sofa with the second axe drawn back menacingly. I stepped forward and ducked to the side, allowing her momentum to carry her past me. As she went by I turned and flung myself into her, throwing her against the wall. At the moment of impact I landed a hard right to her jaw, and she collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

I carried her limp body into Ellison's bedroom, passing his headless corpse that was already beginning to reduce itself to a runny goo. That's what happens to demon bodies. Within a few hours, the goo would turn to gas, and there would be no trace left of the once-feared incubus except his well-tailored suit and alligator shoes.

As I had expected, Ellison's bed was well-appointed with various restraints, and just as Charlotte was beginning to stir, I had finished securing her arms and legs in a spread-eagle position. Which was enough to get my juices flowing, to be sure, but that wasn't what this was about. At least not yet.

As she came to, she struggled against her bonds, to no avail. A look of fear came over her face.

"Charlotte, I promise you I won't hurt you," I said. "I need you to listen to me for a few minutes."

"I guess I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

"No, not at the moment. I'm sorry about the jaw. You were trying to kill me, though."

"Just so you know, I'll try again given half a chance."

"We'll see. Now listen. Yes, I am a succubus. I'm nearly twelve centuries old, and I have killed I don't know how many men. But early on, I started to feel bad about what I needed to do to survive. So for more than a thousand years, I have only chosen my prey from two groups -- the terminally ill, or the exceedingly bad. Lonely people who are going to die anyway, I give them the greatest pleasure they've ever known, and then I release them from their suffering. And the rest are people that, put simply, deserve to die. In fact, I hate sometimes to even give them the pleasure, but I do sort of enjoy their deaths."

"So are you trying to tell me you're a, what, a good demon?"

"Well, as good as I can be, I guess, given what I have to do to live. I really was going to kill Ellison. I had no idea you were a demon hunter. I can't explain it, but I'm in love with you. And regardless of the fact that you obviously had the situation under control, I feel like the fact the you, Ellison, and I were all in the same place at the same time is the universe's way of showing that you and I...well, that we should be together. Look, I've never been with a woman before either, never even really thought about it. But the moment I saw you...well, I just knew. It was like a bolt of lightning. I'm not a bad person, Charlotte."

"You're not a person at all."

"Well, that's semantics. I'm a being. I'm not a human. I don't think that means I'm not a person. The men I choose...I'm either helping them, or helping society by getting rid of them. Hell, I do more or less the same thing you do!"

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile, here I am, tied up and helpless, waiting for you to kill me."

"I told you, I'm not going to hurt you. I just needed to keep you from trying to kill me for a few minutes so I could talk to you."

"Well, you've talked. Now what?"

"Now," I said, changing into my true form, "now I want to rip off your clothes, and bury my face in your cunt, and make you come like you've never even dreamed about. My kind are the most sexual beings in existence, and even though I don't need to feed right now, and couldn't feed on you anyway, I have never wanted to fuck someone so bad." I reached around with my tail and ran the tip of it gently up her arm, along her cheek, and across her lips. With more than a little satisfaction, I felt her mouth open ever so slightly.

"But instead, I'm going to do nothing," I continued, shifting back to human form, "except undo your restraints, and disappear. But we'll meet again, sweet Charlotte. We'll meet again." Sensibly, she lay still as I released her from her bondage, knowing that without a weapon she was no match for me. I looked longingly at her as I backed out of the room. If there was a glimmer of anything other than hatred in her eyes, I couldn't see it.

I wasn't exactly hungry, but my pussy was throbbing with lust. On a whim, slipped into an apartment three stories down and found my way to the bedroom. Another benefit of being a demon is excellent night vision, so I could see my way around the flat easily enough without turning on a light, and, when I came to the bedroom, saw a single man sleeping. For his benefit, I flipped on the light, which woke him with a start. I just smiled at him.

"Who...who are you?" he stammered. He was middle-aged, a bit overweight though not entirely unattractive.

"I'm a thief. I broke in."

"W-why did you turn the light on?"

"To see what there was to steal. What do you do?"


"What do you do? For a living? Your job."

"I'm a -- an executive."

"For who?"

"British Petroleum."

"Good enough," I said, taking off my shirt.

"What are you doing?"

"Do you like my tits?" I asked, removing my bra.


"My tits. Do you like them?" By now I was crawling onto the bed.

"Yes, they're...quite mmmm." His voice was suddenly muffled as I pushed my nipple into his mouth, simultaneously unzipping my skirt. Within a few seconds, I had us both naked. I wasn't in much of a mood for this to take very long. I just wanted to get off. As I climbed onto his cock, his look of bewilderment gave way to a dopey look of joy. Stupid bastard. I slapped him, hard, mostly because I felt like it. He seemed to like it though, and I felt him grow a tiny bit harder.

"Oh, you like it rough, do you?" I reached down and began to rub my clit, and could already feel my orgasm roiling up within me. As it built, my body involuntarily shifted to its demon form. I always enjoy the look in their eyes when that happens. Sheer terror, and yet they're always distracted by how amazing their dick feels right at that moment. By then I was coming, the walls of my cunt pulsating around his hard shaft, secreting the substance that, two seconds later, would make his cum begin to spurt out inside me. He began to cry out in ecstasy, arching his hips up, pressing the head of his cock deep inside me, unsure what was happening to make him feel so much better than he'd ever felt before but enjoying it nevertheless. As his cum began to fill me and dribble out around his shaft, my own orgasm was renewed, and wave after wave of dense pleasure coursed through every inch of body. I whipped my tail around and shoved it into his mouth, the sensation of him gagging on it adding to my enjoyment. As he continued to come I started to fuck his throat, and whatever discomfort he felt from this was far outweighed by the relentless surge of pure pleasure that engulfed him body and mind alike. Sometimes I'm almost jealous of what they get to experience. I suspect they know they're dying, but they really don't care. His eyes grew wider and wider as I continued to thrust my tail in and out of his throat while grinding down onto him, cum beginning to pool up between us and drip down onto the sheets. Then the anguished sounds gurgling from his throat ceased as his breathing stopped. His cock was still spurting cum into my now-saturated cunt even as his consciousness began to fade. I withdrew my tail from his mouth as his now-lifeless head lolled to the side, eyes open wide, staring emptily.

As always, my orgasm had been intense, and the absorption of his life essence energized me in a way I don't think humans can experience. And yet it was probably the least satisfying fuck of my long life. It wasn't what I wanted. It wasn't with who I wanted. Charlotte. Beautiful, dangerous Charlotte. I would find her again. Somehow, I would make her mine.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Didn't read entire entry

Succubi don't kill especially when in love, amused , flirtish, sexuall with ideas of loyality concerning their own desires

ticklishsolesticklishsolesover 4 years ago

I recently encountered stories of succubus and their encounter with humans. After falling asleep last evening I had several explicit dreams from which I awoke that left me completely aroused but it quite sated. This story is a wild test of my personal weakness for being taken sans consent and used to the satisfaction of the hostage taker. Oh to be that British exec.


kuk4yookuk4yooover 6 years ago
Beep BP!


Thanks! Loved this!

alasdair_kavanaghalasdair_kavanaghabout 11 years ago

Wow! This story must continue.

MistressTrinityJonesMistressTrinityJonesabout 11 years agoAuthor

Thanks, both, for the kind words. I debated over whether to list in Sci-fi/Fantasy or Erotic Horror. Guess I picked the wrong one...I do plan to continue the story when I get a bit more time to write. Glad you enjoyed it!

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