Tumblr Friends Meet Ch. 01

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Married men make long distance hookup.
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Suddenly a blue bubble popped up at the bottom of my Tumblr page, I had a message!

A message is always exciting, it means one of my followers thought enough of my blog to want to contact me. I touched the bubble to see who was contacting me. His tag was Micah.

"Eh, Mate, I like your blog. It seems we have similar tastes in men."

I posted a variety of pictures of men and women, depending on how the mood strikes me. Lately I had a taste for smooth, male swimmers bodies.

I was flattered that he liked my secret blog. Secret because I kept my deepest urges a secret from my spouse.

I looked at Micah's blog and got very aroused. His profile picture was of a male torso from mid chest down and a big package confined by sexy blue boy shorts, my favorite. He had a hot collection of men and women, all similar to my tastes. His blog did seem a little heavy with young slender men with strong erections eager to be sucked. I decided to respond, being discrete, I didn't want to say anything that revealed my true identity. I followed him and messaged.

"Thanks for the comment, you have a hot blog too. So, are you active with men or is your infatuation with men just a fantasy?"

And so the discussion began. We were soon flirting with each other. We told each other what we would do to the other if we were in the same room. We even exchanged photos that showed me that his profile picture was him. He had a slim swimmers body, just like the ones that attracted me. Micah lived in Sydney and I was in Kansas City so it all seemed safe enough.

I found myself watching my Tumblr account constantly through out the day just to see if there was a new comment or to check his blog to see what his likes were from the day.

I sat at work and would log on and check our subsidiary in Australia just to see his local time, to know if Micah was awake or not. We shared our desires and needs with each other, surprising me how I hung on his every fantasy and liked to hear about his life. We became friends even through the miles. Sometimes a few days would go by without a comment then one of us would say something igniting another round of conversation. This carried on for months, surprising us both.

I was at work one afternoon when my manager surprised me.

"We need you to go to our office in Newcastle, Australia." "They need to update our new program and we need you to supervise."

I was excited at the prospect of meeting Micah. I knew very little about Australia. I had no idea where Newcastle was in relation to Sydney, but regardless, I couldn't wait to message Micah and tell him I was coming down under for work.

"Newcastle is just a short drive from Sydney!" Micah informed me.

I was going to be in Australia for 3 weeks. At some point I was going to get to Sydney to "meet" Micah.

Suddenly the prospect of living out our fantasy was exciting but also scary. Would he like what he saw, would I be as desirable as I am on-line?

I had two weeks before I left. I decided I was going to start a workout regiment. I wanted to look like the guys in the pictures we were posting. I was realistic. I knew I couldn't be that buff, but I could at least tighten up before meeting him.

We messaged back and forth making plans. The one unknown was when would I have time to get away and could he get away from his spouse long enough for us to spend time together. We decided I should extend my stay a weekend and spend that time in Sydney.

I had to discourage my spouse from joining us by impressing on here I would probably be putting in 10 to 12 hour days and we would have very little, if any, time to tour.

By now Micah and I had exchanged email addresses and were, actually, in pretty close communication. He was as excited as I was about meeting. We were trading ideas on how he would be able to get away for at least an evening at the conclusion of my business trip.

Well the day to leave finally arrived. I had been religious about my workout routine and was feeling pretty good about the way I looked. It was winter in the states but it was summer in Australia so I packed accordingly. I ordered some very sexy male underwear (if you can call it that) online just for our special occasion. It was a thong with a red net pouch. They were very provocative, nothing like I would wear normally and nothing my spouse would approve of.

I arrived in Newcastle and went straight to the hotel. The room was nice, very comfortable for my 3 week stay. The hotel had a nice workout facility so I could continue my routine.

I stayed very busy making the time seem to fly by. Finally on the last Friday I packed up and traveled to a new hotel in Sydney.

I arrived at my hotel late afternoon. Micah had given me the name of a bar where we could meet at 7:00 so I had a few hours.

