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"I was so hard. And they clapped," he said, "they really clapped. They applauded my cock."

And how many men can say that of their penises?

Lovely to see all those girls, but would not those girls have loved to see the scene in the male dorm? All of Michael's friends listening with rapt attention and every man jack of them's penis rising out of his pyjama fly. A considerable variety of young and strong male members. What of the other way around? A single and naked girl in the dorm. They would all have shown their appreciation. Would have offered her so much spunk! What would that have been like for the girl, spunk coming at her from all directions, more penises than she could count.

Michael had rather expected to choose one girl and be sucked or even copulate with her. But, perhaps unsurprisingly, every girl wanted 'a go' or at least 'a feel.' Perhaps, or probably, far too many interested girls for a single young man. The ratio way out of kilter. Only one, or possibly two, could do the spunking. He was asked to walk around all the girls, let them touch in turn, spend a little while with each -- but not spend yet.

Telling his friends, later, how he walked from one seated girl to the next. Some naked, some half clothed, others fully clothed, but always the hands, the small, feminine hands reaching out for him. The encircling, the moving of his foreskin, the staring and fascinated eyes, the girl's other hand carefully touching, weighing and fondling his balls. Many had squeezed, not a few had compared the thickness of their forearm to him. Several had touched the very end with their forefinger. Not a few had found a sticky connection remained as they pulled the finger away -- a strand of maleness between finger and penis. All had finished their turn by pulling back his skin, fully exposing the head, taut fraenum and all clearly wondering what it would be like to suck.

Edwina cautioned the girls. None were to suck. None were to steal Michael's cum. They were all to enjoy its coming. It was not to be hidden inside a mouth; all should know when it happened.

Cynthia, not to be outdone made a second caution when little Clairie seemed about to lick. There was a conflict in potential there. Edwina and Cynthia clearly vying to take Mary's place as top girl -- head girl. Things would be different under either of their rule

Mary, certainly lovelier but so lesbian and man hating. Neither Edwina nor Cynthia possessing her dislike and contempt for men. Things would be different with Mary gone. Very different. The now opened channel of communication with the boys' school would be widened and down that channel maleness would flow into the girls' school. Real not plastic cocks would enter the girls' channels and semen would flow down narrow male channels perhaps onto the girls, maybe reaching their stomachs. Maybe boys would be dressed just in condoms. There would be meetings after dark. Maybe in the woods on a hot summer evening, maybe in the sixth form common room, maybe in the senior boys' dorm -- maybe the gym. The thought of exercises with naked boys so pleasing. Climbing of ropes, vaulting, running -- yes, press ups, with boy on girl!

Michael had made the rounds, his penis still hard, still upright. A young man naked and erect in a room of girls. He had held out well. He had been much fondled.

"Your reward, Michael, you've done what we asked -- been such a good sport. You want to come I'm sure..."

The young man nodded at Edwina. His balls were beginning to ache. He did need to expel semen, even though he had done just that in the showers earlier.

"I said if you played your part you could come wherever you liked and in whom you liked. Who or where is it to be?"

Cynthia, asserting herself, took advantage of she alone having had prior knowledge of men, "My friends here haven't seen a man cum, I think they'd all like to see. It is rather good." she said, looking at Edwina meaningfully and then back at Michael. "I know you'd rather cum in one of our mouths or cunnies but, would you mind, being rather more... could you give them a demonstration. Another time..."

Michael liked the sound of 'another time.' He even mentioned that later to his friends back in his own dorm. His friends sitting there with their penises as hard as his had been in the presence of all those girls. And whilst they did not have the benefit, as Michael had done, of feminine hands upon their cocks, their own certainly were. A dorm full of masturbating boys. Michael had wondered out loud to them what 'another time' had meant and whether one or more of his friends might come too. There was vigorous nodding of heads. Cocks raised in agreement. The emphasis, indeed, on 'come'!

A disappointment to have Michael's thoughts of fucking a girl to a finish potentially dashed. He had fucked Mary, certainly, but not completed the fuck. Most definitely not. That had not been permitted. Was there a compromise where he could at least fuck for a second time? A fuck and a withdrawal at the critical point, perhaps?

"It is important," he said, addressing the girls feeling a little like a male teacher giving a class of girls a sex education lesson (though how often would that happen with the teacher naked and sporting his demonstration penis in its upright state?). "Important for pleasure, for the penis, my cock, to be stroked as it comes. Critical at that very time. It'd be nice enough just to spurt but best if it is sliding within a girl's... vagina (not an easy word to say even in a room of mostly naked girls), mouth or, a bit of a second best, the skin being slid up and down by a girl's hand as it ejaculates." The reality, of course, he had never come like that -- in a vagina, girl's mouth or by a girl's hand. It had all been his own work, but he knew he liked to stroke whilst he came.

