Twisted Twins

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Brother and sisters fooling around has lasting effects
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"Are you sure it would be okay, what if there was like some sort of paradox or something?" Lynn wondered.

"I'm sure reality won't be warped; besides we can't be virgins forever. I mean could we get any closer? When the time has come, we'll have some experience established," Lance replied.

"I don't think it's a real great idea..." Lynn started.

"...because we are brother and sister, because it's incest and wrong. Even though you have thought about it, sis," Lance spoke matter of factly.

"I haven't thought about it, lies... slander," Lynn whined.

"Twin link. That special connection that twins have that..." Lance started.

"...that gives off a rather sixth sense when one is hurt or read each others thoughts, finished each others sentences...blah," Lynn finished.

"You doubt the twin link?!" Lance looked bewildered.

"I don't accept it, okay? I know it happens, but c'mon, seriously?" Lynn exclaimed.

"Here we are on the couch, last few days before college, mom and dad won't be back till Sunday. I know you've been thinking about it ever since you barged in on me jacking off that day. I see it in your eyes. You got me thinking about it. I keep having dreams about it, trying to avoid it. We've both seen porn, I think we have somewhat of an idea of how to have sex. I know you read those trashy romance novels," Lance said.

"Okay, you're right, but it's just gross. Fucking you is just a fantasy- a nasty dirty fantasy that should never happen that I can't get out of my fucking head. Yes, I'm thinking about it now, don't judge me," Lynn said.

"You want it so bad, I really never liked the idea, you don't want to do it, and I- the one who was grossed out on the inkling I got from you has just figured it'd be an interesting experiment, yet you're the one who can't follow through?" Lance shrugged.

"You're my brother, Lance," Lynn yelled."I don't know what kinda Pandora's Box we're trying to open here."

Lance stares at her pretty hard for a moment before getting up and going upstairs. Lynn watches him walk up the steps before she reaches down her pants and rubs her clit hard. Just thinking about something so taboo even the argument they just had, turned her on. She inserts two fingers and rubs her clit hard with her thumb as the shower turns on, resting her legs on the coffee table as she cums. She feels it drip in to her panties and goes upstairs to change.

"Hey, only a few days left, college will be great, less time spent together to get this nasty thoughts from our heads!" Lynn yells at the bathroom door.

"What'd you say, Lynn," Lance asked.

"I said; it would be better off in college, when we won't be so close to think about such shit!" Lynn yells.

"I can barely hear you!" Lance yells.

"Oh sweet Goddess," Lynn sighs walking in.

She could see his profile, nearly clearly through the shower door and chills ran down her back, he slid the door open.

"What are you talking about?" Lance asked.

"I said it will be better once college starts. We won't have time for each other and won't be thinking about sleeping together," Lynn walked closer.

Lance saw her nipples poking through her sports bra and t-shirt, he just stared at them. He placed a foot on the side of the tub, just behind the door guide, grabbing her by the hands and pulled her close for a kiss. She reached for his hands, drawn closer taking him in embrace as they kissed. Once she realized it was all she dreamed about, she pulled away, letting him go. He stepped out of the shower as she backed up, pushed the door to the bathroom shut as she opened it. "Why stop now, let's just do it." He held the small of her back, still pushing on the door, kissing her.

"Stop it Lance," Lynn broke away.

"Whatever, you got me thinking about this bullshit. It's your fault and you can't take what you desire? Fuck it then," Lance stepped back in the shower.

Later that night, Lynn woke up with a strange feeling. She walked to Lances room and faintly heard the television set. She opened the door to see him watching porn, slowly stroking himself. He caught a glimpse and turned to see her standing in the doorway in her little footie socks and a long nightshirt depicting Garfield the Cat with a giant mug of coffee, saying I'll just have one cup of coffee. He quickly covered up as she walked slowly to his bed. She yanked the covers back and crawled on top of him.

"Dust off a condom, so I can have it," she whispered to him.

He reached under his bed and grabbed a condom out of a shoebox, she scooted back far enough for him to put it on. She lifted her shirt and a leg and forced him inside. He just stared at her as she bit her bottom lip and sat down on him. He knew she was thinking; let's try it and get it over with, like in the porn and books. She started to slowly bounce up and down. There was a little blood as her hyman broke. As her breathing got harder and more erratic, he slowly guided his hands under her shirt, curious about the feel of her breast. He briefly held her by the waist, gently squeezing as his breathing soon matched hers. He reached for her breast, cupping each in his hands, squeezing both. He pinched her nipples and she let out a small gasp, nodding her head. It was as if the harder he pinched, his almost seemed to react with hers. She smiled as he pinched, tugged, and tweaked her nipples. He lifted and slid his legs forward, causing her to lean closer. She buried her chin in his shoulder; they both started to moan harder and harder till the moans broke in to screams and yells. He grabbed her shoulders pushing down as he thrusted in as hard as she pushed back as they both looked in to each other's eyes briefly when they climaxed heavy and hard. A new link has been made.

