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"No, Mom, I didn't shoot her." Then Jack winked at Cindy, but who knows, the night's young." Cindy's whole face looked like a giant 'O' when her jaw dropped." Jack smiled.

"Yes, Mom, she's spending the night with me. No, Mom, I have four bedrooms, she'll have a bedroom. No, Mom, I won't. I have to go, Mom. We have to go by the store and pick up food for tomorrow. The cupboards are bare. Yes, Mom, I'll tell her; I'll see you next week, bye.

Jack turned to Cindy, "Mom said you are to stay in your own room and for me to lock my door."

Cindy cocked her and narrowed his eyes, staring at Jack.

"All right, All right. She told me to stay in my room and for you to lock your door."

Cindy continued to star. Jack yelled, "Maggie, check, please."

After grabbing the groceries, they headed back to the cabin. Jack's phone rang, "Hey, Mom. No, Mom, it's not a mistake. Quit crying. Yes, Mom, it's $4999; if you need more, you'll have it. That's all I can do per transaction.

"By the way, I'll text you Pete's phone number. Yes, Mom, he's my lawyer. I want you to tell him where your jewelry is pawned, and we'll get it out of pawn for you. MOOOOOM, please stop crying.

They arrived home and put the groceries away. Cindy turned to Jack. "Jack, I am exhausted, and it's been a perfect day for a change. I want to get some sleep. I still have more things I want to discuss with you, but I will have to wait till we're fully rested, and I'm thinking straight."

Jack smiled and said, "I'll put a couple of logs on the fire. If you get cold, there are extra blankets in the closet. You can open the door if you get too cold. The heat from the fireplace should help. I'll see you tomorrow; sleep well."

The following day, they leisurely canoed around the lake, admiring the quietness and splendor of nature. After returning and grabbing a quick bite, Jack took Cindy on a 10-mile stroll on the south end of the lake. She grabbed his arm as they discussed better times in their lives. Jack sensed something was coming, and he was waiting for the axe to fall.

When they got back around four, they decided they were starving. Cindy turned to Jack and said, "I'll make the salad and potatoes if you cook the steaks." Jack replied in the affirmative.

When she returned with a cold beer, Jack was still manning the grill thirty minutes later. She smiled and said. "Here you go, caveman," then started laughing.

Jack smiled and asked, "What was so funny?"

Cindy replied, "You!"

"What about me?"

"You dragging Alicia and Justin from the back of the house by the hair. It looked like a caveman dragging his woman home."

He grunted, "UHG UHG, UHG. They both laughed. "The steaks are ready," said Jack.

Jack stoked the fireplace and threw in a couple of fresh logs when the temperature suddenly dropped for the evening.

He turned to see Cindy sitting on the couch cushion. She padded the cushion next to her. "Jack, please sit beside me to finish our talk."

Jack's face washed with dread. Cindy giggled, "Jack, it's not that bad."

Jack handed Cindy's fresh beer. Sat down and waited,

Cindy raised her bottle and said, "Here's to good friends."

"To good friends," Jack replied, and they tapped the bottles together.

Cindy took a deep breath and spoke, "It broke my heart when I heard Justin say he didn't want me; he just didn't want you to have me.

"I'm two years older than you. I was a junior, and you were a freshman, and at that age, it was taboo for any upper-class female to like a freshman.

"I guess he found out that I was interested in you, and for an unknown reason known only to God, he was jealous of you."

"I don't know either," replied Jack. "I never felt that way about him. "He was better than I was at about everything. He is older, a better athlete, and far better looking. Plus, he never lacked female companionship.

"Don't sell yourself, Jack; you're an extremely good-looking man. We cheerleaders voted you the best-looking freshman in school." Jack felt his ego swell.

"When I married Justin, all the girls teased me that if I were ever to cheat, I could keep it in the family. And every one of them wanted your number, but you were dating that bitch at the time.

Jack chuckled and said, "Boy, I know how to pick them."

Cindy interrupted, "Well, my track record is not much better than yours. But I still, sometimes, wonder if I would have talked to you first."

They sat in silence while she took another drink. Then she continued, "Jack, I had reconciled myself to never having children because of Justin's fertility problems, but now we're not married. I now see hope to have my own child."

