Tropical Heat Ch. 01

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Julia's vacation is hotter and blacker than expected.
10.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/29/2022
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"Hey, can you help me out with something?" I heard an extremely handsome guy say after he practically ran up to talk to me.

I smiled shyly as I averted my gaze and grabbed some loose strands of my black hair before I pulled them back behind my ear. I knew that a lot of guys found me pretty attractive, but I never had a guy literally run up to ask me out before. I was not only extremely flattered, but very excited too since this tall, dark, and handsome man was probably one of the most attractive guys I had ever seen. If I was being completely honest, I usually didn't find black guys attractive, but he seemed to be a super exception.

"Yes, definitely," I confidently said back, but fully expected some bad pick-up line out of his mouth next.

He jerked his thumb behind him and said, "Can you take a picture of me and my friends really quick?"

My heart sank and my mouth dropped open a little bit. Really? C'mon Julia, were you really so arrogant that if a random guy approached you, you just assumed he wanted to ask you out? I mentally kicked myself, but I tried to not let it show on my face. Damn, he was really cute too. Although, he did look a bit younger than me. I figured he was probably still in college? If so, I guess it wasn't a huge age difference since I was only 25. Besides, he was probably here with his girlfriend. Alright, might as well get this over with since I was already sort of committed.

"Oh...yeah, of course," I said flatly.

"Thanks!" he said as he turned around and I followed him a short distance to where his friends were.

I expected it to just be him with his girlfriend and a couple of other friends, but instead, it seemed like he was with a fairly large group. Most were pretty average looking, but surprisingly the other black guys in the group were also really hot. Not surprisingly, many of the girls were also really attractive. There was no way he wasn't with one of these girls, right?

He handed me his phone and I anxiously waited to see if he would pose next to any of the other girls in the group. I secretly sighed in relief that he went to the far side, next to one of his male friends. There was no way he would not stand next to his girlfriend, so it seemed like he was single after all.

I brought up his phone to take the group picture and while I waited for them to finish posing, I fixed my gaze on my potential muse. His bright and tropical shirt was in sharp contrast to his milk chocolate skin and because it was completely unbuttoned, I had a wonderful view of his incredibly muscular physique. He wasn't bulky or huge, but he wasn't super lean either. I thought he had the perfect balance of power and size.

His arms caught my eyes first since they stretched out the holes of his sleeves and his biceps and triceps were so meticulously sculpted that you could easily pick out each muscle. His chest was thick and protruded out powerfully, but my eyes soon gazed at his unbelievable abs. They looked so toned and cut, that they almost looked fake, but I knew they were real. They instantly gave me dirty thoughts of rubbing my perky breasts up and down them before I tried to clear my head of such naughty ideas. I never fantasized about a black guy before, but I was surprised by how turned on it made me.

I knew that anyone could instantly appreciate his chiseled body, but as a physical trainer, I was in awe of how much work he's put into it. He had to have clocked in some seriously long hours into the gym, and he had the results to show for it. Hell, he probably spent as much time in the gym as I had. What I wouldn't give to be his trainer so I could watch those muscles flex. The mere thought made my cheeks burn.

The group was finally ready, and I counted down to snap the picture. After taking a few different shots, I lowered the phone and the group started to break apart and that guy started to walk over to me. The closer he got to me, the faster my heart pounded in my chest. When he finally stood right in front of me, I noticed just how much he towered over me. I was about 5'5", so I wasn't some super short girl or anything, but that meant that he definitely had to be well over 6 feet. As tall as he was, I was still able to notice his caramel-colored eyes, and I couldn't help but get lost in them.

"Can I uhh...have my phone back?" he said and I realized that I was just standing there staring at him while still holding his phone.

I physically winced at my own stupidity and handed over his phone while I said, "Oh, sorry, here."

"Thanks again!" he said with a smile before immediately turning around and lightly jogged to catch up with his friends.

I turned to walk away too and winced again in frustration. Why didn't I say anything? I could've at least asked for his name so I wouldn't have to just call him 'that guy' or something.

