Twin Suns of Atlantis: Dorgon


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With Xevex in the Map Room, no doubt arguing with his generals on how to quell the barbarian uprising on Huan's northern border, she was finally free to pursue her own plans. Xevex had cheated Dorgon out of his wish, that much she knew. After all, she knew full well what kind of diabolic trickery the God-Emperor could employ. And she also knew that his choice of companion was no mere accident either. Sirra was another of his experiments, the embodiment of seduction no man or woman could resist. Even being in the same room with her when Xevex had ordered her to lay with Dorgon had fueled Jendayi's need to the point where she contemplated offering her own body to the ambassador's enjoyment. Only the burning fireball of rage deep inside her had burned away that desire. No doubt Sirra would drain Dorgon for all she was worth, eventually birthing what Xevex wanted - more mutated warriors for his insane plans.

Jendayi dressed, replacing the flimsy golden wreaths she had worn to appease Xevex with a light tunic then she snatched a replacement sheet from a nearby stack and used it as a makeshift cloak, wrapping the white garment around herself. She left the lavishly decorated suite of rooms and slipped into the corridors of the palace. Jendayi knew where victorious gladiators were brought. The room was just inside the God-Emperor's private quarters, with a hidden observation chamber close by from which Xevex could monitor the proceedings. There would be guards stationed outside, to prevent any escape attempt should the massive door be breached somehow, but few people knew about the secret door connecting the observation chamber with the victor's bedroom. At this time of night, there were few people about and what guards there were would rather impale themselves onto their swords than risk her well-known temper.

When she had been brought to Atlantis after the fateful wedding, she had hurt and nearly killed half a dozen grown men in her escape attempts until she had realized the folly of her endeavors. Alone, she could accomplish next to nothing. But with a mighty warrior by her side, her knowledge of the palace would suddenly become a weapon mighty enough to even rival any blade she knew.

There it is! The door ahead was unremarkable to the point of near invisibility. And it wasn't locked. She peeked into the adjoining corridor. As she suspected, two of Xevex' elite guards, their white capes over polished Orichalcon armor, stood to either side of the broad door leading into the Victor's Suite, softly talking among themselves. Probably fantasizing how Dorgon is taking Sirra. Maybe I should tell them about the chamber.

Softly, she opened the door and ducked inside. There was the odd rectangular mirror Xevex used to spy on the people on the other side of the wall. The matte black surface hardly reflected anything and to get it to work, Xevex used one of the many glowing knobs underneath it. Jendayi skipped the contraption and went for the secret door instead. She quietly pulled it open on well-maintained hinges and risked a peek.

The neighboring room was lit by two fire bowls, casting dancing shadows on the walls. On the bed, she could make out the crimson-skinned form of Sirra, writhing on top of Dorgon as they rolled around on the bed, entwined in a tangle of limbs. Jendayi bit into her knuckles to stifle a gasp. She had seen him at rest already but to behold his erection, glistening in the fire light between them whenever they moved, was at the same time immensely arousing and frightening. It wouldn't be long until Sirra would claim that mammoth rod, lower herself on it and end up with a belly full of Dorgon's seed, something Jendayi could not let come to pass. She fully stepped into the bedroom, her soft steps made utterly silent by the thick carpet, and shrugged out of her cloak and dress. Two quick steps brought her to the foot of the bed. The smell of heated lovemaking hit her out of nowhere, the irresistible aroma of Sirra, radiating off her prostrate body like heat waves, and the musky smell of recent release.

No, this will not be hard at all, Jendayi thought, feeling her insides flutter in anticipation. Naked save for her hip adornment, she joined the bodies on the bed, raking her fingers along Sirra's back until she could slip two between the Huan-i's nether lips. The crimson-skinned seductress turned to face her, a look of surprise on her delicate features. Jendayi cupped one of Sirra's breasts with her free hand and pulled her in for a kiss. If Sirra wondered at all why Xevex' wife had suddenly joined her, she didn't let on. Her arm went around Jendayi's shoulder for support and their tongues dueled, the slender reptilian organ curling around and squeezing Jendayi's with abandon. Slender fingers slithered down her front, swiftly homing in on her aching center. Jendayi welcomed the intrusion.

"You?" Dorgon's voice, out of breath and confused, cut into her lustful haze. The black-haired warrior craned his neck.

Jendayi broke the kiss and let her fingers slide from Sirra's burning opening. Swiftly, she closed her hand protectively around Dorgon's rod. It was too thick to fully grasp it.