She paced her hand on Justin's arm, sighing. I'm 35, Jack, and my clock is ticking. I want to have a baby and you to be the father."

Jack froze. "Jack, Jack, are you okay?" she whispered. Jack still didn't move. Am I that ugly?

Jack snapped out of his trance, "No, no, I was imagining doing into a cup. Then he looked at her with a puzzled look; also, when you look at your child, do you want to see our family features after what we did to you? I know I sure wouldn't."

"First, you didn't do shit to me. You saved me from hell."

"Number two," she said, giggling. "I want it natural if you'll have me. I swear on my parents' graves, I won't ask for any support. But I would like you to be in my child's life or children if you're willing.

"I was sad when I learned about Alicia having a baby, and I would never have one. But I was devastated by the thought of what Justine did or at least would have done to you. She would have hidden it from you.

"I believe there are only two reasons a man should ever hit a woman, one in self-dense and the other is she gets pregnant by another man and turns him to a cuckold and have him raise it as his own without his knowledge. To me, that is the same as raping a woman.

"And as far as looks. You look like your mother's family. You're masculine like her father was; Justin was a pretty boy who took after his dad.

"Jack, we've been friends for a long time. We've teased each other but never got close to the line. We got along, and I often thought we had more in common than they did. It's a shame I didn't follow my first hunch about you when I had a chance."

"Cindy, I'm not going to lie to you. I have fantasized about being with you for short instances in my mind but buried them quickly because I married, and you were, too, to my brother. I never even thought of acting on it."

They stared at each other. Then Jack asked, "How is this going to work? Are you off the pill, or do you use protection?

Cindy started laughing, "Damn, I didn't know if I was going to have to train you. I just assumed you knew how to do it."

"I know. I know how it's done, smart-ass," chuckled Jack. "But I'm talking about logistics."

"The answer to protection is that I use an IUD right now. I would never, never do that to you, Jack. It would be like me raping you. It would have been awful presumptuous of me without discussing it with you first."

Jack smiled and stared at her.

"What is it? Asked Cindy. "Why are you looking at me like that."

He smiled, "It was presumptuous of you to put your IUD in, wasn't it?"

She replied, "No, it wasn't. I was hopeful. And now that you mention it. I was thinking while I'm here," she moved her lips toward Jack.

Two hours later, they lay in front of a slowly dying fire after they were through. Cindy noticed he asked Jack to ask her but couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Jack, was I any good?" Did you enjoy it? Did I measure up to Alicia?"

"Where did you get the idea from? It was fabulous. Don't ever compare yourself with her; you're nothing like her," he sternly replied.

Cindy smiled, "Thanks, Jack. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did the best I could. It will improve as we learn about each other's bodies; I am so happy you feel that way, but why are you wondering if you are as good as Justin? Please don't deny it. I see it written all over your face.

"You're wondering how you measure up because his cock is longer, not much. You're a little wider, but not much. I came four times. The first two were quick and hard as I frantically tried to claim you as mine.

"The third was like a wave going up and down like rolling hills, peaking and going into deep valleys and then slowly rising to the peak again. It lasted for about two minutes. It was by far the best of the four. It was when you made slow love to me.

"And the last time was right when you came. I exploded when I felt you cum in me. I will never compare it to Justin because it was different. I enjoy the missionary positions the most, as most women do. Right now, I can hardly move and want to lay in your arms. Do we have a deal?"

Jack leaned in, lightly kissed her lips, and replied," Deal."

"Jack, we'll have to put off children for a while. I've got to get a better job first. I applied to your father's old company, Tristen Industries, which recently bought the plant out.

They're searching for office help. They have great benefits, and then I want to get pregnant. So, there will be no financial burden on you."

"Cindy, you're in luck. I know Mr. Triston. I'll ask him to talk to the new owner and see if he can put in a good word for you."

"You can!" she gasped with excitement.

"Mr. Tristen owes me a big favor, and I'll call in one for you."

"Oh, Jack, thank you," she said with tears. Jobs are in short supply in our area. And that means I won't have to move to find a job."

"You're welcome."

Cindy looked Jack in the eyes, "How did you find out about their affair? No one can figure that out."