A week and a half later, Lance and Lynn are sitting in the parking lot, sitting in his seventy-two Sergio Avant discussing the college journey.

"I can't believe this place doesn't have co-ed dorms, I'll never get any pussy," Lance looked around. "I cannot be a twenty-one year old virgin."

"Please, if you're not getting sex, I'm not either. We look damn near the same, stop bitching," Lynn eyed him.

"Whatever, I'm sure you'll get some, especially after you master giving head. You kinda suck though," Lance replied.

"Never talk about that again! We did it and it's over. Hopefully we won't have time for that anymore," Lynn spoke sternly.

"Right. You're right, it's starting fresh time, time to establish new reps. What if our high school classmates are here, ruin every fucking thing!" Lance wondered.

"No, new start, Lance; no one is gonna take this from us, no more the outcast," she looked at her arm. "No more cutting, no more any of that. School work and parties and sex!"

"Right! Think I should cut my hair?" Lance wondered.

"No, I think you should form a band- may be your only hope," Lynn laughed.

"Let's just do this before all the good shit is taken," Lance opened the door.

They walk to the student pavilion to get there dorms, assignments, and classes. Lynn got one of the carts for her luggage and went to her dorm in the east tower.

"Hey, I guess you're the new roomy, huh?" Some hipster chick asked.

"Yeah, I'm Lynn. Gonna be your roommate and stuff," she smiled.

"Your room is back there, the kitchen is over there and the bathroom is the door to the right of your room. Oh and my name is Daisy. The other girl is Raven," Daisy said.

"Sounds hot, I mean I like the name...Raven...fierce," Lynn thought aloud.

"She's like this goth or something, but she's cool," Daisy said. "So, you got a ride or what?"

"I gotta motorcycle, I know it's not practical but I had to have it," Lynn explained.

"Oh, what is it?"Daisy asked.

"Skyjammer." She said.

Lance has almost finished unpacking before getting hungry, he bumps in to one of his roommates as he heads out.

"Whassup, brah, my names Trey, gon't be roomies, dawg," Trey held out his fist.

"Lance, bro," completing the fist bump. "Man, I'm about to head to the cafeteria, eat up. Yall don't mind if I practice my guitar do you?"

"Shit, I'm usually makin beats and messin around with my equipment, so I won't hear shit outside my headphones," Trey said.

"Awesome, just awesome. I ain't ate since we left home," Lance said.

"We, who's we?" Trey asked.

"My twin sister. We both got in to this place," Lance replied.

"Shit, hook me up man!" Trey flashed a smile.

"Come with me, if we can find her, I bet she does black dudes," Lance said.

What white girl doesn't?" Trey laughed.

After the cafeteria, Lance and Trey saw some people running outside and decided to follow suit. Outside, Lynn was doing a few tricks on her bike.

"Yo, that girl got skills! Man I gotta get with that!" Trey yelled.

"That sir, is my sister, Lynn. Why don't you try and talk to her, while I take the motorcycle trailer back to the rental place," Lance said.

Lynn saw him and gunned the bike toward him and Trey, pulling a stoppie inches from her brother. Trey was ready to dodge it.

"Hey Lance, who is this dark mocha guy?" Lynn asked.

" Trey- my roommate. Why don't you get to know him while I take the trailer back?" Lance said.

Lynn flashed a smile and a giggle, "I'm Lynn, and I ride a bike."

"Girl, you make that bike your bitch. You do stunts and shit?" Trey asked.

"Not really, it's more of a race bike. I don't really like showing off with it, I got way too much money in it," Lynn said.

"So I'm doin a concert tonight, you should go. Shits gon't be tight, yo!" Trey said.

"I don't listen to a lot of rap," Lynn said.

"Shit, I play more than just rap. Besides, I gotta have yo fine ass there at the concert, I mean, not tryin ta disrespect or anything, but I could just eat that thick ass apple bottom," Trey said.

"I've never had a guy say that before. I've never really had a guy look at me, I'm like punk-hipster and I guess it scares guys," Lynn said.

