Two Step Symphony - Second Movement


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"Would you play me your new songs after dinner?" she asked very sensually.

With a smile, Brick answered, "No." And then to her disappointed expression, he added, "At least not until I'm happy with them."

"Oh, okay." That seemed to satisfy her. "How about your other ones. Would you play me those?"


They finished their meal and cleaned the kitchen together. She accidentally--on purpose?--brushed against him a couple of times. But accidental or not, he was not put out by it.

They met on the porch a brief time later, where he serenaded her with his three hits. Somehow, to her, they sounded better with just his guitar and without the full band, or was it because it was her own private concert?

From Brick's perspective, Rachel was sitting on the swing across from him. The legs of her cut-off jeans, such as they were, were not skintight and from his angle he could see that she was not likely wearing panties. She was really showing herself off to him. As a result, he might have put a little more into his solo performance for her. Even though he'd written them for Chris, their romantic nature had the two childhood sweethearts gazing dreamily into each other's eyes as he sang.

As was common in these rural parts, they retired early; her to his parents' bedroom, he to his own, both with feelings and emotions they'd thought had left them years ago.

* * *

Though very tired from the busy day, sleep did not come easily for Brick. He suddenly was having second thoughts about selling the ranch, and if he was being honest with himself, reconnecting with Rachel was not without influence. And right there was another idea for a song.

As a melody formed in his head, he considered getting up and going downstairs to get his guitar. The more he hummed the melody in his head, the more he wanted to get his guitar. The problem was, he was too comfortable lying in the familiarity of his old bed, and the more comfortable he became the less he...

* * *

She knew it was a big risk, but Rachel couldn't help it. This might be her only opportunity. If it succeeded, she would be one very happy woman--for now. If it did not work, what would it matter? Brick would likely sell his ranch and return to his exciting life back in Florida.

She crept the short distance down the hallway--also aware of the creaking floors--to Brick's bedroom. He seemed to be peacefully asleep if his steady breathing was any indication. Easing as quietly and gently into his bed as she could, Rachel laid on her back to reconsider what she was doing and convince herself that all was fair in love and war.

Knowing it was now or never, she turned onto her side facing Brick's back. Slowly, she inched toward him with minimal movement, so she did not to awaken him. She was now as close as she could be without touching him. He was on his side also, arms bent and pointing upward, his legs bent away from her at the hip, and his calf and foot bent at the knee back toward her. His lower leg was straight.

Rachel gently spooned him by matching the fold of her upper leg to his, which had her upper leg resting on his extended lower leg. She paused, but he did not move. Lightly touching his side caused him to lean back very slightly, so she quickly withdrew her leg and froze.

A few seconds later, with no further movement from Brick, Rachel laid her head right behind his, and would have been content to remain like this, but she thought better of it and raised her upper body up on her forearm and elbow. Once again, she touched his side, allowing her hand to slide down his hip a bit. His response was to turn almost completely on his back.

* * *

A chill swept over him, causing Brick to shiver. He felt the coolness, but it was not a breeze, more of a... he forced his eyes open halfway. In the dim, ambient light, he could see...

"It's cold in your parents' room," Rachel whispered. "I want to..."

Brick dozed off before she finished.

* * *

Rachel took that as approval and continued the... whatever this was.

She pressed her legs against his, carefully pulled the covers down to his knees, and reached out with her hand to touch the lump in his boxer-type sleeper shorts that she assumed to be his cock. It was flaccid, and gentle massaging with only her fingers had it slowly growing.

* * *

This and their body heat again lured Brick to the edge of wakefulness. Once more, he grudgingly opened his eyes to examine the source of the warmth. The faint light again revealed the sleeping female form. He could see she was still clad in the T-shirt, but not what she had on below. He vaguely remembered her being cold. Or had he dreamed that? Still, she was here. He knew he should send her back to the other room. But she did feel nice beside him.

* * *

Beyond caring now, Rachel threw her leg over his and spread his legs slightly with her knee. She half laid on top of him and wrapped her arm around his other side.