Jack dry chuckled and responded, "It was dumb luck. They say God takes care of babies and fools, and I don't wear diapers."

"Please tell me, "pleaded Cindy.

"No kidding, it was just luck. You see, Justin was the author of his own destruction.

"How so?" Asked Cindy

"Do you remember how I always moaned about my back hurting?"

Cindy nodded yes.

Justin directed me toward a Select Number Bed. The bed I bought was a newer model than yours. The phone could control it, and I could raise and lower the headboard.

Turn on the feet warmer. It could also monitor the usage and air pressure. It also showed how well I slept the night before.

About a month after I got it, I came home from a weeklong trip to find the air pressure on my side of the bed at 40, and my number was 95.

I figured it out for sure the night that we held the annual family BBQ at our house,

Cindy reached for Jack, touched his face for support, and asked, "Was that the night you threw up?"

"Yeah, it was. I wanted to die that night. It was when he yelled out to me that he was a 40. I felt my soul break at that moment. But the nice thing about it. I found out what a great person you were." Smiling at her, he took her hand and kissed it. That made her feel warm with his love.

"Justin told me she was tracking you and had cameras installed in the house to monitor anything you did or said. She loaded apps on your phone and home computer, so she would know even if you suspected something. How did you get yours in without her knowing."

"Obviously, I would have found out about her cheating as soon as the baby was born. But Justin would have gotten away with it.

"Again, it was pure luck. After that weekend, I was in Charleston, trying to plan my next course of action, when I stumbled upon a company specializing in security for corporate espionage.

They heard my tale and decided to help me because I served in Afghanistan as a Marine. After my incident, they decided to expand their business to help former servicemen and women who needed it.

They quickly scanned my phone and car and found several tracking apps and tags on my company car. Even though Alicia's stuff is good, it's Commercial. They had access to military—and CIA-grade electronics that easily outclassed her devices.

Cindy purred as she wallowed her ass on the soft, warm fur. "Jack, I have never made love on a bear skin rug. Did you shoot it?"

"Yep, I went hunting in Alaska last year. I bought a license and a tag to do it. The bears were overpopulating the area, so the state had to cull them now and then,

Cindy's eyes popped open, and she asked, "Weren't you scared? They could have eaten you."

"Well, honey, sometimes the bear gets you. Sometimes, you get the bear."


Two weeks later.

A woman stopped to adjust her clothes and make sure everything was perfect. Then she turned and walked in to see a secretary typing away on her computer.

The secretary looked up and asked. "May I help you?"

"Yes, thank you. I'm here for my interview. I'm sorry, I don't know the gentleman's name."

"Have a seat. I'll let him know you're here. Hitting her com, "Sir, your two o'clock is here.

Nodding at the woman, the secretary said, "You may go in," looking her up and down with a smirked

"The woman stopped at the door. Put on a smile and took a deep breath." Then, I turned the handle to go in.

She stood in front of the man's desk as he was turned toward the window, shuffling papers. She said, "Sir."

"Have a seat, Miss Hopkins," came a deep voice.

Ms. Hopkins slowly sat and waited until the faceless voice was heard again. "Miss Hopkins, you have no experience."

"No sir, I don't," she said, not liking that she was talking to the back of her head. "But I did graduate at the top of my class. I'm a hard worker and a good planner. I'll do just about anything to get this job."

The voice replied, "Mathew Triston called me. A good friend of his, a guy named Jack Phillips, gave you rave reviews.

"He said you'd be great at entertaining clients. It would require late-night dinners and overnight stays. And the fact that he said you gave the best head and that skill would bode well for you to earn extra bonuses from the clients."

She sat in silence, then she raged, "You son-bitch. I would never, never. You bastard. If you ever come near me, I'll kill you. And tell Jack the next time I see him, I'll cut his nuts off."

The chair rotated, and the voice said, "If you do that, I can't get you pregnant."

Cindy froze in shock. Jack covered up to protect his face as a notebook flew over his head and hit the wall.

"How could you, Jack? Wait a minute. Are you the new owner?"

Jack nodded yes and spoke, "Finished closing on this place two weeks ago. Mathew and his brother, Robert, are retiring and heading to Florida, The Sunshine State. I bought them out three months ago.

