Uber Calling


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Deanna smiled down at Katie before saying, "Baby, slow down. Take your time. I want you to learn how to truly savor me."

Katie gave a slight little nod indicating to Deanna that she understood, and Deanna slowly lowered her pussy back down to Katie's mouth. As Katie resumed her forbidden feast, she began to think of the word Mistress had just used:


Katie thought it was such a beautiful word for it held so much meaning. And what an appropriate word for how Katie was now wanting to worship her Goddess.

Katie slowly moved her tongue through the folds of Deanna's immensely swollen labia, searching out every little nook and crevice, and finding hidden pockets containing Deanna's rich sexual cream. This was the purest kind of devotion! The most exquisite way to pleasure her Mistress and to worship her Goddess! Katie began to moan and growl with such fervent passion as she pleasured Deanna, for she knew that this was exactly what her Mistress deserved. Deanna sporadically hummed, gasped, moaned and sighed as she euphorically luxuriated in the wondrous attention and devotion Katie was showing her.

Deanna now began making very subtle movements with her hips, slowly tracing her hot wet pussy all over Katie's face. Deanna rubbed and ground her seething, swollen and soaking wet womanhood from the bottom of Katie's chin, up to her mouth and nose, then over each of Katie's eyes and finally up over every inch of Katie's forehead. Then Deanna shifted slowly downward, coming back and onto Katie's right cheek, coating it thoroughly before sliding over to coat her left cheek with her aromatic sexual elixir.

Deanna then made the exact same trip in reverse, slowly and methodically tracing over every square inch of Katie's precious young face, smearing her intimate nectar all over it.

Katie thought, "Oh my God, Mistress is marking me like a lioness would mark her territory. She's marking me as her possession. Her property. I now belong to her entirely."

As Katie thought more about this extremely erotic and primal act, she suddenly felt an orgasm rapidly growing within her. Katie had the ability to reach orgasm without any touching or rubbing herself when she became so overwhelmingly aroused. It was something like spontaneous combustion and it was happening now. Seconds later, Katie's orgasm detonated like an atomic bomb! She was suddenly thrashing wildly as her legs and arms wrenched and heaved against the restraints. Her legs began quaking violently and she could feel her own pussy juices spraying out onto her inner thighs like water from a garden sprinkler.

But then out of nowhere, Katie felt an impending sense of utter dread. Instantly, panic washed over her as she vividly replayed Deanna's admonition to her earlier in the evening:

'Your Mistress always gets to cum first.'

As Katie lay motionless beneath her Mistress on the mattress, her passion-drunk mind anxiously spun with the notion that Deanna would soon realize that she had just experienced an orgasm.

My Mistress will be so angry with me!

But Deanna made no mention of it. Instead, she continued her wild and alpha-female ritual of marking her 'territory'. When she finished, Deanna once again settled herself onto Katie's mouth, bearing down on her pet her full weight. Katie felt Deanna's pussy seething rhythmically; pulsating around her lips and tongue and she wondered if it was possible to experience any more pleasure than she was already feeling at this moment. Deanna remained motionless as she absorbed and savored the wondrous feeling of euphoric sexual bliss now engulfing her.

Fear briefly grasped Katie for she felt completely trapped! Pinned helplessly beneath Deanna's body weight and with Deanna's firm and powerful thighs gripping the sides of her head. Enveloped in an atmosphere of raw feminine sexuality with intense bodily heat, humidity, and moisture all around her and smothering her, Katie couldn't breathe. Then suddenly, she envisioned herself cradled within Deanna's womb. Peace immediately swept over her, and she was perfectly calm for she knew Deanna would never let any harm come to her. Especially in this most sacred and life sustaining temple of womanhood. Katie never wanted to leave it.

But it wasn't long before Katie began to feel faint. Yet just before she lapsed into unconsciousness, Deanna at last lifted herself up, freeing Katie's airway and the girl quickly inhaled deep breaths of moist albeit aromatic air that blissfully filled her empty lungs. Katie's eyes fluttered slowly open, and her gaze soon found Deanna's gorgeous face and that celestial smile.

Deanna said, "Are you okay sweetheart? That was a little too much for you perhaps?"

Katie quickly replied, "Oh no Mistress...I'm fine. Perfectly fine. That was amazing."

Deanna then said, "Good. Because now you're going to make Mistress cum!"

Katie's heart skipped a beat and her breath caught in her throat for she interpreted the inflection in Deanna's statement to mean that she did in fact know that Katie had cum before her. Anxiously, Katie awaited the wrath of her Goddess for it.