For a country girl who did what many might call "manly" chores, she had incredibly soft skin. His conscience urged him to wake her and send her back, but his libido wanted to be more accommodating.

For the moment, both fatigue and comfort were enough to allow her to remain molded to him. It felt really nice. Chris was not one to nestle.

* * *

"Mmmm," Rachel sighed. She was holding onto him tightly. And then, she abruptly sat up, lifted off her T-shirt and resumed her position.

* * *

Alarms went off in his head, but her tits pressed against his chest were difficult to resist. He knew he should do something about this, but he rested his hand on his abdomen where it unintentionally touched the bottom of her breast. Likewise, his other arm naturally held her.

* * *

Rachel raised her leg and draped it across his groin, a full erection now residing beneath his shorts. Her thigh was perfectly placed on top of it, moving ever so slightly back and forth on it.

Since Brick still showed no resistance, Rachel again dislodged herself, this time to slide her shorts down and off. She again quickly resumed her position. But only for a second, before she pulled herself completely on top of him, her pussy right at the bend at the joining of his leg to his trunk. She did not hesitate to rub her snatch against him.

* * *

He had to do something now; even as his cock felt like it would rip through his shorts. He made a feeble attempt to push her away, but she took that as holding her.

Rachel opened her eyes, the light just enough for him to see the glow.

"It'll be alright," she assured him.

"I'm engaged."

"It's just us. No one will ever know."


"Please? I need this from you."

She cuddled her face on the crook of his neck.

* * *

In that moment, Brick could feel the emotion pouring from her. It was an aphrodisiac, an aura, that was sweeping him in.

She moved her cheek against his.

Little did she know that, at this moment, he wanted this as much as she did.

He'd had many women, including his fiancé, in this position before, but somehow, none had felt as personal as Rachel.

Brick suddenly had no will or desire or... anything else... to prevent what was happening.

Particularly as she now pressed her lips to his. He kissed back, not only because he could not resist, but also because he wanted to. She emitted sounds, but not the purring of pleasure, but rather the sighs and whine of need and... desperation? It almost felt as though she was trying crawl inside him.

The kiss was everything it should be: passionate, emotional, loving.

Rachel drew her legs up on either side of him near his hips. She dry humped her pussy directly on his cloth-covered cock. He could feel the pre-cum oozing.

Brick remembered a very similar moment with Chris a long time ago, which was also a signal that he should do something about this. Reluctantly, he ended the kiss to say something, but Rachel put a finger to his lips.


She then squirmed down his body pulling his shorts down with her. He reached to halt that, but she was too quick and had them off in seconds.

Brick's cock sprang straight up, standing like a flagpole. Rachel immediately grabbed it and stroked it as she moved into position to lick and suck it.

This was wrong on so many levels. And he'd received blowjobs from many women in the past, some with mind-boggling skills. But he'd never had a woman seemingly make love to his cock. She wasn't just bobbing her head and running her lips up and down his shaft. She was kissing it all over, she was rubbing and pressing it all around her face, hugging it to her face, and of course, doing all the things normally orally done.

And because it was Rachel doing it made it irresistible.

Brick could also see the urgency on her face. This quickly manifested itself as she crawled forward and sat on his thighs just below his crotch. She pressed his cock against her and rubbed her pussy on it a few times. Of course, that felt incredible. But then, she raised her inner section to guide his cock into her desperate vagina.

To say Brick was too far gone was an understatement. And when she lifted herself up to insert him, the anticipation had his head about to explode. He knew this would be a fuck unlike any other. And as she descended and his shaft was engulfed by this incomparable softness, he nearly thought he might pass out.

For her part, Rachel was almost crying as he filled her. She rested her palms on his chest and simply sat there enjoying her years long desire to have him inside her. A whimper escaped her lips as she felt his cock expand and contract inside her. She pivoted her hips back and forth with the most imperceptible movement, not wanting to rush any second of this.

Finally, the emotion was overwhelming for her, and she bent over, cheek to cheek, her arm around his head. She actually cried as he put his arms around her, held her tightly and began thrusting.

After a few minutes to overcome this passion, she again ground her lips to his, and then sat up, ready to fuck.

