Truth or Dare with My... Mom? Ch. 01


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"I'm glad you told me, Aaron," she said smiling. "I know you're an honest young man, and that must have been a terrifying admission."

I nodded, reliving the dread. "At least you pissing outside was voluntary. I almost made a mess in the dining nook."

Another giggle. "I love you, silly boy."

"I love you too, mom."

"So, my turn?" she asked, taking another sip.

"Pretty sure, after that show you put on," I said, nodding.

"Truth or dare, baby?"


"Weirdest sex on a date," she said. "Tell me."

"Oh, jeez," I said, lapsing into thought. "I'm sure mine pale in comparison to yours, because you've got more experience than me."

"Maybe not so much," she reasoned. "After all, experimental sex when you're first trying it out can get pretty strange."

"Okay, true enough," I admitted. "Lemme think here."

"If you have to think about it, there's at least a few good stories worth a laugh or a cringe," mom pointed out, stroking my foot with hers.

"Well... I knew a girl I dated only once, who liked to be fucked in the crook of her knee. For whatever reason, that got her off. That was kinda weird."

"Did you at least shoot your load?" mom asked, smirking.

"Yeah," I nodded with a shrug. "But I had to keep lubing the back of her damn knee at first. Once she got into it, though, wasn't necessary, because she was kinda chubby and knee sweat is a thing."

Mom was snickering now. "Gross. Sweat lube is a last resort, baby."

"Amen to that," I said, lifting my glass in salute to her statement. I wholeheartedly agreed.

"What's your other contender?" she asked, curious.

"There was another girl, Candace," I began.

"Oh, was that Candace Raymaker, Chelsea's daughter?" mom asked.

"That's her, yeah," I confirmed. "She liked to starfish when a guy fucked her. She just splayed out, completely motionless, and let the guy climb on and pump into her until he finished. You'd swear she was dead, she barely moved, and the only way to tell she'd had an orgasm was because of how her pussy tightened around my dick when she came. I did her a few times, but it got too weird, so I broke it off."

"Her mother was pissy with me for a while at one point. I wonder if that was because you broke her little starfish girl's heart," mom quipped, a giggle in her words. "That's pretty weird, Aaron. Weirdest one of mine that comes to mind is this one guy who liked to pretend he was a wolf, and he'd fuck me from behind, trying to growl in my ear and snarl."

"Ha, care to expand on your zoo kink, mom?" I laughed.

"Very funny," she said sourly. "He got mad after our second sex session when I offered him a Milk-Bone for being a good boy. He yelled at me, so I threatened to force-feed him chocolate and kill him. He stomped out in a huff, never saw him again."

"If you marry a dog-man, do you have to tie the... knot?" I asked, smiling evilly. Mom lurched a little, somehow avoiding her third spit-take of the morning, shaking as she giggled behind her clamped lips. She finally took a deep breath, shaking her head.

"You little fucker," she gasped. "You've gotta quit doing that to me. If I spew, I swear, I'm making you lick it up..."

"Your favourite KISS song," I said with a grin.

"Wow, you know that about your old mom's musical tastes, hm?" she mused, assessing me. "You're gonna make some little slut very lucky and happy one day, Aaron, if you show that you know them that way."

"I'll be lucky if they're a hundredth as awesome as you," I said. "I ain't gonna do better."

"It's your turn to ask."

"Truth or dare, mom."


"What's the weirdest thing you've ever fucked or put inside you?" I asked. "Hashtag no judgement."

"Good to hear," she sighed, gearing herself up for a confession. "The choices are myriad, really. I've had a foot in my cunt, a chair leg, a pool cue, a beer can, even got a hardball in there once. That was pain."

"Ouch," I laughed. "I can imagine. But I'll bet you can do better than a hardball."

"I was just narrowing down the list," mom admitted. "Ummmm... stones, rocks..."

"I can't wait to hear about these incidents," I said, trying to not snicker.

"Get me real lubed up with alcohol one day and I'll tell you. Every girl's fucked a vegetable, like a cucumber or a banana or something, so that's not exotic. I loved to fuck the gearshift in that Charger I used to own, until your dad sold it off, the bastard."

"That had to be hot to watch," I mused.

"I have several videos of it, maybe I'll show you if you're good," she replied, taking another stiff slurp of her wine. "I stuck a bunch of my friend's dolls in my pussy once, because I was mad at her... I dated a cop, I got fucked by his nightstick... I've tried a lot of those alien-looking dildos that aren't even remotely human."

