Twin Games

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Twin sisters have fun switching up on a man.
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***All characters are over 18 and are fictional. Any resemblance to any real-life persons or situations is purely coincidental.

This story was published before but removed to improve the story.


"Oh my God, Gail, this is amazing," said Amber as she walked around the machine.

"I know; we decided to go a little extra in the budget for this," replied Gail.

"A little extra. I know this machine; it's top-of-the-line. You must've maxed out a couple of credit cards for this."

"Close enough," Mitch joked.

Amber was joking, but Gail understood why. She and her fiancé went all out on their at-home gym, getting the latest and most expensive equipment.

They had a spare room in their house, which they turned into a small gym. Besides the treadmill, they had also gotten a decent-sized workout bench, a good series of weights, and a wall-mounted flat-screen TV so they could watch TV as they worked out.

"She looks just as surprised as you were when we got his machine," said Mitch. "I mean, she looks exactly like--"

"Sweetie, I get it," said Gail. "We talked about those twin jokes. Either be more original about it or don't make any jokes at all."

Gail and Amber were identical twin sisters. They didn't mind twin jokes; they were used to hearing them their whole lives and often made jokes about it themselves. But Gail had to draw the line at some of the more obvious and clichéd ones. Mitch sometimes made some good twin jokes that would make Gail laugh, but many of them fell flat. The one twin joke that always made Gail laugh was how Mitch knew what her sister looked like naked.

"I'm so jealous of you right now," said Amber.

"You know, you can use this whenever you want," said Gail.

"I can?" Amber asked ecstatically.

"She can?" Mitch asked, worryingly.

"Why not? It would be better than having to pay a big membership fee at the gym," Gail replied.

"No, I can't do that," said Amber. "Your house is too far away for me to come here three or four times a week."

Mitch felt relieved when she said that. He liked Gail's sister but couldn't handle it if she were around more often. Whenever they get together, they act like sorority girls, and it can sometimes be too much for him to handle.

"Well, if you ever do need to use this equipment, you're free to come by anytime," said Gail.

"Thank you," said Amber.


It didn't take long before Amber had to take Gail up on her offer. Her gym had to be shut down for a week for maintenance issues. She uses one of the big-name chain gyms, and her membership did allow her to go to any other gym locations, but the closest one was another 50 minutes away. If she lived in a metropolitan city, they would be everywhere, but in the suburbs outside those cities, they're scarce.

Since Gail's house was only 20 minutes away, she asked to use it for a week until her gym reopened. Gail gave Amber a spare key and the security code to turn off the alarm so she could come and go from the house easily whenever she wanted.

Gail's gym didn't have everything that Amber's gym had, but she still managed to fulfill her usual workout routine. Thanks to the workout regimen that her fitness instructor helped her develop, she had a great physique as a result.

She didn't mind using a smaller gym set, but the only thing she missed about her own gym that she couldn't have here was all the cute guys she could look at while she worked out. She felt it kind of helped her get motivated to watch all those men, some of them with big muscular bodies, working up a sweat. It was a common thing in gyms, with men and women checking each other's bodies as they worked out. It was good for motivation, and all the hormones pumping in their bodies made them exercise more. It was also the reason why Amber had a few good hookups over the years at the gym, including a few times with her own fitness instructor.

She kind of wished Mitch was around to workout with her. She always thought he was a good-looking guy with a great body. She had seen him workout at the gym the few times he joined Gail when they worked out together. He was no bodybuilder, but he had good muscle tone. She had seen him at the beach too, without a shirt, and couldn't help thinking how sexy he was. Just thinking about his body was making her run faster on the treadmill.

She would sometimes joke with Gail that one day she would pretend to be her just to get into bed with him and see how well he could fuck her. Gail would punch her in the arm and start laughing at her.

Although, it wouldn't be the first time they pretended to be each other to fuck a guy. Several times back in college, they switched up to sleeping with each other's boyfriends. They only did it with guys they weren't serious about and were going to break up with anyway; never with someone either of them really liked. There were a few occasions when the guy figured out that they had slept with the sister. Not surprisingly, they weren't mad about it because they got laid and they got to brag about it to their friends.

