Twisted Fate


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With the dim lighting and the dense crowd, I doubted anyone would know what was happening between us but, even if they did, I didn't care. Marissa wanted me. Even if she hadn't fully realized it, I had, and it was the only thing that mattered.

There was no nervous fumbling this time, no hesitation, my fingers knew where they wanted to go and, without pause, they took me there. Marissa's thighs spread for me, so effortlessly, and I was inside her. Without a tick of hesitation her hips moved against me, back against my cock, forward onto my fingers, a steady, even rhythm; ebb and flow, like the ocean. I closed my eyes and fell into its spell, her sublime hypnotic movement. I felt her tongue in my mouth, sweet, like candy. A quiet moan spilled between our lips, down my throat and into my heart, igniting it.

She pressed harder against me, faster now, abandoning the rhythm of the bass, creating her own music, a gasp marking its crescendo. I pulled her tighter, closer, feeling the eruption, the shudder of her body between my arms. It drove me crazy knowing that I could do that to her, that my fingers were inside of her, making her cum, making me cum, fuck I'd never felt that way before. Never had a little groping, a little grinding, ever made me cum before, but there I was, exploding against Marissa's beautiful ass, feeling the spreading dampness in my boxers.

With one final gasp her body stilled between my arms, her thighs closing in around my hand, trapping it there. We stood there motionless, silent, the heavy bass reverberating through our bodies, until I felt my erection subside.

Marissa wriggled from my grasp and deserted my hand, leaving my fingertips tingling. "Let's go home," she said, refusing to meet my eyes. Dumbstruck, I tucked my moist fingers into my pocket. What exactly did that mean, 'let's go home'? Did it mean let's go home and forget this ever happened, or let's go home and finish this?

Apparently I was going to have to wait to find out because Marissa didn't utter a word the entire drive, she merely sat there, staring out the window as she tapped her fingers against her leg. When we pulled into the driveway she was out of the car and in the house before I'd even gotten my seatbelt off. I rushed to catch up, frantic now that I'd pushed her too hard, but when I reached the top of the stairs, Marissa was already in her room with the door closed.

A soft whimper slipped beneath the door, dropping my heart to my knees. I had brought her to tears. Without thinking, or even the slightest idea of what to do, I rushed into her room, quickly finding the bed and sliding in beside her. "Marissa," I whispered into the darkness, "talk to me."

"Go away," she murmured, pulling the blankets over her head.

"Talk to me," I repeated.

"I hate you."

"I love you." And as soon as the words spilled from my mouth, I knew they meant more than they ever had before. I loved Marissa, maybe in ways I shouldn't, and maybe in ways she could never return, but until she told me otherwise, I was now resolved to be with her.

My hands slipped beneath the covers, finding her face, and I pressed my lips against her cheek, tasting her tears. Marissa's breath hitched in my ear as I kissed her face, my mouth moving closer to hers. The very edges of our lips connected and I lingered there, desperate to kiss her mouth but unwilling to push her.

I felt her face turn toward me ever so slightly, her breath blowing warm against my cheek. "I hate that I want you to kiss me," Marissa whispered, her fingers finding my face and stroking along my jaw. "But, god, I do."

My mouth crushed against her full, luscious lips and suddenly I was lost in her, sucked into a realm where all things were Marissa. She had become the only point of light in a world which had fallen into darkness. Her breath and heartbeat surrounded me, filled me, creating a soundtrack of our moments. Her scent, the whispered kiss of her skin, she was everything and everywhere, and I was irretrievably lost in her.

Tenderly I explored her mouth, committing every taste and sound, every movement to memory, knowing each moment could be our last. Marissa now called the shots, I was irrevocably hers and, whether she knew it or not, I would do anything she asked, even at the peril of my own heart.

We kissed for hours, with our legs tangled together and our bodies pressed hard against each other. I had shared nights like this with other women -- many during my first year of college -- but there had been none like Marissa. She was magic. Marissa knew all the ugliness about me, and still she loved me. She saw me, all of me, for exactly who I was, and yet she sought me out. I could be my real self with her. But more than that, she owned a piece of me and I felt incomplete without her.

I knew it was wrong to want her this way, and that knowledge was the knife which still twisted in my side. But her voice, her laugh, the way she made me feel when her eyes met mine, it dulled the pain and made me feel truly alive. My mind drifted to the moments I spent inside her and the power of those emotions. It felt as if it were always meant to be. Me and Marissa, tethered and inseparable.