"What about that one that somebody squeezes and it squirts a silicone egg into you, to simulate impregnation?" I asked.

"A Splorch? Oh, God, no," she giggled, almost kicking her feet like a little girl. "But that sounds fun, I'll have to find it and try it out. Ummmm... I kept a friend's wedding ring in my pussy, to hide it from her husband while she was having a lesbian affair with a girl."

"Were you the girl?" I asked, smirking.

"No, smarty-pants, I wasn't the girl," mom replied, giving me a sour look she didn't mean, because her eyes were glinting. "Oh, got it! It didn't fuck it, per se, but I lost a bet at uni, and my roomie made me sit on my shoulders with my legs in the air, spread wide, while she poured an entire can of treacle in my cunt."

I blinked. "Treacle? You mean that black molasses shit? Do I wanna know why?"

"Not drunk enough to tell you," she said simply. "But she filled me to overflowing, I was amazed it wasn't coming out of my mouth, nose, ears, ass, and nipples. I had to keep it in there for two hours. I douched for the best part of a week to get rid of it all, and even then, getting fucked, guys'd stop occasionally sniff the air, saying 'Do you smell molasses?' I just about died of embarrassment."

I was laughing so hard. Not at my mother, but because of her. She made everything sound so funny. She could make a burning orphanage sound like a laugh riot. Mom was giggling along with me. "Treacle for the win, I take it?"

"I think that takes the cake, so to speak," I agreed, draining my glass. I was feeling very mellow, despite my perpetual hardon. Frankly, I'd kind of forgotten about it. Mom looked at it once in a while, as if appreciating it, but that was no different than me looking at her pussy, which she was keeping on display for me. "I guess it's your turn, mom."

Mom had finished her glass too, and seemed to match my mellow mood. "Truth or dare, my darling love?"

I smiled lazily. "Dare."

"Good choice," mom said, stretching her arms out and yawning, thrusting her lovely tits forward. "Because I'm a little sleepy, so I dare you to set your alarm for one hour and take a nap with me..."

"Right here?" I asked.

"Yup," mom said, smiling lazily. "Right here, wrapped up in one another. Or you can be the big spoon."

I looked at her robe on the floor. "Do you wanna put on y-"

"Nnnnnope," she said, shaking her head. "I'm naked and plan to stay that way if possible. You got me out of my clothes fair and square, baby, and contrary to what you've discovered about me last night and today, it isn't that easy to accomplish."

"Never occurred to me, mom," I assured her. "Not once."

"Good, because the truth is, you're just good at getting women naked," she remarked, sighing and looking very relaxed, her luscious body almost puddling across the chesterfield from me. "Set your alarm, baby."

I did as she asked, and then waited while mom slowly lifted herself off her side of the chesterfield, getting on her hands and knees and crawling to my side like a sensual cat, her eyes never leaving mine. Her tits swayed below her, beguiling to me as she approached. Her brown eyes were smoldering and so sensual.

"Okay, big spoon," she said in a breathy voice. "Get in position."

I lay on my side and pushed myself against the back cushion of the chesterfield, making room for her in front of me. Mom giggled as she glided in, getting on her side as well, squashing back against me. I loved the feeling of her body pressed to mine, but my cock was flattened between my stomach and her ass, leading her to giggle some more. She wiggled her butt against me.

"Virile little boy," she cooed, looking back at me. "That thing's not gonna go down unless we taser it, is it? Well, I'll lift my leg for a second here, and you can slide it through my thighs, just under my girly. Just don't try to put it in me, mister. There's a lot more permissions guys have to unlock for that ride..."

Mom bent her knee and crooked her leg for a moment. I hesitated for a split second before I adjusted myself and pushed my raging erection through her gap and slid it along her pussylips, pushing through to the front. Mom lowered her top leg, essentially trapping it in place, my cockhead pointing out in front of her. I could feel her pussylips almost embracing it.

"So now," she purred, reaching back and taking my arm. "Put your lower arm under my neck, honey, and I'll place this one..."

I slid my lower arm under her and through, cushioning and supporting her neck. She took my top hand and brought it down to rest against her breast, my palm cupping it gently.

"Do the same with your other hand," she mumbled. "You've definitely unlocked this bonus feature today, young man. You done... very good..."