Amber and Gail had a lot of fun back in college with the sexy twins' gimmick, which made them very promiscuous back then. There were a few times when they shared the same guy for a threesome. And a few other times, they brought two guys to bed with them, who would switch between the sisters or double-team one sister while the other watched. The sisters never did anything with each other, of course, no matter how much the guys asked them to. But they did grab each other's tits once in a while, just to titillate them.

Then Gail met Mitch after college, and they got serious with each other very fast. Amber wanted to suggest a threesome with Mitch, but after seeing how head-over-heels Gail was in love with him, she decided not to suggest anything that could ruin her relationship with him.

After Amber finished her workout, she wiped down the equipment she used. She worked up a big sweat and was in desperate need of a shower. She realized there was an added benefit to using Gail's gym set; afterwards, she could take a shower here where she knew Gail had the same shampoo and soap she also likes to use.

After the shower, she wiped herself down and took a good look at herself in the mirror. She wasn't a conceited person, but she loved how great she looked for a woman who had just turned thirty.

Her hair was still very wet, so she wrapped it with a towel to help dry it better. She realized she left her clothes in the gym bag in the master bedroom. That's where she went first when she entered Gail's house, to change into her workout clothes.

She left the bathroom completely naked, except for the towel wrapped around her hair, thinking it would be OK since no one else was home. She went to the bedroom and was about to put on her clothes before she thought about raiding her sister's closet for something new to wear. She knew Gail wouldn't mind; they did this with each other all the time. Gail would sometimes go to her apartment and raid her closet when she wasn't home either.

She pulled out a nice top and jeans and was ready to get dressed when the bedroom door flung open and she saw Mitch enter the room. She was in such shock to see him there while she was completely naked that she couldn't say anything or move at all.

"Hey babe, I didn't expect you to be home," said Mitch, before going to his own closet on the other side of the room.

At that moment, Amber realized that Mitch thought she was Gail, so she went with it.

"Oh, yeah, I got home early," said Amber.

"You had a good workout, I see," said Mitch.

"Oh, yeah... it was intense," she replied nervously. "What are you doing home so early?"

"I spilled some coffee on my shirt and came by to change quickly for a meeting I have to go to."

Mitch quickly took off his shirt and undershirt and rummaged through the closet to find something good to replace them with. Amber wasn't sure what to do. Her sister's fiancé was shirtless in front of her, while she was completely naked. Despite her and Gail's promiscuous past with each other's past boyfriends, she was very nervous about this situation.

Mitch found something to put on and got dressed very quickly.

"I'll be a little late coming home today, but I should make it in time for dinner," said Mitch.

"No problem; I should have something ready by then," Amber replied, still trying to hide how nervous she really was.


He walked up to Amber and gave her a good kiss on the mouth. When the kiss ended, he got a good look at the naked woman, whom he still thought was his fiancée.

"Damn, I wish I had more time for you right now," he told her.

He gave Amber a good smack on her ass and then left the room.

After a long moment of stunned silence, all Amber could say was, "Oh my god."


Amber returned to Gail's place while she was cooking dinner and told Gail what happened with Mitch. She thought it would be best to tell her in person rather than hear from Mitch about how he saw her earlier in the day at home after just getting out of the shower. It wouldn't take them long to figure out that it was Amber who he had kissed by mistake.

Gail couldn't help laughing at the story. Out of all the crazy twin stuff that happened to them in their lives, that was the funniest story she ever heard.

"So, you're not upset?" Amber asked.

"Why? It was a total accident," Gail replied. "You didn't do anything wrong, and Mitch thought he was kissing and groping me."

"Actually, it was more of a smack on the ass than a grope," said Amber. "I'm glad you're not upset and enjoying this."

"Just be glad he didn't try to fuck you."

Amber laughed. "That would've made things a lot worse. Then I would have to reveal who I was and then have to explain everything."

They both had a good laugh. Gail couldn't help mimicking the funny look Mitch might have made if he had found out it was Amber he saw.

Amber continued, "What's crazy is that he usually notices the difference between us. Sure, my hair was covered, but he usually could still tell the difference, but this time he didn't notice you weren't me."