Then again, why didn't he ask for my name? I wasn't dressed to impress, but I still showed off a fair amount of skin. I had a tight, short sleeve shirt on that had a fairly deep v-cut that showed just a glimpse of my smooth, perky, and round C-cup breasts. The denim shorts I had on were also fairly short, so he should've had a great look at my toned legs and my huge and firm butt. Were athletic girls with a thin waist not his type or something? I crossed my arms in front of me in resentment as I continued to walk down the paved pathway of a tropical paradise.

I arrived alone just the other day at this luxurious tropical resort as a reward to myself for all the hard work I put in over the past year to launch my own fitness training career. I hustled like crazy to build a clientele and also create a name for myself as a skilled physical trainer. I drowned myself in work and definitely didn't have any time to date. Even though I was hopelessly single, I thought an island getaway would still be a lovely way to recharge and stop myself from burning out.

I planned each day out to include various activities, and today was all about pampering myself at the spa. After what just happened, it felt like the masseuse would have to work extra hard to relieve all of my stress. Once I walked into the spa room, I tried to reset my composure and focus on the blissful pleasures that awaited me. I ordered the premiere deluxe package or whatever it was called, so I knew by the end of it I would look and feel absolutely radiant.

After several hours, I said goodbye to the spa staff and walked out feeling like a completely new woman. I felt so relaxed and invigorated that I felt like anything was possible. Once I stepped outside, I was surprised that it was still so hot given that the sun was already setting. I wiped some sweat from my forehead as I walked back into the open-air lobby of the hotel and waited near the elevators to go back to my room.

Soon enough, an elevator dinged that it had arrived, but it was on the other end of the elevator lobby. I saw the door open, but no one walked out. I took a few steps towards it when I saw the door begin to close, but then a big, dark arm held the door open. Soon after, I saw an elderly lady very slowly start to exit.

She was talking to the man inside and it seemed like they were having a very nice conversation and she was thanking him for helping her. I couldn't help but smile at the scene. I knew how guys felt about being labeled 'nice', but if a guy was sweet and a complete gentleman, it was a huge turn-on for me.

Once the lady fully exited, I smiled at her and walked into the elevator, extremely curious who this kind guy was. My eyes widened when I saw that it was 'that guy' from before! Oh my god, what were the chances of something like this? I didn't seem to be the only one surprised, as he looked shocked to see me again too.

"Oh hey, nice to see you again! What floor?" he said in a deep, but friendly voice.

"Hi, 32 please," I answered while I frantically tried to think of something else to say.

"By the way, thanks for helping us out earlier with that picture. I'm Marcus," he said as he looked deeply into my eyes and extended a hand for a handshake.

I was lost in those caramel-colored eyes again as I instinctively reached out my hand to his and felt him squeeze it firmly. The moment his skin touched mine, I felt an even deeper level of attraction towards him. It was not knowing how much you wanted something until you were able to touch it.

"I'm Jula," I finally responded.

Our handshake ended, and when my hand returned to my side, it felt awfully lonely. It felt like his hand surrounded mine for forever, but I knew it had to have been only a second. My body desperately wanted more direct contact with his.

It seemed like he was waiting for me to possibly continue the conversation, but my mind was practically blank as I tried to adapt to what was going on. My innate timidness was definitely not helping. Why couldn't I be more confident around him like I was around my clients?

"So what brings you to paradise?" I heard him say to continue the conversation.

"Just some much needed relaxation. It's my gift to myself for working so hard trying to start my own business," I replied back, trying to sound as confident as possible.

"Ah, no shit, really? That's pretty tight. Girls who know how to hustle like that are damn fine," he said back with a charming smile.

Did I just detect some flirtation coming from him? My cheeks felt a little hot, so my body felt like he was hitting on me. Where was this connection when we met earlier? I wanted to say something flirty back to him, but once my eyes started to roam across his muscular torso, my mind kept fumbling on what to say. I so desperately wanted to reach out and feel how hard they were. Why did I feel like such a horny schoolgirl around him?

"Also, did I hear you correctly that it's a gift to yourself? Like, you came here alone? Cause that's crazy girl, crazy," he said again while shaking his head in disbelief.

"Why's that? Can't a girl be strong and independent and travel alone?" I said defensively back.

