Two Seductions?? Ch. 03


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They each got ready for bed in silence, deep in their own thoughts. Jon was thinking that this time she had told him the whole truth, or he assumed she had anyway. He didn't know everything that had happened between her and Steve, but what Brittany had explained about last night pretty much agreed with what Jane had told him. She had watched them interacting after she had moved on after greeting Brittany. Later, she had run into Jon's brother out with his wife. They had recognized each other from the wedding and Jane had asked him for Jon's cell phone number. She had called Jon to tell him of her concerns.

Brittany had also told Jon everything that Jon had seen tonight, and even more that he hadn't seen or heard. Since she had been truthful concerning the parts Jon knew about, he believed she had told him everything. That was a relief. Of course, he still had been angry and hurt by what she had done, angry enough that he had considered sleeping on the couch. He had halfway decided he wouldn't, when she pleaded for him not to. He wasn't upset enough to be immune to her pleas. He would have been if she had gone all the way with that bastard, but not now.

Once in bed, they settled in, and he decided to spend a few seconds doing something he hadn't done in ages, Thank God for something. Even though she had gone a lot further than he was comfortable with, and she seemed to partially blame him for what she did do, Brittany had stopped herself before even giving that guy a blowjob, much less fucking him and Jon was grateful.

A few seconds after he settled in under the covers, and closed his eyes to go to sleep, he heard her sniff twice, then he heard something else he wasn't sure what it was. A few seconds later, there was another sniffle and the same sound. He realized it was a very quiet sob. She was crying and sounding like she was trying not to disturb him as she was.

He turned around and touched her shoulder, "What's the matter honey?" he asked in a gentle tone.

He had an idea of course, but wasn't sure what else to say.

She rolled over and he could see tears streaming down her face.

"I almostsob ruined our relationship. I...I almost blew it tonight. I fell for his line andsob-sniff what I did do was my fault. I love you so much and I hurt your love for me."

There was a large sob; followed by more tears flowing

"It was bad enough that I almost cheated on you, but I almost ruined our marriage and destroyed your love for me."

He put his arms around her and she moved into them.

"I love you more than I can say Brittany, honey. I am upset at what you did do but my love hasn't been hurt,"

He touched her head and gently moved it so that she faced him as he looked her in the eye, "and if you had cheated I would have still loved you as much as I do now. I would be hurt and very upset but I would still love you. I got over you lying to me about what you did during your bachelorette party, so I will get over what you did tonight. You did stop yourself and this time you didn't lie, I appreciate that. I promise you that I will keep loving you."

She snuggled against his chest and said, "I love you too Jon. That was why I stopped tonight, not only because it was wrong, but because I didn't want to hurt your love for me."

"I know, and.... besides you didn't blow it tonight."

She lifted her head and looked at him funny.

"You stopped before you blew him."

She blinked, then smiled at his bad joke.

He smiled back at her and said, "That's better. I like your smiles. They light up my soul."

Her smile got bigger and more radiant and she asked, "Really?"

"Yes, you know how I feel about the rest of your body."

He touched one of her breasts and said, "You know how much these turn me on," his hand slipped to her stomach, "and even this is so beautiful and erotic" his hand slipped lower still until it cupped her pubic mound. "And this is the most sensual thing I have ever seen, but I would do almost anything for one of your smiles. They fill up my soul like nothing else."

She said, "Really?"

He nodded.

She smiled even more brightly, and snuggled down into his arms as she said softly in his ear. "With you saying things like that, no wonder I love you so much."

He wrapped his arms around her more, but at the same time, he was glad it was too dark for her to see his face. Everything he had just said was the truth, nothing that she might do would make him stop loving her and her smiles brighten his soul like very few things he had experienced in his life. However, what she did do bothered him more then he was letting on. He shook his head slightly. He was full of conflicting emotions and he wasn't sure how he would have reacted if she had fucked Steve. He was sure he wouldn't be here now, snuggling against her. Not tonight and not for many nights later. Depending on how she reacted, if it was just a one time slip, or if she had tried to lie about it, he probably would eventually forgiven her, but he thought it would have left a scar on his heart, for the rest of his life. Now though, he felt some peace and it was no use thinking of what hadn't happened.

