Unbroken Ch. 16


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"I have already called..."

"Chill..." William teased, smirking at the man. "Will you stop..."

"I am not trembling and..."

"You are too sexy to be that tense." William licked his lips, winking at the man. "Now let's get to know each other while we wait for the cabinet members."

William chirped and then continued chatting with the middle aged man, asking him strange and explicit questions which were a bit uncomfortable to him but he had no choice but to answer him as he didn't want any problems.

An hour passed before there was a knock on the door. The prime minister told the person to get inside his office. The door opened wide and all the eight members of the cabinet came rushing in. William was glad they did. But they seemed really worried and scared.

"Why did you call us?" One of them said. "We were actually at a meeting. We were supposed to meet with the king but he didn't show up. What did he send to you and why didn't he come for the meeting? We were supposed to..."

"Well!" William got up from the chair. "I actually called all of you here. All of you are needed at the palace immediately without delay. The king wants to see you and..."

"I know you." One of the cabinet members gasped. "You are that man that came here and stole..."

"Oh, so you do." William chuckled. "Then this will make things easier than they are right now. I am sure you've told the other cabinet members about me so I don't need to introduce myself." Then his face got serious. "Now move it."


"I will not repeat myself." William warned. "The king doesn't like to be kept waiting."

The cabinet members stared at each other, trembling in fear. All of them knew about William and what he had done. His presence could only one thing, trouble. They didn't like the way they felt and the hunch that they had. All they wanted to do was hope the king was really fine.

The cabinet members took a deep sigh and then started rushing towards the door. William smiled brightly and moved his eyes towards the prime minister. "You too." He gasped and then started rushing out of his office.

William stared at the three warlocks and then gave them an evil grin. "This is gonna be fun."

The four of men chuckled sinisterly, following behind the cabinet members. They loved everything that was happening. The king had given them so much power and importance. They were never gonna disappoint him.


The elevator door opened and then Aidan came out, holding and soothing his baby while singing him a lullaby. It was early afternoon and he had just come from his room after having a great morning with his son. It had been the best day of his life and he had loved it like crazy. Now he was back to the living room to spend time with his other members of the family.

Aidan was holding his baby tightly, making him warmer with his body. Things were pretty good for him and his baby was already dozing. A short smile shot up his face, making him even happier than he had already been.

"Hey!" Granny said happily. "You've finally decided to come down the stairs after spending the entire morning in your room. You literally hid him away from all us."

"Granny is right..." Ethan said happily.

"I am really sorry." Aidan apologized, sitting back on the couch. Granny came to him and took Jacob away from him. She kissed his cheek and started soothing the baby instead.

"I think he's sleepy." Granny said softly. "He is already..."

"Yes!" Aidan nodded. "He hasn't slept whole morning and... I think he might be feeling sleepy."

"I think I will sing him a lullaby." Granny smiled brightly.

Aidan smiled. "I think that's a good idea."

Granny started singing the lullaby sweetly to Jacob. Aidan smiled brightly when he heard the lullaby she was singing him. It was the same lullaby she had sang for him when he was just a small child. That song made him remember his happy childhood moments. He was really happy. He could still remember how his granny's lullabies made him happy and sent him to sleep. Those were some happy moments and now she was also doing it to his son. He was really happy and couldn't have wanted anything more than that.

With a grin on his face, Aidan tore his eyes from granny and Jacob to Ethan. When his eyes landed on Ethan, he saw the guy smiling brightly, in fact blushing. When Aidan saw that smile, he tried to smile back but before he actually did it, he realized that the smile wasn't directed at him. It was in a different direction.

Following the direction, he saw that Justin had the same smile on his face, even brighter. He stared at the two of them for a long time and chuckled nervously. They looked as if they were hiding something from him or even more.

Nodding his head, Aidan tried to speak but before he could even manage to open his mouth, something suddenly happened to him. A really sharp headache hit right there that he felt as if his vision had blurred instantly. He closed his head slightly and shook his head, trying to get rid of that sudden headache.

