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As I felt the cock penetrate my ass, I watched my own cock rise to its full length. For a while I just let it flop back and forth like the pendulum on a metronome as while I took my fucking from the plastic cock. But soon I couldn't resist and I began stroking myself. I still wasn't in a particular hurry to finish, but I was building toward an orgasm now.

When that orgasm came, what an incredibly intense, extended orgasm it was. I was glad this was all captured on video because I think I set a personal record for the strongest, highest shot of cum I ever produced. It arced up and hit me in the face and on my neck. The "aftershock" spurts hit my negligee and my exposed abdomen. I was thrashing uncontrollably for what seemed like minutes. As I lay there recovering and feeling the dildo slip from my ass and my cock soften and shrink in my hand, I thought about how I was going to watch this video tomorrow. I'd probably wind up beating off to it.

I was so spent, emotionally and physically, I didn't even get up. The camera could just time itself out and I could clean the cum off myself tomorrow morning. All I wanted to do now was to sleep. And I did. I slept like a baby for nine hours. I couldn't remember when the last time was that I'd slept that long.

Stripping off my nightie and bra in the bathroom (I'd never put my panties back on), I made a decision. I was all alone for the whole weekend. There was nothing I had to do and no one I had to please but myself. I decided to go en femme all weekend. Why not? It was fun. I certainly had to admit to myself that I'd never had a more intense orgasm than I did last night. Maybe it was worth playing around this way a little longer—just to see what came of it.

So, I showered, being sure not to remove my breast forms, and dressed for the day. I found some very attractive lacey white panties with a matching bra. Nina has a tiny white garter belt that wasn't part of the same set, but looked good enough with the bra and panties. I decided to try on some of her black stockings, which I really liked the look of. And, then, I found that I could fit reasonably well in a tight little black skirt she had. My hips weren't quite as wide as I'd like for the skirt, but it looked pretty good. Nina had a midnight blue satin blouse that I'd always liked a lot. I dug around in her closet until I found it. And then I put on the four-inch heels that Nina had bought for me.

After I'd finished my make-up, I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked terrific. I made breakfast and sat reading the paper and drinking my coffee for a long time. It was fun to try to do things the way I thought a woman would. I paid attention to how I walked, how I crossed my legs, how I held my coffee cup, and, really, everything I could think of.

Mid-morning I decided to transfer the pictures and video to my hard drive and have a look at what I'd photographed and recorded. I watched on the computer for a while and then decided to burn it to a DVD and watch on the TV. It looked amazing on the 60" screen. Watching the final video had the predicted effect on me. I hiked up my black skirt, pulled my panties down to my thighs, and whacked off to another intense orgasm. I hadn't thought ahead and, so, I wound up shooting on Nina's blouse and skirt. It was clear I'd be doing some laundry before she returned. Oh well, it was worth it!

Throughout the day, I changed clothes about five times, trying dresses and skirts of different lengths and cuts, and lots of different blouses and sweaters. I tried on some pants, too, but they really didn't fit well in the hips or ass so I gave up on those. The dresses and skirts were more fun, anyway. Of course I photographed most of the outfits to add to my collection.

During the middle of the afternoon, I closed all of the curtains in the bedroom, just to make it look dark, and tried on more of Nina's underwear and nighties. God, women get to wear soft, sexy things. I love the feeling of satin and nylon on my smooth skin. The lingerie fashion show provoked another jack-off session, which I also recorded.

By the end of the afternoon, I was getting a little bored. I was sort of tapped out sexually, I thought. My balls were empty and I wasn't getting much response when I stroked my cock, even if I did it while watching my private videos. And then I realized that it didn't matter. Just because I wasn't going to be able to get an erection or come for a while didn't mean that the fun was over.

I can't explain why I did what I did next. It didn't make sense to me then and it really still doesn't make sense to me. So I'll just describe what I did and not even try to make it make sense.

I found Troy's number and call him up. I asked him if he wanted to come over for dinner. He was taken aback and first asked me if Nina had come home early. I told him that she hadn't—that it would just be the two of us. Then he was really taken aback. There was a long pause and then, suddenly, he said, "Yeah. Sure. Why not?"

I had about an hour and a half before Troy got here. Fortunately, the kitchen was well stocked so I didn't have to run out to the store. I got a menu figured out and lined things up so that the cooking would be quick. Then, came the hard part: deciding what to wear. I found a swishy little tea dress with a very subtle flower pattern that I liked a lot. It was a wrap-around that tied at the waist and the skirt had enough body to make my hips look a little broader than they really are.

