Two's Company, Three's Fun

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Married couple take in other lovers.
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"Jake! He just pulled up in front of the house," cried Kim Eliot to her husband, Jacob Peters. "Get down here! Quick!"

Kim and Jake had been living together for three years, married for one and a half years and had been in their house for about 7 months. They had met at a party through mutual friends and had hit it off instantly. She was 26, fairly tall and slender with an athletic build due to her years of competitive soccer. She had light blond hair, blue eyes and a nice tan due to the swimming pool in their back yard. Jake was a slim 6'4" and athletic due to his years of volleyball. He had sandy blond hair and brown eyes. They were a very handsome couple with many friends.

Jake made it downstairs moments before the doorbell rang and then threw the door open to welcome his old college roommate, Bartholomew P. Dexter IV, better known as Bart. "Bart! It's so great to see you, man!" Jake hugged his old friend and patted his back. "How have you been? Oh, by the way, this is my wife Kim. Kim, this is my old roommate, Bart."

Kim stuck out her right hand to shake and said, "It's very nice to meet you, finally. I've heard so much about you that I feel like I know you already."

Bart gave Kim a quick look over, took her hand and said, "It's nice to meet you as well. I look forward to getting to know you. I have to say that I'm sorry that I didn't make your wedding. I was in Burkina Faso at the time and couldn't get away.

"We understand," Kim replied. "But, you are here now, so, let's get you settled in your room. Jake, honey, why don't you grab Bart's bag."

Jake grabbed the bag and said, "Wow! You pack lightly, I thought you were going to stay for a week?"

Bart laughed and replied, "Well, after four years of travelling all over the world, you learn to travel lightly because it gets tiresome dragging too much shit around. Oh, sorry Kim, too much stuff."

Kim laughed, touched Bart's forearm and said, "My Dad was a career Marine and I have 4 older brothers, so don't worry about swearing around me, please."

Kim and Jake showed Bart to his room, where the bathroom was, extra towels and so on. They then gave him a tour of their house and when that was finished they settled down in the living room. The three of them talked for quite a while as Jake and Bart got caught up on each other's lives and as Bart asked about Kim. Finally, Jake asked Bart, "So, you sounded a bit mysterious about why you were in Portland. What's up?"

Bart chuckled and said, "The truth is that I have a job interview on Thursday. I'm really sick of all of the travelling and just want to live in one place for a while. I hope you are okay with me living close by if I get the job. It would be nice to know at least two people in my new home."

"Yeah," Jake said, "That would be fantastic! I hope you get the job and you can count us for any help you need settling in."

As the two men talked, Kim assessed Bart. He was about the same height as Jake with red hair and blue eyes, but he had a more muscular build. Despite the red hair, Bart had a pretty good tan that she figured he got while working in Africa. He was very handsome and could imagine he and Jake terrorizing the women at their University.

It was decided that it was time for dinner, so Kim and Jake began fixing it while Bart watched. He had offered to help, but the couple told him to sit and relax. As they dined, Jake had opened a bottle of wine that they had killed pretty quickly, so another was opened as they retired to the living room. As they got buzzed from the alcohol, the conversation got a little more ribald as the two old roommates began reminiscing about their college days and some of their girlfriends.

They talked about this one girl named Jill that they both had sex with in their room. It turned out that Bart was the chick magnet and had brought Jill to their room only to find Jake studying. Jake offered to leave, but the girl told him that it wasn't necessary. While Bart and Jill were going at it pretty heavily, she told Jake to come over and join the party. In the end, she sucked and fucked both of them until the wee hours.

Kim had never heard this story and wasn't sure what to think. It sounded as though the girl was alright with what happened, though she didn't think she could ever do anything like that. But, in the back of her mind, she wondered what it would be like to have two lovers at the same time. She had only had sex with two other men before she met Jake and neither of them were very adept. Sex with Jake was good and she had no desire to branch out, but...

That night, when Kim and Jake had gone to bed, Kim was feeling frisky after the wine and the sexy talk that had transpired. They, normally, slept in the nude, so when Kim worked her way down Jake's body and began sucking his cock, Jake groaned his approval. After several minutes of lavishing Jake's cock with her skills, she popped her head up and asked, "So, how do I compare to her?"

Jake asked, "Her, who?"

Kim smiled and said, "You know, little Miss Ménage a Trois in college."

