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When they were halfway across the green, Nick asked what Mandy had been hoping to get the chance to ask. "Laurie, we're all deathly curious," he said. "I mean, we heard about you before we came here, most of the guys figured it was just a story, but it's true, and then you said you knew what it was like to be shy like Ron. No offense, but you seem like the opposite of shy to us all!"

"Ah yes, the reason why I do this every year," Laurie said. "Well, guys, I've never even told Mandy that, but I told her I would if she joined me. I'm happy to tell you guys as well, but let's wait until we get to our room and can slip into something more comfortable.

"More comfortable?" Ron piped up. "Aren't you both...naked under your dresses?"

Both women laughed. "Yup," Mandy said, yanking her skirt up flirtatiously.

"Only one thing more comfortable to slip into than that," Laurie said. "You'll see why I feel more comfortable telling this story when we're naked, I promise.

That even had Mandy wondering. But after what they'd all just been up to, she was more than happy to undress again once they were back in their room. She expected Ron to once again be hesitant, but he was the first of the guys to unbutton his shorts. In no time they were all settled on the two beds, not a stitch of clothing among them. No one objected to Ron sidling up beside Laurie, who put her arm around him.

"So," she said. "What's the story of the crazy sex freak at swimming camp that you guys heard so much about?"

"Yes please," Mandy said. "She's never told me either!" she reminded the guys.

"I've never told anyone," Laurie added. "But now that I won't be coming back next summer, it's time."

"But it's something that happened in high school," Mandy said. "That's all I know."

"One thing in high school, and one thing first year in college," Laurie corrected.

"You never told me that!" Mandy said. "Was I involved?"

"You'll see," Laurie said, and stroking Ron's hair, she began.

"It happened at all-city science fair, sophomore year. My presentation on aerodynamics took second place and I won high praise from all the teachers, so it should be a golden memory. And would have been, if I hadn't happened to stumble across the psychology experiment some boy from Northeast High was presenting. Our arch rivals, because they were just like us but in another suburb, of course."

"Ain't that the truth," Derek said.

"I never knew the boy's name, and I don't recall anything about him that I saw at the time. What I do remember, and always will, is the chart the boy set up to display his findings. In the morning before the general public was allowed in, all the presenters got the chance to explain their exhibits to the other presenters. And this boy with the psych experiment was one of the first." She continued in a bombastic high school jock voice. "'My display answers the age-old question, is beauty really in the eye of the beholder?' he explained. 'My mother has always said no, and she should know, she's a licensed aesthetician. She always says, I can get paid to put lipstick on a dog, but she's still a dog.'"

"God, so rude!" Nick interjected.

"What do you expect of high school kids?" Derek added.

"Yes, and most of the boys and a few of the girls laughed hard at that," Laurie said. "I'm proud to this day that I wasn't among them. Anyway, the boy went on. "'My hypothesis was that statistical analysis will show most people agree on who is and isn't attractive. To test that, I set up a website with some pictures from the Memorial High yearbook, last year's freshmen actually, and had over two hundred kids at Northeast vote on whether each one was attractive or unattractive.'"

"Oh no, Laurie!" Mandy had seen her old friend's yearbooks a few times. "You went to Memorial, didn't you?"

"Yes, and this was sophomore year, so I was one of 'last year's freshmen'." Laurie paused to collect herself, and Ron took the opportunity to kiss her cheek and caress her belly. Laurie appreciatively guided his handup to her breasts, adding, "That's what we both want, isn't it?" Then she went on. "I hadn't noticed the pasteboard behind him up to that point. I'd been dividing my attention between his explanation and a cute boy with a rose in his lapel who had a botany project on the next aisle. But the mention of my school and my class, of course that caught my full attention. So I turn and look at his posterboard, and there, alongside a bunch of mumbo jumbo about polling and statistical analysis, there's a bunch of pictures of people I knew, each one with ATTRACTIVE or UNATTRACTIVE listed beneath in merciless block capital letters."

Mandy wanted to cry. All at once she knew just what was coming.

"There was Jen Goldstein, the bubbly JV cheerleader who'd gotten the braces off her teeth just the week before pictures were taken, and had told as much to everyone who would listen - of course she was an ATTRACTIVE. Chris DeWalt, the closest our class had to a male Jen - just as ATTRACTIVE as she was. Chris Colton, the loud and proud nerd who hadn't even combed his hair for the picture - UNATTRACTIVE, naturally. Andy McNair, the painfully shy boy who never even looked a girl in the eye - ATTRACTIVE, though anyone could see he didn't know it." Here, she paused to kiss Ron. "Jen Lipski, who'd had no trouble becoming anathema to all her colleagues on the freshman chorus with her bossy personality - UNATTRACTIVE, probably because she hadn't even bothered to smile for the camera."

"And down in the right-hand corner, smiling broadly and sporting a cute sweater and a bow in her hair to pretty up the last remnants of an admittedly ill-advised perm, was yours truly. And I was marked UNATTRACTIVE."

