Unbelievable Fate


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"Mandy, no one has ever felt like this for me either. You're so…abso-in-lutely-credible! Your body just tucked me in so nicely. It just wrapped around me like I have never felt…I can't really explain." He said.

"You just did." She replied hugging his neck and kissing his cheek. "Abso-in-what?" She laughed.

"Abso-in-lutely-credible." He replied. "In other words, you're so absolutely incredible, I can't even say it without getting tongue tied."

"Oh, I see." She said still laughing at his sweet sense of humor.

"Mandy, when I say no one, I mean absolutely no one, has ever made me feel like this." He was being truthful.

"Thank you. I think I know what a Thanksgiving turkey must feel like. Stuffed that is." She said, they laughed.

She felt good thinking she was erasing Bev from his heart and mind. She pet him and kissed him. They held each other for the next few minutes, neither one wanting this moment to end.

"Mandy, you remember how sad I was when I found you?" He asked.

"Yes." She answered.

"What was it I was sad about, do you remember?" He smiled against her face.

She ran her fingers through his hair, pulled his head up and kissed his wonderful loving lips deep and long. Her burning lust being fulfilled for now, this kiss was from her heart not her desire. He just paid her the sweetest compliment that anyone ever had.

"I don't remember either." She finally responded, gazing longingly into his eyes. "Kevin where are you from?"

"Mandy no, please. Let's just enjoy our time together. Let's exchange addresses before we leave but let's live today as if we were never living Crested Butte." He didn't want to think about it, what good would it do. She would get in her car in a few days and he would never see her again. A tear came to his eye.

They made small talk and laughed for the next thirty minutes or so. He gazed into her eyes and kissed her softly. He massaged her breasts lovingly, gently rolling her nipples in his fingers. Touching Mandy had become Kevin's favorite thing to do. Her belly his favorite playground. He stroked her body, ever so often he would hit a sensitized spot and Mandy would jump and goose bumps would pop out on her smooth silky skin. He would laugh and kiss her wherever his lips would touch.

He got a startled look and stared into Mandy's eyes. "Uh oh honey." He said worrying her a little.

"What Kevin, what is it?" She tilted her head and asked gazing into his worried eyes.

"Oh Mandy, you better jump and run while you can." He was feigning seriousness.

Mandy smiled. "Why?" She waited for him to play his joke.

Mandy was getting a good taste of Kevin and found she was loving his sense of humor. She watched his face and waited. He just studied her eyes and looked at her as if to say, I warned you. He dropped his face to her neck and began kissing her softly. She held him and smiled and then felt him move inside her.

"Ummm, big boy that felt nice." She sighed at the sensation.

"Nice?! Nice?! It felt, just nice?" He kept his face against her neck.

Then she realized this was a little more than just an involuntary twitch of his wonderful organ. He was coming to life inside her! She felt him growing, her mouth fell open and her eyes widened staring through the ceiling waiting…for…for…!

"Oh Kevin, uhhhhhhh, oh my…Kevin, that is so incredible…so incredible!" She whispered in his ear.

As he reached full erection Mandy reached full insanity. She laughed at the undreamed of stimulation this was doing to her body. She gripped Kevin's neck, as he grew harder she buried her face deeper into his chest, and reveled in the experience. Her laughter at the surprise soon turned to sighing in quick deep breaths. Her thighs squeezed against his rock hard hips, she wrapped her legs around him and held on for the ride.

"Oh…oh…oh… gosh baby, if you knew what you were doing to me! Kevin that was the most amazing thing I have ever felt." She cried in a whisper of pleasure.

He began to lovingly tenderly move against her body, his enormous cock starting its earth shattering exhibition once again. Their bodies were hugging and snuggling and pressing against each other. Kevin took Mandy to new heights of sexual experience, and going there with Mandy made everything new and wonderful for Kevin. When they finally fell quiet, relishing the adventure, they kissed each other softly. She nuzzled her nose against his neck, she loved…? She couldn't love him. He would be walking out of her life in two more days. Her overwhelming joy subsided to sad surrender to reality. She hugged him tighter, he was there with her now and now was what counted…now. They petted and stroked each other to sleep, a peaceful sweet deep sleep.