I went to my room and got right in the shower. I shaved my self smooth. I got my new thong, put it on and admired myself in the mirror. My 5 weeks of hard workouts had paid off. My chest and abs were well defined and my arm and leg muscles showed my efforts. I couldn't resist and snapped a few photos of myself. I put my red thong and a pair of skinny jeans. I wore skin tight yellow v-neck t-shirt that showed off my physique. I had told Micah I would be in yellow so he could spot me.

I hoped we would end up in my room tonight so I turned the bed down completely, I didn't want any bedding for us to get tangled in. I got a fresh bottle of Astroglide and a menthol cough drop from my satchel and put ithem on the nightstand.

My heart was racing with excitement in anticipation. It was nearing time to leave when my phone chimed a message. It was Micah.

"You aren't going to back out on me tonight?"

"Not in a million years! I'll be there, in yellow."

Now I was really excited. I got a cab "The Stonewall Hotel." I said. Which got me a sideways glance that I thought was odd.

It was only a few minutes away. I got out to pay the fair. "Thank you mate, Good luck tonight." He sped off. I didn't know how to take that comment.

I walked into the bar and suddenly it all made sense. Micah had chosen a gay bar. It didn't ease my nervousness being here, I had never been in a gay bar before. I went straight to the bar, I was early so I ordered a scotch to ease my nerves. The bartender was friendly and I couldn't help but feel like he and perhaps everyone else in the room was sizing me up. I looked around and watched the various activity. Mostly young attractive men flirting with each other, men making out in the booths and coupling up and going to private rooms in the back. All the activity was getting me aroused.

After 30 minutes or so a I felt a hand on my shoulder. "I've never seen you here before." (The classic gay pick up line)

I spun around "No, I...." There standing in front of me was Micah. He was more attractive than his pictures, even clothed.

"Did I give you a start, mate?"

"Yes, I didn't expect to get hit on , no one wants an old man, at least old to them!"

"Crickey, don't be cheeky, you are the sexiest man in the room." He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I can't wait to get you alone."

We laughed, "Me to." I said. "What are you drinking?"

"I'll have an ale. I see you're hitting it pretty hard."

"Scotch, I'm trying to shed some inhibitions."

"Have several then!" Micah said with a wicked grin.

Micah's ale came and we began to visit. The discomfort melted away, it was like running into a friend. We knew a lot about each other already because of our emails.

"You fellas want another round?" Asked the bartender. I hadn't even noticed our glasses were low.

"Sure", Micah chimed in. "Then give us our tab, we have important business to tend to."

The bartender read the situation perfectly and shot us a wink.

"Let's take our drinks when they arrive and find a booth." I said.

Micah gave a knowing smile and said "Okay,, it looks like your inhibitions are dissipating."

Our drinks arrived and we settled our tab. Micah took his ale and headed for a booth in the corner. I followed, checking out his broad shoulders and bubble butt. My trousers suddenly felt very confining.

Micah scooted in and I followed right next to him. We sat silently for a moment looking at each other. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I leaned in and our lips met. It was tender at first but we soon advanced to full fledged necking. Our tongues were plunging and we were sucking like two high schoolers on a first date.

My one hand was on the back of Micah's neck pulling him in to me, my other was on Micah's bare leg just below his cargo short. I began to slide it up the baggy fabric till I felt skin that wasn't leg. I felt his ample balls and slid it up to his rigid cock.

"You're commando."

"It will be more convenient when we are in your room." Micah replied.

"Room hell, I can't wait I have to taste you now." I said breathlessly as I unbuttoned his fly and eased down his zipper. Out sprang the most beautiful cock I had ever seen. "My god you are beautiful." I said under my breath.

"I've been saving myself for ten days just for today." Micah said.

I stared at his pink flesh and his prominent tan line. I couldn't resist. I lowered my head below the table top and licked and then engulfed his cock in my eager mouth. He tasted of salt and his girth filled my mouth. It felt wonderful feeling his skin inside my mouth and my tongue working his head like it was a giant nipple.