"Oh, naw, I didn't mean nothin' like that. A girl as fine as you not having a boyfriend to bring with? Now that's some crazy shit right there."

I couldn't help but look away and smile while my face turned red. My cheeks felt a little hot before, but now I knew I was blushing a deep red. Why did I have to fly so damn far away to find a guy this hot who could make me feel this way? This seemed straight out of one of my late-night fantasies. Except in those, he would stop the elevator, press me up against the wall and kiss me. With the muscles he had, I wouldn't have the power to resist if I wanted to. God, what was wrong with me? I was embarrassed by having such dirty thoughts.

I was about to say something in response when the elevator slowly stopped and the doors opened. I looked at the display and it said '32'. Damn, I didn't want this encounter to end. I saw him step out of the elevator and he held it open for me. The smile on my face stayed while I walked out and joined him outside. To my surprise, we both started to walk down the hallway. Did he also stay on this floor? Or was he just following me? I guess I didn't mind as long as I got to spend more time around him.

"Let's just say that all my hustling didn't really give me a lot of free time to date...or have any fun really," I responded honestly.

He whistled in surprise and grunted an 'uhh hmm' in response before he said, "We can change that, yeah. Listen here, me and my friends are hitting up that club later tonight. You know the one, Flame? Yeah, that shit's gonna be lit. Why don't you come chill with me and give yo'self a chance at some fun?"

"Come chill? At a place called Flame?" I said in an obviously joking manner, but I wondered if it was too lame of a joke.

He chuckled slightly and I loved hearing his deep laugh before he responded, "You gonna be like that, huh? A'ight, a'ight, why don't you come get hot and sweaty with me at Flame."

His brashness and confidence caught me off guard again. I was sure a lot of girls would be turned off by it, but I just felt flushed and really horny. If there was a chance to hang out with Marcus some more and possibly be around his insanely attractive body, I had to take it. We were coming up at a T-intersection in the hallway, and he was already leaning towards the opposite direction. I had to say something fast.

"It sounds like a...sizzling...good time? By the way, I'm this way. What time should I meet you at?" I said.

"Yeah, I'm this way," he said as he stood opposite me and pointed in the other direction before he continued, "We gonna roll up there around 10. See ya then Jules."

He smiled at me as he waved goodbye and turned around to walk down the other hallway. I did too, but it took me a much longer time to turn around. As I walked down the hallway, every bone in my body wanted me to turn around and look at him, but I knew that as a girl, I couldn't tip my hand so easily. When I finally got to my hotel door, I took a peek down the other end of the hallway, but he was nowhere in sight. I sighed sadly, unlocked my door, and stepped inside.

After turning the lights on, I closed the door and leaned my back against it. I took a few deep breaths and I felt blood rushing to every part of my body. I reached my hand up to my chest and I felt just how hard my heart was beating against my chest. Why was I so hot and bothered by such a brief exchange? I raised the hand from my chest and when I looked at it, I remembered how his warm and soft hand felt against mine. Wow, I must be a lot lonelier than I thought.

Once I calmed down a little bit, I started to put my belongings onto one of the tables in my room and checked the time. I had a couple of hours until I had to meet Marcus at the club and I decided to use the time to take a nice hot bath to relax. I needed to make sure I got all of this sweat off my body anyway.

Fortunately, my room was one of those 'upgraded' rooms and came with a fairly huge bathroom and a wonderful tub. I started to fill it out with hot water and I started to strip off my clothes. After I took off my shirt and bra, I checked myself out in the mirror since I was a bit worried about how I looked. I usually had a rigorous workout routine, but I haven't had the chance to keep up with it while at the resort.

It seemed that I had absolutely nothing to worry about. My body looked absolutely stunning. Despite having a few cheat days, I was still in extremely good shape. My body looked nicely toned and my stomach was perfectly flat. My skin looked radiant as well and was tight all across my body.

Even though I was a physical trainer and quite athletic, I still kept a very feminine figure, especially with my narrow shoulders and perky C-cup breasts that sat high on my chest. My arms were toned but didn't have any intimidating muscles. Just enough definition to give me that athletic look.

