Two Girls, One Canister


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At last, Faye had recovered herself enough to break the silence. "Wow," she said simply. "I... I don't think I've come like that in a long time."

" neither," Izzy breathed after a moment. "Maybe never. But I always wanted to..."

Faye grinned. "I think we'd all want to," she said nonchalantly. "But... I mean, we've never done anything like this before..."

"I know... but, I can't help but think, why not? There's nothing wrong with it, is there?"

Faye tried to think. She supposed if you'd said to her before today, is it normal for two friends who live together to also masturbate together, she'd have... well she'd have gotten very quiet and red in the face, because that person would have just described a sexual fantasy she'd had since freshman year. But she'd have said no, because there are some boundaries that you don't cross with your friends, aren't there?

But now, bathed in the post-orgasmic glow of the realisation of a years-long fantasy, she couldn't see it as anything other than completely natural.

"No," she said happily, "I don't think we did anything wrong at all."

There was silence between them, as Faye replayed the previous thoughts, the ones she'd had about boundaries between friends, and in her mind some very surprising doors suddenly opened wide.

"Have you... ever done anything like this before, with anyone else?" she asked cautiously.

Izzy laughed. "No!" she admitted cheerily. "I was always too uptight to even think of anything like that."

Faye laughed too. There was a microscopic nervous tint to her laughter, but then it passed. "So you've never done... anything with another woman before."

"No," Izzy said after a long, thoughtful moment. "Have... have you?"

Faye's pulse quickened slightly, but then that same comfortable, warm, relaxed feeling spread from her core throughout her whole body.

"No," she said happily. "But I always wanted to."

"Really? I didn't know," Izzy replied easily.

"It's true." Faye took a deep, sighing breath. "In fact, for pretty much the whole time I've known you I always wanted to make love to you."

What's going on with me, she thought to herself. She'd never been able to admit that thought to herself before, and here she was telling the very person that it was about? She should have been embarrassed, awkward, afraid, uncertain of her friend's reaction but expecting, nonetheless, that it would be one that would leave no doubt that such a disclosure had been a terrible mistake. Instead she felt calm, even happy, as the words left her lips.

"To me?" Izzy echoed.

Faye raised her head and nodded. "Uh-huh. In fact... I'm just realising, I've had massive crushes on you... and Wendy, and pretty much every other girl I'm friends with, for years now. I just... kept it locked away, like I didn't want to admit it, not even inside my own head. But now... I dunno, I just feel different today. Like I don't need to worry any more about what other people think. And I think... I want to fuck another woman."

Izzy laughed. "Okay," she said.


"Okay. I'm with you. We should make love."

"You're... you're kidding me, right?"

Izzy shook her head. "No," she assured her friend. And she turned to Faye, leaned forward and, before the surprised girl knew what was happening, kissed her on the mouth.

Eyes wide but happy, Faye pulled away. "Oh my God," she breathed, "is this for real?"

Izzy nodded. "It's weird. I suppose I've always been curious, like I always wondered what it would be like to go with another girl, but I never had the nerve to go through with it. Like, what if I got it wrong, what if I went up to a girl in a bar and tried to flirt with her and she wasn't into... that? Or what if, when it came down to it, I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing? Or what if I didn't like it? There were... a lot of what ifs, and I would just get so anxious about the idea that I figured I'd never go through with it.

"But for some reason, today none of that bothers me. I feel... so chill."

"So you wanna?"

"God, yes."

"And if you... don't like it?"

Izzy leaned forward and kissed Faye again. "Somehow," she breathed, "I don't think that's gonna be a problem."

Izzy's kisses were everything Faye had hoped for. Her soft, velvet mouth opened, admitting Faye's tongue, as they fell passionately back onto the couch. She could feel Izzy's naked body against her own almost bare form - the warmth and uniform softness of her uncovered skin. She pressed harder against her, years of repressed passion suddenly yearning to be unleashed.

The two girls' hands explored each other; the new, unfamiliar territory, so different to being with a man. Kisses on the lips, along the neck, behind the ears. Faye's hands found her roommate's breasts, soft, yielding to her touch; perfect flawless curves. Her nipples flushed darker, swelling beneath Faye's fingers.

She felt Izzy's hand at her back then, reaching up and, with surprising skill for one who had presumably never done this before to another girl, unfastening the clasp of Faye's bra. She felt the elastic straps loosen, and she slackened their embrace briefly to let the garment slip from her chest, and thread it off of her arms.

