Ultimate Act

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Conception is the ultimate act for a loving couple.
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Hope you enjoy the story.

A different story for me.

It is short, but hopefully contains what a story should contain.

The characters are not human but have an insect-like appearance. Body has an exoskeleton that is jointed at head and at mid-length of body, similar to a human neck and waste. The shell on back is hard for the protection they needed before they evolved. Underside is softer exoskeleton more for holding shape than protection, much like tough, thicker human skin. They have four legs on lower section of body and four arms of upper section. Bodies do not fully articulate enough or of suitable shape to use furniture like human chairs, but can rest the lower body flat on the floor. Lower body is raised on legs when walking. Upper body is almost vertical at all times unless lying down, in bed for instance. This group rose to ascension in the evolution scale when opposable digits formed on four upper limbs, becoming arms with hands. Their lives shares similarities with that of us humans in many ways. Yes, a fictional fantasy!

If you want human happy endings, don't read any further. I know this might be a spoiler, but don't want people saying how disappointed they are that the ending was not human happy. For the bugs it is normal and a happy event.



The moment Richard walked into the apartment he felt the difference after his customary call. He had suffered another hard day at work and looked forward to a quiet evening with his loving spouse. Shutting the door behind him he called out again to Tittianna without the expected response. To say he was surprised was an understatement. Titti had always greeted him on his return from work, making sure she was home before him. She had recently retired from her work, so that ensured she was always home when he arrived. It was one of the things she did because she wanted to, just like her hugs and kisses on entering or before leaving their home.

He went to the sleeping area where he changed into his comfortable house robe, then checked the meals zone. There was a note on the board which he read as he grabbed a beer from the fridge.

Dick. At doctor. Be home soon. Love Titti.

Making himself comfortable in the lounging zone he switched on the vision screen to watch the sport channel. Sitting there he did not really see anything on the screen as his mind was absorbed in how Tittianna could be ill. He thought back to this morning, but she seemed normal enough although it was always a rush for him to get to work on time. He didn't even drink his beer, the bottle untouched on the side table.

His wife was not much later and seemed flustered as she entered the apartment. Dick was quick in meeting her in the entryway as they hugged each other welcome. He fussed a bit waiting for an explanation, although Titti was not in a rush to tell him. Instead, she disengaged from the hug to place a bag on the table in the dining area, asking Dick to set the table for their meal.

"Dick, I will explain everything," then seeing his look she continued, "Just give me a minute to freshen up and I'll tell you after dinner. Okay? Because I was late I grabbed take away from the restaurant downstairs."

He nodded but still looked worried as she hastened to the only room with a door in their apartment. When he heard the water running he went to set the table. Retrieving his drink from the living area he grabbed another for Titti and added the bottles to the table setting. As he unpacked the bag on the table his nose twitched at the aroma of their favourite dishes. He then went to his normal dining place to wait for her to join him.

She was quick, possibly her fastest wash ever. Although he thought that record belonged to the first night of their honeymoon. They weren't virgins and had already lived together for a while, but getting married gave the relationship a special edge making it so much more exciting. The vow of commitment making it so much better for both. That hasn't changed one bit even after so many decades. He watched as she exited the wash room to get dressed in the sleeping area. He loved watching her move as her shell swayed from side to side with a walk like the models do on the runway. Managing to place all their feet on one side in front of the corresponding opposite feet, without tripping herself, knowing full well he was watching and thoroughly enjoying it. Richard tried the walk once and got his feet all tangled up, landing face first on the floor. Tittianna had taken a long time to stop laughing at his attempt of the sexy walk. Seeing her now glance over her shoulder and grin at him, he marvelled at her beauty. He always considered himself to be the luckiest male on the planet, she was so far out of his league that he shouldn't even be in the race.

Richard knew something special was happening when she put on her sexiest lingerie and see-through gossamer gown. His cock had begun thickening seeing her naked, now totally hard with her wearing her fuck-me outfit. He was fortunate that his only clothing was his own house coat so there was plenty of room for his expansion.

Tittianna went straight to him forcing him to move himself back from the table staying in the seated position. Pulling aside the opening of his robe she pressed against him, squeezing his hard cock up between them. He wrapped her in his arms as she did the same and brought their faces together to kiss. This was more than a normal kiss, she managed to include her promise of a good night for them both. His humping motion slid his cock between them, answering that he had received her message. After a couple of minutes she disengaged to go to her own place for dinner, keeping her eyes staring straight at his the whole time. With a final smirk she broke eye contact and served the food.

Brian might not be the best looking or the smartest, but he worked out that he would be told when she was prepared to let him know. He managed to curb his impatient curiosity, but only just. His love for his spouse helped him find the strength to not ask before she was ready. With the last of their meal eaten she left everything on the table and led her love to the sleeping area pulling him down with her onto the mattress. His robe had been removed when leaving the table.