"She was nothing compared to you. Why, are you worried?" Jake asked with a smile.

Kim laughed and said, "Nah, that was a long time ago. She's either pregnant with her fifth child or working the streets in San Francisco."

Jake laughed and said, "I wouldn't be too sure. If I remember correctly, she graduated Cum Laude and went on to law school."

"Oh, so she was good enough for you to keep tabs on, eh?"

Jake shook his head and said, "Well, she was good and I didn't have sex very often back then. That was all Bart. I was just amazed that this girl wanted two of us at the same time. I haven't come close to a threesome since that night. Why do you care? Did that story turn you on? Have you dreamt of taking on two guys at the same time?"

Kim blushed very red and replied, "I thought about it a long time ago. I had a friend who did it and she raved about how great it all was. She was, kind of, a slut and would do almost anything. She even had anal sex during her threesomes." Jake's cock twitched in Kim's hand at the mention of anal sex, which got her attention. "Ooh, does the idea of anal sex turn you on? I felt that twitch!"

It was Jake's turn to blush this time. He had always wanted to try anal, but was too embarrassed to bring it up and the one time he touched Kim's anus with his finger she pulled his hand away. "I've thought about it," Jake said, "But, I don't know..."

Kim looked at her husband with new eyes. He had never intimated that he wanted to try anal at any time. She wasn't too keen on the idea, imagining that it would hurt a lot. She let the thought drift into the back of her mind and decided to resume her work on Jake's throbbing cock. After a while, she decided she needed him in her, so she moved up Jake's body and then took his cock into her hot, wet pussy. Their talk had enflamed her passion as she worked him in and out of her.

Jake was enjoying this worked up Kim. She didn't get this way very often as he reached up and caressed her breasts with his large hands. After a few moments, Kim cried out, "PINCH MY NIPPLES! PINCH THEM HARD!" This was a new request, so Jake took ahold of each nipple and pinched them hard between his thumbs and index finger. "OH, YES! FUCK ME HARDER, JAKE!" Wow, Jake thought, she's really on fire!

He began to hump up into her on her down strokes, but decided it wasn't enough, so he rolled Kim onto her back and began pounding into her pussy. "OH, FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! THAT'S IT, JAKE! FUCK ME HARDER! YES! YES! YES!" Moments later, Kim screamed, "FFUUUCCCKKKK! I'M CUMMING!" Jake wasn't close yet and kept plowing into Kim's hot pussy. He couldn't believe how crazed she had become. She never screamed like this usually and rarely ever said 'fuck', so Jake was trying to ascertain what was driving this change. Whatever it was, he liked it!

Finally, Jake could feel his climax building and as he was about to cry out, when Kim screamed, "FUCK! I'M CUMMING AGAIN!" Jake groaned loudly and then his seed shot like a cannon from his cock deep into Kim's womb. They were both grunting their satisfaction as their orgasm swept through them. Finally, Jake collapsed on top of Kim as she held him tight while they gasped for air. They were both sweaty messes as they held one another for quite a while.

Once they had regained their breath, Jake rolled off to Kim's side as they both stared at the ceiling trying to work out what just happened. Finally, Kim said, "Wow! I don't know what got into me, but that was the best sex ever! What happened?"

Jake chuckled and said, "I don't know, but when I find out I'm bottling it! You were pretty fired up."

Kim chuckled and said, "Yeah, I was. I think I got turned on about your college story and then the rest of the sexy talk about my old friend, anal and what not." Kim was reflecting on what had happened and then sat bolt upright and cried, "Oh shit! Do you think Bart heard us? I forgot he was here. I'm going to be so embarrassed in the morning."

Jake pulled his wife into a hug and said, "Don't worry about it. He used to wake me with his antics all of the time back in college. Turnabout is fair play, I say!"

The two decided to forgo a shower to enjoy the sweatiness of each other and drifted off to sleep. Before she fell asleep, Kim admitted to herself that the sexy talk was what got her going and was hoping for more in the future. She was even turned on about the thought of Bart hearing them. 'These next few days are going to be interesting...'

In the morning Kim was up first and took a shower. She was joined by Jake a few minutes later as they scrubbed the salt and cum residue from their bodies. When they were clean, but before they got out of the shower, Kim said, "I dreamt about sex all night last night. I think I even had an orgasm in my sleep. I know I was wet as hell when I woke up."