Now Izzy had full access to Faye's freckled breasts, and she explored the twin small peaks with gusto, teasing her nipples in a manner that brought forth a gasp from Faye. Izzy lowered her head, placing her mouth on the left one, running her warm tongue over the skin - then, suddenly, with light in her eyes, she bit down, making Faye squeal with delight.

"Bitch," she laughed, and pushing Izzy down she propelled her eager mouth toward her roommate's breasts, intending to pay back in kind. But Izzy's soft curves were too much for her happy mouth, and instead she found herself compelled to suck, suck, suck until Izzy was sighing happily.

Faye's mouth was on Izzy's body now, and she knew that was where she wanted it to stay. By mutual instinct the girls shifted position, Izzy leaning back on the couch, her slender roommate nestling between her legs. Kisses to Izzy's breasts turned to butterfly lips moving down her flank and stomach, Faye's heart in her chest feeling tight with excitement.

She had longed for this moment, secretly, anxiously, and now it was finally here. Her desire to taste another girl, to know the silken wetness of another woman beneath her tongue, to fill her nostrils with the warm, enticing scent; that was all she knew now. She kissed Izzy's thighs and pressed her happy face to her friend's sex.

Izzy had just shaved herself, in the shower that morning, her skin nude of hair, flawless, delicious. Faye sucked on the smooth, soft outer lips, rolling them between her lips, her mouth watering. Izzy tasted better than Faye had ever imagined. Driven and passionate, she pressed on, her tongue parting the soft curtain of Izzy's vulva, licking and teasing the wrinkled, slick labia behind, probing for openings, and then lapping upwards to alight upon her swollen, eager clit.


Izzy gasped as Faye ate her. Her friend had never done this before? Well then her instinct was perfect.

She moaned happily as Faye licked, kissed and sucked at the parts of her most precious centre. It was best when the rhythmic, circling tongue alighted on her clit. "That's it... don't stop," she gasped to the strawberry blonde head bobbing between her thighs. Smiling eyes looked up at her and then Faye really went to town, licking, circling and sucking on her clit with her perfect, skilful mouth.

Nothing more needed to happen, and soon Izzy was coming, bucking and shaking as her second orgasm of the morning gushed through her. But unlike the self-induced effort she had enjoyed earlier, this time with release came reflexive, wordless cries and affirmative shouts, letting her new lover know just how well she had done.

At last, when she could bear no more, Faye lifted her smiling head. "You liked that?" she asked needlessly; all Izzy could do in return was nod.

But there was no respite needed or wanted. Izzy wrapped her legs around the kneeling Faye, urging her upwards, back on to the couch, back into her embrace. She kissed the wet mouth of her friend, tasting on the other girl her own scent and flavour, thrilled by this new intimacy between them. Why had she ever waited this long to experience such pleasure? Why had she hesitated, why had she ever been afraid?

Izzy pulled Faye's slender body against her own, hands finding the girl's petite, tight ass. An unwelcome change in texture then - a transition from the smoothness of her skin to the soft cotton of her panties. Well, that would never do - Faye should be naked like her, naked always, a pale, freckled and elfin priestess to perform worship and be worshipped in return.

She slid her hand into the panties and tugged at them. Understanding, Fay broke free, kneeling up on the couch, pulling down her underwear. Izzy saw the clinging kiss as the panties parted from her lover's cunt lips - Faye had soaked her panties with her wetness. Then they were gone, tossed away with the rest of her clothes, and both were equal in nudity. This simple act inflamed even greater passion in the two girls and the fell into a squirming, writhing embrace that rolled from the couch and onto the floor.

Hard thought the living room floor was, Izzy felt no discomfort, as she wound her limbs around Faye, kissing her over and over. Hands explored again and this time, finally, Izzy followed the fuzzy trail of hair to Faye's pussy. The wetness, the hair slick with sweat and with her juices, excited her, enticed her to spread her legs so that Faye could grind between them, rubbing her slender thigh against the throbbing of Izzy's own cunt. There, on the floor they kissed and moaned and stroked in bliss, until at last Faye was coming again, crushing Izzy close, actual tears of happiness in her eyes as she gave in to the release; and then Izzy was coming too, her lover's ecstasy contagious, and finally exhausted, both collapsed back on to the floor in a heap of sweat-slick, tangled limbs.