Rachel bounced up and down, the old mattress providing the spring to assist in her movement.

Brick now knew there was no way he could or would stop this. He pulled her back down to suck her nipples.

Her tears of joy turned to a groan of passion. Sitting back up, Rachel rode Brick like she might one of her steeds. She was rotating her hips back and forth now with deliberation. It felt wonderful.

Brick felt the same as his cock rubbed around her vaginal walls. He'd done all these positions with so many other women, including Chris, but with the possible exception of Chris--his memory was momentarily clouded--he'd never experienced it with so much emotion. This was Rachel, the woman he was supposed to marry. His lifelong friend. A part of him.

Rachel bent over again wanting to feel that closeness, but just as much, being a simple country girl, she wanted to experience that most basic element of lovemaking: the missionary position. She rolled over onto her back, taking Brick with her. He slid out, but instantly understood and quickly positioned himself to slide his cock back in.

Now, she let out a customary moan as he once again filled her. There was just something about this position that felt so natural, so right. They gazed lovingly into one another's eyes.

The emotion was still there, but now Rachel was allowing herself to enjoy the act, and to make up for so many missed years. She lifted her legs up and rested them on his shoulders.

A strange feeling came over her; strange only in the sense that it had been so long since she'd had an orgasm from a male organ. She relished the feeling of it building. The wave of pleasure that was flowing through her body, becoming stronger until her muscles began to tighten and her nerves tingle. And then that indescribable feeling, that intense emotional sensation, and for her, the love that she had silently felt for this man almost as long as she had known him. She held him tightly during the process.

Brick continued to pump her slowly, wanting to make certain he didn't do anything to mess up her climax. There was a look of passion on her face he was certain he'd never seen on any other woman--ever. Of course, he knew that these were the kinds of thoughts one had at such a profound moment. But he still allowed himself to believe it.

When she seemed to calm down, Brick pulled out, but she quickly grabbed his legs and held him inside.

"Your turn," she whispered.

So, he continued to thrust. This had been too good for him not to get a climax out it. He could feel it building, so he stepped up his pace.

Sensing he was ready, Rachel urged, "Come inside me!"

But fortunately, he was not that far gone to heed her request, much as that would be the ultimate conclusion to this night. Instead, he pulled out and jerked his cock a couple of times, spraying her tits and abdomen with gobs of pearly, white cream. He could see the disappointment on her face, but the last thing he needed right now was for her to become pregnant.

When he finished spurting, Rachel smiled and said, "Thank you."

Brick merely nodded. Of course, this was one of the most incredible sexual encounters he'd ever had, but he couldn't really enjoy it because the remorse, regret and bad feelings instantly came rushing in.

She got up and trotted to the bathroom to clean up.

He turned onto his side away from the door, tears welling in his eyes, and he wasn't certain if it was from the joy of what he'd just done, or the anguish from doing it.

A couple of minutes later, Brick heard Rachel return. "Can I--"

"Sure." After what they'd just done, what harm was there in her literally sleeping with him?

Rachel climbed into bed, keeping her distance, and pulling the covers up. "I'm sor--"

"No! No regrets."

Eventually, they each fell asleep.

* * *

Whether it was the sound of his cell phone ringing or the smell of bacon frying that actually woke Brick up didn't really matter. Although, the bacon was more desirable than the caller. It was Chris. He considered not answering, but that was just postponing the inevitable. He tried not to sound guilty.

"Hello?" he answered groggily, glancing at the vacant other side of the bed and assuming Rachel was doing the cooking.

"Are you just waking up?" Chris questioned without other greeting.

"Yeah. I was up late writing a song." Wasn't entirely a lie.

"Wow. You're really cranking them out there."

"It's quiet and conducive to getting work done."

"Going into town today?"

"That's the plan. Although I'm not looking forward to it."

"Changing your mind about selling the ranch?" There was a note of criticism in her voice.

"I just don't want to have to deal with fans."

"It's what sells records."

"Right. So, you're off to see the caterer and baker? Early for that, isn't it?"