Mandy woke that next morning to yet another crazed sensation! She looked down to see Kevin's head eating wildly between her thighs! She was waking out of her deep sleep into a state of instant readiness. Where else can this guy take me she thought? How incredible can this get?! She moaned loudly and pulled Kevin's hair as if she couldn't wait, as if he wasn't in her in the next second she would die. She thought she would. He pulled his wet mouth from her heated pussy and obeyed her unspoken wishes. He opened her responsive pussy with his extraordinary member once again. She thought no matter how many times he made love to her she could never possibly get use the sensation of this head-reeling entry. Minutes later they were writhing in sweat soaked sheets, their bodies tensed and quaking in orgasmic delight. They fell into each other as their desire melted away and nothing was left but the two of them. Mandy rubbed her cheek against his, wanting to feel him with every square inch. She couldn't let him go, not this morning and not tomorrow or the day after or ever…

They were soon eating breakfast, their eyes fixed on each other. They said little as if they were both thinking the same thing, "how can I keep this amazing person in my life?" Their day of skiing was wonderful. They soon forgot the cares of their world and sunk themselves into the mountain and getting from foot to peak and back down as often as they could. It was the greatest day of both their lives.

When the lifts closed they explored the town for a new dining experience. They found a place to add to their growing list of memories. They ate and laughed forgetting that there was a tomorrow coming. Kevin was determined to make tomorrow, their last day skiing together, the best he could possibly make it. Nothing he could do could top what he had already given her, she just wanted a lifetime of it.

That night they lay naked in each others arms. Sex was always there but they just kissed and hugged and loved each other. She tried to push back the thoughts of coming days.

"Kevin, could we just hold each other tonight, I mean and not make love?" Mandy asked sweetly.

"No, we will make love but we can leave out the sex." Kevin lifted the sheet to show her the soft unthreatening cock lying limp between his legs. "You see anything down there that looks like it wants sex tonight?"

She looked down at it and back up to his eyes, shook her no with a loving smile and lay her head back on his chest. They talked about deep things and shallow things. They laughed they cried. They drifted off to sleep peacefully wrapped in each others arms.

The next day they skied without talking much. It was as if the topic of parting had to be faced but neither of them could bare it. Just being with each other was enough today. The day was the best they had had for skiing so far. They stayed on the mountain all day stopping for fifteen minutes at lunch to take a short break. On the mountain they were together but they weren't. They didn't have to think about anything but having fun. As long as they didn't look into each others eyes they didn't cry. They ate at the lodge that evening keeping the conversation light and comical. When their eyes would meet they quickly looked away. Mandy's heart was beginning to ache. Kevin was scheming to keep this lady in his life.

They entered the lobby headed back to the room. The desk clerk interrupted them.

"Mr. Donnelly?" The clerk called out.

"Yes." Kevin answered.

"Mr. Donnelly, we noticed on your reservation that it has been yearly. They would like to know if you plan to keep this reservation for next year?" The clerk asked.

Kevin looked down at Mandy and she looked at him. The thought hit them both that maybe next year they could meet back here and have a reunion rendezvous. She smiled at him when he told the clerk he would be keeping it. They walked arm in arm to the room, her head resting on his shoulder all the way. Kevin grabbed his towel and headed to the shower. Mandy walked to the window and stared out at the night.

"Honey, do you want to take a shower before me?" Kevin asked.

"No." Mandy said, looking over her shoulder at him, and smiling. "You go ahead."

The bathroom door shut and the sound of the shower soon followed. Mandy was starting to get desperate. She couldn't think of a way to work this all out. They could call each other, maybe she could move, maybe he could. She loved her job she hated all these thoughts. Her eyes began to well up. She didn't want Kevin to see her crying. At first she thought about taking a walk until she could regain her composure but then she had a better idea. You can't see tears in a shower. She stripped and went to join Kevin.

Mandy pulled the shower curtain back and just stepped in. Kevin's back was to her, and what a wonderful sculptured back it was. She moved to him and hugged him around his waist. He reacted as if he expected her. Soon her face was wet and the tears were washed away. He turned in her arms to face her. She looked up and smiled. How could I think of leaving this girl?