When Aidan eventually opened his eyes, he realized that something was wrong. Instead of seeing normally like he did, he saw a really dark cloud that he couldn't understand. But this cloud wasn't like normal cloud. It was surrounded by something even more than that... evil.

Aidan's heart suddenly started pounding in his chest. His breaths became harsh and he held his chest out. He closed his eyes, wondering what was going on. As soon as he closed his eyes, things got even worse. He saw Luis.

Aidan opened his eyes once again. Things went back to normal with his vision but something was still wrong. His heart was racing and he couldn't even explain the tingles that he felt all over his body. It was like something bad was about to happen all rather something bad was happening.

"Why did I see Luis?" He wondered, moving his eyes from side to side. "Why today of all days?"

Aidan couldn't understand any of the things. He felt really warm and the tingles felt worse. He had that strange feeling that he couldn't quite understand. Things like that had never happened before. And what was that dark cloud that he saw, he thought? Did it mean anything to him or somebody close to him?


Aidan gasped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He quickly moved his eyes up to find his smiling brother.

"Hey!" Ethan gestured. "What's with you? You seem really lost. I could see that something was bothering you. Do you mind sharing it with me?"

"No!" Aidan smiled brightly, holding his brother's hand. "I am absolutely fine. It's just that... never mind. I am perfectly fine."

"Is it what the king..."

"Please, don't..." Aidan didn't want to talk about King Julian and what he had come to do at his castle. "That is all in the past. I don't want to talk about it. I have totally forgotten about it okay?"

"That's my brother." Ethan kissed his cheek. "I knew something like this is nothing to you. You shouldn't let it bother you."

Aidan smiled brightly and squeezed his brother's hand, drawing soft chuckles from him. He really loved his brother a lot but he couldn't tell him that he had thought about Luis a few seconds ago. His heart was still racing and he still had a strange feeling which he couldn't understand.

"Whatever that was, I have to forget about it." He thought as he moved his eyes to his precious son. "This is exactly what I have to do. I cannot let anything distract me right now. I am happy and Luis will not ruin that for me. We are not together anymore so why should I care about him and his problems?"

Aidan took a deep sigh and then moved his eyes to Justin. The guy had an ever glowing smile that seemed to brighten Aidan's mood. He smiled brightly as well when Justin winked at him. He was glad he had people that usually made him feel really happy and Justin was one of them. But what he couldn't understand was why that feeling he was trying to ignore was still deep within his heart.

"What's going on?"


The cabinet members were walking towards the palace. They had their eyes looking everywhere, wondering what was going on. Things didn't really seem to be like it had always been and they couldn't mask the surprises on their faces. A lot had changed on the palace in just a few days.

First they couldn't explain the number of statues that they saw around the palace. The statues didn't look new or elegant. They seemed really old and strange. They had different shapes, funny and disturbing shapes. Some were holding weapons...some were lying on the ground while others were just standing still. And the dark cloud which only surrounded the palace was something they couldn't quite explain.

As they neared the palace, they got another surprise of their lives. The palace looked different. It was pretty much the same but some things were different. The palace didn't shine brightly at all. It seemed really dark, pitch black. There was a huge statue of an evil looking man holding a blue flame, a real flame. Just before the entrance were two huge torches that stood on both sides of the entrance. It was still the same but many things had changed.

The cabinet members stopped, looking at each other in fear but were told to move on by William. They finally entered the palace and got another surprise too. The whole place was pretty much changed. The color inside was dark and the same torches were everywhere. Things seemed really strange.

They were led to the throne room where they noticed a big change by the throne and even the room. It was also different and the color had been changed too. Reaching the throne room, the cabinet members were told to stand still until the king came.

The door to the throne room was heard opening and then footsteps started heading towards the cabinet members. They all moved their eyes towards the entrance and got another surprise at what they saw. Even though they had seen some pretty strange things at the palace, they had prayed and hoped for their king to be alright but what they saw was different. The person that came inside was different and he was dressed differently too. They couldn't quite understand anything that went on.

