Trying Trial Separation Pt. 01


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"Just water, thanks," Jenny answered. "I've already had a little too much to drink. I think I'm going to want to remember tonight, so no more for me."

As he handed Jenny a bottle of water, Curt kicked off his shoes and said, "Make yourself comfortable." He then pulled the elastic band off his ponytail, allowing his hair to fall onto his shoulders and halfway across his face, as he sat down on the couch next to Jenny.

Jenny turned toward Curt, brushed the hair from his eyes and ran her fingers through it.

"I really love your hair. You never wore it long in high school."

Curt responded, "I stopped cutting it in college and I let it grow long. Now it kind of suits my west coast life style and all the computer people that I work with."

While continuing to toy with Curt's long golden locks, Jenny casually mentioned, "Todd's hair is even shorter than it was in high school."

"You must think about Todd all the time. Do you still love him?"

"Yeah, I guess I do. It's different now than it was when I was dating you and he came along and swept me off my feet. But we are married and I still love him, in a different way. You know what though - I don't want to think about my husband anymore tonight."

Curt smiled as he said, "Just one more thing. Way back when, you let Todd 'go all the way' with you. You never let me. Are you going to let me 'go all the way' tonight?"

Jenny smiled back. "All the way, and then some!"

Curt moved his face to meet Jenny's and their lips connected. Curt slipped his tongue inside Jenny's mouth and she met his tongue with hers. For several minutes they passionately French kissed. Neither said anything, but each of them could not help but recall the kisses they shared as innocent teenagers so many years earlier.

As they kissed, Curt slipped his hand inside Jenny's halter top. Jenny had been anticipating his touch and was pleased when it happened. She moaned quietly, and after enjoying the fondling for a couple minutes, she wanted more, so she leaned away from Curt and slipped the dress off her shoulders, pulling it down to bunch up below her naked breasts.

"Your tits are even nicer than I remembered, fuller and rounder," Curt said while he admired those bare boobs.

Jenny smiled. "Thank you for not mentioning the sagging, but I did feed two babies with them. You know Curt, you were the first boy to ever get my bra off. The first one to ever suck my nipples."

"They're not sagging, they're just so full," Curt reassured Jenny. "I see beautiful breasts on a beautiful woman, not a girl anymore, and I still can't resist sucking on your nipples!"

When Curt sucked Jenny's left nipple into his mouth, Jenny moaned, "Oh yes! Suck my tits! That's my favorite feeling in the world! Well, one of my favorites!"

As one sucked and the other cooed, Jenny reached her hands out to unbutton Curt's long sleeve dress shirt, wanting to run her hands over his chest as he ran his hands, and his lips, over hers. Curt paused his titty-sucking for a moment and pulled the open shirt off in two-seconds-flat.

"Oh wow, Curt!" Jenny exclaimed as she reached to touch Curt's muscular upper body, "You're covered with tattoos! I've never seen so many on one person!"

Curt had elaborate full sleeves covering both arms and inch-wide black flames flared up both of his sides and stretched across his chest. Jenny was awe-struck as she traced the artwork with her fingertips.

"I haven't noticed any on you, Jen. I guess you don't really go for tattoos?"

Jenny leaned forward to give Curt another kiss, then she leaned back, staring again at the ink that covered Curt.

"No Curt, I like tattoos. I really do, and your body looks so amazing with them! Wow! I never got any because Todd hates them. I'm sorry. I went and mentioned him again."

"That's okay, Jen. I think I might need to find a spot for a new tattoo now. Something to remind me of tonight."

Jenny thought that was so sweet that she grinned, then attacked Curt's mouth with hers, kissing him with passion that was building by the minute. After some time, Curt stood up, took Jenny's hands in his and pulled her to her feet. Jenny smiled as she wriggled her bunched-up dress down to her ankles and stepped out of it, leaving her naked except for her panties. Curt then led her to the king-sized bed, where he pulled down the covers and eased Jenny onto the mattress, lying on her back.