Nina had an incredibly sexy, pastel pink bra and panty set that had lacey eyelets around the tops of the bra cups and the waist of the panties. These would look terrific with the dress. She didn't have a garter belt that match or looked especially good with these, but I did find some white thigh-high stockings, which I thought would be fun to wear. (I'd seen Nina show just a bit of the stocking top when she crossed her legs in this dress and I thought I could replicate that effect.)

It didn't take me long to get ready. I was getting better and better with my make-up. I finished all of that with time to spare. On the way to the kitchen, I stopped at the living room and put together a playlist of music for the evening. It was fun imagining what would be happening and picking music to reflect the mood and, perhaps, to influence it. It was only then that I realized that I really needed to work on my voice. So, from then until Troy came, I was constantly talking out loud, trying higher and lower registers. I found a pitch that I was reasonably happy with but then continued to talk to try to get intonation and inflection right.

By the time the doorbell rang, not only had I found my voice but dinner was well underway. I'd be able to pour us both a drink and sit down and relax while dinner finished. At the foyer, I took one last look at myself in the mirror and, liking what I saw quite a bit, I opened the door with confidence.

I tried to give the most feminine welcoming smile to Troy as I let him in. He returned the smile and I began to relax about the evening. I hadn't realized until that point how nervous I was. I was still charged with excitement, so maybe 'relaxed' isn't quite the right word. But I wasn't nervous in an uncomfortable way.

I asked Troy to sit in the living room while I poured us each a glass of wine. As I headed for the kitchen, I could see Troy's eyes following me as I walked out of the room. I could feel the dress swish sexily as I walked and I knew exactly what Troy was feeling and thinking. We'd walked into the living room together so my return with the two glasses of wine was my entrance. And again, Troy's eyes were fixated on my every move. I was reminded of the first time he saw me dressed, when Nina had shown me off to him. He may have been less surprised now, but he was no less appreciative of what he was looking at. He even tried to peak down the top of my dress when I bent over to hand him his wine.

I sat down to his right so that when I crossed my legs the skirt of the dress would separate and show my stocking tops. My legs were, I'd decided, one of my best assets. From his reaction, Troy seemed to agree.

Drinks and dinner went wonderfully. We chatted about lots of things but never about Nina or anything in our past relationship. It would have seemed, to any casual observer, to be nothing more than a first date—though a sexually charged one, as anyone could see by noticing how we looked at each other or listening to the subtext of our talk.

After dinner, we went back to the living room with a little brandy. We hadn't taken more than a sip or two of the brandy before Troy ... I guess the expression is, "put the moves on me." He put our drinks down and turned me toward him on the couch. And then he turned my face directly toward his and kissed me. I was stunned. I mean, it's not like I'd called and invited him over for casual companionship. I was under no illusions where the evening would end up. I just hadn't actually visualized it going through this path. I don't know why.

Kissing, I think, is much more intimate than mere sex is. I mean, for all the ways Troy had taken me before, you'd think that no line of intimacy was left uncrossed. But as his lips met mine and his tongue parted my lips, I realized that, in all of the times he'd taken my body, we'd really shared no intimacy whatsoever. Now we most definitely were.

I think I was very awkward at first. I held my hand back and pulled my body away from him slightly. But when I came to terms with what was happening, I relaxed. I allowed my body to be drawn to his and I put my hand on the side of his face, feeling his strong jaw line. I tingled when I felt his hand slide up my thighs and touch my bare skin just above my stockings. I felt my cock harden in response to his touch and realized that my period of masturbation-induced impotence was over—cured by Troy's touch.

We'd be more comfortable in the bedroom, I thought, and I wondered why Troy wasn't moving us there. Then I realized that, like me, he was caught up in the "first date" feel of this. It was up to me to make the invitation. I got up and, with nothing more than a light pull on his hand, invited him to join me in the bedroom.

Troy laid me down on the bed and we both kicked our shoes off. Then we moved to very heavy petting. First he slid his hand back up my thighs. He felt the tops of my thighs then pushed his hand up to feel my crotch. My cock was completely hard now and, so, out of the way of where his hand was exploring. For some reason, even though I wasn't cold, my balls were pulled up tight to my scrotum so he mostly just fondled me behind my balls, sometimes exploring with his fingers just a bit between my butt cheeks.

He pulled away slightly, untied my dress, and pulled it apart. Now he could run his hands over my abdomen and fondle my "breasts." I couldn't feel the breast fondling, of course, but I could feel how it made Troy respond. He was hot and bothered. I felt the full flush of feminine power over a man.

I pulled my arms out of the sleeve of my dress and threw it aside. Troy watched me closely. I saw his eyes run the full length of my body. He liked what he saw; he didn't even seem put off by my erection sticking obscenely out of my pink panties.