When the moon had crept the full length of the sky, Marissa untangled from my lips and nestled in against my chest, drawing my arms around her shoulders. "This was just a moment, Matt... one moment in a lifetime of moments. Tomorrow this moment will be over and I need it to stay that way."

I didn't answer, couldn't answer. What was there to say? I nestled my chin into the well of her neck, taking in the scent of her skin and listened as her breathing slowed.

Marissa fell asleep in my arms and eventually I pulled from her and went to bed. I lay there thinking about our brief encounter at the club, kissing her in her bed, laying beside her as she slept. My fingers pressed against my nose, admiring her lingering smell. Immediately I felt that familiar tingle between my legs and shoved my boxers down, my hand wrapped around my swollen cock. I closed my eyes and thought of Marissa's mouth around me.

"Tomorrow," I muttered to myself, unable to conceptualize Marissa's words. I shook my head and wiped them from my mind. Yes, indeed, tomorrow would be different. Now that I knew she wanted me too, there was no reason to play games. But whatever happened next was up to me. I knew Marissa, knew she'd be too shy, feel too guilty to do anything about it, but I wasn't, not anymore. And as my fist worked along my shaft, I thought about how good it was going to be to kiss her again. "Tomorrow," I repeated with more confidence.

As soon as I heard the slow creak of Marissa's door the next morning, I shot out of bed and pulled on my jeans. I forced myself to count to twenty before I left my room and wandered down the narrow hall into our mom's bedroom. At least she was predictable, I surmised, as I eyed her unmade bed and the piles of clothes strewn about the room; some kind of weird smell -- a rotten banana maybe? -- emanated from the trash can by her bed. I shrugged, knowing she hadn't been home in a couple of days. Admittedly I'd stopped keeping track some time ago but now I made a mental note of how important it was to start. The last thing I wanted was to be surprised in the middle of -- what?

Within that moment of apprehension, I closed my eyes and shook my head, wondering if I had gone absolutely insane. Other than my arrant desire, which was utterly unquestionable at this point, was there a purpose to any of this? If I pursued Marissa, things would be irrevocably changed. There would be no going back. Once this happened, it could never be undone, and the fallout could be catastrophic. I tapped my fingers against the door jam and opened my eyes. Fuck it, I thought, I didn't want things to go back to the way they once were.

I jogged downstairs and found Marissa at the coffee maker, measuring out grinds. I knew she'd heard me come in but she made no move to acknowledge me. God she was stunning, standing there with her tussled hair, its thick waves snaking down her back. Her plain white nightgown hugged every delicious curve of her body, ending just above her knees to reveal her toned calves. I moved behind her and brushed the hair from her neck, my mouth meeting her warm, silken skin. My hands wove around her waist, pulling her tight against my body, giving her just a moment to process the meaning behind my actions.

"I'm taking you to my room," I whispered against her ear and kissed her neck, waiting for her response. Marissa stood frozen between my arms, but just the notion that she wasn't pushing me away only fueled my desire and erased all doubt from my mind.

"We can't," I heard her mutter softly, but I expected that from her. I wasn't going to waste time arguing that ridiculous point. Yes, we absolutely could. Should, was another matter altogether and one I didn't have a very good argument to support -- yet.

I turned her around to face me and her eyes met mine, like soft ocean pools of conflict. I understood, but that wasn't going to change my mind. We were doing this now, today, and it didn't really matter how far we went, as long as we were together. I leaned in and captured her mouth with mine. A shudder rippled through her body, seeming almost to collapse her, and I felt her grow limp between my arms.

"I'd never hurt you," I uttered, feeling her tremble now. I reached down and slipped my hands behind her thighs, drawing her legs around my waist, lifting her. Her breathing quickened as she closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"We can't," she mumbled against my shoulder as I climbed the stairs. "Matt, please, why are you doing this to me?" But she did nothing to stop me.

I pushed my bedroom door open with my knee, kicking it closed behind us, and flipped the lock. We spilled onto my bed, Marissa still locked in my arms as I inched us toward the pillows. I laid her back and paused to take in her beautiful face. Her chest heaved beneath me, her breath ragged and frantic as she stared back at me, eyes ablaze with uncertainty. My fingers traced her cheek, her jaw, her gorgeous mouth. I moved my lips to her throat, kissing her softly, her pulse pounding beneath my fingertips.