They soon forgot about everything except the desire that was rekinded. Soon Mandy was sighing as Kevin kissed her wet luscious lips. She felt his cock swelling against her flat hard quivering belly. She took him in her hand and began fondling him to total hardness. She watched his eyes as he became engorged.

"Feel good big boy?" Mandy was in a sexy who gives a damn about anything but this awesome cock mood.

Kevin's head was tilted back, he was just soaking her sweet hands attention up. "Oh yes, so good. You will never know how good."

She took the bar of soap dropped to her knees and began washing his dick gently lovingly as if she were washing a newborn baby. She slipped her hand under his cock and began soaping his shrinking balls. The longer she washed the weaker his knees got. Finally when he could stand no more he dropped to his knees and kissed her sweet lips, her hands never left his cock. Kevin's hands soon joined in on the foreplay massaging her bushy pussy. Soon they were both reeling, lost in the pleasure of the moment.

Mandy pulled away from him and looked at him through half opened dreamy eyes. She still held his cock, the warm water was still bathing them with its soothing spray. Mandy turned her back to him, their eyes still locked, and she pulled his cock toward her butt. She turned and leaned her head on the back of the tub, Kevin did the rest. He slipped two fingers into her wet creamy muffin and slid his swollen tool down the groove they formed leading to her wonderful sweet velvet hole.

Soon they were engaged in the sweetest rhythmic screwing, his cock stroking the total length of her lovely precious tunnel. She pushed against the tile wall forcing her ass as hard against him as she could. He was holding her waist pulling her against him as the ten inch shaft pulled out and returned to her hot depths. He watched as his flesh melted with hers, the most awesome show he had ever witnessed. He loved this little thing. She was all he could possibly want. He was thrusting inside her faster and harder with each massive cycle. When the orgasm hit Mandy's belly and shot through her body she just screamed and laid her head on the back of the tub. She reached between her legs and massaged his balls hard, getting caught up in the moment. When her hot wet juice splashed against the sensitive tender flesh of Kevin's swollen thick cock head he joined her in screaming and moaning and reeling. They slid into the tub and wrapped themselves together, the water warming them. They finally got out of the shower and toweled each other. They slid into bed and settled in for their last night in each others arms.

Mandy's head was on Kevin's chest. When he felt her wet tears on his skin he lifted her face, kissed her and asked what was wrong. What the hell did he think was wrong?!

"Oh, Kevin…I won't see you…tomorrow is our last…oh Kevin." Her tears were flowing down his chest. His were flowing down his cheeks.

He hugged her closer to him and took a deep breath. Neither said anything for a long time. Kevin finally asked her where she lived. He didn't want to, he knew better but if it would put her to rest somewhat to know he would share now. She just sighed and took a deep breath. He looked down at her waiting for an answer. She was asleep. This poor little girl was so tired, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. He turned out the light and tried to join her in sleep, it was hard to do. He could only think about her.

Kevin woke the next morning to see Mandy wrapped in a blanket staring out the window. He just laid there and looked at her for sometime. He was overcome with the sadness this day had always promised to bring. Finally he got up, pulling the blanket from the bed, wrapping in it and walking to join her. He looked down to see her tear filled eyes. She laid her head on his chest and cried out loud.

"Oh Kevin I don't want to lose you." She sobbed through the flood of tears.

"I know baby, it's breaking my heart too." Kevin said his eyes tearing up.

They stood and held each other crying for the next thirty minutes. Kevin took her face in his hands and brought her eyes to look at his. They smiled sad smiles at each other. She just shook her head slowly as if she were begging him not to leave her. He led her to the bed and sat her down. He handed her a pad of lodge stationery and pulled a sheet off for himself. He handed her a pen from the night table drawer. He moved to the love seat, took his pen from his day-planner and started writing. Mandy wiped her tears and put her pen to the paper. She lifted her slip of paper toward Kevin and took his from him. She looked down and studied the address on the paper. Kevin folded his and put it in the pocket of his coat draped over the back of the sofa, he couldn't bare to look just yet.

"KEVIN!" She screamed, still staring at the address.

