Twelve Gates Ch. 12

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Trouble at the Tenth Gate.
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Part 12 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 02/25/2014
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Grey sat in a chair in her bank. Robert was beside her, making small talk with the account representative. She was in the process of passing the Tenth Gate, giving him visibility into - and limited signing authority over - her finances.

She was trying to fight an uneasy feeling about the whole thing.

In truth, the Gates had always made her anxious to some degree. The first few had made her very uncomfortable but she'd assumed that was due to the fact that she didn't know Robert very well. When she'd come to know him better, the Gates had been easier to pass because she trusted him and loved him. She still did, desperately, and more with every passing day.

But for the last couple of weeks the rising feeling of unease had been difficult to shake and even more difficult to understand.

Certainly his behaviour toward her hadn't changed; he was attentive and loving and gentle and warm. Thoughtful and respectful. He clearly enjoyed not just her body but also her company. And he openly trusted her - she opened his mail; she had his bank card and knew his security code; he insured her to drive his car. He was completely unguarded and honest with her.

She reached over and signed the documents the banker put in front of her, listening with half an ear as he explained each clause in the contract. Robert would have limited signing authority over her accounts - she'd have to co-sign on transactions over $500.

As her signature marked the paper, her bad feeling increased.

And she couldn't understand why - the reason was hard to pin down. Her total bank assets amounted to $3500 - hardly a vast fortune. Robert had given her signing authority on his own line of credit worth almost ten times that - she'd already used it to buy paint and cleaning supplies for the apartment. And the $500 co-sign on her accounts had been his idea, not hers. It was blatantly obvious that he wasn't after her money.

Still, something didn't sit quite right.

She considered that her anxiety might be related to the loss of control - her finances were the last thing that was entirely hers; the one thing he didn't control or influence. But she had already willingly - happily - given him control of her diet, her job, her living space and her appearance. And when he tied her up the loss of control was the most arousing aspect of the bondage. She literally put her life into his hands several times each week.

No, his semi-control of her finances wasn't the source of her ill feeling. She'd felt anxiety at low levels for weeks and since the Ninth Gate it had grown increasingly difficult to ignore or suppress. Something was wrong, but what?

Then she and Robert were back in the car and the deed was done. Another Gate passed. Two left.

"You seemed preoccupied, kitten. What's on your mind?"

"Oh...just thinking about the trip to Trina and Bill's." she said. A lie. She avoided his eyes and pretended to root through her purse. She felt his gaze on her and there was a brief pause before he turned the key in the ignition and steered for the highway.

It had been weeks since she'd seen Trina and Bill for her first photo session. When she had received an email from Trina the week before inviting them to 'an evening of rope and relaxation' she'd convinced Robert to go, then arranged for her sister to cover the night with Grandmother. She secretly hoped she'd get a moment alone with Trina - maybe the older woman would have some insight into Grey's anxiety.

She didn't want to discuss these feelings with Robert, not yet. Not until she'd identified the cause, something concrete. How could she approach him with 'something-is-wrong-but-I-don't-know-what'? She needed to bring him something clearly defined and fixable.

The invitation had specified casual dress and she was wearing yoga pants and a comfortable Toronto Argos sweater over a t-shirt. He was in Dockers and a polo shirt, looking relaxed and comfortable.

They hit the highway and followed it west and then north. The mid-afternoon scenery away from the city was calming and beautiful. Conversation was sparse because she was preoccupied with her thoughts. After a few attempts to draw her out, he seemed to realize that she needed her space and resigned himself to an easy listening station on the radio.

When they pulled into the long driveway of Trina's country home they saw another car ahead of them, in addition to Bill's blue pickup truck. Trina greeted them at the doorway, looking lovely in jeans and a pink fleecy sweater. She wore her leather collar with the silver buckle and Grey wished she'd brought hers as well. She felt a kinship with the graceful Trina despite the twenty year difference in age.

