Trying to Reclaim My Marriage


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"Don't you even care about us? Don't you even miss me a little?" I could tell she was crying.

"Think about it Sue. How many nights were you home for dinner over the last year? And when you were physically there most of the time you were mentally elsewhere. The kids and I developed our own life without you. You made the money, I played the mom and the kids missed out on having two parents. I don't want to fight anymore. I'm just tired of the whole thing. Do what you want and like I said, just let me know when it's officially over."

I knew she was bawling I could hear it in the background. Did I still love her? I think maybe I did, but it had been such a long time since we'd been happy. Maybe we could try again but like I said earlier I couldn't do it by myself. Somewhere over the next five minutes I heard her start to say something but then stop.

"Sue, if you don't mind, can I speak to the kids?"

"Steve, I'm not at home, I'm still at work."

"Figures; nothing changes does it?" I hung up and called my kids.

Three things happened over the next week that had a huge impact on my life going forward; two of which I didn't hear about until much later.

Sue and her mother and father were having dinner together in her parent's formal dining room.

"Steve really said that?" her father asked. "This is going to be like shooting fish in a barrel. We'll take that little prick for everything he's got and maybe get you some alimony to boot," he said laughing out loud.

"Hank, will you just shut the fuck up for a change," Sally yelled hitting the table with both of her hands. Sue and Hank both looked up at her in total amazement. "Hank, if after forty years of marriage I didn't have such a high tolerance for assholes, I would have divorced you years ago."

"Mother!" A surprised Sue called out.

"Sue, my only regret is that I didn't bitch slap you when you started acting just like your father. You've become a self-centered, arrogant, selfish woman and I'm almost ashamed to call you my daughter."

Hank stood up and yelled, "Sally, that's enough."

"Hank. sit down, that is if you can get your head out of your damn ass. Sweetheart, whether you believe it or not, your father is dead wrong about Steve. He wasn't the lucky one in your marriage, you were. You should have been kissing his ass every day for what he did for you, but you, like your father, were blind to what was going around you. That man put his career on a back burner so he could support you the way he did. And when he stood up for you, you lambasted him and made it seem like he'd done something wrong. You and your father are cut from the same mold I'm sorry to say. Just like you, your father was never around. How I got pregnant with you is still a mystery to me. Hell, I thought I'd have to ask his brother to do me because he was never home. So, get your divorce, rake him over the coals but he was right about one thing. When the kids get a little older they'll dump you for him and all you'll have left is a big empty house, a great job and distant memories to keep you warm. Don't make the same mistake I made. So with that said, I've lost my appetite and I'm going up to my room, alone," she said glaring at her husband. The two of them watched Sally as she walked out of the room.

"I think your mother's drunk."

"Dad, she wasn't even drinking," Sue said still in shock at what had happened.

Two days later, the other shoe dropped. An e-mail came out from the corporate offices in Atlanta; it was from Mr. William Thomas one of the senior partners.

"I'd just like to congratulate one of our junior partners on her husband's first place win at the Atlanta regional bike show last month. Sue's husband Steve did one of the most outstanding paint jobs I've ever seen. Even though it may have been a bit risqué for some, nonetheless it was a true work of art and he should be congratulated on his work. The board is even considering sponsoring him at next year's Atlanta auto show and having him spruce up the company logo. Attached are pictures of the paint job that won. However, if you are offended by naked images please do not open the attachment."

Sue looked at the screen and never even blinked. She opened the attachment and looked at the pictures that he'd taken. If she didn't know any better, she could have sworn that the girl on the front fender bore more than a casual resemblance to her; but with a lot bigger boobs.

Connie walked into Sue's office and shut the door.

"He doesn't know about you divorcing Steve, does he?"

"Connie, no one knows in this office knows outside of you."

"What are you going to do now?"

"Connie, I don't even know what I'm even doing about my own divorce. I thought I had all the answers and now I'm not even sure about the questions. If he'd just talk to me for once."

"If it was me, I'd just go over there in person. This way he couldn't hang up on you."

"I don't even know what to say anymore, even if he would talk to me."

