Trophy Wife Ch. 05

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Surprise meeting causes a problem... still time for some fun!
6.8k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 07/14/2023
Created 06/06/2023
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"Hi Mom," I said, quietly.

"Eric, what happened to you?" She asked.

"Actually it's Erica now," I said.

"When did this?...How did this?...She asked, still in shock.

I said, "It's a long story."

"And who's this little guy?" She asked, pointing to the stroller.

"His name is Eric," I said, "He's your...Grandson."

She stared at me with her mouth wide open and all she could get out was, "But why?"

"Let's not talk here," I said, "Do you have time for lunch?"

"Ok," she said, "I really need to know what's happened to you."


We sat down and ordered lunch. I hadn't seen my Mom in over a year and I was uncomfortable. I was totally comfortable as Erica, just not in front of her. Eric was getting fussy and I could tell he was hungry, so I pulled out a bottle.

"Do you mind if I feed him?" Mom asked.

"Sure," I said.

I handed Eric to her and she smiled. It was nice to see she was happy. Then it turned and she said, "You have a lot of explaining to do Mister! Or I guess its Miss."

"What do you want me to say? You guys abandoned me!" I said.

"So your answer was to turn yourself into a beautiful woman?" She asked.

"You think I'm beautiful?" I asked.

"Yes," she said, "But that's not the point. I can't believe my only son is beautiful woman."

"I can't believe you disowned your only son because you didn't like the girl he was going to marry!" I said.

"Oh, look at that huge diamond ring! You're married? To a man?" She asked.

"Yes," I said, smiling

"We thought you married that awful girl and that's why you haven't been in touch. We had no clue you decided to do this," she said. "I need to know what happened. What am I going to tell your father?!"

"If you're going to be angry and act like this, I'm happy to take my son and we'll never see you again," I said.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I'll calm down. Can you tell me your story while I enjoy holding my grandson."

I took a deep breath and said, "Ok, here goes. The craziest part of the story is you were right about Lisa. She was just using me to look good to her parents. After I picked her over you guys, she came clean and said she never loved me. I was homeless and unemployed."

"So why didn't you call us?" She asked.

"How could I? You made it clear you didn't want anything to do with me and I frankly was embarrassed," I said.

"Aw honey, we would have understood. You didn't have to turn your life upside down like this," she said.

"My life is better now than it ever was," I said.

"How can that be? Look at yourself!" She exclaimed.

"This is your last chance Mom or we're outta here," I said.

"Sorry I interrupted. I'll be good. Please continue," she said.

"I was completely broke with nowhere to live I called my only real friend Jim to see if I could stay with him while I figured things out," I said.

"Jim? Jim that you've known since you're 8 years old? Jim that you had sleepovers with? That's who you're married to?" She asked.

"Yes," I said, "Do you want to hear the story or not."

"I'm sorry," she said, "Go ahead."

I continued, "I was going to live with Jim like two best buds. He was lonely and had trouble meeting the right girl. He had all the money in the world but he wasn't happy. He joked that it was too bad I wasn't a woman, because he would love to spend the rest of his life with his best friend. We were drinking and I joked back. I was so depressed and had no idea what to do with my life. It seemed like such a simple answer, become a girl and marry him. I don't think either of us was serious, but here I am, married with a son."

"This is a lot to take in," she said.

I reached over to hold her hand and said, "I was serious when I said my life is better now and I'm so happy. Is there anything you want to ask me?"

"So many things," she said.

"Shoot, I tell you anything you want," I said.

She pointed at my chest and asked, "Are those real?"

"Not totally real," I said, "But yeah, they're part of me."

"Why did you get them so big?" She asked.

"That's what he wanted," I said.

"What about your...?" She said and pointed down.

"It's still there, although it doesn't get much use anymore," I said.

"So you two do what married couples do together?" She asked.

"Yes, husband and wife stuff," I said.

"Have you always been gay?" She asked.

"No," I said, "And I don't think I am now. I'm a woman and he's a man."

"But he puts your...?" She asked.

"Yes Mom, he puts his dick in me," I whispered, not wanting to cause a scene.

"Oh my, I never thought I'd hear my son say that," she said, surprised.

"I think you need to start referring to me as your daughter," I said.

