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Tommy's breath became faster and he increased the speed of his own stroking, careful however to keep this side of orgasm.

Too good to ruin too soon! he thought.

He wondered idly if she would keep the kid around for another round. He was young and could probably be coaxed into at least one more after this. He had watched her many times sending her lovers home shortly after finishing, but on occasion she kept an especially-talented stallion much later, pounding orgasm after orgasm into her. One had lasted until 4 AM, leaving her almost in an orgasmic coma before she finally dismissed him.

Tommy almost came now at the memory of that night.

The boy's hammering of the figure beneath him was almost wild now. Tommy could again hear her cries. Her nails left scratches in his back. One began to bleed, but Tommy doubted the kid could even feel it.

Work that pussy, kid! he grinned. It's the best tail you're ever likely to have. He himself slowed his stroking of his own cock, delaying, prolonging.

The woman had apparently reached her limit. Her hands came away from his back and attempted to push him away. Stronger than she, the young man ignored her and kept thrusting.

Hello, Tommy thought, This is new! He leaned forward. What should he do, he wondered? Be a bit embarrassing to call the cops, but he definitely didn't want anything to happen to the woman.

She belonged to Tommy.

In the event, it didn't matter, for the man in front of him obviously had reached his own climax, growing rigid with his eyes screwed closed and head back before collapsing on top of her.

Tommy could see one of her breasts being pushed out to one side by his weight. It shifted shape, in and out, with the boy's panting chest.

Tommy stopped his stroking, leaned back in the chair. He had lots of time.

He had plans and the night was still young.

In a couple of moments, the woman again began to push on the youth's chest. He rolled off her, but pulled her with him to again lie beside him, cuddling with her head on his shoulder.

The two dozed for a short while. Tommy had learned patience girl-watching a long time ago and had honed it through endless nights of window-watching. Tommy could out-patient a cat and tonight figured there'd be at least one more bout on the bed.

The woman awoke first and refilled both glasses with the last of the wine. She looked down at the sleeping boy and smiled a knowing smile. She again went to the bathroom, taking rather longer this time. When she emerged, she again had a damp cloth in her hand, but had clearly taken the time to brush her hair and touch up her well-smudged makeup.

Ah-ha! Tommy thought. Another round, sure as hell.

Kneeling gently on the bed, the woman softly removed the used condom from the boy's damp groin and wiped him clean. He barely stirred.

Maybe, he thought.

The woman extracted a cylinder the size of a wine bottle from the drawer and put it down within reach. Next to it she placed a large and colourful vibrator. She took a long dip of wine before lowering her head to the sleeping man's deflated cock. Tommy had a perfect view of her attentions. Her cheeks were hollow with suction and Tommy thought he could see her cheeks move as her tongue flailed inside.

Tommy had often thought that the woman in the bedroom opposite was the best cocksucker he'd ever seen in real life -- almost as good as the professionals on the higher-end porn channels.

The boy's eyes opened and he smiled. Not an unhandsome boy when he smiles, Tommy reflected. She certainly has good taste.

He said something and the woman noticed he was awake. Continuing to pump his wet shaft, she lifted her head, rose a little on her knees and smiled. She leaned in to kiss the boy, briefly before rising back up.

Still arousing him, she handed him a glass. The boy almost drained it in one gulp then, apparently remembering his manners, motioned as if to give her what was left.

Her hands still working his cock, she shook her head with a soft smile, nodded towards the second, still-full glass beside the bed. The boy finished off the last of the wine in his glass; she took it from him and put it on the side table.

Pumping him with one hand, she sat back on her heels. Tommy could see her eyebrows rise and a puckish expression on her face. He suspected he knew what was coming next.

The boy cocked his head to one side on the pillow in an 'I'm-listening' gesture. With that, her hand emerged with the larger cylinder. Tommy could see now that it was a male vibrator and smiled in anticipation.

The woman put another condom on the boy, poured a little lube at the entrance to the Fleshlight and slowly lowered it onto his now-hard cockhead. Tommy could see the boy's chest rise as he sucked in his breath in pleasure.

The woman lowered it onto his cock slowly, turning it and pumping it back and forth, but always deeper and deeper. The boy's eyes were closed now, absorbed in the sensations she was giving him.