As comfortable as both were at the moment, they would have felt a lot less comfortable if they had known that someone had been spying on them. He was now in his car driving away, but he had been on their porch again, looking through their living room window. He had arrived fifteen minutes after Brittany had gotten home. He was surprised and disappointed that Jon was home.

While watching them, he had been thinking, "I never noticed that with their bedroom door open I could see directly into their bedroom. A good view too, with the light on in there while the living room light is off. Maybe that's why I never noticed it before; their living light has always been on before. Hey! What is Jon doing home? There goes my plans damn it! I had convinced Steve to try seducing her one more time, but now he better not try again. I thought he could come over here tomorrow night, after my sister called Brittany up to say that she was wrong about Steve. Then Steve could use his mojo on her and convince her he was a nice guy after all. It won't work now."

He shook his head, saying to himself, "that had been an exciting show too, watching Steve do his mojo on her in the parking lot. He had her almost naked and allowing him to finger her cunt. I almost got off when she came and was anticipating watching her suck him... I don't how she resisted Steve's charm. Watching from that motor home had been a stroke of genius, I was able to sit on one of the upper level beds and see everything without anyone else knowing I was there. And I wasn't the only one to watch that show. I thought I saw two others in the shadows, both probably had been just as disappointed as I was, when she stopped. Well not as disappointed as I was, because I was counting on her seduction, to give me the opening I needed to carry out my plan to fuck her, and then to have her move in with me when Jon kicked her out. I would then, when she was least expecting it, kick her out, calling her a slut and a whore as I did. I still hadn't made up my mind if I would fuck her right after Steve, maybe even joining in before she knew what was happening. She likes anal and I could have snuck up behind her and pushed it up her ass while she was too excited to care. Then again, she might not have appreciated that and turned even more against me."

"Now I'm out a hundred dollars after paying him to seduce her, of course I would been out three if he had succeeded. It would have been worth it though. He shook his head and continued with hsi thoughts, After she left him, I went down and talked him into trying again tomorrow night, but now nothing."

A pause in his thinking then, "I still don't know how she was able to resist him at the end there. She should have been very horny and thinking of Steve as a friend. Brittany had been eating out of his hand but something happened. Maybe she just wasn't horny enough. Hey, now that could be it, next time I need to make sure she is hornier, extremely horny. And I know how to get Jon out of the way... Of course it wasn't a total loss tonight, the show I just watched here wasn't so bad, even though not as good as the last couple of times. Watching her lay down like that was a big turn on. When she took off her skirt, I almost shouted out loud. It is always a pleasure to see her strip. When Jon just climbed on top of her, I knew she was excited more than usual, therefore I knew that Steve had affected her after all. She was extremely horny but instead of fucking Steve, she had gone home probably to satisfy herself. That was why I came tonight to see if I could get a look at her playing with herself. I couldn't see as well as usual since they were in the bedroom instead of being in the living room, but having seen her a few times I was able to fill in the parts I could see well, like her cunt and how Jon's dick spread it apart. Very erotic, I wished I had brought a cloth with me like last time. My sister called too late to tell me She was headed home. for me to grab something, so I wasn't able to wank myself. I still don't want to leave a mess for someone to find, but still it was very good to watch. I had almost perfect view of him climbing on top of her. I couldn't see his dick actually go in as I have before but it was easy to fill in the details. And just seeing him fuck her like that was a turn on even if I couldn't see it all. He was horny too, obviously, since he hadn't had sex either for over three weeks. Some guys I know would not have waited but Jon with his backward morality would have. Now that they are done, I should go before they come out to the living room and see me."

So after saying that, the shadow dislodged himself and hurried away to his car. As he drove away he was thinking, "I need to go find Joanne. She may still be looking for an ass fuck. If she already found one, she may want another as much as she likes it. I have already had her ass and it's mighty fine, and I wouldn't mind doing it her that way again, maybe I can talk her into doing something else too. If she is not around there will be somebody there I can fuck.