What Kim didn't say was that her dreams were about having sex with two men at the same time. They were faceless, but they fucked her every which her mouth, in her vagina and in her ass. When she had one man in her pussy and the other in her ass, that's when she climaxed in her dream. She was pretty embarrassed and kind of worried, but decided it was only a dream and that she had had weirder dreams in her life. But, the dreams remained in her mind.

Normally, Kim would just throw one of Jake's old t-shirts on without underwear, but with Bart in the house, she decided to change her routine. When Jake saw her at her underwear drawer, Jake walked up to his naked wife, hugged her from behind and said, "Just wear your usual shirt this morning. It looks sexy and I like it. Besides, it will probably give Bart a thrill to go along with our audio treat last night!"

Kim turned in Jake's arms and asked, "Are you sure? That t-shirt is pretty thin and barely covers my ass." Jake nodded, so Kim grabbed her usual morning shirt, threw it on over her nakedness and then the two went out to the kitchen to start the day.

Bart wasn't up yet, so Kim made coffee, while Jake went outside to fetch the newspaper. Kim then started getting bagels, cream cheese, croissants, butter, jam and juice out for their breakfast. Jake sat in just a pair of boxer's and drank coffee and shared the paper with Kim. Finally, Bart made his appearance dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Jake chuckled and said, "We don't usually dress in black tie for breakfast, so feel free to be as casual as you would like."

Kim poured a cup of a coffee for Bart and asked if he wanted cream or sugar, but, he said, he took it black. As Kim turned to replace the coffee pot, Bart admired Kim's breasts as they moved and swayed beneath the thin material of her shirt. As she reached for glasses for orange juice, he, also, noticed a bit of her ass cheeks on display. He had noticed last night how beautiful Kim was, but hadn't noticed her body too much. He was now thankful that he had pants on because his penis was enjoying the show Kim was giving him.

Kim had noticed Bart watching her, so she made a point of giving him a little peek of her ass. She found she was enjoying herself as she displayed herself to their friend. As they ate, Kim offered to refill coffee cups and gave the two men a bit of a wiggle as she walked. She even bent over to throw a napkin in the trash exposing her pussy for all to see. She wasn't sure if Bart had seen her, but she noticed that Jake had. She was pretty excited about displaying herself and got more excited when Jake winked at her.

After breakfast, they all got dressed and took Bart on a tour of Portland. They walked around downtown, took in Pioneer Courthouse square, walked on the river front and had lunch at a brew pub. They then walked through the Saturday Market admiring the wares that were on sale. Finally, around 2pm, they decided to return home. Since the day was hot, Kim suggested that they hang out at the pool. Jake lent a swim suit to Bart while Kim went to their bedroom to put hers on.

While Kim was dressing, Jake asked, "Why don't you wear the red suit? I really like that one."

Kim looked at her husband and said, "You seem to want to put me on display. Are you sure you want to do that?"

Jake smiled and said, "Yeah, I'm sure, besides you seemed to enjoy it this morning while flashing your wet pussy to us. I think you're a closet exhibitionist."

Kim blushed as she realized that Jake was, probably, right. It had thrilled her to show off her body during breakfast and she was secretly happy that Jake had suggested that she wear her red bikini. It was as skimpy as a swimming suit could be and barely covered her areolae and vulva. As she considered the suit, she decided that her pubic area could use a touch up shave, so she said to Jake, "Well, okay I'll wear the red one, but I'll need to shave my bikini area. I'll be down in a little while. Why don't you make some frozen daiquiris for us?"

Jake smiled and said he would whip up some daiquiris and left the room when he had his trunks on. Kim went to the shower to shave her pubic area and around her anus since the string that threaded between her ass cheeks was very narrow. When she had the suit on, she checked herself in the mirror and decided that there would be two erections in less than a half of a minute when she reached the pool. She could feel herself getting wet and her nipples were as hard as they could be.

When Kim made her appearance at the pool, she walked up to Jake, grabbed a drink and then walked towards Bart watching him check her out. She decided to sit in a chaise next to his, so bent over to spread a towel over the mesh. She was well aware that her rosebud was on display as she prepped her chair and prolonged the chore to give Bart and Jake ample time to admire her backside. When Kim had, finally, settled down on the chaise, she took a drink and smiled at her two male companions.