Without warning, the woman, leaving it fully seated on the boy's manhood, turned it off. His head flipped up off the pillow to look at her. She was holding the vibrator in front of his eyes. Me, too! was the clear gesture.

The boy smiled in obvious agreement. Leaving the Fleshlight wobbling on his organ, the woman swiftly poured some lube on the tip of the vibrator, spread it around with a fingertip and handed the device to the boy, pointing at the controls as she did.

The boy held it up for inspection, pushing this button, then that one. Even from where he sat, Tommy could see the belt of beads under the silicone skin begin to rotate.

The woman leaned in, made a couple of setting choices and handed it back to him, spreading her legs as she did so.

Somewhat awkwardly at first, the young man maneuvered its tip between her legs. Tommy saw her whole body jerk and knew the kid was close to his target. The woman rolled her hips to adjust the angle. Her head sagged back as the vibrating shaft sank home into her passage.

A moment later, her fingers on the Fleshlight began working that unit's controls and the boy's eyes squinted at the sensation.

Tommy watched as the pair on the bed shifted this way and that to find a position allowing them to lie back while still able to manipulate their machine on the other. Both started with slow movements, allowing the vibrations to provide most of the action.

Tommy was entranced. He had of course watched the woman using vibrators on herself and he knew quite well what the male equivalent felt like, but this was the first time he'd seen her and her chosen bull use one on each other.

There was sweat on the boy's forehead and a look of concentration on his face, as if he wanted to hold off until she came. Tommy smiled.

The hand motions of the two became faster and faster and Tommy could tell they were both about to cum. Suddenly, the woman wriggled away from the boy and the vibrator, pulling the Fleshlight off him at the same time.

Tossing it aside, she quickly put a third condom on the boy, straddled him, guided his cock into her and dropped into a cowgirl position, her weight falling down onto his groin.

Grinning, the boy, now approaching his third orgasm, reached up and grabbed her breasts, weighing and squeezing them as she rocked her hips on his cock. Her eyes had a far-away look to them and Tommy could tell she was concentrating on her own orgasm.

The boy beneath her switched his grip to her hips and, pulling her hard against him, began lifting his own hips to thrust against her in time with her movements.

Tommy's hand was a blur on his own cock shaft now, building arousal, pushing him closer to the edge.

The boy came first. Tommy watched as his whole body tensed, his eyes closed tightly and he pulled the woman on him down hard in an attempt to stop her movements.

And that was all it took for her. Her long shriek could be heard clearly outside and she collapsed on top of the youth.

Tommy stopped pounding himself. It would wait.

He settle back into his chair, mentally counting the minutes.

In due course, he looked at his watch. Any minute now, he thought. He took the time to slide out of his sandals, ease his legs out of his jeans.

Sure enough, the woman soon stirred, stood up beside the bed and, reaching into a closet, pulled out a demure housecoat.

The boy had gone to sleep and she had to shake him twice to wake him. Like many of the men who had awakened in this well-used bed, he looked disappointed when she spoke to him. He eventually shrugged and began to get dressed. The woman was kind enough to hand him a glass containing the last of the wine as she picked up her phone.

Tommy smiled to himself. It was all going as he had anticipated. Soon she would be alone in the house. Except for Tommy.

In due course, a taxi pulled up in front of the house. The two left the room and Tommy could hear the front door and then a car door open and close. He watched the vehicle leaving the cul-de-sac. The stud-for-a-night had been dismissed.

On your own at last! he smiled.

He remained in his place, watching as the woman moved through the living room, doing some minor cleanup. She turned the room lights out as she re-entered the bedroom. Moving slowly but efficiently, she stripped the bed and remade it with clean sheets, stuffing the old ones into a wicker hamper. Tommy watched as, finished the clean-up, she shed earrings and watch before moving into the bathroom beyond.

After a moment inspecting her hair and face, she stepped into a large tiled shower enclosure directly in front of the door. After some experimentation with water temperature, she stepped inside. The stall was deep enough that no door was needed and Tommy had a perfect view.

The woman raised her face to the water and stood there for some seconds.

Turning around, she backed into the stream and stood there. Tommy could see a smile on her face.

Enjoyed him, didn't you? he thought.