The only real muscles I had on my upper body were my abs. While I purposefully didn't try to go for a six-pack or anything, the outlines of my abs were still visible. As shy as I was, I still loved showing my stomach off in the gym and guys loved looking at it. It seemed like I hit the sweet spot between alluring, but not intimidating. Not only that but I was also blessed with naturally wide hips that gave me a very slim-looking waist.

While I continued to strip off my shorts and panties, my lower body was a different story in terms of muscles. While I was overall slim, my thighs were thicker than your average girl. They were solid and packed with muscles that were noticeable even when I was just walking around. I never went overboard though and made sure to keep my legs with some soft curves. I wasn't a bodybuilder or anything and I didn't want to intimidate any guys. Not that I had too much luck when it came to guys anyways though.

I turned slightly and looked at my proudest asset, my large ass. It reached out far behind me and was perfectly round and perfectly solid. I couldn't help but run my fingers along its curves. It was good that my thighs were as thick as they were so my large ass was still in proportion to my lower body.

I was sure that guys and girls alike probably thought that it was fake or I had some sort of implants added, but it was due to grueling hours at the gym. I worked incessantly at increasing the size of my ass and I loved how it stretched out any workout tights or shorts that I wore. It was something that I meticulously sculpted to get it to look just how I wanted it to.

After I finished checking myself out, I walked over to the now filled tub and slowly stepped inside as I tried to get accustomed to the hot water. It wasn't long before I fully submerged my body and laid my head back on a towel at the edge of the tub. I planned to just relax and not think about anything, but my mind kept wandering to Marcus. I remembered how his arms bulged and how shredded his abs looked and I started to feel hotter than the water.

It wasn't long until my overactive imagination started to fill my head with dirty thoughts. I knew girls shouldn't think about such things, but it was one of my secret vices. I started to wonder what would have happened if our elevator broke down and we were all alone. He would've locked eyes with me and walked towards me until I was pressed up against the wall. With his shirt opened, he would have pressed his chiseled body into mine and I would immediately let him kiss me. His big strong hands would squeeze my soft breasts through my thin shirt and I would moan in lust.

Without realizing it at first, my hands moved to my breasts and I started to squeeze them softly. I softly moaned in pleasure in the tub while I felt myself get even hotter. It felt so wrong to fantasize about something like this, but I couldn't help it. Why not play with myself and just enjoy it?

My fingers caressed my already hard nipples and I gasped in pleasure. I rolled them through my fingers and I started to rub my thighs together. I left one hand to pinch my nipple hard as one hand sank lower in the water and reached for my bald and smooth pussy. I spread my legs and groaned as my finger ran along my pussy lips and then started to spread them apart.

Fuck, I was so horny already. I could easily slip one, no two fingers in already. As my fingers pushed inside, I arched my back and moaned louder. My fingers quickly plunged in and out and the faster they moved, the more I moaned. I could already feel my orgasm building inside me. Waves of pleasure kept building and building until it felt like I was going crazy. I needed release.

My fingers left my pussy and I started to furiously rub my now swollen clit. My body jerked and spasmed, but I didn't let up. Oh fuck, I wanted to cum. I needed it so bad. My mind imagined what I would've done if Marcus suddenly walked in and saw me playing with myself. I knew I wouldn't have stopped, I'd let him watch me. No, he wouldn't just watch. He would walk over and take his hard cock out. I'd lean up and immediately swallow his throbbing tool as I continued to rub myself. Oh, fuck yes!

Suddenly, my orgasm crested and my entire body shook inside the tub. Water sloshed around in the tub as my body convulsed from a powerful orgasm. Once my body calmed down, I took deep breaths and gripped the sides of the tub. I haven't had an orgasm like that in so long! My heightened elation was soon replaced by deep embarrassment. I couldn't believe that I fantasized about something like that!

After taking care of my pent-up frustration, I enjoyed the rest of my bath and made sure to clean myself from head to toe while trying not to think about Marcus. After getting out of the bath, I went through my normal routine. I dried myself off along with my hair, put on some makeup, plucked a few eyebrows, and then walked over to the hotel room closet and started to look for what I could wear to the club.