He removed her gown as he kissed her from the top of her head, over her flat body to her lower feet. He even managed to remove her lingerie from her lower body over legs as he kept up gentle rubbing at the join of her front to her covering shell. This is a very sensual spot on his wife and she loved the way he rubbed it. Returning to her upper body, her moans grew as he sucked on her vulva, getting her juices flowing ready for his entry. This he did without too much more preamble, except to set his lips to her own in a kiss. After fifty years together they had become very adept at making love, knowing each other intimately. His movements became urgent to her agreeable moans. When she hit her climax he quickly followed which allowed to relax together.

With all their arms entwined about the the other she began to let him know why she visited the doctor. He had been dreading this moment, knowing it must be really bad news for her to delay for so long and set this relaxed scene before talking.

With a sigh Tittianna began, "I have loved being with you every minute of the last fifty years Brian. It feels like my life didn't begin until we met. I wish we could go on like this forever.

"This week I have been feeling some odd pains inside of me, as well as hot flushes. I kept quiet as I didn't want you to worry about me. Today, though, I had a really bad turn and had to visit the doctor. He gave me a complete checkup and I am basically in good health for my age."

At this Brian raised his head to look her in the eye and was about to speak, but she put a hand to his mouth to prevent him.

"Sorry for being a bit dramatic tonight but ever since I left the doctor's rooms I have tried to work out how to tell you what he found. I could not work out any way to say this so I just have to blurt it out.

"I am going into Heat."

Brian was still staring into her eyes as she said this. She felt him tense slightly with her last statement. Then she saw him raise his lips to smile.

"Oh darling, that's wonderful news. We've expected this to happen for the last few years. This news is not really a shock, or unexpected. We have prepared for this and know what we have to do. You know how much I wanted to father children with you."

"I know that dear, I just expected to be alone afterwards. You are so young for a male to be stopped for children. I always expected my partner to carry on and find a new partner for your remaining years. I can be with our children as a single parent. They would still be healthy enough without you."

He looked amazed at her words, "But dear, I want to be present for the whole thing. I never want to leave you. Our children would be much healthier with me being there as well. It gives them a better chance. I love you and there could never be anyone in my life to compare to you. I would barely exist if we could not stay together through this.

"How long do we have till your Heat?"

Tittianna cried at his words, loving him more and more. In truth she was scared to go through this alone, but that was the norm for the current generation. The men going off after the impregnation, leaving the women with the young, having a solitary emergence. She loved him and decided to remain quiet hoping she can convince him to leave her as other men have done with their wives. She knew he could have a great life with a new lover and maybe another spouse. He had at least another fifty years of life ahead of him.

She answered his query, "It will be in about a week's time according to the doctor."

"Great, this gives us this week to practice. I think we should get all that we can so we get it right."

She smiled at his attempt at humour, and he returned to cuddling her. They did get some more practice that night, quite a bit more.

The next day was busy as they had various things to organise in preparation for the upcoming Heat. There were, of course, legal documents to complete requiring a visit to see a lawyer who would submit these to the relevant authorities. The solicitor supplied them with a receipt which allowed them to make the necessary notifications to Brian's work and their apartment agents, amongst others. Their friends put together a party midweek for the couple to toast the impending occasion.

They set up the monitors in the apartment as required by the hospital. These will alert the medical personnel when they are required for the babies. There was a pre-natal class to attend and learn about the details of this stage of their lives and the changes expected to occur. Tittianna found herself loving her spouse more and more as the week progressed by how he was there with her the whole time. He wouldn't think of letting her take any step without his company. It seemed to her that he was as excited about her Heat as she was. After all, having babies was the ultimate achievement possible in this life.

It was on Friday that her Heat started. This was a relief to the pair as they had been nervous and excited about its coming. It was like a burden had been lifted and Tittianna woke up to the hot flushes passing through he body. Richard was amazed at how her body had changed colour overnight, from her normal black to be a bright cherry red. The new appearance almost matching the high temperature she was running. When he looked at her he had new sexual feelings that were so much greater than ever before. He had always found her sexy to look at and touch but now she made his previous horny thoughts seem minor.

Richard had a hard time keeping his hands to himself. They both knew that nothing could be done between them until later when it was the right time. They would only get one chance to do it properly and if they failed at this then their lives would be without a higher purpose. It helped that Tittianna was aching all over and had trouble moving, and had a feeling of nausea. They had warned about the arthritic pains that occurred, but they had not explained just how much it would hurt and how ill she would be. His wife chucking up in the toilet made for a very good dick blocker. The afternoon arrived and it seemed that Richard was catching the same problem. He turned a shade of lighter red than his wife, but was just as hot. He also spent a substantial time time emptying his stomach into the toilet. Fortunately Tittianna had finished her time doing that so there was no competition for the opening.