"That's because he was far too distracted by the hot, naked woman standing in front of him to notice anything else," Gail answered.

Like most identical twins, Gail and Amber were identical in almost every single way. They were both blondes and the same height, and they shared a similar workout routine that gave them both physically fit bodies. They both had the same size and shape of their D-cup breasts and the same shape of their butts. They both even had a few similar birthmarks around their bodies.

They had different clothes, which sometimes helped to tell them apart, except when they borrowed each other's clothes, that is. They even did their makeup very similarly and enjoyed the same lotions and perfumes.

There were two distinguishing details about them that helped some people, including Mitch, set them apart. The one main difference was their hair styles; Gail had shorter hair than Amber did. Gail's hair stopped just at her shoulders, while Amber's hair was just a few inches past her shoulders. Amber had her hair covered in a towel, which was the main reason Mitch couldn't tell it was Amber that he saw earlier that day; if he had seen her hair, he would have known instantly who she was.

The second distinguishing detail was that Amber wore glasses. She was wearing her contact lenses that day because she had lost her glasses and was waiting for her prescription glasses to come in. Without her glasses, it was another reason why Mitch couldn't tell that he saw Amber naked earlier and not Gail.

"I'm still surprised you're taking this so lightly."

"It's not as bad as what we used to do with each other's boyfriends back in college," said Gail.

"Yes, but they were never guys we were serious about," Amber replied. "Not men either one of us would ever consider marrying, like with you and Mitch."

"But still, don't act like it wasn't a little fun for you," said Gail.

Amber had to think about that for a moment. "I have to admit, as nervous as I was, there was something exciting about the situation. And I did like getting my ass slapped, if I'm going to be honest with you."

"So how about we give him another chance to slap that fine ass of yours?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean," Gail said with a wicked smile.

Amber wasn't sure if Gail was serious or not. It was one thing when they shared men they weren't serious about, but this was her sister's fiancé.

"You can't be serious," said Amber.

"I am."

"You want me to pretend to be you and fuck your fiancé?"

"Why not? Don't pretend you haven't thought about fucking him," Gail replied.

"Of course, I have. He's very cute. But he's your fiancé; this is a different situation."

"A situation I've often thought about myself."

"You thought about letting Mitch have his way with me?" Amber asked.

"He has those fantasies too. Sometimes, I pretend that I'm you when in a role-playing game."

"What?" Amber asked, very surprised.

Gail described a role-playing game where she pretends to be Amber and is seduced by her sister's fiancé. Amber was shocked by this revelation, but still wanted to hear more about it. Gail described the different scenarios they would use to justify him sleeping with his future sister-in-law if it were a real-life situation.

"He requests this?" Amber asked.

"Not at first. In the beginning, it was all my idea to try that, but then he started requesting it. The idea of cheating on his fiancée with her twin sister is a very taboo sexual fantasy that we've enjoyed. That is, among the dozens of other role-playing fantasies we do."

Gail then told Amber about all the other role-playing they enjoy, as well as some of the other fun stuff in bed they do together. Amber was starting to get jealous of her sister's sex life. She does pretty well with men as a single, attractive woman, but she had no idea what she was missing out on with a long-term relationship with the right kind of man.

"So, what do you say? Do you want to give this a try?" Gail asked.

"Sure, if you're cool with it, then let's do it," Amber said excitedly.

Gail laid out her plan for what she would like to do. Amber thought it was a fun plan and even gave some suggestions of her own.

When Mitch came home, they both stopped their planning and had dinner together. Later, when Amber went home, Gail took Mitch to their bedroom and insisted on playing the twin sister role-playing game. Mitch was hoping to play the policewoman's catching a burglar game because he enjoyed being handcuffed by her. But for some reason, Gail was very excited about doing her game, saying she felt inspired to play the twin sister game tonight. Mitch didn't question it; he loved that game too and went along with it to make her happy.


After some preparation, Gail and Amber were ready for their big night. A few times a month, Mitch had to stay late to take business calls from their clients in Tokyo. When this happened, his company paid for a pizza dinner for him and his coworkers, so they never had to worry about missing dinner. Gail knew which days he would be coming home late, giving her enough time for her and Amber to be ready for their plans for Mitch. They spent the last week going through all of the details together to make it the perfect game to play.