"I am Jendayi. A friend," she whispered. To Sirra, she hissed: "And as your Empress, I demand the first ride."

"Your wish is my command, Empress," the Huan-i seductress purred, shrugging. Her fingers gently caressing, teasing between Jendayi's thighs. She tossed her head back and moaned. The crimson-skinned witch knew precisely what she was doing, expertly manipulating all the sensitive places inside and out, leaving her gasping for breath and teetering on the edge of a monumental climax. She couldn't take Dorgon like that!

"On your back," Jendayi hissed, pushing Sirra off Dorgon's hips. Sirra didn't struggle, lithely melting onto the mattress besides the scale-plated giant, legs wantonly spread.

"Is this the way my Empress wants me?" she asked, cocking her head. Jendayi wasn't sure if Sirra was mocking her. Growling, she slithered across Dorgon, his huge, questing hands caressing her backside. His thumb found her opening and slid inside, nearly tossing her over the edge. She reached below herself and moved his hand aside, to cup one of her buttocks, then she swung her legs over Sirra's face.

"Lick me," she ordered, grinding her sex onto the Huan-i's mouth. She reached down, deftly inserting two fingers into Sirra, who bucked under her. As if to escape or to receive more of her fingers, Jendayi didn't know. She didn't care either.

She could feel Dorgon's gaze upon her. They locked eyes and Jendayi, despite herself, smiled.

"I'm here to-," she began. Whatever was supposed to come next turned into a groan of utter lust as Sirra's tongue slithered into her, the long, slender organ intruding deeper than any tongue previously could. Sirra's fingers were not idle either, sneaking between her cheeks and massaging her rear entrance.

Jendayi bucked and writhed, moaning and gasping helplessly as her body rejoiced, caught in the throes of an almighty climax, the first she consciously experienced in only the Gods knew how long. And the more Sirra licked and probed, the more she craved even more! Jendayi motioned for Dorgon. With a bemused grin on his expressive features, he knelt by her side. She leaned in and claimed his enormous hardness, almost too large to handle even with two hands, and worshiped him with fingers, lips and tongue. His huge hands played with her breasts, incredibly careful as if he were afraid to grasp too hard and crumple her like an eggshell. Eventually though, her need was too great. No matter how hungrily she slurped, how much she extended her jaws, trying to force him into her mouth which seemed to be two sizes too small for his magnitude, it still wasn't enough.

"Take me," she gasped, shiny strands of her spit and his juices running down her chin. Sirra, still eagerly licking her folds, playing with her rear, chuckled knowingly. Jendayi slapped her thigh and toppled forward, resting her head on a glistening, crimson thigh. She dragged her tongue along the tattooed flesh, the intoxicating taste even stronger than her aroma.

Dorgon's huge hands grasped her waist and she heard Sirra gurgle. Jendayi peeked along her body, only spotting hints of Dorgon's immense rod between Sirra's lips. Then, the mammoth tip came free with a ludicrous pop and after a moment of imminent dread, Jendayi could feel him, pressing his huge tip against her opening, glacially spearing himself past the supple flesh. Jendayi closed her eyes, relaxing as much as possible. Sirra's tongue on her most sensitive spot was a butterfly flapping its wings but Dorgon intruding was the storm. She tossed her head back, a helpless moan tearing itself from her breast as she came from the enormity trying to enter her. He was surprisingly gentle, a shocking contrast to the brutes Xevex had let loose upon her, which made each inch of him sliding into her all the sweeter. She lost track of time, track of how often her body was rocked to the core by his advance. All she knew was that he eventually stopped and she was full to the brim, fuller than ever before.

His huge hand touched her shoulder. "Are you all right?" he asked, his voice coming as much from inside than through her ears. Sirra laughed weakly underneath her. Jendayi bent her head and licked along the Huan-i's slit, shutting her up with a quick suck on her engorged love pearl.

"Yes. For the first time in forever," Jendayi gasped.

"I will move now," Dorgon warned.

Heavens, he will break me! a little, sane part of her cried. Shut up! the rest of her screamed, welcoming whatever Dorgon may unleash on her. She knew she couldn't get pregnant - Xevex seemed oblivious to her taking the herbal medicine her shamans had taught her.

