Ultimate Black Fantasy Vanessa

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Oversexed black beauty wants to get fucked.
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Vanessa's satiny black body was soaked with perspiration, little beads of sweat rolling off her face, arms, chest and legs.

Nearly naked, dressed only in a miniscule, bright green, two-piece swim suit, she was stretched out on a lounge chair next to a swimming pool that overlooked one the world's most beautiful beaches.

Her black skin was baking under the hot sun as her thoughts roamed under her dark sunglasses and closed eyes.

As always, Vanessa was thinking about fucking.

She was 45-years-old and she had been obsessed with sex since she was a teenager. Her hunger for it had only grown over the years and at this stage in her life she was consumed by yearning, lust and sexual fantasies.

At this moment her pussy was wet and tingling with excitement as she daydreamed about getting her body eaten by a beautiful man.

Vanessa also had the looks and the body to go with her hunger for sex. She wasn't a classic beauty by any means but she had that raw beauty and sexuality that some women are just born with. Her entire body exuded sex and her eyes radiated a sultry, bedroom look that got the attention of any man who met her.

Vanessa was medium in height with short black hair that served as a perfect backdrop to her dark brown eyes. Some people might consider her a little heavy but she was heavy in all the right places. She had a wide, thick waist, big, thighs and hard, muscular legs, the kind of lower body that you only see on beautiful black women. Her tits were very big, stuck straight out from her chest, and were still very firm for a middle-aged woman.

But all of Vanessa's outstanding physical attributes paled in comparison to her massive, spectacular ass.

Her ass defined her. When she walked in public, her ass sent a clear message of sexuality to everyone around her. It banged from side to side with a ferocious energy and the sight transfixed every man who was lucky enough to see it.

Many, many times when she walked through an area crowded with a lot of men she would hear a buzz, a low murmur and she knew that it was due to the sight of her mesmerizing, beautiful ass. Watching Vanessa walk was one of those "once in a lifetime" moments that any man would remember forever.

She always instinctively felt the looks and they always made her feel hot and sexy. Vanessa had lost track long ago of just how many strange men had approached her after seeing her ass in motion. She loved it that men wanted to fuck her.

Many women with big asses try to hide what they have by wearing long tops that cover it. Or they wear loose-fitting clothing. Vanessa did just the opposite, dressing specifically to show off that prized portion of her body. She was proud of what she had and she enjoyed and looked forward to showing it off. She wore tight pants and tight skirts, making sure every clothing decision did something to show off her fantastic bottom.

Vanessa also had more to offer than just a great body. She was very intelligent and her engaging personality and great sense of humor allowed her to connect with people on a personal level.

Vanessa was the entire package. But she had learned long ago that the thrill in being a very sexual person was putting that sexuality into practice. She loved to fuck.

Vanessa looked up from her book to gaze over the swimming pool area. She could hear the ocean waves roaring in the distance and the air was hot and sticky. Suddenly a figure crossed in front of her field of vision and stopped her train of thought. It was a man, a white man, carrying a cooler, two beach towels and a book.

"What do we have here?" Vanessa thought to herself. "What the fuck? This man is a dream."

She studied the man closely from behind her sunglasses, confident that he couldn't see that she was looking at him. He was older, probably late 40s or early 50s with black hair that was turning gray. He had a blue swimsuit on with a white t-shirt, sandals and sunglasses. His skin was dark, made even darker by the sun, she supposed.

He retrieved a beer from his cooler and positioned himself in his lounge chair. He then took off his sunglasses and began cleaning them with his towel. He started looking around but his eyes stopped when he saw her. She could have sworn that his jaw dropped. Vanessa smiled to herself, knowing that he noticed her.

With his sunglasses off, Vanessa saw the most gorgeous brown eyes she had ever seen.

"Damn. He is one good-looking man," she thought.

The man sat down in his chair but he kept his eyes glued on Vanessa.

"How about this? He can't keep his eyes off of me."

Vanessa's entire body was tingling. It excited her to have this strange, good-looking man watching her.