"Sorry, this is going to take some getting used to," she said. "He's not blackmailing you or something, right?

"No Mom, this was my decision and everything I do with him is done willingly," I said, "Anything else you need to know?"

"Ok, so you two are married, but neither of you has what it takes to birth a child. So how is this little bundle of joy my Grandson?" She asked.

"It's another long story, but biologically, I'm his father," I said.

"And who's the mother?" She asked.

"Lisa," I said, "But she wanted nothing to do with him and she renounced her parental rights. Jim and I are his legal parents."

"This story keeps getting stranger," she said.

"You can say that again," I said, "I think this is the first time I told the whole story out loud.

"So the dresses, the boobs, and the things a woman does in the bedroom, you're ok with all of that, right?" She asked.

"Yes, and don't forget about the sexy lingerie!" I said, winking.

She spit out her water and started laughing. She said, "I can't believe you said that to your mother!"

"For the first time today I made you laugh like old times," I said.

"And you're positive this is what you want?"

"Yes," I said.

"Then I'm happy for you. So what do we do from here?" She asked. "I'd love to have a relationship with my grandson and I'm sure your father would too."

"Why don't you talk to Dad and if he seems to be ok with this, you guys should come over for dinner," I said.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yes, but only if he's going to be cool. I don't want to fight. You need to work on him really good before you come over," I said, "If he wants to be a Grandpa, he needs to be happy for me like you are."

"Ok, I can do that," she said, then just staring at me for a few seconds.

"What? What is it" I asked.

"I can't get over how beautiful you are. I can still see the old you in there which is why I recognized you, but maybe you really were meant to be Erica instead of Eric," she said.

"I've thought that at times too," I said, "Hopefully you can convince Dad of the same thing."

We finished our lunch and I gave her my new phone number. We kissed each other goodbye and she kissed Eric too. We walked to our cars and I immediately called Eric.

"Babe, I know you're busy, but can I come to your office?" I asked him.

"Everything ok?" He asked.

"No, I mean yes, it's not like anyone's hurt, but I need to talk to you," I said.

"Ok, come on over," he said.


It was a short drive to Jim's office. I had only been there a handful of times, but everyone knew me as his wife Erica. I brought Eric's carrier and bag in and we were greeted by his secretary Pam.

"Hi Erica," Pam said, "Jim's been expecting you."

"Hi Pam, nice to see you," I said.

She looked at Eric and said, "He's so cute. I've only seen pictures. Do you mind if I hold him?"

I handed him to her and said, "Of course."

"And look at you!" She said, "Are you sure you just had a baby? Your body looks spectacular!"

"You're so sweet," I said, playing along. I guess Jim hadn't told everyone the whole story and that was fine with me.

"He's really adorable, I could hold him all day," she said.

"Actually, do you mind keeping an eye on him for a little bit while I talk to Jim?" I asked.

"Take as much time as you need, we'll be here," she said.

"Thanks Pam, and if he gets fussy there's some toys in his bag," I said.

I walked into Jim's office and he was on the phone. He held up a finger to give him a minute. I sat down on his couch and waited for him. He hung up and came over to sit next to me. He kissed me on the lips, lingering there for a second.

"What's up Babe?" He asked.

"I just had a crazy morning and had to talk to you," I said.

"Where's Eric? Is he ok?" He asked.

"He's fine, he's with Pam," I said.

"So tell me what happened?" He asked.

"My Mom spotted me in Target," I said.

"Oh," he said, "How was that?"

"Very emotional," I said, "She caught me by surprise and obviously she was even more surprised to see me as Erica."

"How did she take it?" He asked.

"She seemed upset at firs, but I didn't want her to make a scene in Target, so we went to the diner to talk," I said.

"You told her about me?" He asked.

"Yeah, she saw my diamond ring and the baby so I pretty much had to tell her everything," I replied.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, it was a little weird telling her the whole story. She actually thought I married Lisa, but she was really surprised to hear I married you instead," I replied.

"And she knows we...?" He asked.

"Yes, she asked me about that. I didn't go into too much detail of course, but she knows your dick has been inside of me," I said giggling.

"Did you really say that?" He asked.

"Yeah, I actually used those words. I had to get her to loosen up a bit," I said.