I'm glad that Steve and I managed to get back into the Club before she bent over to get her purse, which was a good sight. It also helped convinced Steve to make another try for her pussy and the other two hundred dollars.

The sight of the bottom of her ass reminded me of the second time I saw them fuck. It was two months and two days after I saw them the first time. A bunch of us had gotten together and headed for the mountains for a day of relaxing. We found a place empty of people, and a little out of the way. We all had taken something to eat later, and once there set up a camp for the day. Some read, some took walks etc... Brittany and Jon were one of the couples who went off on their own after a while. I decided to follow them hoping to see them make out with some petting, since they obviously didn't mind doing that type of thing outdoors. I managed to stay out of sight and when they stopped half an hour later, I was able to get close to them. I knelt behind a larger tree that had a tall scrub growing next to it. Leaning my top half against the tree gave me a good view of them, with little chance that they would see me. There was a chance they would look at the right place of course, but I was sure most of my face would be hidden so if they did see someone they wouldn't know who it was."

Tommy then began to replay that episode in his mind once again.

They rested for a few moments, and then Brittany kissed Jon hard. He kissed back and kept the kisses going. After two or three minutes, he began to rub her breasts through her blouse. She groaned I think, and kissed him even harder. I smiled thinking; I was going to get what I wanted. Soon she rubbed his front, His back was to me so I couldn't see, but I could tell what she was doing by the position of her arm. After a minute though, I was disappointed when they stopped and started talking some more. They moved around looking at a couple bushes but after a while, he got her leaning forward against a large boulder at one end of the small clearing they were in. Suddenly, he stepped forward and reached around her. He did something I couldn't see and she let out one of her cute exclamations. Obviously, he had done something unexpected. She turned her head around as much as he could and asked in a half way concerned voice, "What are you doing?"

He said, "I think your butt is too pale it needs some sunshine" and so saying that, he repositioned his hands slightly and pulled her shorts down. He did it so fast and without warning that she gasped and said something, I didn't catch. He just shrugged his shoulders and repeated what he had said about her butt being too pale. He then pulled down her panties to join her shorts. Both were around her knees now and she tried to pull them up saying something about someone coming along but he said something I didn't catch and grabbed hold of both pieces of clothing and pulled them out of her hand. He proceeded to push them all the way down to the ground.

She said, "Hey don't get dirt in them."

He said "I won't", as he bent over and tried to pick up one of her feet.

She had balked, but he said something about getting more dirt in them and she relented, allowing him to lift a foot high enough. He carefully pulled the shorts and panties off, and then repeated it with the other foot. He straightened and shook both out carefully and gently placed them on the boulder. I got the rest of the way hard instantly. Watching him take down her shorts had gotten me half way hard but the sight of that wonderful bare ass of hers made me get a complete hard on. It must have produced the same reaction in Jon since he pressed his hips against her butt, and humped twice but then moved over slightly and kissed her. She resisted at first, while glancing down the trail they had come up. The tree I was behind was off the trail a few feet so she couldn't see me. Soon though as he kissed her harder, and ran his hands over those luscious globes of hers, she gave in and started kissing back.

I recalled how those two half moons felt, when I had been able to touch them two different times. The combined effect of seeing them even from that distance, watching Jon caress them, and remembering how they felt caused me to get a hard on that hurt while it strained against my pants. I unzipped my pants and took out my dick. However, as I ran a fist up and down it I discovered that I couldn't go down as far as I wanted since my pants were still up. That is when I decided to take the chance and slipped my pants and boxers down. As I did, I recalled the second time I got to caress her bare ass. I was able to get my fingers into her crack and rub her there. I even touched and played with her asshole. I remembered fondly, that she jumped as I rubbed it. She hadn't protested, but I didn't press my advantage either, I wished I had now. I was able to play with it for a minute or so until she told me that was enough and to please remove my hands. She said it forcefully so I removed my hand, not wanting to make her angry, but I squeezed one cheek three times before I let go. The first squeeze had been gentle, the second was harder, and the third probably had hurt some. She gave mea dirty look after the third one. I use that technique sometimes. Every time a girl tells him to remove my hands, I squeeze hard enough to hurt so sooner or later, they would stop asking to avoid me squeezing hard.