When Mitch finally left work, he sent a text to Gail, letting her know he was on his way home. She then replied with a text saying, when you come home, go straight to the bedroom. There's a problem with the cable box again. This was a recurring thing for their bedroom, so it made it a reasonable excuse for him to come straight to the bedroom when he comes home. Gail told Amber about this so she would be prepared in case he mentions the cable box.

When he came home, he called out to Gail. She yelled back to let him know that she was in the bedroom dealing with their cable box. He walked into the bedroom and saw the woman he thought was his fiancée lying on the bed wearing lingerie. The woman was actually Amber.

Amber was wearing a sheer red demi-cup bra with matching panties, as well as red high heels. These items actually belonged to Gail; it was Amber's idea, hoping it would help trick Mitch into believing she was Gail. She cut her hair a little shorter like Gail's, and she also wore her contacts so she didn't have to wear her glasses, and she sprayed with Gail's perfume for good measure.

"I take it there is no problem with the cable," said Mitch, very happily.

"No Mitch, it's something far worse," said Amber, using an overly dramatic voice.

"Oh no, Gail, what's wrong?" Mitch asked as he began taking off his clothes.

"I'm not Gail; I'm Amber," said Amber as she stood up from the bed.

"What are you saying... Oooohhh."

Amber held back a small laugh when she saw the delight in his face. He had no idea that the woman with whom he was about to play the twin sister game was really his fiancée's twin sister. She also thought it was funny that she technically wasn't lying to him since she was actually telling him that she was Amber.

"What? Amber? What are you doing here?" Mitch asked, overly performing his own role.

"Gail found out about us," Amber replied.

"Oh no, where is she now, Amber?" he asked. At that point, he was down to his boxers.

"She ran off with another man," said Amber. "Who, it turns out, is your long-lost evil twin brother?"

Mitch began to laugh but quickly stopped.

"I'm sorry, Gail," he said through his laughter. "I know we enjoy overacting, but we never went down the soap opera road."

Amber blamed herself for that. Gail told her to keep it simple, but she couldn't help ad-libbing something of her own.

"Let me try that again," said Mitch. "My long-lost evil twin. I thought I killed him in the Congo."

"He survived the bullet shot to his head," Amber replied. "As his revenge, he showed Gail evidence of our affair and took her away. Also, she's pregnant with his baby."

"What? Oh no."

"But it's OK, because I'm here now for you," said Amber. "And I'm ready to get pregnant with your baby."

"Wait? Are you really?" Mitch asked.

Mitch had an excited look on his face when she said that, which greatly concerned Amber. Gail told her how Mitch never uses condoms with her since she was on the pill, which made Amber go back on the pill to be ready for this night, and she was now very relieved for doing so. She wanted to have some fun with him, but not get pregnant by her sister's fiancé.

"No, not really," said Amber. "I'm on the pill, and this is just a game, after all."

"Oh, sorry. Let's try that again."

Amber took a deep breath and started all over again.

"I'm here for you now, and I want to have your baby," she repeated.

"And I'll give you that baby," said Mitch. "But first, I need you to get down on your knees and suck my big fat dick."

Mitch dropped his boxers, exposing his large erection to Amber for the first time. She did her best not to be too impressed with what she saw. Gail bragged about how big his cock was, but she thought she was exaggerating. Now that she saw it, she was very impressed with what a great cock he had, but she was pretending to be Gail, and she had to act like she was used to seeing this.

Before she got down on her knees, she gave Mitch a long, passionate kiss. It was one of the best kisses she ever had, she almost didn't want it to end. Afterwards, Mitch sat down on the edge of the bed, and Amber got down on her knees before him. She began stroking him, something Gail said she liked to do first before the blowjob. After a minute of warming him up, she opened her mouth wide and took his dick into her mouth as much as she was able to. Her lips were firmly sealed around the shaft as her head bobbed up and down on it; her tongue massaged the shaft every time it entered her mouth, adding to his pleasure.