"Oh, Laurie..."

Laurie wasn't sure just who had said that; she was still lost in the painful memory. "You know, I still remember having that photo taken, and that I was pretty happy with it. I mean, I was still mired in my awkward stage, I remember being surprised at how much I liked my own smile. I'd practiced it for a long time in the mirror the night before. If my hair wasn't beautiful thanks to the perm - a mistake I've never repeated, by the way, the bow flattered it pretty well, I thought. And I even remember thinking there was a twinkle in my eye behind my big glasses? I mean, I wasn't sure about that, but the bottom line is, for the first time since I'd stopped hating boys, I'd been able to believe they might like what they saw if they happened to look my way in class.

Until the science fair. UNATTRACTIVE, really?"

"I'm so sorry," Derek said.

"Me too," Nick added. "And they were wrong!"

"Thank you." Laurie took a deep breath and patted the floor between her legs for Ron, who eagerly climbed into her waiting bear hug. "Anyway. I can still see myself right there, in my blue blazer and grey skirt, struggling not to cry. Then I thought of something even worse: what if some of the other presenters recognised my picture? None of them did that I know of, and I managed to make it through the rest of the tour without drawing any attention to myself. Back at my own table, I forced a smile and reminded myself that I'd never wanted to be a beauty queen anyway, and wouldn't any boy worth his salt want a smart girl?"

"We sure would!" Ron clutched both of her hands in his and he kissed them both in turn.

"Taking second place that day helped, of course," Laurie went on, "but the sting didn't wear off quickly, I can tell you."

"I can imagine!" Mandy said. "That's such a difficult age to begin with, and then seeing a thing like that...Laurie, I'm sorry I pestered you to tell the story. If you don't want to share the thing from college..."

"Yeah, I hate to think how awful that must've been if it topped this!" Nick agreed.

Laurie smiled and shook her head. "No. You see, I kept that first one to myself because it was so hurtful, but the second thing was wonderful but also kind of embarrassing. But not too embarrassing to tell when we're all butt naked," she laughed and, seeing it was all right, the others all joined in. "Anyway. Mandy know, our college has a required swimming course. Something about a student who drowned ages ago -- you probably know the song by heart. I of course was not happy at all to hear that, even if it was an all women's college, so I wouldn't have to parade my UNATTRACTIVE self before any guys in a swimsuit. At least, I figured, I could beat anyone at swimming. It's always been my big thing."

"She was a star on our swim team, all four years," Mandy chimed in. "But I never knew you were bugged about it."

"I wasn't, after the second thing that happened," Laurie said. "That first day, as I said, I was pretty angsty about it, but I tried to cover it up with confidence -- in my swimming, not my appearance -- as I stepped out of the locker room on the day of the first lesson. And then, the loveliest thing happened. Just as I was leaving the locker room, I overheard the comment from some girl I didn't know, who was still changing. "'Man, she has a nice body!' And then another one replies, 'I know! I'm glad my boyfriend won't be around for this class!'"

"You've got to understand, I was already a sweatshirt and jeans gal before the science fair and even more so since then -- I'd never given any real thought to my figure. Now, in that magical moment, I paused in the locker room doorway and looked down. It wasn't the first time I'd had to lean over to see past my breasts, but it probably was the first time I was really aware of that." The memory made her grin. "And my feigned confidence was almost real as I finally stepped out to the poolside. Was I -- UNATTRACTIVE Laurie -- really that shapely?"

"You are!" Ron said it in a voice just above a whisper. The other two guys laughed, but then they agreed.

"Thank you!" She squeezed Ron like a beloved teddy bear. "So that's how you gentlemen ended up with a sex freak for a swimming instructor. It was the one way I could feel beautiful."

"Now guys," Mandy said, "Be honest, did you think she was anything less than beautiful before you saw her naked?"

"Of course not," Nick said.

"Seconded," Derek added.

"Thanks, guys, but even then I was in a swimsuit, wasn't I?"

"No, we saw you at lunch!" Derek reminded her.

"In your dresses," Nick added.

"And I was hoping you'd be our instructors," Ron added. "Even if..."

"Even if what?" Laurie asked, helping herself to a gentle stroke on his hard cock.

"Even if I was embarrassed about how I would look to you."

"Oh, Ron, please, learn from my mistake!" Laurie said. "Don't believe for a second you're not beautiful just because of what someone who's never even met you said! Right, Mandy?"

"Right," Mandy said. "But right now I'm kind of glad you made that mistake, I admit." She stood up and stretched, and reached out a hand each for Derek and Nick. "Otherwise we wouldn't be here, would we?"

Derek and Nick lost no time in tackling Mandy on her bed, where she closed her eyes and wasn't immediately sure which one was kissing her breasts and which was flicking his tongue around her vulva. Not particularly caring which was which, she soon let loose with a passionate, loud grunt that made Ron look at Laurie and snicker.