After Robert shook her hand and Grey embraced her, Trina led them into the brightly lit living room. There were two other guests seated on the plush leather couches. A thin young man with dark hair and brown eyes wore jeans and a black t-shirt. His arms were covered in barbed-wire tattoos. Next to him sat a full-figured young woman with green eyes and brown hair. She wore a beige dress that ended too far above the knee for Grey's taste. Then again, she herself had worn shorter skirts since she met Robert. Both guests looked to be in their mid-twenties, slightly younger than Grey.

"Hanna and Dennis" Trina said, indicating the couple on the couch.

Dennis stood and shook hands with Robert. Grey noted - with pride - that Dennis' thin frame made her own Master look all the more powerful by comparison. She noticed Hanna noticing as well; the younger woman stood and shook hands first with Robert and then with Grey.

By the time the introductions were done Trina had returned with a plate of crackers and pate, and started taking drink requests.

"Bill is bringing a few things up from the studio." Trina explained, before disappearing again to the kitchen.

The word 'studio' made her wary. Grey wondered if Robert had planned another photo shoot. The presence of the two younger guests made her feel shy and inhibited.

Bill came in carrying a closed hockey bag, which he set down next to one of the couches. He quickly shook everyone's hand. Grey remembered that he never touched the models - did this mean there would be no pictures taken? The thought eased some of her anxiety.

Trina returned with drinks and everyone sat. Robert patted the seat of the couch next to him and Grey sat there instead of at his feet. She flashed him a grateful smile; she'd have been humiliated to sit at his feet in front of the younger couple.. He stroked the back of her neck gently and winked at her.

The conversation was light, the atmosphere relaxed. Grey learned that Bill had shot both Dennis and Hanna in the studio; the young couple took it in turns to be dominant and submissive. Hanna was a personal support worker at a retirement home, Dennis was an apprentice electrician. Bill told stories about his years of police work. Trina told stories about Bill that were affectionately unflattering.

Grey again wondered if Bill and Trina were a model for how she and Robert would be in their middle years - peaceful, loving and content. She wondered what obstacles the older couple had overcome, what uncertainties and anxieties they had faced along the way.

For an hour they relaxed and engaged in friendly chatter. Finally Bill rose and directed Robert to help him move the furniture. The couches were pushed back against the wall and the coffee table was cleared away, leaving the plush white carpet bare in the centre of the room. Bill stood in the centre with Trina next to him. Grey could see a faint blush on her cheeks.

"We asked you here today because you're all interested in rope work," Bill said in a direct, no-nonsense manner, "And there are a bunch of dangerous practices happening out there on the internet. So I'm going to show you some knots and ties and some safety tips as well. Questions?"

He had the attention of everyone in the room. After checking that there were no questions, he nodded to his wife. Trina gracefully pulled the sweater over her head. She wore a plain white sports bra underneath. She removed her jeans to reveal a matching pair of white panties. Not sexy but sporty and serviceable. Her body was slim and athletic; the kind of shape Grey could only dream of.

"You look lovely, Trina." Grey said with an admiring glance. There were murmurs of assent from the other guests. Trina flushed a deeper pink and smiled at her, but didn't reply.

"I didn't marry her for her cooking." Bill said dryly. He got an elbow in the ribs for his trouble.

Bill pulled a length of soft, white rope from the hockey bag.

"I'll start out with some basic knots and ties."

He proceeded to demonstrate technique, using Trina as his model. Grey and the other guests stood close enough to get a good view. Robert and the younger couple were very interested in the lesson.

Grey's eyes were on Trina. How did it feel to be displayed in front of so many people? Did she enjoy it, or was it a duty? The older woman's expression was almost serene but her pink blush alluded to a certain shyness. Or perhaps arousal - Grey remembered her own experience in the studio. The recollection of it brought some heat to her cheeks.

Trina's hands were crossed behind her back and bound, then released and bound again with a different knot. Bill kept up a running commentary on the advantages of one knot over another, or how different uses of rope would produce a tighter bind, or greater comfort. He spoke bluntly but his words carried the weight of experience.

The first part of the lesson consisted of arm binding only. When it was done, Bill passed out similar lengths of white rope to Robert and to Hanna.

"Time to practice. Works better on bare skin, but it's up to you." he said. He untied Trina and she sat, still in bra and panties, on a couch along the wall. Bill remained standing to guide the lesson.

