Unbelievable Pt. 02

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Family helps to bring John out from the darkness.
15.7k words

Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/06/2019
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Thanks to WAA01 for the edits and proofing.

Again, there isn't any sex in this one. Do stay tuned.


One week later...

John Masters tossed in his bed. His troubled mind tormenting him in his sleep as he thrashed about. His legs flailed as the orderlies dragged him through the hall. Trying desperately to free himself as he peered back to where they were taking him. Fear. The cold, unyielding, unrelenting fear washed over him knowing where they were taking him. His thirteen-year-old voice yelled for someone to help him. To save him from the madness that his parents threw him into. His head darted around as his ruckus caused the other patients to yell and pound on their locked padded doors. Yet nothing they did slowed down the men.

John squirmed in their arms as they lifted him onto the table. He knew he couldn't let them do this to him, he had seen what happened to those that came out of that room. He wasn't about to become some mindless, drooling puppet!

"Hey! He's just a kid!" the orderly huffed pushing the man off after his partner coldcocked John in the jaw. John was in a daze as the two men's forms were blurry before him.

"I don't fucking care if he is or isn't. He's a punk!" the man spat. Both men quieted down as they heard the soft soles of the doctor's footsteps approaching.

"Settle down you little shit! The doctor's going to take real good care of you," the man that punched him said as he shoved a mouth guard into his mouth.

"Good. Good. Now John, this might hurt, but it's for your own good," Dr. Mott said, nodding to the men to turn the generator on. A wicked smile spread across his lips as he pushed the two electrodes together allowing the spark to leap across the gap. Smacking John hard a few times on his left cheek as the mouth guard muffled his curses. "Don't fret, that soiled mind of yours will soon be a thing of the past," Dr. Mott said, as he pressed the electrodes to John's wet temples.

His body jerked and writhed on the table as the current passed through him. Losing control of his bladder, his urine running down the table and onto the floor as the doctor held the electrodes to his skull longer than it was required. "Buster?! Help me!" John cried out for his dear friend as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, white foam frothed at the corners of his mouth. Pleading with his friend over and over to save him as he succumbed to the treatment.

Within the darkness of his mind a pair of cold, dead, green eyes peered at him. Her bloody broken body splayed out, her blood spreading out from around her body as he stood frozen staring into those eyes.

"No!" Johnny screamed out as he jetted awake. His chest heaving, his heart racing, his body trembling as his mind tormented him.

"Johnny?!" Ray rushed into his brother's room. Soon followed by his sister, mother, brother, and all the rest as his scream had awakened them that late at night. "Bro, what's wrong?" he asked, only to be pushed aside by his sister. "Hey!" Ray hissed as he rubbed his arm where he had crashed into the dresser.

"Johnny? What's wrong?" Annie asked, lowering herself beside him. "Oh my god, you're shaking," she said, worriedly, looking at her parents.

"Alright everyone back to bed," Brandan said, clapping his hands. "You need us, you don't hesitate, alright?"

"Okay, Dad," Annie nodded. Shooting her mother a look, knowing what she has been doing with John behind everyone's back. "It's okay Johnny your home, your safe here, with us," she said, lovingly. Her hand softly brushing his hair wishing that he would open up to her, so she could help him like she had done when they were younger. "Tell me, what was the dream..." Her voice stilled as those cold eyes cut to her. "I only want to help. You know..."

"That's the point, I don't know you. I don't know any of you," Johnny muttered pulling his legs up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them. Pressing his head against his knees as he tried to make those memories go away.

"Oh Johnny," Annie sighed, draping her body along his side. Looking down as his arm slid in-between her 46DD breasts wishing she wasn't wearing the shirt she slept in so she could feel his skin against them. She couldn't help it, nor was she going to stop it as she felt her mound awakening being this close to her brother. "But you have to talk to someone Johnny, you can't keep this in. Can't you see how whatever it is, is hurting you so much trying to handle it all by yourself," Annie said, sweetly, as her chin rested on his shoulder. Seeing her mother standing in the hallway, listening through the crack of the door. Leaning back as John threw off his cover exposing that mound of soft flesh that laid beneath the cloth of his underwear to her. While she kept herself from biting her lip in want, that didn't stop her mouth from watering at the thought of how it would feel gliding through her mouth. "Johnny where are you going?" Annie asked, as John scooted off the bed.