"Shit," Trey laughed. "I would be all up in that."

"Really, seriously?" Lynn asked.

"Hey-yell yeah, right now," Trey yelled.

"You should hop on my bike," Lynn whispered.

"For what?" Trey asked.

"I want to be fucked by a real man and consecrate my room. Hop on my bike," Lynn said.

Trey climbed on the back, it screamed to life as she cut thru the buildings to the parking lot of her tower. She parked on the sidewalk and attacked him in the elevator. Kissing him and forcing his hand down her pants. Lance is unhooking the rental trailer and feels himself have a mild erection.

"Girl, you ain't even made you bed yet," Trey laughed.

"Now I won't hafta remake it," she squeezed from her jeans.

"You mean business, don'cha?" Trey laughed.

"Yes, I do. Show me your tongue work like you said an after the concert I'll show you mine," Lynn flirted.

She grabbed his head and kissed him, pulling him down. Trey bites her neck, sucking hard. Biting her shoulder before playing with her nipples. Lance felt a burning pain retching across his neck that ended as quick as it started.

"What the fuck was that," he wondered as his nipples started to irritate him. He rubbed his chest and took his shirt off and it didn't stop.

Lynn loves how he sucks and bites her nipples. He goes down on her and she is losing her mind. Lance is squirming all over the car missing shifts. Lance feels both nipples are acting as if ice cubes are being rubbed on them. He ejaculates a little in his pants as he frantically tries to figure out this problem he's having. Then his ass starts to really bother him and his erection doesn't subside- only grows more. Trey has Lynn really grabbing the edges of the mattress as he chows down on her little hole. She tries hard to stay relaxed as he tongue fucks her. People are staring at him as he tries to make it back. Lances dick throbs and presses against his pants, the precum doesn't stop, his ass tingles. His legs spasm, Lynn's back flexes, pushing in to Treys head as he starts to go from anus to twat.

"I think you might be getting lucky tonight," moaned Lynn.

"They said the weather in Velocity fucks with your allergies, but this is fuckin stupid," Lance gasped.

Trey flips her to her back and dives exclusively in her twat, pushing hard on her clit as he wiggles his tongue. Her orgasm builds as Lances is a slow continuum. Her cum puddles in her pussy as his soaks his pants. Lance grips the steering wheel hard as he reaches climax with his sister.

"What the fuck just happened to me?!" Lance yelled.

"Awesome concert tonight Trey! How do you mix like that?" Lynn exclaimed.

"Shit, simple secret is I mix new joints and hits with obscure shit-all I can say," Trey smiled.

"How about when you're done with all this, meet me at my place. You talked the talk, so let's walk the walk," Lynn glared.

"Fa-sho, load up the whip and then load up dat pussy! I know it's gotta be good, shoulda seen what I did to this one chick I picked up after all that," Trey said.

Lynn walks in to Daisy with the living room t.v. blaring; "why is the t.v. so loud?"

"You don't hear all that noise, apparently Raven is like in to BDSM or something. Sounds like a horror movie in there," she said.

"Well, I got somebody coming over too. I could give you my brothers number and you could join the party," Lynn smiled.

I'm fine... so not horny right now. I want to go to sleep," Daisy yawned.

Lynn takes a quick shower, sports bra and tiny shorts. She sits in the living room and tries to focus on whatever is going on in Ravens room for twenty minutes before a knock at the door.

"Lynn-baby, I hope you ready," Trey walked in.

"Of course, I made the bed too," she giggled.

Daisy watched the door shut with eyes rolled. Lynn swoons over Trey as he undresses, decent six pack, smelling zestfully clean. She quickly undresses herself, flat stomach and perky breast. Sitting on the bed, she pulls him over and takes him in her mouth as she tells herself; lips closed and teeth open he grows full length as she chokes through till her mouth his numb. He shoves her down and lifts her legs as she moans something about not this again. He licks, sucks, tongues her pussy, back arched, moaning, legs shaking, arms waving. She scoots up on the bed, Trey in pursuit, takes to nibbling on her nipples. He grabs her hips and forces himself in slow and hard. She felt him fill every crevice- much bigger than her brother. She held on tight, as the sensation of him breaching her stomach was replaced with pure joy. On his knees he hit her harder and faster, she clenched tight as they both moaned and screamed. His dick started to slurp from her first orgasm. He pulled out of what was nearly tight as her ass, to a gaping wide mouth hungry for more.

"Get on up here and ride this dick," Trey ordered.