When we lay back down, he started to pull me to him again but I pushed away a bit and began unbuttoning his shirt. I hadn't had much practice doing this from this angle. (Sure, I'd unbuttoned women's blouses but you'd be surprised how much the reversal of the side of the buttons can throw you off.) Even though I was far from proficient, it was a lot of fun doing this because I could tell what effect it was having on Troy. He would twitch a little when my fingers grazed his skin.

I let him take off his pants and underpants and then I began working my way down his chest with my lips and tongue. Troy just lay back and enjoyed the sensations. Well, he didn't just lay back; sometimes he twitched and jerked from the teasing I was inflicting on him. The teasing ended when my lips met Troy's rigid cock. I suppose it would have been possible to tease him more at that point—just grazing his cock with my tongue instead of taking him into my mouth and sucking him deeply. But it wouldn't have been possible for me. I couldn't delay any longer. I wanted to feel him inside my mouth.

It's strange how differently I responded to all of this now. Before, when I was the puppet of Nina and Troy, I hated what they made me do, even when (against my desires) it excited me. But now, when it was all on my initiative, I couldn't get enough of the feel of Troy's hard cock in my mouth. I loved the feel of it and I loved the way I could make Troy feel.

I cupped my hand under his fuzz-covered balls and felt the weight of them in my palm. I kissed his apricot-sized balls and ran my tongue up his shaft to the helmet, enjoying the feeling as his cock twitched under my tongue.

Then I worked my way back up and whispered very quietly in his ear, "I want you to fuck me." He couldn't respond quickly enough. He was up on his side ready to lay me down and give me what I wanted. I had to stop him for just a second to take care of the lubrication problem. Fortunately, I'd thought ahead. I had filled our little ear syringe with lube and left it next to the bed. Almost without Troy noticing, I managed to slide my panties off and reach behind and squirt some lube up my ass.

I was ready for Troy now. And I knew how I wanted it. I lay on my back, raised my knees, and spread my legs, watching in anticipation as Troy climbed on top of me. He locked his arms under my knees and rocked me up, exposing my eager asshole to his cock. And then he pressed—gently and slowly, but insistently—until I opened to him. All the while, he was looking straight into my eyes, just as I was looking into his.

This time, when he penetrated me—very slowly, just as he had done that first time—it didn't feel like a violation. It felt like consummation. I felt him inside of me emotionally, as well as physically. When he began to fuck me in ever-quickening strokes, I used my ass muscles to milk his cock just for the pleasure that I could thereby give him. I loved watching the pleasure on his face and knowing that I was causing it.

Then Troy did something I didn't expect. He grabbed my hard cock and began stroking it in synch with his thrusts. It felt wonderful and I found myself lost in pleasure—the pleasure of being fucked by this perfect cock and the pleasure of Troy's hand on my own cock.

What could be better? Well, the absolutely crashing simultaneous orgasm we both experienced. That was even better. Wow! Troy collapsed on top of me. I could feel the wetness of my cum on our chests and the pressure on my cock of our abdomens pressed together. And I could feel Troy's cock soften and slide from my ass.

After some time, we rolled together spoon-style. When Troy was fast asleep, I got up and cleaned myself up in the bathroom. I took off my stockings and got into a nice sheer teddy and climbed back into bed with Troy. I could see his sleeping face by the light coming in through the slit in the curtains. I watched him for a while and then realized how much things had changed when I found me saying to myself, "God, I love him!"

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ToniM1234ToniM123410 days ago

Hey, it was a good story. So good I want a part 2. It would be great to read about Nina getting kicked to the curb. And, I really hope my comment was at least semi-literate!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Troy sounds like a name for a typical autistic kid.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I thought the premise was pretty weak. Consenting adults can do whatever they want, but with the conflict this guy was feeling about his wife being a skank, there's no way he would have just gone along without some kind of battle or conflict.

CyanlotCyanlotalmost 3 years agoAuthor

To Anonymous who posted on 8/16/2021: Thank you for your semi-literate comments pointing out that my story is "discussing" and, though it's "suppose to be fiction," you can nevertheless tell that my mind needs some "phyic counceling." If I every figure out what "phyic counceling" is, I'll be sure to look into it.

I've noted elsewhere that there is a strong correlation between people who post hateful comments about my stories and people who are illiterate. When I read such hateful comments, it's always a bit reassuring to see that the author can't even write a coherent sentence. (Seriously, if you're not a native English speaker, I apologize for the snarky criticism. If you are a native English speaker, then God help our educational system.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I think you have a very sick mental problem, and writing a story like this is discussing

I know it suppose to be fiction, but I know where your mind is you need some phyic counceling.

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