Trophy Girlfriend Pt. 02


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Cora's exposure didn't get noticed that much because most couples were more interested in their partners, but Cora did notice the same couples dancing close to them quite a lot.

During their breaks for dancing the group went back to their table for rests and more drinks. Both Caleb and Cora spotting the bare butts, and sometimes pussies, of more of the French Maids.

All 4 of them were drinking quite a bit and getting quite 'happy' and as the night wore on Cora spend a lot of time not even thinking about her pussy and tits being exposed by Caleb. She even walked back to the table for a rest with her tits on full display one time and she even didn't bother looking to see if anyone was looking.

Caleb, on the other hand, always steered Cora between the tables that had men sat at them who were looking around the room. Caleb was displaying Cora to them and she didn't even realise.

Towards the end of the evening Caleb took things one stage further and unfastened the white cotton rope that was holding Cora's dress together. The rope disappeared into one of George's pockets and it took a few minutes for Cora to even realise that the rope had gone.

As Cora danced both parts of the dress were swaying from side to side giving anyone looking glimpses of her naked front or naked butt. When Lucy saw what Caleb had done, and the results, she leant over to Cora and told her that she was displaying everything.

"I know, fun isn't it?" The slightly tipsy Cora replied.

Lucy smiled and just knew that Cora would fit in to their little group quite well.

Twice, Caleb moved behind Cora and pushed the shoulder straps off Cora's shoulders and Cora ended up totally naked on the dance floor for a few seconds until she pulled the dress back up. The first time Cora reacted immediately, but the second time she screamed and made a terrible job of covering her tits and pussy for a few seconds before squatting and pulling her dress up.

Lucy later asked Cora if the scream and delay was deliberate. Cora responded by smiling and asking Lucy what she thought. Caleb later gave her a big kiss and asked her if she wanted him to do it again.

Again, Cora smiled the said,

"Look what you're turned me in to."

"And you're starting to enjoy every second of it Cora."

"Me!?" Was all Cora said.

Unfortunately, Caleb didn't get the chance to strip Cora in public again because the evening was coming to an end. Cora and Lucy exchanged phone numbers then the 4 of them left to get taxis home. Cora wasn't happy with the way she looked in the dress with no belt but both of them liked the way that the front part floated apart and round her back, often exposing one or both tits. Cora wasn't impressed with the dress like that when in her mind she thought that she looked like she was wearing a roller towel.

Having said that, the taxi driver was impressed, especially as Caleb managed to get the dress off Cora on the way home and the driver got to see her totally naked when he opened her door for her to get out, Caleb having taken her dress with him when he got out.

Their lovemaking lasted over an hour before they finally got to sleep.



On the Tuesday Caleb had a surprise for Cora. After their tea Caleb told Cora to go and have a shower and that when she got back downstairs there would be a surprise present for her. Cora, like most girls, likes presents, so she happily obliged.

When she got back downstairs she was met by Lucy and 2 other girls, all of them as naked as she was. Cora was introduced to Emily, Harry's girlfriend, and Willow, Jack's girlfriend and saw that Willow and Emily were of a similar build and similar small breasts to both Lucy and herself, Cora thinking that Caleb and his mates all had the same preferences in women.

Caleb kissed Cora then left, telling Cora that he was off to the gym and that she was to have a good time.

As Cora opened a couple of bottles of wine Lucy told Cora that because she was now part of 'the gang', they were going to play a game, a girl's version of the guy's game. Lucy explained that around once per week they meet up at one of their houses and the occupier of that house is the star of the game.

It being Cora's house she was told to go and get a blindfold and get prepared for some fun. To allay Cora's possible fears Lucy told Cora that none of them were lesbians but they all appreciated a sweet woman's body.

As Cora was getting the same blindfold as with the guys she wondered how many rounds there were to the game. She had an idea what rounds 1 and 2 could be, but no idea what any other rounds could be.

Like with the guys, the blindfolded Cora was told to lay on her back on the coffee table then Lucy told her that one of them was going to bring her off with their hands and Cora had to guess who it was.