Jon obviously handled those luscious globes just the way she liked it now. She said something and Jon said "Ok", and she moved off almost to a tree and squatted down with her bare ass hanging over a small indentation in the ground. My eyes opened wider, as I realized what she was going to do and silently thanked her since her ass now faced me and in that position, I can barely make out the outline of her cunt. A few seconds later, I was proven right as a stream of piss began to flow out of that wonderful looking cunt. It flowed and flowed as my hard on got even harder. Finally, it was done and she tried shaking her bottom half before standing, then went back to her position in front of Jon.

Jon said, "You feel better now?"

After she nodded he said, "That always does turn me on." and I couldn't agree more that had been very erotic. It was no wonder she had needed to do that, as full as she must have been from the long trip up here.

Jon had his front pressed against Brittany's back again. This time though, he slipped his hands around her and up her blouse. It didn't take long for to figure out that he was also slipping his hands under her bra to grasp her tits, those beautiful, arousing tits. A few seconds later, I saw Jon's arms flex a little and I knew that Jon was now squeezing those orbs. As he continued to move his arms, I knew he was also caressing them. A few seconds later, Jon humped against her half a dozen times.

Brittany turned her head and said something I didn't catch but Jon said, "In a minute Brittany honey, I want to do something else first."

Half a minute and three more humps later, he removed his hands and knelt down behind her, she said something about his pants but he just shrugged and said that they could be cleaned. She leaned forward a bit more and he just stared at that very sexy ass of hers, probably at what was beneath it I imagined. Finally, he leaned forward and licked one of her globes. Thirty licks later, he switched to the other. Another thirty and he used his hands to spread her cheeks. She leaned forward more and Jon scrunched down into what most be an uncomfortable position I thought, but it was necessary to get to what he wanted. She was already groaning loud enough for me to hear her easily. Jon leaned forward and began to lick her, as she bent forward further, allowing him even more access to her slit. He started on her thighs just under her buttocks, slowly making his way in-between her legs. She gasped suddenly, and I knew her husband had reached her cunt. Jon spent the next five minutes, to my calculation, licking her there. He couldn't get to her clit in that position, but halfway through I saw him he reach around and he must have started rubbing it, for she stood up for second as she groaned.

A minute after he started I almost groaned out loud, as a pulse of ecstasy went through my cock. I glanced down at my shaft, and saw my own hand slide up and down it. I had been so involved with watching them, especially Brittany; I hadn't noticed that I started wanking myself. Since I could see into her crack and was sure I spotted a spot that could only be her asshole, it was no wonder I had't notice. However, there was my hand going super fast up and down my harder than hard dick. I gritted my teeth to keep from moaning out loud, as I continued to watch.

Two minutes later, her groans had gotten louder as she neared a climax and I noticed that Jon was groaning too. I looked down and Jon was rubbing the bulge in his pants. Just then, I reached my limit and I couldn't help but to groan out loud, as the first glob of my sperm shot out and hit the tree trunk, many more followed that first one with the last three not quite reaching the tree. As I relaxed, I looked at the couple to see if they had heard me, but any groans that had reached them probably had been drowned out by their own sounds.

Soon after my climax, Brittany's head reared back and she let out a loud "UGGG, Yes God yes!"

Her body spasmed as her orgasm ripped through her brain. She let out two moreUgghhs and a gasp as she relaxed. She turned her head and said something about that was good, but Jon just kept licking. Another minute he pressed two fingers into her super wet cunt, and a minute later he slowly pressed one finger into that brown spot that I had thought was her asshole. He eased it in halfway, and then began to awkwardly finger fuck her cunt and her asshole at the same time. She whipped her head forward and backward, and groaned even louder.