Curt laid down beside Jenny and continued to caress her tits and kiss her deeply, like the long-lost lovers that they were, sort-of.

"Mmmmm!" Jenny moaned when Curt slipped his hand inside her lacey underwear, touching her soft pussy mound for the first time ever.

"I think someone is enjoying this," Curt said quietly. "You are soaking wet, my dear."

"You always made me wet," Jenny said, "Every time I made-out with you. I just never let you know it, back in the day."

Curt turned and moved until he was near Jenny's knees, facing her. With his fingers, he took hold of her panties and tugged them down and off. Jenny lifted her ass up to make it easier. She slowly spread her legs apart as she lay there, totally naked. Jenny was ready to fuck, but she knew it was not quite time for that since Curt still had his pants on.

"Oh god, Curt!" Jenny nearly shouted when Curt plowed his face into her vagina. "Oh shit!"

Jenny moaned and squirmed as Curt gave Jenny's pussy a genuine tongue lashing. "Oh yeah, oh yeah!" she muttered repeatedly. Curt had acquired some excellent oral sex skills, and he applied them well, kissing and lapping her pussy up and down and left to right, then tickling her clit with the tip of his tongue. Curt's biggest challenge was maintaining contact since Jenny's pussy had become a moving target with all the writhing that she was doing.

Jenny started to shriek. "Oh fuck, Curt! You're going to make me cum! Oh fuck! I'm cumming! Ooooooooooh! Ooooooooooh! Ooooooooooh!

As Jenny came down from her orgasm, Curt raised his head and looked her in the face, smiling. Curt's beard was smeared with juices and Jenny sat up and pressed her face to his, relishing the wetness in Curt's whiskers. Jenny broke the kiss with, "I've got to have more of you! I want you to fuck me! I can't wait anymore!"

Jenny grabbed at Curt's belt, pulled it apart, unzipped his zipper, and yanked his pants down, leaving Curt in nothing but his blue boxer shorts. Then Jenny remembered something.

"Curt, do you have a condom? I have some if you don't. In my purse."

Curt smiled. "I don't remember you being in the Boy Scouts with me! 'Be prepared' was supposed to be our motto. But, yes, I have condoms in my little black bag in the bathroom."

Leaving Jenny on the bed, Curt scooted into the bathroom. A half-minute later, he stepped out. Curt had shed his underwear and rolled a condom on by himself. He quickly strode back to the bed, half-covering his crotch with one hand. Curt began to position himself between Jenny's parted legs. Jenny slipped her hand to cover her pussy, wanting to momentarily delay Curt's entrance.

Gazing into Curt's eyes, Jenny said, "I was going to give you a blow job before we put the condom on."

"Jenny, you've got me so excited that I don't think I'd last two minutes if you sucked my bare dick. Right now, I just want to feel your body touching mine in every way there is!"

"Well, if you're sure," Jenny hesitatingly replied. "I'm more than ready to get fucked!"

As Curt effortlessly pushed his dick into Jenny's slit, she craned her neck to watch. She always loved watching a penis disappear into her. That's when she caught a glimpse. Curt's dick was smaller than Todd's. Smaller than Bobby Mitchell's. For a millisecond, she wondered "how can such a big strong guy have such a small dick?" She didn't allow herself to ponder for any longer, not wanting to spoil the moment for her and Curt. "Oh well," she told herself, "they always say that size doesn't matter."

Jenny did her best to squeeze Curt's dick as he began to motion in and out. He liked the feeling.

"You feel so good, Jenny. Your pussy is so nice. I love it! How's it for you?"

In actuality, Curt was invading Jenny's pussy a little deeper with his dick than he had with his tongue, and that had worked out nicely. In a husky voice, she encouraged him. "You feel good inside me, Curt. So good! Just keep fucking me. I need it so bad!"

Jenny moaned "Oh yeah, that's it, oh yeah! I love it!" Jenny was being honest, for the most part. Curt's modest dick did feel good, about the same as her previous two lovers. To heighten her self-enjoyment, Jenny began to concentrate on Curt's other attributes. She admired the muscular, tattooed arms that flanked her. She gazed up at Curt's handsome features and the long blond hair that fell from Curt's head and brushed her face. It helped a lot.