Dennis was quick to strip off his t-shirt and turn his back to Hanna. He wore an amused, eager expression. Hanna was likewise excited and her eyes glinted mischievously as she uncoiled the rope. Their relationship was still a game and they were having fun dreaming up the rules.

Robert turned to Grey, and held up the rope.

"Interested, kitten?" he looked into her eyes. She loved his brown eyes; always warm and easy to read.

Grey glanced quickly at Trina, who met her eyes and nodded encouragement.

"Yes Master. Would you like me to roll up my sleeves?"

He chuckled. "Sleeves, eh? Sure, we'll start there."

She rolled she sleeves up to her elbows and Robert started with the rope. As they were working, Bill continued to lecture.

"I have three unbreakable rules of rope work," he said, "First: never tie rope around someone's neck. That's a disaster waiting to happen. If you want to bind the neck, use a collar and bind the collar. The neck is too important and too unprotected."

Everyone signalled their understanding.

"Second: never leave a helpless person unattended for any reason, ever. Things can go bad so fast you wouldn't believe it. Down in the studio I've had people pass out, panic, throw up, have seizures, you name it. One guy went into cardiac arrest. You have to be there at all times."

There were nods around the room. Grey was gaining a new appreciation for how complicated the skill set was - there seemed to be more to tying someone up then buying a rope and finding a willing victim.

She could feel Robert behind her, tying and releasing her arms and wrists. She could sense a slow, mild arousal building in her. She loved the feel of his hands on her, the rope against her skin. She loved that he let her keep the sweater on; he was being protective of her feelings and it made her warm to him.

"Third: The person being tied calls the shots. All the shots, all the time. They say stop, you stop. They want out, you let them out. If they say they're uncomfortable, you fix it." Bill said, his voice clear and assertive.

Grey saw Hanna strip off her beige dress, leaving her in a yellow lace bra and white cotton panties. Dennis, still shirtless, grabbed the rope and started to bind her. Grey realized she was the only woman in the room not showing her underwear.

After several minutes of practice, Trina stood again and Bill demonstrated ankle and knee ties, binding Trina with her legs straight then with knees bent. After that there was more practice, with Dennis eagerly stripping down to plaid boxer shorts.

Grey started to feel self-conscious and stuffy. Everyone else in the room was clearly into the spirit of the evening, but she was still fully dressed. And Bill, Trina and Robert had already seen her naked...and worse. Was she making Robert look bad - he with the only submissive who wouldn't play along?

"Yoga pants are pretty thin - no need to remove them." Robert said, kneeling and reaching for her ankles. Impulsively, and before she could second-guess herself she stepped back and drew her pants down her legs, leaving her in a green thong.

Robert looked up at her, his eyes filled with surprise, then understanding. And then hunger, that familiar predatory gleam that signalled his most primal intentions. She felt a blush rise to her face. The warmth between her legs was gaining in power. She sat down and extended her legs to him, then shivered as his strong hands grabbed her ankles. She saw his gaze linger on the tiny triangle of green material that covered her pussy. When she closed her eyes she could almost feel his tongue between her legs.

Bill was back in full voice.

"If you're the one being bound, you have exactly one job: communicate. If it hurts, say so immediately. Don't try to tough it out, don't hope it will get better on its own, don't understate the problem. If it hurts, say the words: Simple, direct language."

Bill's words cut through her lusty thoughts and lodged deep inside her. A revelation.

Robert noticed her change of expression and his hands stopped moving the rope.


Grey shook her head dismissively and gave him a half-smile. It was enough to convince him to continue and he worked methodically through the different ties.

After forty minutes of rope work the men went outside to commiserate in manly fashion around the barbeque. Grey hoped that Hanna would join the men but she stayed with Trina in the kitchen.

The three women chatted as they put together the side dishes. Hanna seemed interested in Grey's painting and renovating but even more keen on knowing what Grey and Robert got up to in bed. Grey found it a challenge to dodge the younger woman's persistent questioning. Hanna herself was unreserved as she listed the different sex acts she had done with - and to - Dennis.