But it did not come. Instead, Deanna said, "I need this, so you will listen very carefully. I want you to make your tongue as stiff as possible and then extend it out as far as you can. Arch your neck if you must, but not enough as to make it uncomfortable for you, okay? For I want you to enjoy this too my pet."

Katie's face lit up like that of a young child on Christmas morning as she briskly nodded her head to show Deanna that she understood her instructions.

Deanna then said, "Good! Then let us begin."

Deanna again lowered her drooling slot to Katie's waiting tongue and started her slow, sensual climb to orgasm with the gentle rocking of her hips. Deanna's expert inner muscle control allowed her to seize Katie's tongue deep inside her warm, wet tunnel and she exulted in the wondrous feel of it. Deanna sensually cupped and caressed her own breasts, intermittently twisting and pinching her immensely hard and erect nipples which only fueled her lust. As she felt the orgasmic pressure collecting deep within her, Deanna dramatically increased the velocity of her hip movements and was practically burrowing her sexual center down Katie's throat.

Faster! Deeper! Harder!

Deanna was not only fucking Katie's tongue now, but her entire face. At one point, she felt Katie's nose push up inside her. Katie was growling like a feral beast as Deanna fucked and smothered her young lovers' face to the grindstone. For her part, Deanna grunted, gasped, wailed, howled, and moaned with unbridled passion, euphoria, and expectant release. Perspiration was cascading down her flushed body, dripping down onto Katie. The raw sexual energy Deanna was now exhibiting was more beautiful and stimulating to Katie than anything she'd ever seen or experienced in her life. She was loving every bit of it. She was loving Deanna more than she could ever possibly describe.

Suddenly, Deanna shrieked as she felt Katie's nose and lips brush firmly against her clit.

"Oh yes," Deanna roared. "My clit baby girl! Oh God, focus on my clit. Oh yes baby! Oh, you're pleasing Mistress so much!"

Those words completely unhinged Katie and she forcefully arched her head and neck to increase the contact between her oral cavity and Deanna's clit. It was very painful, and she knew she was disobeying Mistress by causing herself discomfort. But Katie didn't care! It didn't matter! Nothing mattered except pleasing her Mistress and worshipping her Goddess! Satisfying her Lover! Loving her Deanna! The woman of her dreams!

Deanna could feel her orgasm rising within her like a mammoth tidal wave growing higher and higher before it crested and slammed violently into the beachhead. Katie could sense the orgasmic pressure building within Deanna like that of a pressure cooker as her beautiful, sweat soaked body began to tremor on such a deep level. Katie could also feel the increased pressure from Deanna's thighs crushing against the sides of her head.

With her ears squashed against Deanna's thighs, Katie could barely hear anything tangible. But then suddenly, she could just make out roaring moans followed by high-pitched, wails and shrieks. Deanna's body violently convulsed as the orgasmic eruption occurred.


As the orgasmic wave smashed over Deanna's tight, buxom, and sexy body, she squirted a literal geyser of her cum into Katie's mouth that went roiling down the younger woman's throat like a mighty waterfall. This instantly triggered another spontaneous orgasm within Katie as she greedily swallowed every drop of Deanna's scrumptious sexual essence! Oh, all that sweet, hot nectar. Katie swallowed again as more of Deanna's delicious syrup continued to flow down into her mouth. Gradually, Deanna slowed her movements and after she had thrust her hips and burrowed her savaged pussy into Katie's face in a dramatic finale, she at last stopped moving.

Deanna was gasping furiously and moaning so passionately as she found enough remaining strength to carefully lift herself off Katie's head. Swinging her long leg around, Deanna then rolled down and collapsed beside Katie on the now damp mattress. The room was quiet except for the ticking of the clock on the bedside table and the sounds of both women trying to catch their breath. The two women lay in blissful reflection as they stared at the ceiling, Katie still fully restrained.

Deanna at last rolled over on her side, stroked Katie's sweat basted body and said, "Oh my precious Baby Girl, that was magnificent! You're magnificent!"

"Thank you, Mistress," Katie murmured blissfully and then rolled her head to look into Deanna's eyes. "My gorgeous Goddess."

Deanna's face lit up once more with that breathtaking smile. She then leaned in and passionately kissed her darling pet, tenderly stroking the girl's sweaty, cum-laced hair.

A few minutes passed as Deanna indulged herself in pelting Katie with soft, sweet kisses while simultaneously stroking the younger woman's hair, face, and body. Finally, Deanna sat up and without leaving the bed, she removed the restraints from Katie's wrists and ankles. Deanna then snuggled back down beside Katie and enveloped her in a warm embrace, pulling the girl firmly up against her own body. Katie cooed, and her eyes fell shut as she reveled in the warmth and closeness of her precious Mistress.