In the past Cora had once experimented with another girl. She had enjoyed it but she still preferred boys. Cora just didn't realise that her appreciation of other girl's bodies and what they could do to other girls was about to increase 10 fold.

Cora soon discovered that a girl caressing her body could easily be a lot more sensual than a man doing it, even Caleb. Cora was happy, very happy, with how Caleb caressed her body but that first girl's administrations were different, more gentle and the girl knew just where to touch Cora to raise her arousal level.

Cora was moaning almost as soon as the girl touched her nipples and when the hand went to her pussy it really did know how to bring Cora to an orgasm quickly. When Cora had her wits about her again Lucy asked her who's hand it was.

Of course Cora got it wrong (no girl ever got it right, or that was what they were led to believe), so a second girl's hand got to work on Cora's body and soon Cora was jerking about as she reached her second climax of the evening.

Again Cora guessed wrong and wasn't sure what would happen next. When she had been playing the guys game one of the guys had missed out on masturbating her so Cora was almost expecting the girls game to move on to round 2, but it didn't. A third hand started caressing her little tits and soon Cora reached her third climax of the evening.

"Well Cora," Lucy announced, "you got all three wrong so we have to move on to round 2, spread your legs as wide as you can."

Cora correctly guessed that her pussy was about to be eaten by another girl and that would be only the second time that that had ever happened. Cora's first time had been okay, but nothing special.

However, this time, Lucy or Emily or Willow soon educated Cora in the fact that girls in their early twenties were a lot better at eating pussy than Cora's previous experience and Cora was soon gasping for breath as the mouth licked, chewed, sucked and tried to swallow Cora's clit and try to find her G-spot and lick her cervix with her tongue.

Cora wanted it to last longer, a lot longer, but the girl was too good and Cora didn't last long before trying to wake their neighbours all down the street with her screams of pleasure.

Of course Cora wrongly guessed who's mouth it was and the second girl took over.

Maybe Cora was getting used to having her pussy eaten or the second girl wasn't as good, but she was certainly good enough to make Cora cum again for the fifth time that evening.

Cora's name guess was wrong again and the third girl started on her nipples. It wasn't long before her clit was being caressed and abused and Cora was cumming again.

"Sorry Cora," Lucy said, "you failed again so we have to move on to round 3."

Cora half suspected what round 3 would be and that was something that Cora had never done before. Her suspicions were confirmed when she was lifted off the coffee table and put on the floor, then she felt knees either side of her chest.

Cora felt a wet pussy touch her nose then her whole mouth was covered in the pussy. Cora didn't need to be told what to do, it was just that she wasn't sure how to do it. Something in her head told her to do to whoever what had just been done to her, so she did. Thankfully the girl kept lifting herself up a bit to allow Cora to breathe, and to swallow the juices that were going into her mouth.

Cora had no idea how long it took her but the screams of pleasure from above, and the extra juices flowing into her mouth told Cora that the girl was cumming.

"Wrong." Lucy finally said as she used a towel to wipe Cora's face.

Lucy recognised Cora's need for a drink and a short rest but she wouldn't let Cora take the blindfold off and Cora was soon back on her back and the second girl's pussy was being lowered onto her mouth.

Unsurprisingly, Cora wrongly guessed the last 2 girls names but she had made both of them cum.

Afterwards Lucy took the blindfold off and pulled Cora up to her feet. They then sat on the sofa with another bottle of wine and the girls all asked Cora what she'd thought of her initiation into their group.

Cora told them that she'd enjoyed it and joked about them not really needing the guys.

"Well this is usually a weekly event Cora," Willow said, "we rotate round each of our houses."

"The guys have their fun so why shouldn't we?" Emily asked.

The girls talked, joked and laughed, and opened another bottle of wine. About 30 minutes later Lucy said,

"Are you ready for round 4 Cora?"

"What? What on earth could you do to me for another round?"

Emily got up and went over to where they had left their clothes, got out a package and handed it to Cora.

"This is for you Cora, you wear it when Caleb isn't around and the rest will be obvious when you open the box."