"We're an hour ahead of you."

"Yeah. Well, good luck with all of that."

Chris could hear something in his voice. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Being here just brings back a lot of memories. Some not so good."

"Well, find a realtor and then you can leave."

"Yeah." Except he was no longer certain about that. "I'll let you know. Have a good day."

"You, too."

Brick quickly hung up.

* * *

On her end, Chris didn't care for the tone of that conversation. Something didn't seem right.

* * *

The bacon smelled too good. But if talking to Chris hadn't been enough of a chore, now he had to go down and face Rachel. He slipped on his jeans and a shirt.

"How long have you been up?" he asked entering the kitchen.

Rachel was wearing her same white semi-transparent T-shirt and sleeper shorts, which as he could now see, seemed shorter than the cut-off jeans.

"Not long. But I woke up hungry." She poured him a cup of coffee and handed it to him. "Do we need to talk about last night?" No reason to ignore what happened.

Brick figured they'd have to talk about it but didn't expect it right away and he hadn't had time to consider what he might say.

When he didn't respond right away, she said. "We don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to."

He shrugged. "It was wrong. I shouldn't have cheated on my fiancé, but I was too weak to resist you. It can't happen again."

"I'm sorry if I--"

"You don't owe me an apology. I could have stopped it at any time."

"Well, I'll stay out of your way today," Rachel said, placing a plate of bacon and eggs before him. "You go into town and do what you have to do."

"I thought you might want to come with me." It wouldn't be healthy for them to ignore each other. "Show me around."

"Show you around?" Rachel repeated grinning in surprise. "You grew up here. The town hasn't really changed. Although, we do have a Whataburger now." She made a puzzled face. "People still like Bradford's burgers better."

"Why wouldn't they? I'm looking forward to taking you to lunch there," Brick said with some excitement.

"Oh, that's right. We're supposed to do lunch today."

"You don't want to?"

"Sure. I don't get to eat out much. I just don't want to--"

"Look. What happened, happened. We don't need to pretend it didn't, nor try to avoid each other, nor... anything else. This might sound strange, but last night reminded me that you are a part of me." Brick paused for a moment and looked up for a second. "That sounds like a good name for a song."

"You've always been a part of me," Rachel told him. "That's why it hurt so much when you left."

"I wasn't smart enough to realize that at the time."

Neither had much to say after that, so they finished breakfast. Brick volunteered to clean up while Rachel showered. As she walked out of the kitchen, he couldn't help but watch her in her skimpy attire.

After he finished in the kitchen, Brick went upstairs to wait his turn. Not surprisingly, Rachel once again had not closed the bathroom door. A few minutes later, she stood in his doorway completely naked. He hoped she took him seriously when he told they couldn't do it again because it would be extremely difficult to resist her.

"All yours," she said.

Brick started to shake his head at her flagrancy and the notion that that was a double-entendre, but he quickly realized that he would probably have been disappointed if she'd suddenly become modest. He went through his routine quickly and efficiently.

* * *

They took her pick-up truck into town. As they drove down Main Street, Brick saw that she was right. The town really hadn't changed. She parked in front of the realtor's office.

"You knew there is a realtor?"

"Of course."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't ask."

Brick huffed.

Rachel gave him a cutesy smile that he could not find annoyance with.

"I'll wait for you here," she said.

As she watched him enter the realtor's office, Rachel thought about how difficult it would be for her when he left. She'd always hoped he would return, but never thought it would be engaged to someone else, and to sell his ranch. Without his family home here, he would never come back. That was depressing. Maybe when he did leave would be a good time to visit her parents--if she could get someone to look after the horses.

Or perhaps... perhaps Rachel should consider also selling her ranch also. Her parents had all but left it to her. She was free to do whatever she wanted with it. Had she not wanted to stay, they would have sold it. Maybe a move to Florida would be good for her, as well; not because it would put her closer to Brick, but just for the change. Maybe she needed a change.

However, as she looked up and down the street at all the old familiar places, she knew leaving would be difficult for her to do. This was her home. She liked it here. Liked the simple, small-town life.