"Tell him you've been a real ass and you'll fuck him until he won't be able to walk; that always works for me."

"I think it's going to take a lot more than that this time," Sue said closing her briefcase.

As I said, three things happened. By special delivery I received two more packages. How much more paper work does it take to reverse the words 'I do' anyway? However, these weren't from Sue's attorney.

The first one was from Easy Rider Magazine. It showed me the layout and the byline that would be running in next months issue on the Atlanta show. The article showed a picture of me with the trophy and one of Donna on the bike; it was labeled beauty and the beast. It read that a Warmonger's bike had taken best in show and it even called out Donna by name. It seems that more than one person had recognized who she was. I was fucked.

The article from Iron Horse Magazine was pretty much the same. Both said what a great paint job I'd done, but mentioned that a member of the Warmonger motorcycle gang owned the bike. If Donna had just stayed in the background nobody would have ever known, now it would be out there for the world to read about. So much for keeping it a secret and I knew Sid was not going to be happy camper.

I decided to cut out early and was getting ready to lock up when Sue's BMW pulled into the parking lot. Shit, what else could go wrong today?

"Steve, if you've got a minute I'd like to talk to you." She was in her three-piece suit looking both hot and professional at the same time.

"I'm impressed, I thought it would take at least a couple more months for it to be final. I guess when you have money there are no limits to what you can do," I told her sarcastically, trying to get in the first shot before she told me how bad she'd fucked me over in the courts.

"Can we talk like two adults for a change without all the pot shots?"

"Sue come on in, this way I can get the lube ready so it won't hurt so much." I continued to attack and she frowned. "It was a joke all right. I remember a time when you would have thought that was funny too."

She glanced over at my desk. "You still haven't opened them up, have you?"

"Nope, no reason. You want something to drink? I've got water and maybe a Coke, but it won't be diet."

"You got a beer?" That took me by surprise.

"Two Corona's coming up." I went over my refrigerator, and handed her one. I took two big gulps of the other before I spoke, "now that we've got the pleasantries out of the way, what do you want?"

"I've stopped the divorce proceedings," she announced taking a small drink out of the bottle.

"So, what does that have to do with me? I've moved on and am pretty happy with my life right now," I shot back trying to regain the upper edge. "My business is growing, I've got my work coming out in two magazines next month and for once everything is going my way."

"In other words you don't miss our old life? Me and the kids?"

"The kids yes, you no," I lied. "How can I miss some self-centered bitch who was never there? Someone who demanded to wear the pants in the family but who didn't have the cock or balls to back it up."

"I guess I deserved that and probably a lot more, but that doesn't mean I didn't love you, that I don't love you still" she whispered, with her eyes tearing up she took another sip of beer.

"How can you possibly love someone who you don't think of as your equal or don't respect?"

"I respected you, it's just that I kind of took advantage of you."

"Kind of? Kind of? Who are we fucking kidding? You tried to walk all over me and for a long time I let you. I thought to keep peace in the family I should just suck it up. That's when you tried to cut my nuts off; and probably would have if I didn't finally put you and your fucking father in your place."

"Let's leave my father out of this, he's having his own set of problems right now."

"Be still my heart," I said with a big smile now on my face. "Now, I'm asking you again; what do you want?"

"To try again."

"No way; been there done that. Sue, you don't have a clue what it takes to have the type of marriage I'm looking for. The days of me being your personal servant are dead and gone," I was now close to shouting at her.

"Can't you show me how to be the kind of wife you want? Can't we at least try? I think you still care for me, how much I'm not sure, but what will it hurt to give it another shot? If it doesn't work, well then we'll join the ranks of the 'also were married' and move on with our lives."

"Sue, you don't have a clue what you're asking. I'll never go back to what we had," I said, really considering it for the first time. "It'll be done on my terms."

"Our terms," she replied immediately. "I'm not going to lose myself in this either. We do it as equal partners or nothing." I was starting to think this over.

"Well, I've got to go and pick up the kids. Dinner is at six thirty if you're interested. The kids would like to see you, but that's your choice; no pressure."