As Curt continued to pump into her as hard as he could, Jenny further aroused herself by thinking more about what she was doing at that moment. She was not making love; she was fucking someone! Fucking him in a hotel bed. Not because it was her husband and it was her "wifely duty", and not because it was a "buddy" who essentially coerced her. She was fucking a handsome hunk because she decided that's what she wanted to do!

Jenny's attitude and growing arousal seemed to send pleasure signals to her pussy, because Curt's brief but frequent in-and-out motions felt better and better. Jenny started moaning louder. "Oh god, Curt! It's so good! Feels so good! I'm gonna cum!"

A few more happy thoughts, and a few more glances at Curt's good looks, and Jenny drove home the big O. "Oh god, Curt! I'm almost there! Keep fucking me! Oh, I'm cumming! Ooooooooooh! Ooooooooooh! Ooooooooooh!

Hearing Jenny's orgasm was enough to inspire Curt to have his own. "Nnnh Jenny! I can't hold off, baby! You feel so good! I'm gonna cum!" Uhhh! Uhhh! Uhhh! Uhhh!

Curt's condom served its purpose, catching the load of cum that his dick aimed to shoot into Jenny. Panting and smiling, Curt slowed to a stop. Jenny lifted her head and Curt lowered his until their lips connected in a long, passionate kiss.

"Let me get this condom off," Curt said suddenly, as if it was urgent. He hopped off the bed and dashed to the bathroom. After a minute, Jenny heard water splashing water and realized that Curt was taking a leak. A few seconds later, Curt emerged, smiling widely and wearing his blue boxer briefs again. Jenny was still naked, lying on the bed with a big smile on her face. Curt climbed onto the mattress and cuddled with her. Jenny waited for Curt to speak.

"You were amazing, Jenny. That was so good. You came twice, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I came two times, all thanks to you! It was really nice!'

Curt beamed with pride and kissed Jenny tenderly, then he said, "It's almost 2 AM. You're going to stay here with me all night, aren't you?"

"Yes. I'm not going anywhere. My mom is watching the kids, so you're stuck with me!"

"Well," Curt said softly, "I have to fly home tomorrow, so we better get some sleep."

As Curt pulled the covers over them and wrapped his arms around Jenny, she giggled and said, "It'll be another first for us, Curt. You'll be the first man, other than my husband, that I've ever actually slept with."

After a long good night kiss, the happy couple dozed off to sleep.

The next morning, Jenny woke and saw that Curt was still snoozing on his side, facing her. As discreetly as possible, Jenny lifted the sheets and peeked at Curt's boxers. The undershorts were slightly tented, signaling that Curt had a morning woodie. Jenny kissed Curt's lips, causing his eyes to blink open.

"Good morning!" Jenny happily chirped. "I have an idea, and I think you're up for it!"

"Oh you do, do you?" Curt asked with a groggy smile. "Well, it'll have to be a quickie because I have to get you home and get to the airport."

Curt trotted off to the bathroom. A minute later he ran back and jumped onto the bed, landing almost on top of Jenny's bare body. Once again, Curt was wearing a condom and did his best to shield his dick from Jenny's view. The sex was a bit hurried, but it was good and both of them came. Afterward, they dressed and left the hotel arm in arm.

Curt pulled his car into Jenny's driveway and turned off the ignition.

"Jenny, it was nice seeing my mom and dad and everyone at the reunion, but it was you who made it special."

"I had the best time that I've had in years, Curt, and that's the truth. I think we were meant to be together last night."

Curt smiled and said, "Well, if you're ever on the west coast, call me and I'll meet you, wherever you are. And I'll be coming back here for Thanksgiving. We'll get together again then."

"By Thanksgiving I'll probably be back with Todd."

"I'll be calling you, either way."

One more kiss. Jenny stepped out of the car and Curt drove away.