Not that they could manage to eat anything but they were resting on the bed by dinner time that night. Temporarily exhausted by their bodies' abnormal behaviour. For a while the last thing on either of their minds was sex and procreation. As the evening passed by they laid side by side holding hands, until Richard rolled to his side facing Tittianna. The upper set of hands reached to caress her body. They were now both feeling better and sexual thoughts were back on the agenda.

Turing her head to face him she whispered, "My darling husband, thank you for being here beside me for most of our lives, especially this week. You have given me a total feeling of love all this time."

"My darling Titti, there is nowhere I would rather be than with you. My life would be worthless without you in it."

"Are you sure? You can still move on without me. I don't want you to stay just for the sake of children. They will survive and be okay even if you left."

He could see her tears forming, which made his own start to well up as he spoke softly, "Please don't send me away. My whole life has been with you and I need to stay with you till the end. I want to give our children the best chance they can have, and with me staying I am sure will give them that."

"Okay love I am glad you will be with me, I can see that not being alone with them would be better, it was just I love you too much to tie you to me. I guess the saying, 'If you love them, set them free,' was in my mind,

"I can feel my body making the last change inside and I am getting moist. I think my glands have broken through in my mouth," and looking at her lover with a hint of sad smile, "I love you darling. Just one more thing, I need you to be entirely sure. You only need a little kiss and I can still get pregnant, it is a simple matter for me to roll over and you take me from the rear. I will still love you, but you will not be forced into children with me."

With a similar smile he responded, "I love you dear. Thank you for your consideration. I want to kiss you with all the passion I can muster, and never let you go."

Having said that Dick rolled over to mount Titti, both grunting with pleasure as he slid all the way inside her in one move. They took one last moment to look deeply into the other's eyes showing how much they meant to each other without words. They knew this was the time that words would mean little to nothing. He moved himself a few times then with a tight hold on each other they kissed. It was a kiss for the ages, so deep, so loving. He kept pumping his cock inside her, building her to a climax. She reached it and her orgasm sparked the new oral glands to pump out the hormones to be shared by them both.

Inside her body, not only the new glands were activated. Her ovary sack split open releasing her eggs into her uterus. As this was happening the hormones entering his mouth passed a message to his body to activate the testicles to create sperm for the first time in his life. The kiss never broke, almost like they did not require air to survive. Their bodies were now humping each other ensuring maximum penetration of his cock, getting faster as time went on. They maintained this fast pace for an extremely long time until his balls had generated a full load of sperm. When ready they both stiffened as the sperm were shot out, now in a race to find and fertilise her eggs.

The effort needed for this marathon fucking took its toll and neither could move, even though their kiss never stopped. While the kiss was still held the hormones continued to flow into both participants completing the job that was required. This was something that nature had decreed for their species from the first moment they crawled from the swamps. They did not know at the time that the Heat was successful. Parents no longer get involved in the rearing of offspring.

Twenty three larvae hatched from her eggs two weeks following the Heat. They were given sufficient food to eat, held in a casing, until they were ready to emerge to through the outer hard layer to the open air.

It is the movement of the larvae from the casing that triggers the alarms that were set up. The hospital staff are notified that a new generation is now ready for collection. They do however leave the scene untouched for a fortnight to ensure all babies are in the pupa stage. Serious injuries have been sustained by the collectors when arriving too early whilst the larvae are still emerging or not completely cocooned. They have a ravenous hunger and an unnaturally large mouth full of sharp teeth.


Note from the author: I had to change the ending as it was rejected, so it is a bit weak now and possibly doesn't make sense. I'll let you guess what I originally wrote.


Hope you liked this chapter of the story.

Any helpful feedback and comments appreciated.

Voting is always appreciated to show how much you enjoyed my writing.

- GfG.

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GforGrahamGforGrahamover 4 years agoAuthor
original ending

Was that both adults died during the fertile mating. The oral liquids from the female contained a toxic hormone only when fertile and orgasming. This made the male fertile as well. He could take a little of this inseminate and leave without lasting damage. If he took in too much his nervous system shutdown then his body. It was a painless death, just slipping away into sleep like manner. Regardless of the male and if fertilisation is successful, the female dies. Babies surviving larva stage are less likely if only one parent. The twin shells protect from predators, not mentioned at all. Their hard shells encased their soft bodies and fronts. It is this that the larvae fed on until emerging to spin a cocoon.

Just the cycle of life for these beings when in love and at the end of the females lifespan.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Not just the Black Widow Spider

From Gizmodo.com:

Sexual cannibalism among praying mantises is well documented, but scientists have debated the reasons for it. A new study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B shows that females who eat their male partners after sex produce more eggs than those who don’t. What’s more, by eating the male, the widowed female ensures that her man is still providing for their offspring, even though he’s dead.

William Brown, a scientist at State University of New York at Fredonia and co-author of the new study, put it well: “Sexual cannibalism thus increases male investment in offspring.”

Loving Wives indeed.

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