Around him a sharp intake of breath on the word, 'ejaculates.'

He looked at Edwina, "Can I do it properly, pull out and one of you stroke me as I come?"

The answer was of course 'yes,' no shortage of volunteers. But whose vagina and whose hand?

"Who is it to be?" Edwina's look was keen. Of course she wanted it to be her. It would even things, somewhat, with Cynthia and Cynthia's limited but real experience. It was obvious to Michael all the girls were hoping it would be them. A risk of upset, of noses out of joint. He had to be careful. He liked the idea of 'another time.'

"I'll spin around with my eyes closed and point."

Even that was fun. Whirling around, several times, in the centre of a group of girls with his eyes closed and knowing the girls' eyes would all be on his whirling cock, and then suddenly stopping and pointing.

It was Edwina. Had he cheated? Had his eyes not been truly shut? Had he made the diplomatic choice with all the appearance of having been scrupulously fair?

"Could Fiona assist?" He had liked Fiona, the way she had prepared him for Mary. The way she had sucked his penis. He would quite have liked Clarie as well. Actually, any of the girls!

What an excitement for Edwina. Many of the girls had gone down on her, had had a close up view between her legs. Things like that might have happened anyway, but with Mary in the lead that sort of thing had happened a great deal. Edwina too had been between Mary's thighs, had sucked on her soft flesh, had poked her tongue into the head girl to say nothing of having sucked her breasts and exchanged tongues whilst grinding pubic bones together. But all the girls watched as Edwina lay down and readied herself, opening her legs for the young man; all the girls saw her sex, her open flower ready to receive Michael's cock; excited by what they would see - the connection.

Later in the dorm, the boys listened with rapt attention as he had described the sight and his feelings. There had been a groan from Thompson as he had overdone his wank, but no one looked to see his spurting, their attention was all upon Michael.

"So open, so wet, so pink and inviting. Her hole just there -- and my cock sticking out towards it."

He had slowly settled himself upon the girl. All quite different from his copulation with Mary. Then only his penis had made contact -- intimate and internal contact -- but with Edwina it was full on body contact, his hands upon her breasts, for a time, his lips upon her nipples for a time and then body to body -- head-to-head, breast to breast, tummy to tummy, thigh to thigh and, of course, his organ hanging poised between her thighs.

"Fiona," Michael said, "When I pull out I need you to grab and stroke, not fast, not slow, a steady pace until I'm done -- please.

"Shall I practise?"

A practice wank. What an idea! But she did and the pace was just right.

"Yes! Put me in." The idea wonderful, the idea of a second girl at a copulation, there to put the penis in the vagina. The girls, later, were much taken with the idea. They nicknamed Fiona 'the handmaiden' and the nickname stuck. The teachers wondering why Fiona was suddenly referred to as 'Handy.' The boys back in their dorm certainly wanking the harder because of it. Too hard for Atkinson -- a second groan and he came.

Fiona positioned him; all Michael had to do was slide forward. A gentle slow slide, opening Edwina, her breath in his coming in short sharp bursts. The girl, eighteen years old but a virgin, a maid, trying to maintain composure and authority with the other sixth formers and not going all girly with 'I think it's too big,' 'don't hurt me,' 'be gentle' or whimpering.

It was, of course, big, much bigger than fingers, bigger than she had really expected -- but it was so good. A so wonderful feeling of being opened, the feeling of the invading penis expanding her. The feeling then of balls against her, knowing it was all within her -- she had a full cock inside her -- so exciting and so pleasurable. Her clitoris on fire.

"Mmmm, that is good, Michael, I do like that. Oh er oh!" The whimper she had tried to avoid just slipped out as Michael began to move. So like the moving of a piston on a steam engine. In and out, in and out. So good, so good.

Maybe not that much for the girls to see in that position, just the rising and falling of Michael's neat buttocks but it pleased all the girls. Their hands as much stroking wet femininity as later, back in the boys' dorm, penises would be stroked. Only, unlike the boys, it was not always the girls' own fingers.

Steady copulation. Again, the wisdom of jacking off before the visit in the shower was demonstrated. Michael kept his spunk back for quite a time. The fuck reasonably prolonged. But Edwina going into a spasm of her own, a girl orgasm, was a bit too much for Michael. The rhythmic squeezing of his cock by Edwina's perineal muscles just that bit too much.