As she spread tanning oil over the front of her body, Bart watched unblinking as he found the whole situation incredibly sexy. After a while he couldn't take anymore, stood up without disguising the fact that he had a huge erection and dove into the pool. He couldn't believe how sexy Kim was and how brazen she was as she displayed her perfect body. If she wasn't his best friend's wife, he would be all over her.

Kim smiled to herself as she enjoyed the effect that she was having on their friend. When Bart got out of the pool, Kim decided to dive in to take her exhibition to the next step. She knew that when her suit was wet, it adhered to her body like paint and displayed the covered parts in all of their glory. The water felt good on her hot body as she swam around. When she got out of the pool, she grabbed another drink from her husband and then stood next to Bart's lounge while she dried her hair. She knew he was staring at her which caused her pussy to get wetter.

For dinner, they opted for Chinese delivered. Kim opted to stay in her bikini, but put on a light over shirt and set the table for when the food arrived, while Jake and Bart talked. They continued drinking the frozen daiquiris while eating their food and all of them were feeling the effects of the alcohol. Kim got more and more daring as she took every opportunity to bend over or to spread her legs for Jake and Bart's enjoyment.

After dinner, the three decided to play a game of Hearts. While Kim got the cards, Jake announced that they would play games to 50 and the first one to fifty had to remove an article of clothing. Jake also stipulated that the loser of each hand had to take a shot of rum. Bart readily agreed, so Kim decided to go along thinking that this evening was going to get interesting very quickly. They decided to play in the living room using the coffee table with Bart and Kim sitting on the couch and Jake in an arm chair that he moved to the table.

The first-hand loser was Jake who took his shot of rum while Kim dealt the second hand. The second-hand loser was Bart who tried to shoot the moon but missed by a card. Kim lost the second and third hands and on the fourth, Jake succeeded in shooting the moon which caused Kim to go over 50 points. The alcohol was coursing through their veins, so Jake and Bart chanted take it off while Kim did a sexy dance as she pulled her over shirt off. The second round of fifty didn't go much better for Kim as she tried to shoot the moon, but failed by one card and on the next hand Bart managed to pull it off, which put Kim over 50 yet again.

The two men whooped with joy and began their 'take it off' chant yet again. So. Kim did her sexy dance and slowly pulled her bikini top off. The men, especially Bart, enjoyed the sight of Kim's unharnessed perfect breasts. They were fairly large, perfect cones, topped with fifty cent sized areolae and very hard thimble sized nipples. Both men licked their lips when they were presented, and Jake beckoned Kim to come to his chair. When she got there, he put his mouth on her right breast and sucked on her very hard. The sensations Kim was experiencing shot directly to her pussy, causing her to get wetter than she had been in a long time.

When Jake released Kim's nipple, he instructed her to let Bart do the same to her left tit. Kim stared at her husband for a second and then did as he asked. Bart had a shit eating grin on his face as Kim presented her left breast for him to suck on. As Bart sucked, the taboo of another man touching her in a sexual way made the sensations ten times more exciting. She let Bart suck for a couple of minutes and then she pulled back causing a loud pop as her nipple cleared Bart's lips.

They jumped into the next game of fifty where Kim had better luck and Bart's luck left him taking an article of clothing off. He pulled off his t-shirt allowing Kim to study his muscular torso. The next game to fifty saw Jake lose his t-shirt while Kim clung to her bikini bottoms. Each of the men had their flip-flops and swim trunks left, so they were at a distinct advantage. However, Kim's run of luck deserted her and she lost her last article of clothing.

Kim's level of excitement from getting naked in front of their friend was peaking. Her chest was rosy pink from her excitement level and her pussy was literally gushing. With a drunken smile, Kim stood and began slowly pulling on the ends of the ties on both hips which held her bikini bottoms on. Both of the men stared unblinking as they watched the bow knots slowly unravel as they would be rewarded with a view of Kim's hot pussy. When the knots came undone, she dropped the strings and stood before the men totally naked. Bart licked his lips as he stared at the beauty standing before them. He had imagined all day what Kim would look like naked, but his imagination didn't live up to the reality.

Kim decided to give the boys a little dance and sexily swayed and spun for their pleasure. She could see both men were very erect and she began dreaming what it would be like to take both of these guys at the same time.