A few minutes later a woman walked up next to the mystery man. She had short blond hair and was short in stature. The first thing Vanessa noticed was that this woman had a killer body. She had on a two-piece bathing suit that really showed off her tanned skin, beautiful thighs and legs. She had one of those big, perfect asses and her tits were huge.

"Of course," Vanessa thought. "A perfect piece of ass for a man like him."

Vanessa wondered if the woman was his wife or just a girlfriend.

She pulled out her book and pretended to read while she continued to watch the couple out of the corner of her eye. More precisely, she was watching the man. Even with his wife or girlfriend right next to him, he was still looking at her. That thought got her even hotter. Her pussy was soaking wet and on fire.

"I've got to find a way to meet this one," she mumbled to herself.

The more she saw, the more she liked. He was definitely something special, at least in the looks department, and she also loved the way he carried himself. He looked confident and assured. She liked the salt and pepper hair and the dark skin.

He was older, mature and she had adored older men ever since the day John Sanders, Mr. Sanders, a white man, took her virginity when she was 18-years-old.

Just the thought of John Sanders still sent her into a sexual frenzy to this day. It was the most exciting summer of her life and it defined her view of sexuality forever. He had taught her how to fuck and how to be in charge of her own sexuality. That summer was filled with sucking and fucking and she had been in love with sex ever since.

Looking back now on her experience with Mr. Sanders, Vanessa knew that she had been slowly seduced by a wonderful, beautiful, sexy, experienced, older white man and every aspect of it had been delicious.

It happened when she was young and naïve and at an age when she thought she knew everything. She was precocious, a flirt, and so beautiful that most young boys were intimidated by her.

Vanessa had taken a job as a cashier at a grocery store during her senior year in high school and Mr. Sanders would shop there every Friday. He always got in her line to check out and he always made a point to talk to her and to tell her how pretty she was. She would share things with him and he was always interested in what she had to say. He was so nice and kind and so handsome. She would think about him all week and his beautiful smile and his gorgeous eyes. She couldn't wait until Friday when he would come into the store again.

Out of the blue one he asked her to have lunch with him. She blushed and she was so scared but she accepted.

At that lunch he did nothing but sweet-talk her, eventually proposing that they meet the next day at a hotel. He told her that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and that he wanted to make love to her. Mr. Sanders always referred to her as a "woman," never as a girl, and that made her feel grown up and sexy.

She had admitted to him at that lunch that she was a virgin and he assured her that it would not be a problem. He told her that he was glad to be the one to introduce her to sex and he looked forward to showing her how great it can be.

He was true to his word.

She was so nervous at that first meeting but Mr. Sanders made her feel at ease in only seconds. She would never forget the first time he went down on her, how his tongue moved rapidly inside her pussy and how incredible it felt. During their many fuck sessions that summer he would suck her pussy hard and make her explode three or four times before they even got around to fucking.

Vanessa remembered it all, how he used to squeeze her ass and kiss it and lick it, how she used to mount him and bounce up and down on his big dick. She remembered tasting his dick for the first time and how she loved sucking him.

Mr. Sanders erased any inhibitions she had about sex and he gave her a sexual confidence and maturity well beyond her years.

Vanessa remembered going off to college after that glorious summer. Most of the girls would talk about getting felt up in the back seat of a car or losing their virginity in a quick session with an overzealous teenager. She would always laugh inside at these comments and think about the way Mr. Sanders had fucked her senseless, time after time, and how he had instructed her to maximize every aspect of sexual pleasure.

Sadly, thinking about it now, Vanessa had not had a sexual relationship in her life that came even remotely close to that first one. She always hoped that she would reach those heights again. Vanessa also found it ironic that, even though Mr. Sanders was the one who took her virginity, she had not been with a white man since.

Looking at the handsome white man on the other side of the swimming pool, Vanessa thought that maybe the time had come. She was certainly ready for a great fuck. She was always ready.

Thinking about Mr. Sanders always got her even wetter between and her legs and eyeing this good-looking white man doubled the pleasure. She studied him intently, just wondering what she could do to get him into bed. Vanessa was so excited that she instinctively wanted to reach down and touch herself. But she remembered quickly that she was in a public setting. She closed her eyes and tried to calm down.