"I needed this plant because my business is booming, and we ran out of room in Charleston. I got special tax deals, and with a trained workforce from the old company, it's up and running seamlessly.

"I have bad news. I can't allow you to work for me. I have a strict morality clause forbidding managers from fraternizing with subordinates."

Her smile dropped.

Jack smirked and said, "I'm sorry about that. But it doesn't say anything about not fraternizing with your wife."

"Stop! Wait! Come back!" pleaded Jack as Cindy approached the door.

She reached for the door, and Jack heard the lock snap. He wondered if Kerry had heard that.

Cindy turned and seductively glided toward Jack, unbuttoning the top buttons on her blouse. She slowly rolled up her tube skirt as she straddled his lap.

Jack reached out, hit the intercom, and said, "Hold my calls, Kerry.

They embraced and passionately kissed. After pulling away, Cindy replied. "Yes."

Fumbling with his pants, she smiled and said, "Now let me show you my dicktation skills."


Three years later.

I was once again manning the BBQ pit in front of the cabin. My life couldn't be better. To my left stands Bill and Mark with their wives, Jean and Patricia, watching their kids canoe around them.

Pete and his wife are playing cornhole with their two little ones.

On the porch, Mom and Mathew were helping my little sister Elizebeth play with my one-year-old son Jack.

That is a separate story in itself. I didn't know my mom and Mathew had dated a few times in high school till Mathew called it off. He didn't want to risk passing his genes to another generation of children.

They married six months ago and adopted Beth, whom we call her. My Father relinquished his rights about a year ago.

My mother had finally convinced him to meet his daughter. When he tried to pick her up, she ran to Mathew and called him Dada. My dad left and signed off on the adoption papers, and no one has seen him since.

Then I lowered the boom on him. With Bill's and Mark's help, we ran down his accounts, and I left him with $1 and transferred the rest to my mother for Beth.

Then there's Robert and his wife, Josie. Beth tells me all the time that Uncle Robert is her favorite uncle. She will be a spoiled rotten brat since she can do no wrong.

Suppose you want to know what happened, Alicia. The last I heard, she lived in Pittsburg with her little boy.

As for me and Cindy, she is heading this way with my fresh Voo Doo. No drinking for her. She is seven months pregnant with our little girl.

She smiles and says," There's my caveman charring his brontosaurus over the open spit."

I smiled and said, "UHG, UHG, not a bad life for a Troglodyte."

Authors Notes.

Every time I hear the word Troglodyte, a smile comes across my face.

In the early 1970s, two songs came out. One was called 'Troglodyte' by Jimmy Castor. And then there was the song called, 'Bertha Butt Boogie,' by Jimmy Castor. It introduced us to Bertha Butt and the Butt sisters.

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bootylvrbootylvrabout 6 hours ago

Very confusing and the proof reading was abysmal.

anythinganalanythinganalabout 2 months ago

Sure a lot of words to a frame your new idea to catch a cheater! That idea could have been a 750’er.

Nevertheless, you fleshed it out well. It would have benefited from another round or two of editing for clarity and consistency, but it was a fun strontium nonetheless.

26thNC26thNCabout 2 months ago

Well that was quite a story. I noticed a few errors, but since I can barely read anyway, I didn’t pay them much attention. You managed to work most every lame LW cheating trope except bi male and Lesbian. You even managed to skillfully work a very stereotypical big black clown and impregnated white woman into your narrative. It was a little choppy and sometimes didn’t flow well, but I enjoyed the heck out of it.

NemolyzerNemolyzerabout 2 months ago

The many, many, MANY errors became way too distracting in what could have otherwise been a decent story.

KenfromIndyKenfromIndy2 months ago

Well I see a lot of comments in the negative but I found it funny and figured it was meant to be the way it is written. No it is not perfect but did you pay for perfect grammar. The story was readable and I liked the characters. The plot and time line are a little crazy but it got me a laugh and most importantly I was entertained. The one comment below about stopping at page 4 is ridiculous for a stop of a 5 page story!! I see over 100 comments so the story did hit a good nerve - so well done!!

Please do keep writing and I will keep reading.

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