Any coherent thought was snuffed out when he pulled out, nearly taking most of her insides with it. Again, he was slow and deliberate. But soon his thrusts became more urgent, forceful. He may have erupted once or twice in Sirra's mouth and on her tits but Jendayi had to feel like the tightest glove to him, squeezing him as much as he was stretching her, driving deep into her with each of his powerful thrusts. Jendayi thrust back, rolling her hips to meet him thrust for thrust. Their bodies slapped wetly together, shaking the bed in its foundations. Somehow, Sirra managed to get licks of her own in, the impossible tongue slithering over her mound, along his shaft or around his balls.

And suddenly Dorgon roared, ramming himself impossibly deep into her to the point it hurt! Despite the pain, Jendayi came again, hoarsely whimpering into Sirra's snatch. Dorgon erupted, the torrent of his seed finding no room, so it squirted out of her, showering Sirra and the sheets and Dorgon's thighs, spattering with thick, obscene sounds all around them.

"Get your finger out of my ass," Dorgon snarled at Sirra, withdrawing from her. Another flood seeped out of Jendayi, almost drowning Sirra who laughed, overwhelmed by the sticky flood.

"I wanted a bit of fun as well," the Huan-i said defiantly. "And your puckered rosebud was so inviting..." She slithered out from under Jendayi and used a corner of the sheets to wipe at the ungodly amount of pearly liquid dripping off her nose and chin.

"Next time, ask," Dorgon growled, bending low and cradling Jendayi in one of his musclebound arms. "Did I hurt you?"

"I'm... fine," Jendayi muttered, fighting to force air into her tortured lungs. She breathed a weak kiss onto his biceps. "Give me a moment."

"Hm." Dorgon stomped off into the adjacent room. She heard water splash.

"And what about me?" Sirra asked, her voice full of unfulfilled need. Her pout was almost adorable, were it not for the seed-caked face and hair.

"I don't know if you want to be around when I tell him how Xevex stole his freedom," Jendayi said, softly. "Or how you were sent to milk him."

"Milk me?" Dorgon's shadow fell over them. He reached out, a soaked towel in his fist. "What is going on here?"

Jendayi took the towel and swabbed at Sirra's face. "When you won the games, Dorgon, what was your wish, your true wish?" she asked.

"I wanted to get out of here, far away," the huge warrior said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "But... the words I spoke-"

"-were Xevex's." Jendayi used another corner of the wet towel to clean herself between her thighs. "He tricked you."

Dorgon balled his fists. Jendayi heard his joints crack. She reached out and placed a hand on his arm. "You wanted to know why I'm here. Well..." She blushed, caressing his spent hardness with her gaze. "I share your desire. I want to flee this place. I am not here by choice either."

"Believe me, neither am I," Sirra hissed. "But how are you going to escape Xevex' reach? Atlantis is omnipotent."

"You would be surprised. As we speak, barbarians are trying to conquer Huan. The forces of Atlantis are spread far and wide. And without Xevex, it's only a matter of time until Atlantis collapses," Jendayi explained, her eyes on Dorgon.

"You want me to kill Xevex for you," Dorgon said. "But how can we guard against his mind tricks? Or even escape this room?"

"I think I have the answer to both of these questions," Jendayi said, a plan forming. She touched Sirra's thigh. "How would you fancy two hard, eager rods for your pleasure?"

The Huan-i cocked an eyebrow. "The guards?"

"Absolutely. A skilled courtesan like you should have no trouble disposing of them once you're sated, right?"

Sirra's shrewd smile was all the answer Jendayi needed. She almost pitied the guards.

"Where will I get weapons?" Dorgon asked. "I can't fight with just a wet towel."

"At this hour, there are only two places Xevex will be - either the Map Room or our bedroom. Since there are no guards clamoring for me, I presume he's in the former. On our way there, you will most assuredly find the odd blade. You don't mind plucking it from an incapacitated guard?"

"Not one bit." His eyes burned, the anticipation of battle lending them a demonic glare.

"Let us not waste any time then," Jendayi slid off the bed and claimed her clothes. "This way." She indicated the secret door, slightly ajar. "Once we're gone, snare the guards."

"Oh, I will," Sirra said, her hand busy between her thighs. Her intoxicating aroma tickled Jendayi's nose. Her nipples pressed hungrily against the sheer fabric of her dress and she could feel herself getting wet again. Dorgon's member stirred too. She slapped his bare behind. "Come, before we forget ourselves. Again."