Cora was puzzled but she opened the box.

"Fuck girls, is this what I think it is?"

"Yep," Willow replied, "it's all charged up and ready to go. Where's your phone?"

Cora went and got her phone and Willow downloaded an app as Cora opened the box and wondered just when Caleb would want her to wear her new remote controlled vibrator.

The vibe was still in Cora's hand when Willow remotely switched it on causing Cora to jump back in her seat and the vibe fell onto her lap.

"That's not where it goes Cora." Lucy said, "Put it where it belongs, or do want us to put it there?"

Willow switched it off and Cora got to her feet, spread her legs and pushed the vibe deep into her pussy.

"Right Cora," Lucy said, "round 4."

With that Willow started the vibrator running again, Cora squealed, grabbed her crotch and said,

"Oh fuck, I wasn't expecting that."

Within seconds Cora was transferring her weight from foot to foot and cursing and swearing.

Lucy, Willow and Emily were all sat there watching Cora and laughing at her even though they all knew what Cora was going through. All 3 had gone through the same experience and regularly still do when their boyfriend get them to wear their own remote controlled vibrators and control them over the internet. In fact, Lucy had worn hers all that day at work and George had driven her crazy and actually made her cum whilst she was sat at her desk supposedly working.

There was no name guessing in this round, it was simply each of the 3 girls using Cora's phone to operate the vibrator and drive her crazy. After Willow had made her cum she explained that that type of vibrator doesn't make some girls cum, just drives them crazy. But Willow congratulated Cora telling her that she obviously wasn't one of the unlucky girls. Then Willow passed Cora's phone to Emily.

By the time Emily had made Cora cum, Cora was tired but that wasn't going to stop the girls all having their turn at making Cora cum.

Just as the vibrations got Cora almost dancing around, Caleb walked in. The 3 sat girls said "Hi" to him but Cora was in no state to even smile at him.

In a way Lucy was being kind to Cora by turning the vibrations up to full so that Cora came quickly, Cora collapsing to the floor unable to respond to anyone.

Caleb smiled at the girls then went upstairs leaving the girls to their games and talking. He'd looked at Cora and saw that she looked exhausted but that was a good sign, one that he'd hoped to see.

When Cora was getting back to normal the wine glasses were topped up and the talking started up again.

"Girls, do you ever think that the guys are just going out with you so that they can show you off to anyone and everyone?" Cora asked.

"Blimey Cora," Lucy asked, "what brought that on?"

"When I went out with some of my friends one girl said that it sounded like Caleb was just using me for his own gratification, that he was getting off by showing my body to strangers, that it was candualism."

"Wow," Emily said, "I never thought of it like that, but I guess that it did look a bit like that when I first went out with Harry, before I realised that I really like things the way they are now. Cora, tell me, when Caleb dropped your dress and that summer ball, were you annoyed or anything like that? Or did it turn you on?"

"I guess that it turned me on a bit."

"And do you get all wet when Caleb gets you to open the door to a delivery guy when you are naked?"


"Then that answers your question Cora, Caleb isn't using you, you are using him to get your rocks off by getting you to do things that you wouldn't have had the confidence to do on your own. If that is candualism, then bring it on baby."

It soon became time for the 3 girls to leave, their mission was accomplished and Cora was now one of the group. They slipped their dresses and shoes on and went to the waiting taxi whilst Caleb came down and carried Cora to the shower. She managed to soap and rinse herself then Caleb took pity on her, dried her and carried her to their bed.

That was the first night that they had gone to bed and not fucked -- apart from during Cora's periods. Cora was passed caring and Caleb didn't mind because it was obvious that Cora had got on well with the girlfriends of his mates and she looked knackered.



Cora was still tired the next morning and considered calling in sick but Caleb told her that she would do no such thing. As she climbed into the shower she realised that the vibrator was no longer inside her.

"Caleb must have taken it out." She thought as the water made her at least half awake.