"Yeah right, no pressure," I thought to myself. She took two more sips before putting the bottle down. She came over, gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked out to her car. Still had a great ass that even a business suit couldn't hide.

All right, my curiosity and my dick got the better of me. I walked in at twenty minutes after six and declared, "let's eat."

Sue and I didn't say much as the kids updated me on every detail of their lives since birth, I guess not knowing if I was going to stay or when they'd see me again they made damn sure I knew all about them. I told Sue I'd help with dishes but she said the kids came first. We finished catching up and I got them ready for bed or should I say, I wrestled with them until they tired themselves out by nine o'clock. A kiss for each and it was lights out.

Sue was sitting in the kitchen sipping on a glass of wine. "As wild as they were, I don't know how you got them to go to bed."

"I just did what every good father does; I threatened them." She smiled.

"Well, come to any decision yet?" she asked I think half expecting me to say I wanted a divorce.

"I've got a list of conditions that must be met before I say yes or no." I proceeded to pull a full-page list out of my pocket. "I typed them up because you probably wouldn't have been able to read my handwriting," I passed the sheet to her across the table. She smiled after reading the first couple of items and then looked shocked when she got to the tough ones.

"I'll agree to all but the last item. They're my parents and although you and my dad don't see eye to eye," she began before I interrupted her.

"I can't stand the son of a bitch."

"Like I said, even though you and my father don't see eye to eye on every item, he is our children's grandfather and I won't cut them out of his life. You don't have to come with me, but I will let the children visit with them. And, if he's not allowed in our house for now, I'll go along with that."

My conditions didn't contain anything unreasonable, just common sense items that most married couples took fore granted. But we weren't like most other married couples, not yet anyway.

"You spending the night or going home to your mom's?" Sue asked quietly but her eyes said that she was hoping against hope I'd stay.

"Do you want me to stay?"

"What do you think?" she replied.

"Well, then ask me, why don't you?"

"What do you mean ask you? I shouldn't have to ask my husband to spend the night with his wife."

"Sue, we haven't been a true husband and wife for over a year. I think you've looked at it more of a master and slave type of relationship. So, I'm going to say it one more time, if you want me to stay all you have to do is ask." Women can be so dumb at times.

"Damn it. All right! Stephen Moore, would you like to spend the night with your wife, Susan Moore?" She said with real intensity and just a hint of sarcasms.

"See, was that so hard? Yes, I'd love to spend the night, thank you for asking."

"Asshole," she said under her breath and it wasn't said in a nice way either.

Since most of my clothes were still in the house, I took a long shower, shaved and found something appropriate to wear. I was half expecting Sue to join me in the shower but figured she was still a little annoyed with me. Oh well, we had plenty of time when she got into bed to get reacquainted.

I could see her in the bathroom from my position on our bed. She washed her face, flossed and brushed her teeth and when I saw what she had on my heart stopped beating fast anymore. She was wearing her 'don't even ask me for sex outfit.' It was an oversized tee shirt, crew socks and grandma underpants. Her hair was tied up on top of her head in an old lady bun.

"What?" she asked when she saw the expression on my face.

"Nothing," I said turning over and giving her my back. I guess I hadn't expected great sex tonight or even a blowjob, but the least she could have done is to tease me a little. It appeared that nothing had really changed, not yet anyway.

"Look, we've got some real issues to resolve before we go back to doing the thing we both enjoy. I don't want you back for a booty call or because you have an itch that needs scratching, I want my husband back and you want a new wife, which isn't going to happen over night. So, if you just want a quick fuck, here it is," she said now lying back spreading her legs. "But if you're looking for more, like I am, it's going to take more than one dinner at home." She kissed me and I held her until the kids started jumping on the bed in the morning.

My kids were happy to be having breakfast with me again.

"Can you take the kids to school this morning?"

"No problem, I'd love to sweetheart." At least she asked for once.

"Don't worry, I won't be late tonight. I plan on picking up Chinese on my way home from work if that's all right with you?"