About an hour earlier, while Vanessa was daydreaming about getting fucked, Joseph was sitting in his beach condo waiting on his wife to get dressed. They were on the first day of their week-long vacation and would spend it alternating between sitting by the pool and watching the waves on the beach. He had already done his duties for the day, which were to prepare the cooler with beer and drinks and to accumulate all the other things they would need.

As usual when he had some time to kill, Joseph's thoughts turned to pussy, more specifically to black pussy.

Black women were his lifelong obsession and his lust for beautiful black women consumed him. In fact, black women actually helped him sleep at night.

In bed during the late hours, he would close his eyes and think of all the beautiful black women he had known during his lifetime, images of their striking figures forever embedded in his memory.

Joseph even thought about the extraordinary black women he might have seen just once, or twice, yet the visions were so remarkable that they always remained with him.

He goes over in his mind all the years he spent fantasizing and dreaming about black women and his uncontrollable lust for them.

He remembers every detail about the day his ultimate fantasy came true, the day that he fucked Yolanda for the first time.

A black woman of enormous beauty and intense sexuality, Yolanda was and is his ultimate black fantasy come true. She has all the classic features that black women have: beautiful brown skin, big, expressive eyes, thick sensuous lips, huge tits, wide, thick hips, and big thighs.

Yolanda's ass is so spectacular that it defies description. It is massive, wide and hard. It was the first thing that caught Joseph's eye when he saw her for the first time.

Joseph thinks about the time he and Yolanda locked themselves in a room for 24 hours straight. It was about two months after they first got together and it remains to this day the most intense sexual experience of his life.

They fucked over and over again, in the bed, on the floor, in the chair, and in the shower. Their desire for each other was unquenchable. Thinking about it now, Joseph is sure that he was unleashing a lifetime of frustration and desire on that one night. He was unstoppable.

They interrupted their fucking only briefly during those 24 hours, usually for a quick bite to eat or for a quick nap. But even the naps would be short-lived. Joseph would wake up to see Yolanda's magnificent brown flesh towering over him, his hard dick buried in her mouth. Or she would wake up to see his head buried between her thighs, eating and sucking her hot, wet pussy.

Looking back on it now, Joseph remembered what a thrill it was to wake up in the morning in a bed filled with black pussy. He woke up before Vanessa that morning, peeled back the covers and just studied her naked black body for what seemed like hours.

Yolanda validated his lifelong belief that black women are the most sexual women on earth. But it's far more than their sexuality that is so attractive about black women. They have a unique spirit and an innate strength or fortitude that Joseph never experienced in women of other racial and ethnic backgrounds. He concluded that their strength and independence comes from years of having to overcome massive odds to make it in this world.

As for sex, black women are completely comfortable with their sexuality. They do not try to hide their sexual desires like many women. They embrace them. They are proud of their sexuality. They love sex. And they are absolutely wild in bed.

Joseph fucked two more black women after Yolanda and, despite having these three extraordinary black women in his life and in his bed, he still craved for more. One thing that surprised him after fucking Yolanda for the first time was that it only increased his hunger for black women. He realized that the fantasy and the longing would never be completely satisfied. Black women are just too fantastic and thus he found himself always looking, always on the prowl to find that next raging black beauty that would satisfy his intense obsession.

Joseph's trips to shopping malls, grocery stores and bars and restaurants weren't just business or entertainment trips. He used them as opportunities to see black women in multiple numbers. They were opportunities to fuel his fantasy, and opportunities to find that next great black woman to take to bed.

When lost in thought, Joseph remembers so many of the beautiful black women he has seen over the years.

He remembers being a newly-married man, in his mid-20s, and he and his wife were in a clothing store shopping. He was sitting just waiting on his wife to get through when the most incredible black woman walked in. She took over the room immediately, her presence dominating everyone in the place. She had short-cropped dark hair and dark brown skin. She had on tight jeans that were trying to contain one of the greatest lower bodies Joseph had ever seen. She had on a very tight, low-cut top that exposed more of that beautiful brown skin. He looked at her intently and her eyes were big, brown, and electric. Just watching her for that few minutes was a great experience for Joseph.