Entranced in their lust, neither noticed, neither noticed, nestling in the dark space beneath the couch, a canister made of metal and glass, a minute crack in its shiny surface, releasing the final clouds of its invisible, undetectable payload - a payload they had been breathing inside the house for several hours but which was now being inhaled, with every breath, almost directly into their dazed and happy faces.


They'd slumbered, awaking in early afternoon, still entwined in a happy embrace. Dialogue at first was impossible; only murmured noises of contentment and mutual pleasure could escape the girls' mouths. Then, at last, the power of speech returned, and with it a sense of amazement at the morning's events.

"That was..." Izzy began.

Faye nodded. "Yeah," she answered.

"I have never, never felt so good," Izzy continued.

"Me neither," Faye sleepily replied. "Thank you."

Izzy laughed. "I should be thanking you, that was something I always wanted but never thought would happen."

"You took the words out of my mouth."

Izzy sat up, attempting to rearrange her dishevelled hair. "What the heck has got into us today?" she asked, not unreasonably. "I mean, I'm not complaining, but how did we get here?"

"I don't know, but I'm glad it happened."

"Me too. It just... it feels like a day for doing everything I always wanted to."

"You said it." Faye said, sitting up. "So what should we do now?"

Izzy grinned. "You wanna go again?"

Faye laughed. "Do I ever!"

"So do we just do the same? Or..."

"I guess?" Faye smiled.

Izzy was quiet for a moment, then her eyes widened a little. "Faye?"


"Have you ever thought about doing anything... y'know... harder?"

Faye frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, like, you and me, two women, but... more than just tongues and fingers. More intense. Rougher. With... extras."

"You mean, like, we lube up a cucumber?"

"Kind of... but I mean, more like... something you, uh, wear..."

Realisation dawned on Faye. "Ohhhhh," she said in recognition. "Yes. One hundred per cent yes. Absolutely. Let's do that. I wanna do that."

"Okay. Do you have one?"

"Babe, I'm as new to this as you are, remember?"

Izzy grinned goofily. "Oh, yeah. I guess we're gonna have to go to the store." She pouted. "It's a shame, I was really getting into the idea of not wearing clothes at all today."

Faye was silent for a moment, then a wicked, sinful smile spread across her face. "Who says we have to?" she asked.

Izzy's eyes widened. "Faye, are you suggesting we go outside... naked?"

Faye grinned wider. "Haven't you always wanted to?" she asked. "I know I have. Just walk out in public absolutely bare ass naked, letting people see everything. Tell me that doesn't turn you on?"

Izzy smiled. "It does," she admitted. "I always wanted to be so bold and brave that I could even do something like that, you know? Just not care at all what people think of me." She frowned. "But we can't Faye. We'll get busted, we can't just go to the store naked."

"Who says we can't?" Faye argued. "Look, we're not going to go to just any store. If we want... one of those, we're gonna have to go to an adult store. A sex store. And they aren't exactly gonna complain there if two naked babes walk in, I mean I bet those places are full of pictures and videos of naked women so it would be damn hypocritical of them to get mad at the real thing."

Izzy laughed. "You've got a point," she admitted. "And we'll take your car. It's not like we're talking about walking there."

"Exactly. All we are gonna do is walk across a parking lot naked, go into a little store where they'll I'm sure be very happy to see us, especially you with those magnificent tits, then walk out and then we can be back home here before anyone can complain."

Izzy considered how she felt. It was beyond strange. Something told her the thought of public nudity should fill her with worry, doubt, perhaps even fear. I mean, didn't you get that dream where you're back in high school naked and sitting an exam you never studied for? Not to mention the fact that she'd never even worn revealing clothes in the past before. And now she was seriously entertaining going out of the house with nothing but her purse, bare ass nude for the world to see - and she didn't feel in the least bit like she couldn't. In fact, it felt exciting.

"Okay," she answered, grabbing her purse from the coffee table. "Let's do it."


Naked and barefoot, the two roommates stepped out on to the front porch of their house, the door closing behind them. It was a warm afternoon in May, and the hot air felt pleasant and enticing on their bare skin.

They lived in a nondescript and quiet neighbourhood and there weren't any immediate witnesses to the beginning of their nude adventure, but as they walked down to the driveway several vehicles passed up and down on the road.

Had the drivers of those cars seen them? Faye couldn't say - but it was thrilling to think that they had.