Michael pulled himself back, out and up. A sudden movement of all the girls as they craned their necks downwards or dropped to their knees to see the sudden appearance of the cock. So different from their own bodies, the long curving flesh 'cucumber' or 'banana' with that lovely big acorn-like head. All so wet from Edwina's body, catching the light. All the girls associating wetness strongly with sex and Michael's penis just so wet. Fiona's hand reaching to grab and move the loose skin of his prepuce, his foreskin, up and almost over the shiny acorn head and then back down. A steady rhythm. The girls, some of them holding their breath in excitement, unsure of quite what would happen.

Despite his earlier shower wank, Michael put on a respectable show -- if ejaculating over the stomach and mounded chest of a naked schoolgirl whilst her friends watched and one particular friend did the wanking, can be called in any way 'respectable.' Fiona wanked in the steady rhythm that Michael had requested, a small spurt came out of its end and then a really big one shooting up between Edwina's breasts to a collective intake of breath from the other girls. Michael gritted his teeth in pleasure as a third shot left his penis travelling as far as the second but landing atop Edwina's left breast. A few more spurts and the boy was done. The male orgasm demonstrated in fine style. Michael raised up above Edwina, resting on his hands and arms, breathing heavily. Beneath him Fiona's hand still working his cock.

"You can stop now, Fiona." Was the hand withdrawn reluctantly?

Up Edwina's body streaks of wetness, the product of Michael's penis. Around the room all eyes upon the outcome. Some eyes quite wide. All very educational and erotic. Fingers had not stopped moving.

Edwina's left nipple particularly covered. "It's like the icing on a cherry bun," said Fiona leaning back on her heels. The first words after Michael had shown what penises did. Humorous, really, but there was no laughter from the girls. It was all much too serious.

"You can lick it if you like, Fiona," said Michael to another collective gasp around the room.

When he recounted those words in the dorm there had most certainly been a reaction. Bot Willoughby and Duffield had spurted.

"Yes," said Edwina struggling to regain her composure and leadership, "do." and Fiona did. Not just a lick but a real suck of the cummy nipple.

Cynthia, not to be outdone, suggested they all take a lick. "Mary wouldn't like that!"

She would not! Mary would not have liked that at all. The girls, though, came forward. Maybe some more enthusiastic than others but all applied pink tongues to Edwina's body -- where the cum was, licking it away, learning what a man's stuff tasted like. Most of them would be doing a lot of tasting in the future. It is what women and men do. It certainly had a powerful effect on the girls afterwards. All remembered that licking, all remembered sharing Michael's cum. It took them away from Mary. It was a sign between them. A tongue across the lips. Mary noticed the change but did not know the reason. There was indeed a change. Her previous dominance had somehow lessened. Something was amiss. But she had only a few more days at the school. She was leaving early. Would be doing her exams elsewhere -- abroad. Was not staying the rest of the summer term.

Edwina could have licked her own nipple, though Fiona's had done a rather effective removal of the cum, could have used her fingers to scoup but, instead, she was quick enough to reach out and pull Michael's softening cock towards her. Her first cock of course -- in her mouth -- not fully hard anymore, rather rubbery but still quite firm and awash with her own well tasted juice and that important salty taste of semen. A little suck and she got a little extra to come 'up the tube.' And the kudos of, along with Cynthia -- or so Cynthia said -- and Fiona being the only girls to have sucked cock.

"Thank you, Michael. That was all very nice," the now rather rubbery, not yet fully subsided much used cock between her fingers.

"Thank you, Michael," said all the girls together.

"My pleasure."

And everyone then laughed.

Fiona led him back out of the school, her hand in his, out of the window and for him to head back to his own school through the darkened lanes, clamber back into his school and go up to the dorm and report to his waiting classmates. To tell them all.

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nthusiasticnthusiasticover 1 year ago

This was excellent! Perhaps those with a different sort of educational instruction system might not have fully appreciated the effect keeping the sexes separated at a time when the hormones start rising, the dramatic changes occurring in the young bodies, the intense curiosity toward the unknown opposite sex. Then again, the odd rankings of status that develop when a community lives in isolation is unfamiliar to many. This writer brings all that to life and more. Thank you, Drmaxc, for sharing your talents with us.

KlitomaticKlitomaticover 2 years ago

I get rankled by the negative comments of people who haven't even tried to write, and have no idea how difficult it is. Good job, love the build up, the tease, the journey to the, if I may use the word, climax. In my estimation it is similar to an actual sex act. The journey should be as pleasurable as the destination.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I enjoyed it, made a real change from most of the noncon here in that the focus moved freely rather than just being all about that moment

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A little bit wordy, but very good. But let's be real. In reality, that kids dick would probably stayed hard through at least a couple more very long fucks. First time, that much stimulation, most of the girls in that room would have had the pleasure of being penetrated for at least as long as Mary was.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ignore the previous comment. I for one thought it was good. Different but good. Keep up the good work.

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