Twisted Summer


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I consoled myself with the thought that nothing seemed to have changed between my sister and me, and that fantasies that stayed firmly in my mind weren't going to hurt anyone. Even if we had thoughts about each other it didn't mean it would go any farther than that. We could still just be a brother and sister who happened to be a little twisted, that's all. At least I thought we could.

It wasn't until that night that I discovered that the girls had other plans. I had just finished stripping down to my boxers and was getting ready for bed when Rachel entered the room followed closely by Elizabeth. The first thing I noticed was they were dressed near identically in skirts and matching pink shirts as well as each having pulled their hair up into ponytails.

"Hey, what's up?" Rachel greeted me cheerfully.

"Um, not much," I answered slowly.

Warning sirens were going off in my head and I tried desperately to come up with a reason to quickly leave the room. It wouldn't have done any good of course, not when I would have to return at some point to go to sleep, but I wasn't thinking entirely rationally.

"Good, 'cause me and Liz had an idea that we need you for," Rachel continued, nodding her head toward my sister. "We were thinking that it's not really fair that she had to listen to us last night and didn't even get to watch."

"What?" I responded stupidly.

Rachel just stared at me expectantly, knowing full well that I understood what she was getting at.

"Rach, that's not... we can't...." My attempts at forming an argument were failing pretty hard so instead I turned to my sister. "Liz, what's going on?"

"I told you I'm a little twisted didn't I?" Elizabeth shrugged.

"Yeah but still, I mean...."

"Oh come on you big baby," Rachel interrupted. "She's just going to watch, it's not the end of the world. I promise I can make it worth your while," she added.

I resisted the urge to ask how she was going to do that, but it didn't really matter. Not waiting for my response Rachel had taken Elizabeth's hand and pulled her gently closer. There was a moment of silent communication between the girls as they stood face to face before Rachel leaned in slowly to kiss my sister. It was only a brief kiss, their lips barely brushed before they separated, but it was followed almost immediately by a longer one.

As my sister and girlfriend made out in front of me I could do nothing but stare like an idiot. They were obviously doing it just to get to me but that hardly mattered, it was still working. I was struck suddenly by the thought that dressed identically as they were they probably could actually pass for sisters. I resolved to keep that firmly to myself, they clearly didn't need any help messing with me.

Finally they broke apart and turned back to me, both somewhat out of breath but looking quite pleased with themselves. Even without looking down I knew my boxers were tented prominently and that the girls could hardly failed to have noticed.

"I still don't believe you like girls," I mumbled.

"Whatever," Rachel dismissed me cheerfully. "It gets better too."

She looked at Elizabeth and nodded before moving to stand behind me with her arms around my waist. Elizabeth at least now seemed a little bit nervous too which reassured me that she had some hesitation about whatever was going to happen as well.

She hesitantly hooked her fingers in the waist of her skirt then, with a look of determination, pulled it down to the floor in one swift movement. I drew a sharp breath as she stood back up wearing only her panties and t-shirt, shifting her weight apprehensively from one foot to the other.

"Nice, isn't it?" Rachel whispered in my ear.

I closed my eyes and just nodded, not daring to look at my sister as I did. When I reopened them Elizabeth was still in the same position but with a small smile on her face as if she had been waiting for my approval.

After giving me few seconds to stare Rachel guided me to the bed and had me lay down. I focused gratefully on the ceiling as she pulled my boxers down since that meant I didn't have to watch Elizabeth's reaction as my erect cock came into view. Once finished with me Rachel immediately began pulling off her own clothes with none of the self-conscious reluctance shown by either my sister or me. Then again, she didn't have a sibling watching her.

As soon as she finished stripping Rachel attacked my crotch, sucking and licking with intensity driven no doubt by her wanting to put on a show for my sister. Working up my courage I turned my head to find Elizabeth sitting in the chair by the wall, the only other place in the room to sit besides the bed. Her hand had at some point slid beneath her panties and I found myself insanely wishing she had removed them as well.

"See, not so bad," said Rachel, pulling her mouth away from my cock and beginning to reposition herself.

No, not so bad. Fucked up certainly, but I couldn't deny that I was enjoying myself.

Rachel had moved to straddle my waist and as she began lowering herself I once again admired her perfectly smooth pussy lips. It was a good look on her and I decided I might have to suggest she keep them that way.

My attention was temporarily drawn away from the sight of my cock disappearing further inside Rachel's cunt by the sound of Elizabeth's breathing which had become much louder and more ragged in the past few minutes. She had a glazed look in her eyes and her hand was moving frantically under her panties as she watched us. Rachel followed my gaze and smiled.

"Guess she likes it too," she said.

"Mm-hm," I agreed absently.

The sight of my sister masturbating openly combined with the feeling of my girlfriend riding my cock was getting to be too much for me.

"Gonna cum Rach," I whispered.

"Mmm, good boy," Rachel moaned. "That's it, cum in me right where your sister can watch."

I wasn't paying enough attention to know for sure but I think Elizabeth and me must have hit our orgasms at almost the same time. As the last of my cum emptied into Rachel's eager pussy I noticed my sister was leaning back in her chair with a satisfied look on her face.