"Hold on there mate, I don't want to rush things here." As he took my chin and forced me to stop. He tucked his cock back into his shorts. " You almost made me pop my cork right here." "I do want to get a glimpse of what I have to look forward to, though."

He reached over to my waste band and snapped open the button and slowly eased down my zipper. It felt awesome as he the pressure of the fabric eased from my crotch.

"I'm so tight, it may be like Pandora's box and the zipper may never confine me again." I said.

Micah looked down and saw my red thong. He ran his fingers over the thin cloth teasing my member.

"Oh my god, I've dreamt of this moment for so long." I moaned. I wanted to rip my pants off and have him right here, but I wanted to make the moment last too.

He took the elastic and pulled allowing me to shoot forth above the fabric.

"Oh, man, your cock is so handsome. I want you so bad as he, too, lowered his mouth to get a taste of my pre come. "Mm mm, you are delicious!"

Micah tauntingly licked my cock from base to tip, then sucked my nectar from the opening. He took me in his hand and wrapped his fingers around me. "I am going to make you explode like a firework tonight."

We could contain ourselves no longer. We downed our drinks quickly, adjusted ourselves, and headed for the door.

Near the door Micah grabbed a small satchel he had strategically placed there when he came in.

"What's that?"

"I have a surprise for you, I'm yours all weekend. I used a out of town golf tournament as an excuse. I'm not expected home till Sunday!"

"Oh my god, that's fantastic. I was wondering what I was going to do till my flight leaves."

"I didn't bring many clothes, I didn't expect to need much." He smiled.

We caught a cab the few blocks to my hotel. We threw caution to the wind and made out and groped each other all the way there. When we arrived we took the elevator to my 19th floor room.

The second we got inside we were in each other's arms. Our hands wandering pulling and tugging clothes off each other. Finally naked we pressed our bodies together and I could feel his cock against mine. What a hot erotic moment as I could actually feel his pounding heart through his dick.

We maneuvered and fell onto the bed rolling till I was on top. I straddled him and sat up a moment to enjoy the view. The only light in the room was the city lights shinning through the floor to ceiling windows. Under me was a handsome tan body. His muscular chest drew my hands as I stroked squeezed and then pinched his prominent nipples. He winced, "oh god,...yes!" He whimpered. I lay down on top of Micah and moved my mouth to his nipples. I nibbled and licked his now erect tips. I couldn't get enough. I felt like I wanted to eat his body and we could become one. I pressed our bare skin together enjoying the intimate contact.

I suddenly became aware of his cock pressed against my stomach and I kissed my way down. I stopped to gaze and study every curve and ridge of his beautiful member. He was beautiful and perfect as I traced every inch of it with my fingers and soon with my tongue and lips. I spread his legs and got between them to better access his manhood. I tasted every square inch of his shaft and scrotum. I took my finger as I sucked him and teased and then pressed into his rear entrance. He jumped and then pulled his knees up high giving permission and easier access.

I used that opportunity to grab a menthol cough drop off the night stand and began to lick down his taint to his hole. I knew the menthol on his sensitive parts would increase the intensity. I withdrew my finger, lifted his ass higher and rimmed his ass with my mentholated tongue. Micah moaned in ecstasy. "Oh god god god ... That feels wonderful!" I pleasured his ass a little while longer then stopped and snapped up the Astroglide I had strategically placed on the nightstand. I got on my haunches forcing his legs apart. Before I applied the lube I leaned over him to do something I had fantasizes about many times. I pressed my cock against his and wrapped my hand around them both. I stroked up and down a few times.

"Wait." I got up and went to my jeans and got my phone. "I want a picture of this." Micah laughed. I got back into position and held our cocks together again with my left hand and snapped a few shots with my right. "Now I'll never forget." And I threw my phone down on the bed.

I took the lube and applied it liberally to his ass and my fingers. I then pressed in one and worked it in and out, gradually adding an additional finger till I had three fingers pressed into him up to my knuckles. With my other hand I took his cock and stroked a few times with each thrust.

"You know what's coming next?" Micah couldn't speak. "You're going to change your status on Tumblr because soon I'm going to guide my cock into your ass and you will no longer be a virgin." All he could do was moan.