The two women lay together, luxuriating themselves in the intimacy the experience generated between them. They gazed into each other's eyes and tenderly caressed each other endlessly. They pelted each other with kisses. Sometimes short, sweet, and soft, but mostly long, intense, and deep. Deanna held Katie so close and so possessively that Katie felt as though she wanted to crawl inside Deanna's body and become a physical part of her forever.

Finally, Deanna spoke, "Will you spend the night with me, my love?"

Katie replied with tears welling in her eyes, "Oh God, yes."

"Wonderful," Deanna whispered and kissed Katie's lips.

In a quick flurry of movement, the two of them lifted themselves up just enough for Deanna to turn down the bedspread and the sheets. The two women then cuddled together once more, and Deanna covered them up. Katie snuggled up against her Mistress, resting her head between the older woman's breasts. Deanna then engulfed Katie in her arms and held her so protectively.

"Baby, do you want to go wash your face off?" Deanna asked.

Katie could still smell the potent and enticing aroma of Deanna's sexual essence all over her and she could still feel the wetness on her face and in her hair.

"No Mistress," Katie whispered. "That would be washing away what you marked me with. I am your property now. Your possession. You own me."

Moved to the brink of tears by this adoring admission from her young lover, Deanna was grateful that Katie could not see the welling pools of them in her eyes. Deanna gently kissed Katie on the forehead and she said, "Oh Baby Girl, you are just too precious. You have pleased your Mistress, and your Goddess immensely tonight."

The two women lay in silence for a while, tenderly cuddling and caressing each other. Finally, Deanna said, "I think Mistress would like to collar you. Would you like that, baby?"

Deanna barely got the words out before Katie was already replying, "Yes Mistress!"

"Well, there is a very special ceremony for that," Deanna continued. "And we will start planning that very soon."

"Does that mean I'm now your favorite pet, Mistress?" Katie asked innocently.

"No," Deanna replied and tenderly caressed Katie's cheek. "It means that from now on, you're my only pet!"

Katie's heart exploded as her soul danced with jubilation. Tears almost immediately welled in her eyes as her adorable smile filled her lips for what she assumed would be a permeant fixture. Deanna then pulled Katie tightly up against her, cocooning her both with her arms and legs at which point, the cougar and the kitten shared another deep and sensual kiss. Katie remained cuddled protectively in the arms of the Mistress that she completely adored as she drifted off into a deep and peaceful sleep.

Hours of wondrous and blissful slumber past before Katie woke quite suddenly. The bedroom was dark and silent except for the ticking of the clock on the bedside table. Lying on her side, Katie found herself looking directly into Deanna's stunning face. The moment was utterly transcendent to Katie for Deanna looked truly celestial as she slept so peacefully beside her. Katie's heart thumped wildly as she gazed upon her gorgeous Goddess and listened to the soft and rhythmic breaths Deanna took as she slept.

With a smile filling her lips, Katie gently leaned in and kissed Deanna feather softly on the lips.

"I love you my beautiful Mistress." Katie whispered tenderly. "My gorgeous Goddess. My magnificent Lover. You're the woman of my dreams, Deanna. And now, you've come true."

Katie lay motionless and stared at Deanna until she felt sleep once again overtaking her. When her eyes eventually fell shut and she was drifting in that dimension of darkness that bordered between consciousness and sleep, Katie suddenly felt a gentle kiss on her own lips and then heard Deanna's soft voice whisper:

"I love you, Katie. You're the love of my dreams. And now, you've come true."

Katie felt Deanna totally engulf her once more; their naked bodies intimately entwined in a sacred cocoon of the deepest and truest love. Now together, the two lovers drifted off to sleep again.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Sensational D/s romance! Hope you'll continue with another chapter or so!

FandeborisFandeborisalmost 2 years ago

Wonderful story. I liked the way you transition from a D/s story to a love story. Thought this a little to short, a little more of the love story perhaps, but very worthy of your writing skills. Gave you the max I could give, and look forward to more.

Take Care

ReesertonReesertonabout 2 years ago

Forgot to mention this in my first post, but I really enjoyed how this morphs into a love story as well.

ReesertonReesertonabout 2 years ago

Loved the story. I hope we get to see what happens to the couple next.

Peeking77Peeking77about 2 years ago

Delightfully arousing. As a male with submissive side I loved the marking description. I have experienced the same and chm while being bound and caged by my mistress. I'm being edged now by her, now biting and pulling my nipples. More Mistress.

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