Her hands came up and ran over her face before moving slowly down her neck, over her shoulders and down to cup her breasts. Tommy's hand reached down again to his engorged organ. After thumbing its head for a few moments, he began to stroke its shaft lightly.

As the woman turned in the shower, Tommy could clearly see the water stream over her breasts and bum. Such a fine, fine ass! he reflected. He found the sight of the water flowing over her sweet form just as erotic, every bit as exciting as her frantic coupling half an hour before.

He sped up his jerking speed, feeling an orgasm building. Closer and closer. He stopped just before he came.

Tonight, he was saving it for the woman across the pool.

Stepping out of the water, the woman reached for a dark blue mesh shower sponge. Tommy approved in an artistic sense, thinking its colour contrasted perfectly with her flawless skin, much like black lingerie. She poured some sort of body wash onto the mesh ball and began to wash herself. As the sponge moved over her body, Tommy dreamed of it being his hands covered in body wash performing the same motions. His grip on himself grew tighter and he began again to stroke himself - slowly, gently.

The woman turned off the water, stepped out of the shower. Tommy had a good view of the bare lips of her sex from behind as she bent to dry her legs.

Mine! he grinned. Mine tonight! Daddy's coming to you, sweet girl.

She hung up the towel and stepped out of his field of view. A hair dryer could be heard from outside.

Show time, Thomas!

Tommy eased himself back towards the gate, extricated himself from behind the hedge.

On impulse, he stopped, turned, rubbed his cockhead gently against the leaves. Their crisp edges teased him, pushed his excitement still higher. He lingered, savoring the sensation. He knew how long she would take with the dryer.

Tommy tuned from the hedge, eased his way quietly around the pool. He took the long way around, further from the window in case she suddenly emerged. He stepped as lightly as he could, careful to make no sound.

He knew his path, had studied it many times.

When he got to the still-open living room sliding doors, he paused. The room was almost dark; such light as there was flowing from the open bedroom door. The high-pitched whine of the hair dryer continued.

He stepped lightly over the threshold, eased his way into the room. As he stood just inside, a cool breeze blew gently on his exposed buttocks. Turning, he very slowly pulled the door in its tracks until it was closed. Less chance to alarm the neighbours, he grinned to himself.

Tommy looked down at himself in the dim light, realized that he was still wearing his hoodie. He shrugged out of the garment. He was about to toss it to the floor, but instead folded it carefully and left it on a convenient chair by the door to be recovered later. His jeans and sandals were still behind the hedge.

Although the woman could not possibly hear him over the sound of the machine, Tommy moved quietly, his bare feet making no sound.

Smiling brightly in anticipation and listening to the sound of the hair dryer, he leaned one shoulder against the door frame and continued to play gently with his erection, a happy, knowing smile on his face.

In a short while, the sound of the dryer stopped. Tommy could hear a rattling, then a cupboard door closing.

His smile broadened in anticipation of her re-emergence. Sure enough, light footsteps sounded on the floor as she re-entered the bedroom and wheeled around the corner as if to go back into the living room.

But instead of an open door, there stood Tommy, a lopsided grin on his face, holding his proud cock out towards her, as if for her inspection.

Both her eyes and mouth popped wide open. Before she had an opportunity to make a sound, Tommy's other hand had closed on her mouth.

Despite his paunch, Tommy possessed considerable strength and easily lifted her clean off her feet. Spinning her around, he shoved her face-down onto the bed.

Grabbing his cock in one hand and holding onto the woman's ass with the other, he aimed himself between her labia and thrust home in lone long, forceful motion before beginning to hammer into her. The skin on her bum and lower back rippled with each impact.

Tommy shifted his grip, his hands each holding one of her wrists, with the leverage that gave on her straight arms forcing her down onto the bed.

The woman under him began to pant, then moan. Tommy continued to pound her, feeling only her slick walls on his cock. He'd been waiting for this for far too long to consider anything else.

The woman beneath him was giving gentle cries, low shrieks. Tommy liked that; it made him feel appreciated.

"You like a real man's dick after that kid's, don't you?" he whispered. He could feel her body respond to his words, but she said nothing.

Tommy continued to pound her. He was in ecstasy. This was the moment he'd been waiting for, the culmination. The mattress squeaked and groaned beneath them.

The heat built in his cock, his anus twitched. He slowed down, wanting to make this very special moment last. Beyond her moans and soft cries, woman was silent.