Only skin deep

A few days after the reunion, Todd sent Jenny a text, inviting her to dinner the next night. They drove to the same restaurant they had visited on their first date. Todd asked for a table outdoors, anticipating that Jenny would want to smoke. Jenny knew that her husband was grudgingly accommodating her and she appreciated the gesture; a sure sign that Todd was starting to accept her independence, an independence that he had precipitated.

As they were seated, Jenny slipped off the shawl that was draped around her shoulders. When she reached into her purse for her cigarette pack, Todd noticed something new. On her left upper arm, Jenny had acquired a large and colorful tattoo of flowers.

Todd's face displayed shock and he responded loudly. "Oh my god, Jenny! You got a tattoo? Why the hell would you do that?!"

"Todd, half the girls at the reunion had tattoos. Sandi and I decided that we'd be a little wild and crazy and we went and got tattooed together. I take it that you don't approve."

"Approve?!" Todd bellowed. "Hell no, I don't approve! You know how much I hate to see tattoos on women!"

Rubbing her tattoo with the fingers of her right hand, Jenny said, "Well, I happen to love it, and that's what matters. You said this trial separation had a lot to do with us figuring out 'who we are right now' and that's what I'm doing."

Todd shot back, "Well, if - I mean when - this separation ends you'll still have a tattoo on your arm and I guess I'll have to live with it."

"I guess you will, Todd."

The couple sat in silence. Jenny lit her cigarette and defiantly blew smoke in Todd's direction. During their dinner, they chatted some but the situation was tense. Todd was just plain pissed off that Jenny would go out and do something that she knew he abhorred.

Jenny's tattoo had sidetracked Todd from the subject that he originally invited her to dinner to discuss. He was distressed by what he had heard from friends regarding Jenny's behavior at the reunion. As their meal was nearly over, Todd decided to broach the subject.

"Why don't you tell me all about the high school reunion?" Todd asked in a not-too-friendly way. Jenny paused and said nothing, pulling another cigarette from her pack and lighting it before returning her attention to Todd.

"So Jenny, I heard that you were dancing with your old boyfriend, Curt Anderson, at the reunion."

"You heard right. I'm telling you, Curt is the best dancer that I've ever been with."

Todd continued. "I also heard that you were kissing him. A lot."

Jenny took a long drag on her cigarette and slowly exhaled. "Sometimes friends kiss, Todd. A lot of people were kissing each other. It was a happy time and a lot of fun. Too bad you missed it."

"I'm sure it was loads of fun," Todd sarcastically added. "And when it was over, you left with Curt."

"If you had come with me, like I asked you to, I would have left the reunion with you."

Todd came straight to the point. "Did you fuck him that night?!"

Jenny instantly flared with anger, but she kept her composure. "At this point in time, Todd, whether I fuck, and who I fuck, is really none of your business! We're separated, remember?"

That ended that discussion. Todd felt that he had his answer.

After dinner, Todd drove Jenny home and stopped in the driveway without turning the car off. Todd said, "Goodnight Jenny," then he waited for her to get out of the car and drove away.

As she unlocked the front door and stepped inside the house, alone, Jenny had never felt more "separated" than she was at that moment.

Continued in Trying Trial Separation, part 2

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Shit is too long

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 4 years ago
I love your stuff PP

People can debate how they wish things progress but ultimately it’s your story. Have fun with it. From your previous work I think we know where it is going anyway.

PS I love Jenny and Todd is a douchebag. He deserves everything she can dish out.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
More trash

Polluting an already damaged LW site. Where is a loving wife here? I sincerely hope the whore of Lit doesn't have any children. Her best comments in LW are already sickening enough without thinking she brought children into her fantasy life. Dunkie, you need a baby bump upside your head, you one trick idiot.

DunkirkDunkirkalmost 5 years ago

Todd wanted the separation. What jenny does or who she fucks is her business. One of her fuck sessions should leave her with a baby bump

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I think he isn’t fucking anyone and his sneaky scumbag friend said that so he could fuck his wife . Even in a trial separation she doesn’t have to be taken total whore pig

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