Caleb chose her outfit for the day and she just put it on without thinking about it. It was only when she got out of her car at her work's parking place that she felt a chilly breeze on her pussy. Of course she'd felt that before, a disadvantage, or is it an advantage, of wearing a miniskirt on a chilly morning, but this breeze was stronger. She looked down to her skirt and realised that Caleb had got out one of her microskirts for her to wear and she hadn't noticed.

"Oh my gawd," Cora thought, "I'm going to have to be really careful today."


At this stage of the story it's probably best that I describe Cora's job and workplace. She works in the office of a small factory of about 20 people on the shop-floor and 4 people in the office, Cora the office junior, Mr. Hope, the boss, an accounts guy and a planning guy. The factory is one of a small group of factories around the city and the site that Cora works at also has the group's head office. Sounds grand but only consists of 4 more people including an HR woman for the whole group. These 4 people are located in the same part of the building as Cora but in a separate office and rarely get involved in the running of the factory in which they are located.

Part of Cora's job includes going down to the shop-floor to deliver orders and collect job and time sheets. This was usually done once early morning and again late afternoon but occasionally Cora had to go down there at other times of the day.


For the most part of that day Cora was careful, especially when she had to go down to the shop-floor although she did notice a few of the guys staring at her more than usual

and she got a couple of compliments on her looks, but on one occasion she had to get something out of the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet outside her boss' office. His door was open and Cora smiled at him as she walked to the cabinet.

Not really thinking, Cora bent at the waist and whilst she was rooting about in the cabinet she happened to see her boss looking at her, or more to the point, her bare butt and pussy because the back of her skirt had ridden up and she was standing with her feet apart and bent at the waist.

Cora ignored him for a good 30 seconds then carefully looked at him again. Yes, he was still staring at her butt and pussy. Cora felt her pussy get a bit wet and tingly then she had an idea that would please Caleb. She stood up, turned and walked into her bosses office.

"Mr. Hope, I just caught you staring up my skirt."

"No, no I wasn't."

"Then why has your face gone all red? Admit it Mr. Hope, you were looking up my skirt. In the workplace that is forbidden, sexual harassment. I wonder what HR would have to say about that?"

"It was your fault for wearing such a short skirt and no knickers."

"Ah, to know that I'm not wearing knickers is an admission that you were looking. Also, there is nothing in the company dress code that says I can't wear short skirts and no knickers. I've never had to go next door to HR before, maybe I should go now?"

"Cora, okay I admit it. I was looking at you and I have to say that you have a very beautiful body."

"Mr. Hope! How could you say such a thing, what would Mrs Hope say?"

"It's true Cora. Okay, how about I don't raise the subject of amending the company dress code to specify knee length skirts at the next management meeting so that you can continue wearing whatever you want? Over the last couple of month I've noticed that your skirts have been getting shorter and shorter, and with the weather getting warmer I'm guessing that you won't be wanting to go back to long skirts anytime soon."

"Mr. Hope, putting a girl's skirt length into the company dress code may be classed as discrimination, would you be putting the length of men's trousers into the rules as well?

"Cora, if I agree not to raise the subject of the company dress code at the next management meeting will you agree to not tell HR about my sudden laps into voyeurism?"

"And you promise not to try to look up my skirt again?"

"I don't think that I can promise that, and I doubt that you'd get that promise from any of the male workers here. You are a very attractive young lady."

"Thank you Mr, Hope. I guess that men staring is one of the drawbacks of wearing a short skirt. Okay, it's a deal, but just to be clear, you will not get the company dress code changed and I can wear skirts as short as I want, and I will not make a complaint about you to HR nor tell your wife about your voyeuristic tendency."

"Well summarised Cora, now get back to your work please."

She did, bending over in the same way to get what she hadn't got out of the cabinet before. As Cora walked back to her desk she was smiling to herself thinking that Caleb would be proud of her. She was a bit proud of herself as well.

When Cora told Caleb about the incident that evening he pulled her to her feet, bent her over the kitchen table and fucked her. Then he told her that it was microskirts for her every day until the weather got cold.


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HothouseFlowerHothouseFloweralmost 3 years ago

I absolutely love this story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Fantastic story

Love the build up please write the next part soon

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