"I'm sorry about last night, I should never have let you... I shouldn't have teased you like that," she squeaked.

"Then why did you?" I asked, tracing my mouth along her ear.

"I don't know... I just lost myself in it."

"I did too," I whispered against her neck, slipping my hand between her legs. "But I know you want this Marissa."

"Stop!" Marissa twisted beneath me, clutching my wrist just as my fingertips reached the seam of her panties. "Knowing and doing something about it are two different things, Matt."

"I'd never hurt you, you have to know that... I just want to touch you, we don't have to do anything else," I assured her, pulling back to look into her eyes. There was no way I'd hurt her, no way I would do anything she didn't want me to do. I wanted to touch her and if that's all I was allowed, then I was fine with that -- at least for the time being.

"This isn't right." Marissa wiggled out from under me and rolled onto her stomach, crossing her legs. Clearly she was not going to make this easy. At least she wasn't running from my room or crying; it was a start.

I approached her quietly, cautiously, not wanting to startle her or send her fleeing. My fingertips threaded her back, down the well of her spine and along the subtle curves of her waist. Goosebumps flooded her skin, bringing it to life beneath my hand as I stroked and tickled every supple inch. But I didn't dare try to undress her.

"Please Marissa." I brushed her hair back and kissed her neck. "I'll behave, I promise. You make the rules."

Finally, with a deep sigh, Marissa rolled onto her back. "You're not going to give up, are you?"

"If you want me to..." I hesitated and drew a deep breath. "Do you want me to stop, Marissa?"

"I'm not having sex with you," she said quietly, "no sex, just touching."

I was tempted to ask her the definition of 'no sex' but decided it would be better to let her define the rules as we went. "No sex," I conceded as I slipped her nightgown past her thighs and felt her hips tilt, allowing me to liberate her waist. Marissa leaned toward me and with one gentle tug I pulled the gown over her head.

Just her tiny black panties remained and I found myself staring at them, the thin little triangle of fabric concealing her precious gift. A surge of excitement filled me at the idea of how little was left between us, simple slips of cotton the only things keeping us apart. My cock screamed and thumped beneath my jeans, straining against the fabric and begging to be released, pleading with me to bury it inside of her.

To my surprise, Marissa's hands lay against my chest and I sat up between her legs so she could explore me. I loved that she was seeking the feel of my skin, sliding her hands beneath my shirt so she could touch me, skin to skin, her fingertips drifting from the curve of my collarbone to the waistband of my jeans. Quickly I pulled my t-shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor, giving her unfettered access. My eyes locked on hers as my hands reached behind her knees, pulling her against me, letting her feel the stiffness of my cock against her ass, wanting her to know she had made it that way.

My hands roamed her silky thighs, creeping up slowly, as her hands continued along my abdomen. I reached the seam of her panties and easily slid my fingers beneath the damp fabric, tugging it aside. More than anything I wanted to see that tight little pussy. I let my eyes drift from hers, taking in her delicate shoulders, her perfect full breasts, letting the suspense build. My eyes travelled to her perked nipples, a deep shade of pink, down to the curve of her ribs, into her flat stomach, the rise of her hip and down her pelvis, that distinct V pointing to her sex. Finally they settled on that beautiful blossom between her legs, its delicate pink lips flaring open for me, exposing her perky clit.

My fingers ached to touch her, but the longer I stared at her glistening cunt, the more she began to wiggle. "No," she scolded, her hand cupping her deliciousness, concealing it, stealing it away from me. "I don't want you to look, it's not right."

"Why? You're beautiful," I said.

"You're my brother, you don't get to look at me like that, not there."

"Fine, I'm sorry, I won't look," brusquely I conceded, frustrated by how close I had just come but knowing that, one way or another, I was getting back in there. She would let me in, I just hadn't found the right combination yet.

When I released Marissa's panties from my grasp, she pushed away from me and shoved her nightgown over her head. "This was a bad idea, a really, really bad idea. We're fucking freaks."

I straddled her waist before she could escape and pushed down my jeans, watching her eyes settle on my erection. "Look at what you're doing to me," I blurted exasperatedly.

"So that's my fault?" she asked coolly, nodding at my cock but never taking her eyes off of it.

"Yes... no," I sighed, rubbing my face. "You drive me crazy Marissa, ever since..."