There was a part of her that couldn't believe her own bravery. The idea of going naked in public had been an occasional fantasy she'd played out in her head - she hadn't thought about it in a while, but it had been part of her repertoire of sexual thoughts since her teens. She'd never dared to, of course, but she'd wondered, sometimes, late at night, laying in bed, hand between her legs, how it might feel to walk naked into a place where people were expecting you, and everyone else, to wear clothes. To have people looking at her breasts, her ass, her pussy, and to be completely bold and say "here it is y'all, feast your eyes."

And now she was actually about to do it - and so, too, was Izzy! It was beyond her imagination that Izzy would be naked beside her when she lived out this fantasy - and incredible that she'd agreed to play along so easily. Perhaps Izzy had a secret exhibitionist side of her own, thought Faye, recalling that the catalyst for all of this had been her roommate coming downstairs butt naked.

Somehow that thrilled her more - the idea of her gorgeous roommate parading naked for all to see. Her heart was still a-flutter from their love-making, and she craved more - this was going to be an exercise in prolonging that excitement, the pay-off something utterly delicious.

They unlocked Faye's car and got in, the unfamiliar sensation of the hot car seats stinging their bare skin as they sat down. Seated in the car, they had a bit of cover - it wouldn't help if for some reason they got pulled over, but they could drive naked to the store without worrying too much that their little adventure would be brought to a premature end.

It was that, really, that was Faye's only concern. She had no feeling of embarrassment or nervousness at the thought of being seen out in public in her bare skin - only a sense of eager anticipation and a desire to follow it through, to achieve the maximum of this experience, and she didn't want a cop or local prude to spoil this for them. She hadn't gone completely mad - she knew public nudity was taboo, frowned upon, probably forbidden under law. What she didn't see now is why she should care at all.

There was a triple-x store in a strip mall only a couple of miles from their house and they soon reached it, untroubled by the light mid-afternoon traffic. Faye pulled in to the parking lot and glanced across at her naked friend.

"This is so crazy," she said, thinking out loud.

Izzy nodded. "I can't believe we're gonna do this."

"Me either. But you want to, right?"

"I do, oh my God I do, believe me. I just... I don't know why I want to do it."

Faye smiled. "I hear that. But I guess I always wanted to do something wild like this, I just never had the courage to before. Or, someone to do it with."

Izzy leaned over and kissed Faye on the mouth, a kiss that lasted a long time. Eventually they separated again.

"Let's do this, then," she said. "Let's go."

They got out of the car at the same time, the warm rough asphalt of the parking lot shocking their bare feet. Izzy closed her door and made her way, a little awkwardly, her feet slow to adjust, to the driver's side, and Faye. They stood for a moment, nude together by their car.

At first nobody noticed them. The strip mall was not busy, and naked girls were not a sight the few people visiting were expecting to see, so they weren't exactly looking around in search of them. It was only as they were walking towards the small, shutter-windowed adult store at the far corner of the mall that a few heads turned to observe them, a few eyes opened wider in disbelief.

They were soon at the door of the store, though.

"That wasn't too bad," Izzy began.

"Nah, it was quick," Faye concurred. Then she grinned a little. "Almost... too quick."

"What do you mean?" Izzy asked.

"Well..." Faye began, her grin broadening. "It seems a shame to come out here like this and just do a quick dash from the car to the store."

"But Faye, honey, we're naked, that's why weren't going to hang around."

"I know, I know. But... don't you want to? Just a little? Make it last a bit longer, I mean..."

Izzy smiled, a little shyly. "I don't know..." she hesitated.

"Okay, okay. But give me one thing."


"I'm thirsty. Can we go to the 7-11 and get a drink before we go into the sex store?"

Izzy looked about her. A few people were starting to gather, a way off, pointing at them and speaking to one another. The 7-11 was across the other side of the parking lot from them, but really it was no distance to cover.

"Okay," she said, her cheeks reddening a little.

"You want to? For sure?"

"I want to."

The two made their way along the sunlit sidewalk to the store. Faye could feel people's eyes on her now. She wondered why she had no compulsion to hide her body. She wasn't just nude in public, she was acting as if this was a completely normal thing to do. She wasn't running or trying to hide herself with her hands the way one might if they were embarrassed to be caught out in such a situation as this. Izzy, beside her, was the same, walking with arms loose, holding Faye's hand, her beautiful breasts bouncing and swaying slightly with each step.