Trina was artfully firm with Hanna and wouldn't be drawn into sexual discussions, which left Grey with the sense that the older woman knew more than she was telling. During the thirty minutes of kitchen work Grey didn't get one moment alone with Trina; Hanna was a constant and tiresome presence.

Dinner was delicious and the chatter was light and superficial. Grey kept vigilant for opportunities to get a few words alone with Trina but there were none.

So she focused on Robert. His easygoing manner made everyone else relax. Hanna tried several times to get him to open up about his sex life but he gently put her off. It seemed to Grey that Hanna was flirting outrageously but Robert seemed oblivious, maybe deliberately so. His warmest smiles and his winks were reserved for Grey alone, and she found herself drawing closer to him as the evening progressed. More determined to do whatever was necessary to make what they had together last.

After another couple of hours of chatting and light rope work, the party wound to a close and they were all at the front door with handshakes and hugs and promises to meet again soon. Before long she and Robert were in the car on the highway in the fading evening light.

She knew what she had to do and she was relieved that the gathering dark hid her nervous shaking. She didn't want to wait until they were in his apartment, until she was naked and collared and even more vulnerable.

"Robert, could you pull off the road, please?" she said in a quiet voice.

He quickly signalled, pulled onto the shoulder, parked and hit the four-way flashers.

"Feeling sick?" he asked, and even in the fading light she could make out his concerned expression.

She turned to him and took his right hand. It felt warm while her own was cold and clammy.

"I'm scared." she said. Simple, direct language.

He didn't say anything for a long while, just looked at her. She met his gaze and kept the silence.

"Because I have signing authority at your bank?" he asked. His voice was low and tentative. Gently inquisitive.

"I don't think so. It started before that. But I'm scared and I don't want to keep feeling this way."

She didn't want to cry; she wanted to focus on expressing herself clearly and honestly. But she could feel the tears not far away.

A few moments passed but they felt like an hour.

"Okay, kitten. I hear you. You're scared. Let's figure this out." his other hand closed over hers gently.

"Thank you." the tears were closer now.

"Would you like to talk at the apartment or are you more comfortable here?"


"When did you start feeling scared?"

She took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. There was no going back now; she could only move forward to whatever conclusion lay in store.

"The First Gate."

"You've been scared all this time?"

"Not scared as in terrified. More like anxious. On edge."

"Are you afraid of me? That I'm going to hurt you?"

She took her time to consider the question.


She realized it was the truth, and felt relieved to know it. She didn't fear Robert - she couldn't conceive of him doing her harm. Not physical harm, anyway.

"Good." He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Tell me what's making you scared."

"I think it's lots of things."

"Name them."

She took another deep breath. The tears came.

"I'm scared of not having control of anything. I'm scared of not knowing what's next. I'm scared of all the changes in my life."

Her voice broke and she tried to compose herself. Robert was quiet; his eyes didn't leave her.

"I'm scared of making you unhappy. I'm scared because I can't say 'no' to you."

"You can say 'no' any time, kitten. No consequences."

"No, I can't," she took a shuddering breath, "Any time you suggest something my brain starts coming up with all these reasons why it wouldn't be so bad or why it would be a good idea. Just by suggesting something, you make me want it too!"

She realized how crazy it sounded. Mind control was a lot to accuse him of, but how else to explain how readily and happily she had bent her life around his desires? How quickly she'd become everything he'd wanted her to be?

"Okay, let's forget about what I want for a moment. What do you want?"

Another long silence ensued.

"I don't know what I want, Robert."

"What did you want before you met me?"

"To meet someone like you."

"Like me?"

"Strong. Gentle. Dominant. Sexy. Someone who would...control me. Love me and make me feel special and beautiful and secure."

"Do you still want that, or something different now?"

"I want you. I need you. But I don't know if I want this. The way that things are now."

"How do you want things to be?"

"I don't know. I just need some time to figure it all out."

There was silence in the car, broken only by the ticking of the car's flashers.

"How much time would you like?"

She took a long while to consider the question.

"A few days, at least. Alone." the last word slipped out before she could stop it. But it was honest - when Robert was near her he filled her thoughts.