"You're really unbelievable," he said, smiling.

I reached over to rub his crotch and said, "Speaking of where your dick has quiet can you be?"

"In here?" He asked.

"Yeah, for some reason I want your dick right now!" I said.

He was starting to get hard and said, "Just to be safe, what does my wife think about kneeling underneath my desk and blowing me?"

"I think I'll race you there!" I said.

I ran to his desk, at least I walked quickly. He had a big office, but not big enough to run. I sank to my knees and crawled under his desk, careful not to hit my head. He stood behind his desk and I could see his bugle through his suit pants. I unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants and boxers to the floor, exposing his hardness. He sat down and his dick was right in front of my lips. I knew I had to be fast. He was busy and Pam was watching the baby.

I kissed his head and he let out a moan. I told him to be quiet and I took him all the way into my throat. I was deepthroating him and he was holding on to my shoulders. I held him as deep as possible while swirling my tongue around him. I knew I was doing a good job, because he started to swell. I pulled back and bobbed my head as fast as I could, trying to get him to cum. He didn't last much longer and I took him into my throat again so he could shoot deep inside me.

"That was awesome Babe," he said.

"Sorry it was so quick," I said.

"Are you kidding me? I love what you do to me with your mouth. Fast or slow, it's always the best!" He said.

"As long as you're happy," I said.

"What would your mother think about what you just did? Or more importantly, your father?" He asked, jokingly.

I punched his arm and kiddingly said, "Jerk. I think we should leave those details out when they come over."

"They're coming over?" He asked.

"Oh, did I forget to say that?" I said. "I told her to explain everything to him and if he agreed to be nice and accepting, they could come over and have dinner with us and the baby."

"That was nice of you," he said.

"Yeah, I didn't want to deprive Eric of his grandparents," I said.

"So you're really ok with all this?" He asked.

"I think so," I said.

"I'm certainly relaxed. There's days I could really use one of those to relieve some stress," he said smiling.

"That can be arranged," I said, "Except right now I'm horny for more."

"Don't you have Jen waiting for you at home?" He asked.

"She was at her lawyer's, but she should be back by now," I said.

"Why don't you relieve some stress with her? I might be here late again tonight," He said.

"That's a good idea," I said.

"You know where the key is, you have my blessing to go nuts with her, or more literally in her," he said laughing.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, go home fuck that hotties brains out!" He said.

I kissed him on the lips and he opened his mouth to put his tongue inside mine, not caring that his dick came in there just a few minutes earlier. We made out for a few seconds and then he had to get back to work. I walked over to the mirror and did a quick hair and lipstick check. I didn't want Pam to think anything had happened in here. I popped a mint into my mouth and said goodbye to Jim.

I opened the door to see Pam holding Eric and making funny faces. He was giggling and I smiled. She said he had been a perfect little boy and was sad that I was taking him home. I told her I would try to bring him by more often. I don't think she knew I gave Jim a blowjob, but if she did, she didn't act like it. I put Eric in his carrier and headed home.


When I got home Kelly was back but Jen wasn't. I brought Eric to Kelly and they were happy to see each other. She said it was time for his nap and she was going to take one too.

I went into my room to change. As I sat on my bed I got a text from Jen saying she was on her way home. I told her to get settled and to meet me in my room. I opened my drawer to pick out some naughty lingerie. I was already horny and having the green light from Jim made me even more so. I spotted a set that I hadn't gotten a chance to wear yet. It had a red pushup bra and crotchless thong panties. I opened Jim's nightstand drawer and found the key. I pulled my dress over my head and took off my underwear.

I walked into the bathroom to do another check. I really am beautiful! Other than my Mom, I don't think anyone could mistake me for being a man. My breasts look amazing and the only trace is this tiny pink contraption. I unlocked it and put it on the counter. As usual when I'm unlocked, my clit looks bright red and just hangs there limply. I put on the bra and it made my boobs look even more enormous. I pulled up the panties, settling the string in my crack and putting my clit through the crotchless hole in front. I thought about what I was going to do to Jen and I sprang into a raging erection.

I was touching up my makeup when I heard a knock at my door. "Jen?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just got settled and you said to come see you," she said.