Not having gotten off yet Rachel rolled off me and soon had her fingers buried in her cunt. With my attention drawn to her I didn't even realize Elizabeth had moved until I felt her weight shift the mattress.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Going to sleep, duh."

My sister curled up next to me apparently with no intention of returning to her own bed. Any other time being naked in bed with her would have been incredibly awkward, but given what had just happened I couldn't bring myself to care.

Eventually Rachel finished up as well and had the foresight to go turn off the light before settling in beside me across from Elizabeth. From the sounds of their breathing the girls both fell asleep with relatively little trouble. I, however, remained awake for quite some time. Partially because I was enjoying the feeling of having two girls in bed with me, but also because I was worrying about what exactly that meant for my relationship with my sister.


I was awakened the following morning by Elizabeth getting out of bed. She was obviously trying to move gently to avoid waking Rachel and me but I had been sleeping lightly and even the slight shifting of the mattress was enough to rouse me.

"Where you going?" I mumbled, catching the back of her shirt as she attempted to stand.

"Gotta pee you jerk," she whispered back, swatting my hand away.

I followed her with my eyes as she made her way out to the hallway. She still had on her t-shirt from the night before but as I gazed lower I realized I couldn't see any trace of her panties. My cock twitched beneath the sheets at the thought of her walking through the house completely bottomless but I quickly dismissed it as my simply not being fully awake.

"Mmm, that's a nice sight to wake up to," commented Rachel sleepily from behind me.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you," I said.

"S'okay," she replied before falling silent for a moment. "Your sister's still got a nice ass," she said eventually, as if daring me to argue the point again.

Silently I agreed with her, having gotten past most of my reservations on the issue, but I refused to answer on principle.

Shortly after Elizabeth returned and walked quickly back over to the bed. Not quickly enough that I didn't have time to confirm my earlier suspicion.

"Where are your panties?" I managed to ask as she slipped back beneath the covers.

"They were too soggy, had to take them off," she replied as if it was no big deal. "They're on the floor somewhere I think."

I groaned and closed my eyes as my sister snuggled back up to me.

"Goddammit Rach, you're a bad influence on her," I accused.

"Yeah, I know."

I suspect all three of us would have been content to just lay there for the better part of the morning but the sounds of our parents getting up forced us to move. Probably they wouldn't bother checking on us for quite a while, however the consequences of getting caught were more than I wanted to imagine.

For the first little while of the morning I worried that mom or dad would catch on. There was no reason they would of course, but my mind couldn't help playing out various terrifying scenarios anyway. I mused idly that it was a bit of a weird family visit when I spent most of my time trying to avoid one family member or another. Then again, that was probably normal for some people.

Dad had to go to work again before too long, which meant one less person to worry about much to my relief. Shortly thereafter Rachel informed me that she and my mother were going out shopping together. I could understand mom wanting some time alone with my girlfriend but I was less clear on Rachel's motivation.

I was standing at the window watching them pull out of the driveway when Elizabeth walked up behind me.

"Hey Liz," I said. "Mom and Rach just left. I'm kinda surprised you didn't want to go with them."

"Enh, I gotta pack. Have to be back for tomorrow you know."

Something about the way she answered struck me wrong. I was pretty sure she had actually mentioned leaving early that afternoon so I didn't think she was making that up. Maybe it was just something about the way she said it.

I didn't know what else to say so I waited to see if Elizabeth would anything. She also seemed to be waiting for me but eventually gave up with a shrug and turned away.

It occurred to me a few minutes later that she might have wanted to talk to me while we had the opportunity to do so uninterrupted. Certainly there was lots to talk about regarding what was going on between us, but I didn't understand why she didn't say anything if that was the case. Still, if there was anything that she needed to discuss it would be better to do it before she left.

As she said she would be I found Elizabeth in her room in the middle of throwing her clothes in her bag. She glanced over her shoulder as she heard me approach but said nothing.

"Do we need to talk?" I asked bluntly.

"What about?" she replied, giving me a curious look.

"I dunno. It just seemed like there was something on your mind but I could be wrong. Thought I should at least ask."

Elizabeth continued packing for a moment, possibly considering what she wanted to say.

"You gonna come down again next summer?" she said finally.

"Yeah," I nodded slowly. "I probably could do that, have to talk to Rachel of course. Be nice to see each other a little more often."

After I said it I realized that 'seeing each other' now held a somewhat different meaning for us than it used too.

"You'd like that would you?" Elizabeth asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I would," I stated, determined not to backtrack on my words.

"You're going to have a long wait."

Her tone was meant to be teasing, but I don't think her heart was really in it. Whatever was going to happen between us I think we both would have liked more time to work it out. I moved behind her and placed my hands on her hips as she finished with the last of her clothing and zipped up her bag.

"When did you say you have to go?" I asked.

"I planned on getting out a little early, get home around mid-afternoon. Give me some time to myself."

Left unspoken, but implied, was the confirmation that she didn't really have to leave for a little while. Not if she didn't want to. I let my hands slip under her shirt but kept them around her waist, caressing the skin just above her waistband.

"What are you doing?" Elizabeth demanded.