I think she was falling asleep, and given how much we'd been drinking, and the blood-pumping excitement we'd been putting ourselves through, I had to admit that despite holding my naked mother and my endless erection, I was kind of beat as well. An hour's nap might be a good thing. I gently clasped both her breasts with my hands, and she rested hers on top of mine. She settled back against me.

"Mmmm, so warm," she purred, squirming just a little to find her perfect posture. "Thank you, baby. I'm having such a wonderful day. I love you... so much..."

"I love you too, mom," I whispered. She turned her head up and back to look at me through heavily lidded eyes and she puckered her lips invitingly. I leaned in just a bit and pressed my lips to hers.

We held that loving, affectionate kiss for maybe three seconds before mom ended it and turned her head away again, drifting off to sleep. Those three seconds felt like an eternity to me, but it was heavenly.

I lay still, letting my mind wander. What was happening here? My mom and I were getting so close. Hell, we were lying naked together, with my cock trapped under her pussy. What was I to make of that?

Did I want to fuck my mother? My body sure did. And it's not like I was deeply horrified by the concept, it was a rush and thrill of excitement I could never possibly explain. But could we possibly fuck and still be a family? Would we screw everything up?

Knowing all these things about my mother didn't bother me; they made me feel closer to her, love her more. Not in love with her, but she was my mom, and I loved her more than anyone I had in my life. She was everything to me, especially now. She'd raised me, she cared for me, she taught me the manners and niceties my scumbag father couldn't be bothered to. I didn't care to ever see him again, and yeah, kidney boulders in the dick for him was just fine by me. Maybe it'd shred his dick and he'd never be able to get an erection again. Fuck that guy.

I held mom closer and closed my eyes, determined to sleep. We had lots of time left to work this all out, and mom seemed determined to enjoy it too. We'd masturbated for one another, confessed to things we were unlikely to tell anyone else, gotten drunk together, and it just made me love her more. I kept thinking how blessed I was, being raised by this woman, and having her unconditional love as her child. How lucky was I?

Sleep was taking me, and I smiled, feeling very content with my life. No doubt, it was just going to get better.

I couldn't wait for this hour to be up.


Author's Notes: Welp, looks like this is going to be a multi-parter. Story of my life as a terminal series writer. Like I said at the beginning, this story is a slow burn, so to speak, so if you've made it this far, I guess you don't mind my laconic arcs and even, dare I say, enjoy them?

I hope it's been entertaining so far, because plenty is happening, there's just a lot of detail. Yes, the juvenile game Truth or Dare will continue to be the lens the stories is seen through, but I'm enjoying that aspect, since it allows me to keep things crisp and on track.

I haven't named mom yet, have I? Ah well, next chapter.

No tantrums about spelling with 'u' in words, this story is happening in Canada. The only reason you goofy Yanks gave up 'u' in words was because it was cheaper to leave out of 19th century telegraph messages. That is LITERALLY the reason you don't have it in your modern spelling, your ancestors were cheapskates. That's as good as it gets for you. I mock their genetic cheapness they passed on to you.

*hides the 'aboot' in the closet*

Anyhoo, this idea came to me completely randomly, got lodged in my bonce, and I had to write it out. Turns out there's a part two in there as well, I'll coax it out eventually.

Back to the Alexaverse and Time Rider.

Keep your stick on the ice!

- Management

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Coochielover71Coochielover718 days ago

Great start!!!!!!!!

joeoggijoeoggi27 days ago

Incredibly hot incest story. Wow.

PerimedesPerimedesabout 2 months ago

Most assuredly, sir, the hottest mother/son story I’ve ever encountered. So har…er…difficult to put down. It will consume all my free time until I make to the end. I’ve been away for a bit, but this is so very refreshing and exhilarating to return to. Kudos! Your writing, as always, is superb. It is always refreshing to read such well written tales.

silkcooksilkcookabout 2 months ago

LMAO.... How long did it take you to find the word heteronormative lol other than this fantastically superb story ( very well written by the way) where or have you ever had to use the word heteronormative in a sentence previously before the story LOL

AkpervertAkpervertabout 2 months ago

Managing to keep my interest in this for 12 'chapters/pages'+ was amazing, and testimony to how good it was for a read. It didn't have to be "mom" to be great. Or 'sis', or anyone that he knew like that. But that element sure spiced it up. I am really looking forward to the next Chapter.

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