"Gimme one sec," I said. I walked back towards the bed in full sight of the doorway. I put my hands on my hips, posing like Wonder Woman, in my red lingerie, with my huge tits on display and my rock hard clit ready to surprise her. "Come in," I yelled.

She opened the door and said, "Whoa!"

I walked up to her and pushed the door closed. I shoved my tongue down her throat and we were making out. I stopped kissing her for a minute to pull her dress over her head, exposing her cute bra and panties. I kissed her again and my clit was rubbing against her thong covered pussy.

She stopped the kiss this time and said, "What's gotten into you today?"

"I had a rough morning," I said, "But if you're interested, Jim said it was ok if I got into you!"

She reached behind her to unclasp her bra and I pulled her panties down. Totally naked now, I pushed her onto the bed. I climbed on top of her, lined up and plunged myself into her in one smooth thrust. I was buried to the hilt and as she started to scream, I kissed her to muffle it. I was fucking her hard missionary and we were making out. This was the first time it was just the two of us with me inside her and she really was an amazing fuck. I still didn't have much experience on this side, but she was definitely the best I've ever had. I was so excited to be unlocked and her pussy felt too good that I blew my load faster than I wanted to. I tried to keep fucking her so she could cum too, but I softened too quickly and slid out of her.

"That was amazing," she said.

"Yeah, it was, but I'm sorry you didn't get to cum," I said.

"That's ok, there's a way to fix that," she said.

She pushed me on my back and straddled my face. She lowered her wet pussy over my mouth and I went to town. I started licking her clit as my cum leaked out our of her onto my lips. I gave her pussy a long lick and stuck my tongue inside. She was soaked! I didn't realize I had cum that much, but I was determined to suck it all out and give her a massive orgasm. I was doing something right because she was wildly gyrating against me. She was breathing heavy and I saw her pick up a pillow to cover her mouth so she wouldn't scream and startle the house. I was doing my best to swallow everything that came out of her. It was another first for me, eating my first creampie that I left inside a woman.

I was really enjoying giving her pleasure and my clit was enjoying it too, because I was starting to get hard again. I reached down with my left hand to rub myself, but not realizing what I was doing, Jen grabbed my hand and put it on her breast. I took that as a sign and grabbed her other breast with my right hand. I was massaging both of her boobs and nipples while eating her pussy. That got her over the line and she froze for a second. Then she started to shake and a could feel her nipples get harder. She picked up the pillow again and screamed into it while she soaked my face even more.

Once her orgasm calmed down, she slid herself down so she was sitting on my stomach. "Sweetie, that was even more amazing!" She said.

"Yeah," I said, "I can't believe I shot so much inside of you and then ate it out of you until you came. I really needed this."

"So what happened today?" She asked.

"It's a long story, just give me a second to catch my breath," I said.

She scooted back a bit more and noticed I was hard again. She said, "Oooh, is someone ready for more?"

"I guess she's excited to be free for a while," I said, giggling.

"Then why don't we take advantage while we can. But first I need to take off that beautiful red bra so I can suck on your massive tits!" She said.

I leaned up and undid my bra, throwing it on the floor. She leaned down and began to suck on my nipples. I threw my head back and if it was even possible, my clit got harder. A minute or two went by and she sat up. She put her hands on my shoulders to lift herself up. She positioned herself and took one hand and wrapped it around my clit. She stroked me a few times and surprised me when she pressed the tip against her asshole.

She winced a bit as she lowered herself, but she was a pro at anal and was able to take me all the way in. She leaned down and we made out as she was riding me. My clit was pounding her asshole and she loved it. I did too, because it felt like her muscles were squeezing me. My second orgasm usually takes longer than the first, but not this time. She was so beautiful and all the stimulation was so hot that I came quickly again. I definitely didn't shoot as much as the first time, but I had chills up and down my body and my clit was throbbing.

My softening clit slipped out of her again and she laid down next to me, breathing heavily. "You good now?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said, breathing deeply.

"Thank you," she said.

"For what?" I asked, "I was using you to relax myself!" I laughed.

"Ha," she said, "If that's what you were doing, you can use me anytime. Your dick...I mean clit is amazing. You use it so much better than Mitch did, and you are so much bigger. Promise me we can do that more often."

"I'd have to check with Jim, but I have a feeling there won't be a problem," I said.