"Welcome!" Wyatt hollered in the deepest voice ever. "I have been expecting you."

Wyatt made a gland entrance, rushing to the throne. He sat on the throne and then crossed his legs, smuggling at the cabinet members. They all had frowns on their faces because they couldn't understand what was going on. They had a lot of questions in their minds that they needed answers to. They had never seen that man before.

"Who are you?" One of the cabinet members asked with a serious voice. "We were told to wait for the king so where is he? And why are you..."

"Uh..." Wyatt groaned, thrusting his hand forward. Before the man even finished asking his question, he was lifted from where he stood and he was now floating in the air, screaming loudly.

The rest of the cabinet members trembled at the sudden showing of power by the man. They had never seen anything as scary as that. It got to them and they trembled even terribly, still staring at the floating man in the air.

"Anyone else has a stupid question?" Wyatt growled. The cabinet members shook their heads. "Good! I didn't think so." He dropped his hand and then man found himself on the floor. He was lucky he hadn't been lifted higher in the air or it would have been another matter.

"Now back to why I called you here." Wyatt chuckled like an evil Lord, sending fear into the lives of the cabinet members. "As you can see from the changes in the palace and from everything, I am your new king. That means from now on, I am the new ruler of this kingdom and..." He stared at all of them. "I demand respect from all of you. Now bow..." He panted.

Hearing the loud roar from the scary man, the cabinet members bowed their heads in fear. They had no idea what was gonna happen but they couldn't afford to do anything to mess with the man that was seated on the throne. They just bowed without saying anything.

"Good!" Wyatt nodded his head, chuckling like the evil king that he was. "Now we are getting somewhere. From now on, I shall now be called Lord Wyatt by all of you. You all are cabinet members of the former idiot that called himself the king of this land."

"Y-yes..." One of them trembled in fear.

"Good!" Wyatt nodded. "But right now, I am the ruler of this land. First things first, I don't like imbeciles and failures in my kingdom. That really makes me mad so you don't wanna mess with me. Everything in this kingdom belongs to me including the people and your very souls. I can take them whenever I want." He warned.

The cabinet members got even more scared. Things weren't turning out too good for any of them.

"I own everything in this kingdom," He laughed. "Nothing will ever be done without my permission. As ruler of this kingdom and also the most powerful being in the entire world, I demand respect from all of you. I am powerful, just like a god. As ruler of this land... I demand people to show respect by worshipping me."

The cabinet members raised their heads to stare at the mighty man. They felt helpless without any help or any word from the king. Things had been pretty well until that very day. Why did it suddenly change? It was scaring them even more.

"Anyone that defies my orders shall suffer my wrath and you don't wanna mess with me. I am more dangerous than you think. I know you have certain influence on the people so I am warning you," He pointed at them. "Don't ever try to go against me. Don't try to act smart because I will know and I will make sure that I deal with you. You will pay with your own life. You are gonna regret ever crossing me."

The warning from Wyatt was pretty deep and it scared the living day light out of the cabinet members. They shook terribly, trying to get confident but they couldn't. The man who spoke to them seemed really dangerous.

"Have I made myself clear?" He barked, making the cabinet members quiver.

"Yes... Lord Wyatt..." They trembled.

"It's good we understand each other." Wyatt smirked, giving them an evil grin. "Now I will ask you a question and I want an honest answer."

Just then, the door opened widely and red haired warlock brought Julian in the throne room. He threw him on the floor and made him kneel down in front of Wyatt. Julian moved his eyes towards his cabinet members and quickly tore them away. He couldn't bear to look at them. He didn't want to show them that he had failed them. But it did happen and it helped a whole lot.

"Ha ha..." Wyatt laughed in a cocky way, getting up from the throne. "Look at your king," He chirped. "So weak and so miserable... The bastard couldn't even fight for his kingdom. What kind of coward is he?" He slapped him softly on his cheeks. "Just look at him... so weak and so... I don't even know what to call him."