"That night," she finished. "So it is my fault."

"No, it's not your fault." I grasped her hand and pressed it against my cock, twining her fingers through mine as I slid them along my shaft. "Just touch me."

She gasped as her fingers traced down its sensitive length, stopping at the base before drifting back up again. Her finger swept across the tip, around the little pearls of cum trickling out, collecting them on her fingertip. Slowly she pulled away, her finger drifting to her face and sliding across her lips. She let it linger there, her bee-stung lips glistening from my cum, beautiful, shimmering. The vision made me breathless. I wanted to kiss her, to taste myself against her skin, to slip my tongue in her mouth and share with her my flavor, but instead I watched her, waiting to see what she would do.

Very delicately her mouth parted, the soft, pink tip of her tongue slipped between her lips and swept their skin. Marissa was tasting me, and, as her eyes closed, she muttered words that astonished me. "I remember this... the way you taste."

"Marissa," her name exploded from my lips and suddenly I was kissing her so desperately I hadn't thought to breathe. Our tastes, my cum and her lips, blended so perfectly together, as if they were always meant to be.

"Take off your jeans," she muttered against my tongue.

Hastily I rolled to my side, nearly falling off the bed in my excitement, as I fumbled to pull my pants down, kneeling beside her as soon as I'd liberated my ankles. Marissa's hand returned to me, gently rolling her palm along my shaft, letting her fingers drift over the head of my cock. When her lips parted I felt momentarily compelled to shove it in her mouth, but I took a deep breath and watched as her hand continued to slowly drift up and down my shaft.

"Did you cum in my mouth?" she asked, eyes fixed of my dick. I knew what she meant, knew she was referring to the night which had since changed everything.

"Yes," my voice hitched, barely able to control myself, barely able to stop myself from pushing the head of my cock between her lips. Her mouth was so close I could feel her breath against me.

"I don't let guys cum in my mouth," she said and slipped her lips around me.

"It won't happen again," I groaned as her mouth drew me in, her lips pressing into a smile as my cock slipped deeper, her tongue gently cupping my shaft. Marissa's eyes softly closed as she traversed my shaft with her mouth and tongue. I gathered the hair from her face and watched her swallow me, amazed by the images flooding my mind, by her mouth around me, her absolute beauty.

Her tongue curled in serpentine strokes as I disappeared between her lips. I felt Marissa swallow against the head of my cock, drawing me deeper, pulling me down into her throat. I groaned as she held me there, lips pressed tight around me, holding me, sucking me. A tickling little purr filled her mouth and vibrated against my flesh, like electricity coursing through my body. My fingers stormed through her hair, pushing, pressing, holding her there, pleading for her to stay exactly as she was.

Marissa immediately responded to my prodding. Her mouth locked around my girth with such explosive force I nearly came. I felt her tongue flatten against my shaft, the air in her mouth completely gone, as she sucked me mercilessly. The walls seemed to melt around us, my head swam, I'd never felt such an intense rush, like a tidal wave of sensation washing through me, leaving nothing but divine pleasure in its wake.

I slipped my hands around Marissa's glorious jaw, wrapping my fingers around the nape of her neck, and held her tight against me. Slowly I began to rock my hips, feeling the intensity climb as I moved inside Marissa's mouth, her vice-grip lips never letting me go.

"I'm gonna cum," I warned her and began to pull out, my hand grasping the base of my cock. But Marissa dug her nails into my ass and pulled me back in, sinking my cock deep into her mouth. When her sapphire eyes sprung open and met mine, her mouth spread wide, warm and wet, full of my cock, I nearly exploded right then. She stared up at me, her beautiful lips moving over and around me as her rhythm increased. My hands moved to her hair, twisting and twining through the thick mane, clutching tightly as I pushed back, meeting her every stroke with a thrust of my own.

"Fuck," I gasped, "Marissa, I can't..." I felt the pulsing in my cock and knew I couldn't hold out any longer. My head swam, all I could feel was her mouth around me, pumping and sucking, her tongue snaking along my shaft, the head of my cock slipping into her throat. I couldn't wait, couldn't hold on another second. Marissa sank me in, holding me there with her mouth clutched tightly around the base of my cock, lightly grasping my balls as I let go. Her eyes fixed on me as I felt myself erupt and when I felt her mouth constrict around me as she swallowed, my knees went weak.