* * * *

After hours of fruitless bickering, the generals had finally left, leaving Xevex alone in the massive chamber. The Map Room was a marvel of technology. The large round table, fashioned from an immense bronze disk inlaid with projection crystals, showed an interactive map of the whole Atlantean Empire and its adjoining neighbors. More like future vassals, Xevex thought. A second huge disk, this time upright, hung from the northern wall. Xevex stood before it, manipulating the controls inlaid into the railing before it. It had been a royal pain to adapt the compact keyboards into a form the natives wouldn't call 'sorcery' or 'black magic.' Setting up the geothermal spike underneath the arena had been less worrisome than designing the publicly visible parts of the systems he needed to govern such a vast realm and stay in touch with his superiors.

About time they picked up, Xevex thought bitterly. He may be the God-Emperor of Atlantis but to his superiors aboard the massive Grey ship orbiting this forsaken ball of rock he was just Sub-Commander Xevex on a covert mission. He sighed, drumming his long fingers on the banister, waiting for the screen to fully engage.

"Captain Oolaxia," he said, bowing his head. "How nice of you to answer my call personally."

The Grey female on screen wore a long black robe with painful red and pink stitching, the frilled collar towering high over her oversized head. "Xevex. How are things down there?" She sounded bored, dismissive. Xevex gnashed his teeth.

He glanced over his shoulder, at the map table. Long stretches of the Empire's borders glowed red, signaling threats. The Parthyan clans were none too happy he courted the High King. There was talk about axing him, if the ambassador's words were to be believed. The fact they had put their centuries-old grudges behind them and presented a unified front worried Xevex. Barbarian tribes seemed to spring up all around him, not to mention half a dozen revolts, including a fresh one in Jendayi's homeland. And to top it all off, the most recent barbarian incursion into Huan was worrying because the Huan-i army seemed to have laid down their arms and allowed the enemy to devastate mostly the Atlantean holdings in that vast realm.

"Well, shit, Captain," Xevex snarled. "If it isn't too much of a bother, I'd like to request two wings of fighters and maybe a battalion of ground troops. If that's too much to ask, I'll take a localized orbital bombardment. Coordinates would be-"

Oolaxia raised her long-fingered hand, the three digits forming the sign for denial. "I am afraid we can't spare any resources at the moment." Her other hand tapped the small keypad in front of her, calling up a hovering litany of glyphs. "You already command twelve air wings and eight battalions of ground troops, most of them armed with beam rifles and shock grenades. How come you haven't conquered the natives yet?"

Because even with sharpened sticks and wooden clubs, they can easily kill our cloned troopers. Especially since there are way more of them than there are of us.

Oolaxia went on: "As you know, the Dark Tide has sprouted from this planet's southern polar cap and is advancing at an ever-increasing pace. Your mission was to unite the natives so we might have enough forces to stop them. So tell me, Sub-Commander, how are your plans progressing?"

"The natives are not cooperating. That's why I'm asking for a little extra firepower. I need to put my foot down. Once I quell that particular uprising-"

"You might want to turn around, Xevex."


There was a flurry of movement behind him. Xevex turned, just in time to see the furious visage of Dorgon bearing down upon him. Softly like a lover's caress, four feet of honed Orichalcon blade hissed between his ribs.

Xevex opened his mouth. No words came out, only a gush of black, oozing blood. He gasped and gurgled. The last thing his failing eyes saw was Jendayi, her face a mask of utter disgust and hatred.

* * * *

Dorgon withdrew the blade. Like a wet sack, the carcass of the God-Emperor sagged to the floor.

"Oh my," the other being in the upright mirror - no, the screen - said.

"There are more of you?" Dorgon snarled, raising the bloodstained blade.

"If you ask like that... yes. Many, many more." The thing on the screen nodded. "I am Captain Oolaxia of the Grey ship Ajtax. You seem to understand me."

Jendayi clutched his arm, a look of incomprehension on her beautiful features. "Is it... talking to you?"

"Yes. I don't know what else Xevex' witches did to me but I can understand. I also know that it's not here. We are watching it through some kind of device." To the thing on screen he snarled: "Now what? Will you punish me for killing him?"

"Actually, no. You have just solved quite the conundrum. I think I will send someone to take Xevex' place. Someone who will run things a lot more efficiently. If I were you, warrior, I would take that female on your arm and run far, far away. And as thanks for your services, I'll impart a little advice. Stay clear of the southern hemisphere of your world."

The image on screen vanished.

"What did say?" Jendayi asked, disgust clearly etched on her face.