"To talk to Buster," Johnny said, plainly.

"At this time of night?! Johnny talk to me, I'm right here! Let me help... you." Annie's voice died away as she felt a coldness coming off of him.

"You have no idea what they did to me, you have no idea the pain I went through, and you expect me to lay that all out for you?" Johnny asked, shaking his head at the foolish notion as his shirt slid down his chest.

"That's the point Johnny, I'll never know what they did to you, what they did to the sweet boy that I would play hide-n-seek with. That hid in my closet with me when we pretended to be astronauts," Annie said, walking on her knees towards him as his pajama pants rose along his legs. "The boy I gave my first kiss too," she whispered feeling her cheeks heat as she remembered that day.

It was a sunny summer day, Bill was lounging around in the living room hording the TV, while Ray was off with his friends. She and John were playing out in the backyard, enjoying the lazy afternoon waiting for their mother to come home. Buster nipping at their heels as he chased them. Listening to his panting as she dragged John behind the mulberry tree. There, as the golden rays of the sun filtered through the leaves, they kissed. It wasn't long, nor was it any good given neither one of them knew what they were doing. Yet to her she would always remember that it was John that she had first fallen in love with. She didn't know when Buster left them, how she wished she had kept a better eye on him, for it was the same day that she lost the brother she loved the most. Jumping in startlement as John's fist slammed into the wall.

"No alright! I don't remember a god damn thing! They took everything from me!" Johnny yelled; his shoulders heaved as the memories of her flooded his mind. The one that talked to him, made him laugh, made existing in that place somewhat bearable. Tears rimmed his eyes as her smile flashed across his face. "You don't know what they did to her," Johnny said weakly, as his back slid down his dresser, his hot tears running freely. Feeling like he had failed her all over again. The one friend he had made in that place and he couldn't save her.

"Johnny!" Katherine cried out as she came rushing into his room. "Oh baby! I'm here," she whispered as she wrapped her arms around her son. She had no idea who this 'her' was, but obviously she meant a great deal to him. "That's it baby, let it out, let it all out," Katherine said motherly, as she gently rubbed his back. Placing a kiss on the top of his head as he sobbed against her chest. Knowing that even if it was unintentional her baby had just revealed a key piece of information to what has paining him so much. "Annie fetch the first-aid kit," looking down at her son's bloody knuckles and the hole in the wall, "and tell your dad that he's going to need to stop by the hardware store for a patch for the wall."

"A-alright," Annie said, trying not to huff at how her mother had come butting in when it was her that was making headway with John. However, that flew out the window when she saw his right hand. She knew they had to take care of it before Johnny saw it.

"Dad said he'll take care of it in the morning," Annie said, as she walked back into her brother's room. "Don't look Johnny," she cooed sweetly. Seeing the blood running down in-between his knuckles, the sheet-rock powder dusting his hand as she set out to clean his wounds. "Squeeze my hand if it stings okay," Annie said, lovingly, going slow as ran the alcohol pad over the wounds. Hoping that it wouldn't get infected. A small smile graced her lips as John gave her hand a slight squeeze. Once she had it wrapped, she brought his hand to her lips, placing a very gentle kiss upon it. Knowing how this was the first intimate contact they've had since a week ago. Ever since she dried humped her brother in his chair John had been avoiding them. However, his mental wellbeing came before her own desire to be with her brother. She wanted to show him that she could take care of him. That she could be the one that he leaned one if he ever needed it. To help bring back the boy she had fallen in love with all those years ago.

"Now I..."

"I'm going to stay with you tonight," Annie said, cutting her mother off. Seeing the look, her mother shot her when she smirked. Telling her she knew all about her brother's endowment "Not this time mother. This time Johnny is going to let me have it... when its time," she thought to herself, sending off her own call to war to win access to her brother's cock. Taking hold of John's right arm thrusting his face into the valley of her cleavage. Feeling his tears soaking into her shirt and that was alright. At least he had opened up a tad bit, it was more than any of them knew a week ago. Noticing how her mother was silently fuming behind John's back. "Too slow," Annie mouthed.