They left the store and parted ways, and he would never see her again. But the memory of that beauty will always be with him and it is a constant torture for him to know that he will never get a chance to put his hands on that woman.

"You can go on down to the pool if you want to," his wife said. "I'll be down in a few minutes."

Joseph's daydreaming was interrupted by his wife's charge. He collected the cooler, towels and other belongings and headed to the pool.

He entered the pool area, picked out two chairs, and put the cooler down.

After getting things organized, he looked out over the pool area and suddenly felt like he was hit by a sledge hammer.

Right in front of him, just across the pool, stretched out on a lounge chair, was a black-skinned beauty wearing nothing but a small bikini. Her body was like something Joseph had just been dreaming about. He had to force himself to avert his eyes but his heart was suddenly racing.

"What are the odds of seeing a black woman like that here at the beach?" he thought. "And she's all alone too."

He couldn't stop looking at this woman. Her skin was that beautiful deep jet-black color that he loved and her body was out of this world. He could see her big tits, her great thighs and legs but he couldn't see her ass. He would bet anything that it was great too.

Joseph's wife soon joined him but he was oblivious to her and everything around him. He was dizzy at the sight of this gorgeous black beauty. He just kept looking at her, wondering how he could possibly meet her and talk to her.

After a couple hours in the sun and several beers, Joseph saw the woman get up, gather her things, and begin to walk away. Immediately his heart sank, thinking she was leaving. But that feeling was replaced with absolute joy when he saw the most incredible sight of his life, this black woman walking and her gigantic ass moving from side to side with earth-shattering power. It was big and wide, sat up high, and looked hard as a rock. But the sheer explosiveness of the movement was what was so unbelievable. Joseph had seen a lot of great asses in his life but this was a rare sight. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to bury his face right in the middle of it. He winced at the thought.

He kept his eyes glued on the woman and was glad to see that she didn't leave the pool area. She took a seat at the tiki bar that was located several feet from the far side of the pool. She was sitting all alone with her back facing him. After picking up the drink she ordered, she turned to look back toward the pool area. Was she looking for him? Those dark glasses made it impossible to tell for sure.

About 30 minutes later his wife said she wanted to go back up and eat lunch and take a nap. Joseph was tired after being in the sun so long, not counting the number of beers he had already consumed. But he knew this was an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

"No, you go ahead. I think I'll stay down here for a while. I may go over to the bar and sit in the shade."

After his wife left, Joseph got up and started walking toward the tiki bar. He was so nervous and he had no idea what he was going to say to her. He just knew that he had to get a close look at that gorgeous black body and to meet her and talk to her.

As he approached her, he stopped about 10 feet short just to savor the view. He studied her bare back and how it curved down to that big, wide, beautiful ass. Her short black hair showed off her inviting neck and shoulders.

Joseph was nervous as he always was around beautiful black women. But he gathered himself, took a deep breath, and walked up and tapped her on the shoulder.

Vanessa turned her head around slowly and looked at him without expression.

"Want some company?" he asked.

"Yes, I would."

She patted the bar stool next to her and said, "Have a seat."

On the outside Vanessa seemed poised and totally calm. But on the inside she was feeling nothing but excitement. She had walked over to the bar hoping that at some point the object of her lust would come over to meet her. She had also walked over so that he could get an eyeful of her most powerful weapon -- her wicked ass.

When he sat down Vanessa turned her body so that she was completely facing him. Her legs were crossed and her body was within just inches of him. She wasn't a shy person and this was not a time for modesty. She was face to face with this gorgeous man and she wanted to impress.

Joseph's heart was in his throat as he looked at this fantastic black goddess. Up close her skin was a satiny black and she was even more beautiful than he had thought. She had removed her sunglasses and he could see her big, sparkling brown eyes. They pierced right through him and sent a clear message of sex and lust. Her entire body just radiated sex and Joseph knew that he would have to find a way to fuck this woman.