"What Mandy, what?" He turned to look at her, surprised.

"KEVIN!' She screamed again. "LOOK AT MY ADDRESS!"

He quickly pulled the paper back out of his coat and opened it and studied it! Mandy just sat on the side of the bed with her mouth wide open and her eyes wet but filled with renewed joy! As Kevin read Mandy's address his mouth fell open and his eyes grew twice their normal size and he rose his head to look at her. She jumped from the bed, her blanket falling off leaving her totally naked and leaped at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and swung on him. He threw his head back and spun her in the middle of the floor.

"Oh my gosh, we have been living three apartment buildings away from each other! How long have you lived there?!" Kevin was laughing between the words. He pulled her back and looked deeper into her eyes than he ever had. New life filled them both, the weight of the world fell off their shoulders in a split second. They held their papers together and studied them as if one of them had written the wrong thing.

"Kevin, how unreal is this? There is no way, just no way!" She was laughing uncontrollably.

Kevin and Mandy fell back on the bed and rolled back and forth across it. They finally came to rest, Mandy sitting on his chest. She took his paper from his hand and tore the two addresses up and tossed the confetti into the air, they both cheered as if they had won something. And they had, each other. He rolled her over and gazed into her.

"Mandy, I love you." Kevin said. "I love you so much."

"Oh Kevin, I love you too." Mandy said.

"I have wanted to tell you for days now but couldn't, you were going to walk out of my life, I couldn't say it, I couldn't tell you I loved you." He was lost in her beauty.

They made love like there was no tomorrow. Check out time was 11:00am. They barely made it they stayed in bed loving each other so long. They loaded their bags into Kevin's SUV and Mandy had her hand on the door handle when Kevin called to her.

"Mandy?" Kevin said, she stopped and turned.

"Yes." She smiled.

"Mandy, that door belongs to me, its my car door, don't touch my car door." He smiled walking to her.

"Ok." She smiled.

Kevin opened her door and she got in, he kissed her. Her lips were cold as ice but quickly melted becoming warm and luscious against his. It reminding him of their first kiss. He looked up at the mountain, closed her door, hopped in and took off. Their drive to get her car had turned from a trip of mourning to one of celebration. As they approached Grand Jct. Kevin had a plan. He pulled into the first U-Haul business he saw.

"What are we doing?" Mandy asked looking around to see what was going on.

"You'll see." He turned to her and smiled.

Kevin went inside while Mandy got out to stretch her legs. He came out a few minutes later and Mandy was reaching for the door handle. Kevin was on her in an instant.

"My lady, my handle." Kevin watched her react.

Mandy jumped back from the door tucked her hands behind her back like a little girl who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

"Sorry." She said cutely.

Kevin opened the door she climbed back in and Kevin kissed her again.

"My knight in shining armor. Thank you." She said sighing.

Kevin looked down the long line of equipment in the yard. He stuffed a ticket in his pocket and got back in the car. He pulled down the line and stopped by the car trailers. He got out and an attendant met him there. They hooked a car trailer to his bumper and they pulled back out on the highway.

"You're so sweet." Mandy said needing no explanation to his actions.

"You don't think I'm letting you out of my sight now that I have you do you?" He smiled at her. She reached her foot across and rubbed his leg playfully.

They made it to the garage. Mandy paid the mechanic and Kevin loaded her car. They hit I-70 heading for home, leaving the mechanic standing in the drive watching them drive away. He thought to himself, I wish I could have been a fly on their wall this past week.

Six months later Kevin proposed. A year to the day they met they were married. They used the reservation in Crested Butte for their honeymoon. They go back every year to revel in their passion for skiing and remember their fairytale story. They have a photo album of all the pictures of significance during that first trip they took together. There's one of the garage where they met. One of the lodge, the room, the shower. One where Kevin first kissed her, where Mandy had taken a spill. The restaurants they had eaten in, it was all there. A month before they returned each year they would start getting excited and take out the album and cuddle on the couch and look through it. Mandy would turn the pages half-way and Kevin would finish them. When Kevin had turned the last page Mandy would close the album. Kevin would look down into his lovely wife's gorgeous eyes and say one word.


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