"I don't have any other plans for tonight, so that should work." I didn't like the look she gave me but I overlooked it. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought. "Looks like we're going to have to start from square one all over again." When she gave me a peck on the lips and started to walk out I yelled to her.

"I can get more affection from a hooker over on Ninth Street."

When Kim asked what a hooker was, Sue came over and gave me a nice kiss and a little tongue.

"Now that's what I call a goodbye kiss. I'd probably have to pay at least twenty buck for one like that," I said teasing her. She wasn't amused. Like I said, it wasn't going to happen overnight.

With the kids dropped off at school, I opened my shop and had two messages already on my machine. One was checking on the status of a job I'd started and the other just said to keep open a slot for him at about nine thirty. He didn't leave a name and I just figured it was someone who wanted a quote on a job.

I heard the bikes over the air compressor of my airbrush. I stopped, purged my lines and waited for them to come in. Jesus Christ. The first guy was big enough to create an eclipse of the sun if he walked in front of it and his friend who about a head shorter was almost as wide.

"Can I help you guys?" I asked.

"I think Sid told you we'd be around," the shorter of the two spoke. They weren't wearing their colors but they still looked menacing with or without them.

"Right," I said regaining my composure. "What kind of painting are you interested in?"

"Why don't you show us what you can do?" the taller one asked.

"Ok, why don't you come over here and I'll show you all the drawings I've done to date," motioning them both over to my computer as I clicked on my picture file. "Start here and just click on the down arrow, that will take you to the next picture. I think I've got about a hundred and twenty-five there. If you need me, I'll be over by my paint booth," I said pointing over my shoulder.

I was spraying a clear coat on a front fender when they called over to me. For the second time I cleaned out the lines. Wiping off my hands I walked over to where they were sitting.

"You've done some nice work here," he said motioning to the picture of the screen. It was a picture of a tall redhead with a snake wrapped around her. "I want her to be a blonde and have bigger tits."

"No problem, I can handle that." His buddy just wanted a custom paint job. No pictures, no flames just a blue and black metallic paint job. Thank goodness I got an easy one for a change. I shot them a price and neither one flinched; probably could have gotten more.

I told them that I'd do one at a time and needed a week for the paint job and about five days for just the tank picture.

"If you want to just drop off the tank, I might be able to do it quicker and if you want to disassemble and reassemble the bike, I'll cut my price by twenty-five percent." Both agreed to those options. Now the tough one.

"I need to get a hold of Sid or Donna. Some things come up I think he should be made aware of," I told the two and watched as they looked at one another. "He can call or come over to the shop, but I need to talk to him and soon. Just tell him it has something to do with the Atlanta show." I gave them each another card. Maybe Sid wouldn't care but on the other hand, I didn't want him to get blind-sided. Especially if he knew that I knew about it in advance.

Dinner was pleasant and the kids weren't nearly as wild tonight. Because it was Friday night they got to stay up later so we all watched a mover together in the living room. I liked Harry Potter myself and it was my kid's favorite. I think Sue thought it was juvenile but seemed at least a bit interested anyway. By ten o'clock the movie was done, we cleaned up the snacks and everyone headed upstairs.

I was laying ten to one odds Sue would come out in something a lot sexier than last night. Did I want sex with her, hell yes, but was going to make her ask me for it; I was done begging for just a sniff of her pussy. I'd started wearing a new type of protective glove in the shop so my hands were now a lot cleaner. They still weren't smooth as a baby's bottom but a far cry from what they'd previously been.

When she beat me to the bed and was waiting on me tonight I was a little surprised. I brought out the latest issue of Iron Horse and was looking at the fold out of the girl on the bike of the month when she started looking at me. In the almost ten years I'd known Sue, she'd been the aggressor only once, and that was after a party when she'd had way too much to drink. It was at an old friend of mine's house and we were one of ten couples there. Sue, like always, was Miss Prim and Proper especially in what she'd wear. When two of my buddies' wife's started to try and make her jealous she started drinking more. She never said a word about what was going on, but instead got blitzed. On the way home she was all over me asking me if I thought she was as hot as those two sluts that were all over me all night.