"Just being close to my sister. That's okay isn't it?"

"Being a perv more like," she accused.

"Not the only one," I countered.

My hands were roaming more freely under her shirt, though still not going any further than the soft curve of her tummy.

"They'll be gone at least an hour or two," she mused. "Rachel said she'd call if they were going to be back any sooner."

"Uh huh, and why would she do that?"

Elizabeth turned around to face me, leaving my hands to settle on her back.

"So we could get some time alone," she said simply.

"So we can talk?"

"Come on," she said, rolling her eyes dramatically, "even you're not that slow."

"Try me."

She stared at me a second, then grabbed my wrists and pulled them down until my hands were cupping her butt. The look on her face was one that promised violence if I continued to pretend innocence.

"You sure Liz?"

"Completely. Fucking twisted isn't it." Her fingers played with the hem of my shirt, drawing it slowly upward. "Long time 'til next summer though and I'm not that patient," she continued softly.

I raised my arms and allowed Elizabeth to pull my shirt off over my head. A bizarre feeling of calm took hold as she began gently kissing my chest, completely the opposite of the urgent sense of wrongness I should have felt.

I traced the length of her spine with my fingertips until I located the clasp of her bra. Unable to see it I fumbled for a moment before unhooking it and letting the material fall to the floor without disturbing her shirt.

"If you can get my panties off before my shorts, then I'll be impressed," she said teasingly.

"Even I'm not that good," I replied, shaking my head.

"Oh well, take what I can get I suppose."

Elizabeth lay back on the bed with her legs partially spread and waited for me. I took the time to finish stripping before joining her, aware of her gaze fixing itself instantly on my cock as it came into view.

Demonstrating her lack of patience my sister had already pulled her shorts halfway down her legs before I even reached her. I took over and tugged them the rest of the way off, then knelt between her legs.

"Hurry up," she urged, wiggling her hips on the bed.

I ignored her and took my time to study the damp spot on the front of her panties and breathe in the scent of her obvious arousal. In an effort to speed things up Elizabeth soon began struggling out of her shirt while still lying flat on her back.

"I swear, any other guy I tell to hurry up and fuck me wouldn't hesitate for a second," she complained.

"And how many guys have you said that too?" I asked.

"None of your goddamn business. But if you're gonna be this slow I'll have to go see if I can find one."

Giving in I finally grasped the waistband of my sister's panties and pulled them down to her feet. She lay on her back looking up at me with lust evident in her eyes, lust for her own brother.

"You know we can't go back from this," I warned.

"I know, I don't want to."

Elizabeth sighed happily as I positioned myself on top of her and my erection brushed against her waiting pussy. I didn't tease her anymore, simply guiding my cock inside her and slowly pushing deeper.

"Fuck, so wrong. So fucking wrong," she murmured beneath, watching me beneath half-closed eyelids.

"Mm-hm," I grunted in agreement.

"This is going to ruin me you know, ruin regular sex. Nothing else is going to be quite as interesting."

Her hands seemed to be all over my back and shoulders, tracing my skin with the tips of her fingernails. I was mostly watching her face as we fucked, loving the way the corner of her mouth twitched upward every time I bottomed out inside her.

"Maybe you need to... find someone with a... sister fetish," I panted.

"Mmm, maybe. Something to think about."

We were both approaching orgasm, or at least I assumed Elizabeth was too by the small whimpering noise she had started making. One of her hands moved down to her clit and began rubbing it frantically as she grew closer.

"Oh fuck," she breathed as she came.

The muscles in her pussy convulsed around me as a look of pure ecstasy washed over her face. It was that look that did it for me I think, that look of pure sexual bliss that I given to my little sister. I let my cum spurt inside her as she gazed at me adoringly with a satisfied smile on her face.

I rolled off of her and lay staring at the ceiling for perhaps a moment or two before Elizabeth broke the silence.

"Feels nice having your cum inside me," she told me. "So dirty. Might leave it there for a while, feel it squishing around."

"Oh god, shut up Liz. You're gonna get me hard again and we'll be here all day."

"There are worse ways to spend time though, aren't there?" she asked, crawling over to me.

There certainly were worse fates imaginable I conceded mentally. And besides, it was a long time until next summer.

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ScottishTexanScottishTexan7 months ago

I absolutely loved it. But I would have enjoyed more girl on girl action and more of the sibling love. It needs to be twice as long. As it stands, it was just a tease. 😜

There's a strong possibility that I have read this one before now. I'll have to cull back through the comments and see what I might have said before. I know that I have grown far more critical in the past year and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good premise.

But too much back story and not enough sex with details, details, details.

Sex just seems to start and then finish much too soon.

Three stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The best story ever

This has been pure enjoyment reading your story, I honestly believe this could really take place, in this day and age we live in. You are a master writer I suspect.

JagnagJagnagover 5 years ago
WoW what a turn on ...

Talk about hard as nails, damn that story was just one of the best ever ive resd on here 5*

blackknight314blackknight314about 7 years ago
Lucky guy finding a gal like Rachel.

A role player and someone to facilitate him getting his sister as well. I am sure there will be 3somes and maybe 4somes in their futures.

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