I withdrew my fingers and applied more lube to his ass and generously on my dick. I leaned over him raising his hips high. I placed my rod at his entrance and pressed.

"Blimey, stop mate!" Micah shouted.

I stopped pressing in and let him relax. Then after an interval, and without a go ahead I pressed again. He took a deep breath but didn't stop me. I could feel his skin squeeze ever so tightly around m cock. I was in heaven. I stopped again when I was completely inside to enjoy the union.

"Are you ok?"

All I got was a nod. With that I began to slowly withdraw and thrust in again. Micah's cock was already oozing fluid. He reached down and grabbed himself. "Uh,uh.. I control when you cum" and pushed his hand away. He then reached down to feel our connection and my cock entering his ass. "You're no virgin now, you're my cock whore."

I continued my slow thrusts. Then Micah took the phone I had put on the bed. "What's your code?" I took it and entered my code and handed it back to him. He pushed a few buttons, pointed the camera at me and said "let me have it."

I began to gain speed and momentum in my thrusts, pounding his ass. Our skin slapping together him catching it all on video. "Oh, fuuuck!" Micah dropped the phone and he sprayed cum all over his chest. I hurried and took the phone to record his orgasm. He convulsed and shot at least five sprays of his cum all over his chest. His face contorted in pleasure. I pulled completely out of his ass and reapplied more lube.

"Come with me." I took him to the massive 19th floor window. "Face out and put your hands on the glass." I went and turned on all the lights in the room.

Micah spun around. "What are you dong?"

"You're coming out to all of Sydney tonight! Bend over." I came up behind him, he was spread eagle and stark naked facing the whole city. I entered his stretched hole easily. I reached down and grabbed his still hard cock.

"My god you feel good in my ass. I don't want you to ever stop!" But I had a mission. I wanted to explode and baptize his ass with my sperm leaving him forever changed, and marked as mine.

I began to push in and out of his ass. His hands were pressed hard against the glass and through it you could see the city lights stretched out, all watching Micah get fucked. I picked up momentum once again making our skin slap together.

"Oh, fuck yes. Oh shit, god Yes!!!" Micah was so loud he seemed to be announcing his new found love for cock. He would easily be heard in the adjoining rooms. Harder and harder,"oh FUCK!" And he cam again, so hard he spattered all over the window and his asshole constricted making me erupt! My knees got weak with every convulsion of mine. I came so hard it felt like the end of my penis was exploding.

"Ohhhh, fuck!!" I shouted pulling his shoulders up and pressed his back to my chest, more to keep me from falling than anything else. I looked at our reflection in the glass. Micah's head rocked back on my shoulder, his still rigid cock pointing at the ceiling. My arms across his handsome chest, and all of Sydney watching.

We slowly recovered. Micah bent forward slightly and I slowly withdrew my sword from its sheath. Micah instantly turned around and threw his arms around me and we began kissing passionately.

We fell back on the bed together. "Turn off those lights you asshole!" Micah said.

I laughed and told him "they don't bother me, you turn them off, whore!"

"I'm only a whore for your beautiful cock." Micah said as he went around the room nude to turn out the lights.

He returned to the bed and spooned me wrapping his arms around me. "You are wonderful, I've never cum so intensely or in as rapid secession. You turn me on so much!"

We drifted off to sleep together.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
theMasterBaitertheMasterBaiterover 3 years ago
Not into cheating.

Wish that had been tagged or added to the intro so I wouldnt read the story.

cdCindy1cdCindy1over 6 years ago

I want to go to a gay bar. I'm married but I'm a closet gay -- she doesn't know. Next time she goes out of town I'm going to a gay bar and hopefully a hot hunky man with a big cock will pick me up and take me back to his place to fuck me. Wish me luck.

cdnbimale50cdnbimale50almost 7 years ago

I hope this becomes a romance story!

judojonjudojonalmost 7 years ago

dam way hot guy so hard here after reading thanks John

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Very hot and well written.

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