"You know, you can make me do that, too," Laurie reassured him.

"Want to try?" Ron asked.

"Do I!" Laurie gave him a final squeeze and pushed him gently off so she could stand up. There was no further shyness on his part as he enjoyed a lingering look at her body and then threw his arms around her.

With Mandy's increasingly intense responses for a soundtrack, they kissed long and hard. Laurie welcomed Ron's now more-practiced teasing her lips with his fingers, and she wasn't at all surprised to find herself wet and ready to welcome the fingers inside her. He did learn fast!

"Oh, Ron!" Laurie grabbed onto his shoulder for balance and leaned her head back to enjoy the lovely sensation. "Ohhhhhhhhhh..." She wrapped her free hand around his hardness and rubbed the tip with her thumb, drawing a similar reaction from him. As he was catching his breath, she whispered, "Get on my bed."

Ron lost no time in lying back as directed. He looked utterly adorable with his virgin cock pointed skyward and the rest of his body just waiting to be ravaged, but what was most adorable of all was the eager way he was looking at Laurie. Neither of them could ignore the wonderfully guttural noises Derek and Nick were inspiring in Mandy as Nick humped her while Derek massaged and kissed her breasts passionately. But Laurie was certain she and Ron could hold their own in that department.

"You do know there's nothing unattractive about you, don't you?" Ron cooed as Laurie climbed onto him.

"That goes for both of us!" And she lost no time in guiding him inside her. "Ohhhh, that's lovely!"

As if on cue, Mandy's responses reached a crescendo. "Oh God! Do it! Yesssss!" Then she came with a noise Laurie couldn't have described. Was that how she sounded to others when she came? There was only one way to find out!

She had suspected Ron was one of those rare guys who could be as noisy as a woman in bed. As she set about flailing above him and dragging her fingers up and down his chest and sides, her suspicions were confirmed. He yelped and moaned and egged her on with every variety of "Yes" Laurie -- who was herself grunting up a storm -- could have thought of. She longed for him to play with her breasts, but his hands were busy hanging onto the mattress for dear life as if he feared he might float away.

"I've never heard a guy that loud," Mandy said from her bed, where she was still catching her breath.

"If I had to guess about one of us," Derek said. "The shy ones are the most boisterous, aren't they?"

"Let's see how boisterous you are," Mandy said, scooting off the bed for him to take his place beneath her.

"Can I play with these from behind?" Nick sidled up behind her and cupped her breasts without waiting for an answer, but Mandy welcomed his hands.

"Guess I shouldn't tease you too much," Mandy quipped as she rubbed Derek's tip around her wet lips. "You must be awfully pent up, watching everyone else go at it all this time."

"Oh, sweet torture!" But Derek was grinning up at her as he said it, and his grin promptly turned into a gape of joy as Mandy slid him inside her.

Ron wasn't the first virgin Laurie had deflowered. But he was the one she found it hardest to believe was a virgin, for his responsiveness only grew more intense as she ground harder and faster into him. Fearing he might come before her, Laurie reached down and helped herself along with her fingers. Ron happened to open his eyes just in time to see it. "Oh that's so hot!" he said in a rushed whisper.

"Want to use your fingers instead?" she offered.

"Can I?!"

Laurie answered by prying his right hand off the edge of the mattress and guiding it to her clit. "Just rub in small circles like this..."

"OH GOD!" Ron came, loud and hard, but he managed to do just as she had directed with his fingers.

"Oh, that's beautiful, Ron!" Knowing how sensitive guys got just after they came, Laurie stopped her humping but patted his fingers with a throaty directive to keep it up. She writhed around, gently and gracefully and still clutching him within as his touch worked her ever closer, her responses fighting a losing battle against Mandy's as she flailed at Derek. But neither of them was paying the other any mind in that moment.

"There! Right there! Just rub there!" Laurie closed her eyes and clenched her hands over Ron's, and seconds later she saw stars and howled with joy. A split second later, Mandy joined her and then the room was silent for a moment.

Derek, still pinned between Mandy's knees, broke the silence. "Ladies, I can tell you from here, there wasn't anything 'unattractive' about that!"

"Not from our side either," Laurie agreed with a wistful smile at Ron while Mandy laughed. "Guess I've got that awful day out of my system."

"Don't tell us that means you're never going to seduce any worthy college guys again!" Derek said.

"I'm not sure where I'll find them now," Laurie mused.

"But we'll find 'em all right!" Mandy added.

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BigpickleBigpicklealmost 3 years ago

The start didn't reel me in, I was a bit bored with the whole secret thing , that seemed to drag on. After we got the explaination of her insecurity and the whole shower thing , it came together beautifully.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

2 pages too long. 1 page could have been skipped completely. So boring. The rest was so so.

2 stars

vanmyers86vanmyers86almost 3 years ago

Just the right mix of emotion, comedy and hormones to result in a perfect summer blend!

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