"Okay, but Johnny, if you need me, I'm just down the hall," Katherine said, whispering into his ear. "Don't you dare hesitate to come and get me. You can even curl up to me like when you were just a toddler and I'll hold you tightly to my bosom just like I did then," she said, sweetly, into his ear. Her cheek twitched as Annie stuck her tongue out at her. Knowing her daughter had won this round, yet there would be more, and mother's always come out on top.

"It's okay Johnny, we don't have to sleep, you just rest your head right there," Annie said, gently stroking the back of his head as John tried to calm himself down. "Shh! It's going to be okay, I'm sure whomever this girl is she's in a better hospital..." Glancing down as John shook his head. "Johnny do you want to talk..."

"No," Johnny said, coldly. Cursing himself for the slip of the tongue. They didn't need to know about Julia, nor did they need to know how close they were; about as close as anyone could be in that place.

"Okay, I understand," pulling her brother closer, "she must have been special to you for you to be like this," Annie whispered. A tad jealous of whoever the girl was, when it was her that had a crush on him first. "Maybe... maybe someday, you'll look at me like you looked at her," she muttered as her hand gently rubbed his back.


Annie was awakened just a few minutes before dawn as she felt something rubbing against her right breast and something wet on her left one. A soft moan escaped her lips as John's left hand fondled her breast. Feeling her hard, wet nipple brushing against his tongue as he sucked on her left one. Her eyes fluttered; her thighs rubbed together feeling how wet she was. Wondering how long he had been doing this in his sleep. If she had known about this she would've slept in his bed long before now. Her back arched, her whimper filled his room as his lips tugged on that hard bud.

"Oh Johnny," Annie released a soft sigh, her mound quaked as she neared her peak. How she wanted to move that hand of his down and let his wandering hand do wonders on her wet cunt. However, she didn't want to stop him, nor did she want to wake him either. She figured if she did then Johnny would throw her out the moment he was awake. That wasn't something she wanted not when... "Yes Johnny, I'm going to cu..." Annie released a small squeak so not to disturb her brother. Her breathing became heavy, her thighs trembled, her clit throbbed yearning for someone's lips sucking gently upon it. She had never came from someone sucking on her tits before, she had heard it was possible, yet she didn't think she would have experienced it from her little brother. Not that she was complaining mind you. Then everything went still, from his hand movements to the gentle sucking on her nipple. Annie held her breath as John's lips slowly eased off of her breast. "No Johnny." Annie's hand shot up covering his, keeping it against her right breast. "Feel how good it feels beneath your hand," Annie said, slowly rolling his hand along her orb. Feeling how her nipple rolled underneath the palm of his hand. Yet as much as she wanted her brother to continue the exploration of her body, it wasn't meant to be.

Lifting herself up by her left arm as her brother sat on the root of the bed, his elbows resting on his knees, his chin resting in the nook of his thumbs as John silently contemplated on what day it was. Her eyes went wide as the morning sun shone through his window struck his back perfectly allowing her to see the faint scars that were nearly faded.

"Johnny... what happened to you? Who did this to you?" Annie asked, her left hand ran up along one of the bigger scars she could see thanks to the sunlight.

"You don't want to know," Johnny said, indifferently.

"But I do Johnny, I really do," Annie said, moving closer to him. "They might have taken your memories from you," drawing him into a warm hug, "but they didn't take mine," she said, softly into his ear. "I am your sister, Johnny, and as your big sister it's my duty to take care of you. Now you go on, tell me who did this to you?" Her eyes darted to his open-door hearing footsteps approaching. Her brother Bill stood just out of sight of Johnny shooting her a look as to why she was still in his room. "Whatever it was can't hurt you anymore, you're safe here," Annie said, her hand rubbed his chest in a circular motion.

"An orderly," Johnny said matter-of-factly.

Her eyes glanced to her brother as he saw him holding up his hand motioning whomever was behind him to remain quiet. "What do you mean? An orderly did this to you?" Annie asked, confused. "I thought they were meant to..." Annie's blood grew cold at the chuckle her brother produced at her words.

"Yeah... help, that's what they did, right," Johnny said, sarcastically, breaking his sister's hold on him as he rose.