He watched her drip as she climbed up and eased him back inside. She sat as low as she could, nearly too weak to tighten around him, she was still tight around him as she bounced. Figured he liked it rough, she bounced hard with a constant sensation, Trey bit his lip as her body moved through his hands. Lynn belted out one orgasm after another before her legs and back refused to hold her up. She fell to kiss him as he matched her pace, as much as he wants to get that doggystyle, he enjoys the ride. There's always tomorrow for that. He grabs a handful of her ass before he finally reaches that point and bust in her hard.

Lance wakes up the next morning , walks in the bathroom to see the dried cum on his face, down to his crotch.

"How's the college life, bro," asked Lynn.

"I haven't gotten a single girl yet. Not only that, but I've been having issues..." sighed Lance.

"Well, it's only been a couple weeks. Of course you're gonna have issues," she hugged.

"No, I've been having bodily issues. Nerves or something...allergies," he said.

"Like what?" Lynn wondered.

"I keep having neck pains and chest pains, and something else," he explained. "The nurse has no idea what it is."

"Well, I don't either. I could try and hook you up with one of my roommates," Lynn offered.

"I guess..." Lance said.

"I'll see what I can do. In the mean time, I found out about some street races and I'm gonna check it out tonight," Lynn said.

"Yeah, I got music to write and there's this party tonight," Lance replied.

Later that night, Lynn was taking a shower before she left and as she stood, enjoying the hot water beat off her skin, something was giving her a peeing sensation. She backed from the stream slightly to see what was going on. She felt an orgasm build as she started to soap herself. Maybe it was sensitivity from all the sex, she thought as she cleaned down there. Lance is in his room before the party slowly masturbating to match length to the porn he's watching. Slowly and fast he jacks off, massaging his balls and rubbing the head. Lynn leans on one of the shower walls as her knees try to give way. Lance slowly speeds up as the video marker comes close to ending the video. Lynn's knees buckle and give way, she sits in the shower feeling faint as Lance strokes harder and harder. She drips and drips as she struggles on her hands and knees. Her breathing is hard as he starts to cum. Lance squirts on his stomach. Her body convulses as she squirts two hard squirts. Lynn catches her breath only thinking how she's never been turned on by a simple shower before.

Lance cleans up and dresses for the party. Once arrived, a few drinks later, he works his game. Takes his time, girl after girl, until he ran across the one drunk chick- it was on. He walked up with two drinks just to make sure she was drunk enough. Hitting the erogenous zones he read about and tested on his sister, they made their way, searching, found a secluded room and took to a couch. Sloppy kisses, tugging at clothes, fumbling fingers. He's horny before her top comes off. He lifts her skirt, pulling her panties off, she jumps the gun before he's even undressed.

"This will do nicely," she said, pulling his dick through his pants. "Too slow, guy."

She jumps in his lap, pushing him inside with a sigh of relief between the both of them. She takes it slow and hard, Lance isn't giving a fuck- it's about damn time. He stares at those bouncing breast, pulling them from the bra, seeing something he has never seen, inverted nipples. Lynn just finished suiting up for her race before feeling a stabbing pain in her groin. She tugged at her leathers, as it went from pain to joy, there was like a slow throb.

"You're gonna need to work at those girls to get them out," she slurred.

Lance tongued her nipple, which seemed to give as much pleasure as sucking on it, he begun to suck, partly curious to how big her nipples were, and because the chance was there. Before he knew it, both were out, he was biting them, and each bite made her clench up. Every time she clenched, Lynn felt it, every time she felt it, she got hornier. Lance rolled the girl over on the couch, finished pulling his pants down, Lynn felt ever stroke of his dick, as he kept himself hard, before going back in. He lined up the tip before slamming it in.

"Oh my god, what is going on with me," Lynn wondered. "Is this shit hereditary?"

"Slam that pussy, ung yeah, slam it, slam it hard," she yelled.

Lynn's nipples pressed hard through her shirt and jacket, sweat poured down as she struggled to keep standing. Lance flipped the drunk girl doggystyle, pulling her arms behind her back, pounding quickly. Lynn crawls to the door panting hard, reaching for theknob.

Lance is concentrating hard, trying not to cum before she does at such a rate of speed. Lynn straddles the door frame.

"Hey, are you okay, you don't look good," Daisy asked.

"I'm okay... I think," Lynn gasped. "It should pass, vertigo or something,"

"I'm about to cum hard as fuck, guy," she gasped. "Fuckin aye, man! Ooohh fuckin aye!"