Fuck it! he thought. I've got all night. With that, he redoubled his strokes -- harder, faster. The skin on her bum and lower back rippled with each impact.

The fiery ball in his groin grew hotter, more pressing. Suddenly, before he expected it, it exploded, burning through his groin - intense, almost painful in its supreme pleasure.

Beneath him, he became aware that the woman was struggling, panting, twitching in her own orgasm.

Damn! he thought, grinning at his image in a mirror. The old boy hasn't lost his magic.

Pulling out of her, he rolled her over, still quivering in her inner pleasure. He lay down beside her, began stroking her breasts and sides.

Eventually, her eyes opened.

"Jesus, Tommy," she said softly. "You scared the hell out of me, showing up like that."

She shifted over on the bed to allow him more room to lie down beside her.

"Sorry, Jill," he said.

"I didn't hear you come in, Tommy."

"Sorry," he said again. "I thought you heard me."

She slid into his arms. "Dammit, lover, my heart's just pounding."

With that, she grasped his wrist and put his hand over her heart. Tommy pretended to feel her pulse for and instant before the hand slid over and cupped her breast. His other hand slid down to grasp and squeeze a buttock.

"You are incorrigible, husband mine," she said forgivingly, raising her lips for a kiss.

A long moment later, she pushed him away before rolling away to admire his manhood waving between them.

"It looks like somebody thought we were good," she smiled, looking at it. She raised her eyes to meet his. "Were we good?"

"Oh, hell yes!" he grinned. "You two were bloody marvelous. Pity you didn't leave the bedroom doors open."

"The way he had me worked up, dear, I didn't think you'd need them open to hear."


They lay still on the bed, completely relaxed. Her hands gently stroked his head and neck. After some minutes, her head moved to his shoulder.

"Have you someone picked out for next week, Tommy?" she asked.

He thought for a moment. "Julia," he said, tentatively.

"Julia? Was that the one with the big tits and blue hair at the department garden party two weeks ago?" Even knowing he couldn't see her expression, she grinned.

"Oh, please, Jill. You know it wasn't. That one had no class at all. No, Julia was the slender blonde in the pale dress you liked so much."

"Oh! Oh, yes. I did like that dress and I can see why you would want her. Any ideas? You men do have to work harder at it. Got a plan, baby?"

"Not really, but she came to ask some help with her composition. Maybe I could offer to have her over here one night to go over her work."

Jill thought for a second, then giggled.

"Being Poet-in-Residence does so load you with duties, doesn't it, dear?"

"And opportunities, Jilly. I'm still amazed that the University faculty-student code of conduct forgot to mention my position. So, yeah, opportunities."

"And I suppose you'll convince her to go skinny-dipping in the pool?" Jill suggested. She gave a giggle as she hugged her husband.

"Might do, might do." Tommy smiled to himself at the image. His sagging organ gave a small twitch

"I'm getting horny just thinking about you two in the pool," she said. "I'll make sure to have the double lounger out."

"Or the double hammock?"

"Daring," she replied.

"Not so long as I keep both feet on the ground."

"Angle's wrong," she pouted. "All I'd be able to see from the orchard would be your bum."

She paused, smiled. "Not that that isn't a fine sight."

"Gotcha," Tommy said. "You set the lounger out where you think you'll be best able to see us."

"I love you, Tommy." she said, hugging him. "But could you spray for ants up the hill? The last time you had somebody in the pool, I was watching from under the orange tree and got bitten."

Tommy hugged her back. "Consider it done."

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Helen1899Helen189912 months ago

Nobody writes better erotic sex than this author, nobodies characters are more life like either. I only wish I could describe my feelings at the height of my arousal, reading the stories. always 5* Thank you

KlitomaticKlitomaticover 3 years ago
Liked It

My former wife and I fantasized about doing that many times. Finally happened, and it was indeed very arousing and fun.

littledklittledkabout 5 years ago
great story

kept me hard and leaking precum.

Hilka1980Hilka1980about 5 years ago

Lovely. I had two lovely orgasms reading your work. Some of it is very close to home. Thank you.

KlitomaticKlitomaticabout 5 years ago
Well Done

Nice Twist, very exciting, it has the ring of truth and experience, from a man who did it a few times.

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