"Get out, I'm done talking," Johnny said, coldly. Opening his closet door, knowing what day it was, and he had somewhere to be. How he hoped she could forgive him for being so weak. His hand hovered over the metal hanger, his mind flashing back to the time where he had been cuffed to the chain hanging from the ceiling. The snipping of the wire as the man fashioned his homemade whip. His screams of pain as the sharp metal dragged through his skin with every lash.

"Okay Johnny, but if you ever need to talk," Annie said, her smooth, silky legs moved along his comforter as she eased off his bed. Her unsupported breasts bounced as she approached her brother's back. "I'm always going to be here to listen," she said, sweetly, placing a kiss on his shoulder before leaving him.


"Mom? Dad?" Annie asked, once they all were in the kitchen minus John.

"Yeah?" They both answered as they made breakfast for their large family.

"When Johnny got out were you ever told..." Annie's voice stilled trying to gather her words without giving too much away that Johnny appeared to want to keep to himself.

"Told us what sweetheart?" Brandan asked, all night long he had wondered if his daughter had learned anything from his youngest son. Ever since his wife told him about what they did to his boy, his rage had been slowly burning at those that ran that place and the doctor that they first took John to that recommended the hospital. He knew he was going to have a very long talk with that old man. He just hoped it didn't end with him going to jail.

"Did he or anyone tell you what the orderlies there did to the patients?" Annie asked, helping to set the table. Seeing Bill's mood sour hearing about how those who were meant to help were just sadistic assholes masquerading as health professionals.

"Baby, it doesn't help to get so worked up," Ruth whispered lovingly into his ear.

"Thanks for tossing me aside last night sis," Ray said, hoping that little shove didn't displace any of John's things. He knew how John had to have certain things just a certain way in his room.

"Well, you shouldn't get in the way of a big sister trying to comfort her brother," Annie said, flashing her older brother a smirk.

"No, Johnny never talks about them, why?" Katherine asked, setting the plate of French toast on the table. Smiling at her children, loving the light teasing banter they always had.

"Did you or Dad learn anything about them yourselves?" Annie asked, carrying the pitcher of orange juice to the table.

"No," Brandan said, laying the fork down he was using to scramble the eggs. "What's this all about Annie?"

"They did something, I don't know what, but I saw the scars," Annie said, trying not to tear up as her lower lip trembled.

"Scars?! What scars?" Katherine asked, all eyes were on Annie waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"They're faint they have to be four or five years old, but they're there," Annie said, pointing at her back.

"Are you saying an orderly did that to him?!" Brandan asked, his anger finding its way into his words.

"Yes," Annie said, weakly, nodding her head.

"Did you get him to speak any more about this her..." Katherine's voice stilled as footsteps could be heard on the stairs. "Everyone don't mention a thing," Katherine whispered as John's sneakers came into view. Which was odd her son was never dressed this early on a Saturday. Noting how he was looking through his wallet, for what, she couldn't say. "Johnny?!" she called sweetly to him as she stood in the entrance way to the kitchen.


"Breakfast is almost ready, why don't you come join us," Katherine said, gesturing to the table behind her.

"I can't, I'll be late if I did," Johnny muttered.

"Late for what?" Katherine asked, blocking his path to the front door.

"Going to see a friend," Johnny said in a matter-of-fact tone. Knowing he had just enough for bus fare to and from the graveyard.

"Baby," reaching out, her hand ran down his arm before taking his hand into hers. "You know either one of us would be happy to take you wherever it is you want to go. Just come have breakfast beforehand, I don't want you walking around with an empty stomach," Katherine said, motherly.

"It's your favorite Johnny," Brandan said, sticking his head around the corner. "French toast, eggs, bacon." Smiling warmly as he heard his son's stomach rumbling.

"See. Its telling you: Feed me!" Katherine said, doing her best impression of Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors. Seeing her son fighting back that little smirk of his, "Maybe, the John we used to know is still in there, just buried so deep that my little boy hasn't seen daylight for so long," she thought to herself. Pulling her son into a warm embrace, "I'm sorry you're hurting baby," Katherine whispered into his ear, "I promise you wherever you need to go, no questions asked, no snooping, or anything like that, okay?"

"Fine," Johnny sighed.