Julian had never been as embarrassed as he felt at that very time. He wanted to cry. Lucky for him, his son had cleaned his nose in the bathroom and it was alright. But he was still feeling really bad for what had happened. His cabinet members had been involved and now his people were soon gonna be involved. He didn't even know what to do anymore. He was weak and vulnerable.

Wyatt laughed loudly and then put his hands behind him. "I could use all of you right now and I command it." Wyatt demanded, pointing at the cabinet members. "You all will go out there and tell all the people in this kingdom to meet in the biggest place there is in this kingdom. It's about time they got introduced to their new god," He chuckled manically. "You will be monitored and you must announce it. Everyone must attend without fail or they must at least hear it. Tell them it is from the king's orders..."

The cabinet members looked at their old king as tears poured down their faces. They bowed down.

"Good!" Wyatt said. "But I want you to kneel down and worship me. I want your praises, right now..." He yelled.

The cabinet members bowed down and started trembling in fear, giving the king the praises he demanded of them. They had their heads bowed down. Each of them had his own praise that he was giving the king but from their voices, Julian could sense the fear and unwillingness.

That was the most painful thing that had ever happened to Julian. Seeing his cabinet in such a state was rather too much for him. He felt tears building in his eyes and he actually cried. For how long was that going to continue, he thought? How long was his people gonna continue to suffer? It had just been a day but the truth of the matter was that it felt more than that. Everything was just too much.

"Good!" Wyatt said rudely. "Now get out of here and do as I have asked." He yelled.

The cabinet members bowed their heads and then left as quickly as they could with the three warlocks behind them. They didn't want to waste any more time. They knew their lives depended on the orders of the new king. Even though they didn't want to do it, they had no other choice but to do it.

"What do you think I should do with him?" William pointed at Julian. "Should I take him back to..."

"Nah!" The king threw his hand, gesturing his son. "Let him kneel down there until they come back. I have great use for him now. He is nothing but a weakling."

Julian just knelt down on the floor without even daring to move an inch of his body. He was wallowing in his pain and his defeat. He couldn't believe he had been a king in the morning and now... he couldn't even recognize his palace anymore. Things were really dark all around and the evil seeker on his throne was the worst of it all. Julian just closed his eyes and prayed in his heart. He was asking the almighty not to abandon him. He was asking the almighty to save his people. He didn't care if he died as long as his people were fine.

The seer came into the room and started discussing some important things with Wyatt. Wyatt needed his introduction to the people to be really perfect. All he wanted was just to be feared, respected and worshipped. He didn't need anything more than that. He was gonna use the same people to make blood sacrifices if he had to. He was ready to do anything.

After four whole hours of waiting, the three warlocks came back with great news to Wyatt. They had managed to get the people to gather in the ball room and some of them were outside. But they had taken care of everything... Wyatt loved the news he got. He laughed sinisterly.

"It is time to get... feared."


The people had gathered in the royal ball room. It was fully packed with a lot of people of different classes. All the floors of that ball room had been filled up. They had all responded after hearing that the king had called for an important meeting with all of them. It had never happened before so they were kinda worried about the whole things. They were just waiting patiently for their king. Although they had noticed that things weren't quite the same outside the palace, they were still waiting.

After what felt like hours, about four men appeared on the stage without saying anything. They just stayed like that without talking. The people still had their eyes on the stage, wondering why those people were there in the first place.

But they didn't have to wait for long. They saw a man, dressed all in black with his hands behind him enter the ball room through the stage. He was putting on a black but shiny crown in the form of a skull. He stood still, staring at the people without any expression of his face. He rather seemed mad and they couldn't understand the reason why that was so.

Wyatt on the other stared at the fully packed ball room, looking at the faces of everyone. It was clear that they had no fucking idea was going on. But he was gonna show them and he was gonna have fun with it too.
