Uncle Jason Lives with Us


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When I awoke from my disquieting sleep I stumbled to the bathroom and completed my morning routine then checked out of the hotel and went in search of breakfast on my way home. I found a diner that didn't look too disgusting and sat at the semi clean counter and stared at a menu. It was difficult to pull the pages apart because of the various condiments that had glued the pages together. I finally just ordered coffee and toast. I wasn't sure anything else would stay in my stomach when I confronted Gina.

I thought about what Attorney Adams had told me. We had reviewed what I should do to gather evidence for my counter claim against Gina showing her to be an unfit mother when it came time to file the divorce. There was much that needed doing and time was growing short. I had completed one of the first things before I left his office yesterday. I wrote a fairly short affidavit that he had notarized before I left. It essentially said that I was adamantly opposed to her having a lover, but was acquiescing to her demands and staying in the house so as not to be separated from my daughters. I was to complete an updated one every six months until I filed for divorce. Attorney Adams said that we needed to show over time that while I cooperated with Gina's demands I in no way condoned her behavior. This could be important when it came to a custody decision.

The plan was risky; I was giving the appearance of doing one thing and actually attacking the problem in a different direction. But in order to accomplish this, I had to issue threats of my own, that could cost me my family. It was a game of chicken to see who blinked first.

Attorney Adams had drilled a few other things into me. First, under NO circumstances was I to record my confrontation with Gina. I would be pushing the limits of the law and possibly committing crimes myself.

Lawyers use a strange language. I mean its English, but not really. He didn't say, "John if you record that conversation you are breaking the law and could get your ass thrown in jail." He said if I recorded it, it could be "problematic." He would never say something was good, only that it was 'adequate' or 'satisfactory.' No wonder the divorce rate for attorneys was so high! "Honey, was it good for you?"

"It was adequate, thank you."

He also told me that no matter what she said or did, do not lose my cool. If she became physical do not strike her back. Don't say anything just leave the house and call him immediately. If I didn't handle that right it would be, 'problematic.' I really didn't think it would come to that though. Gina might be insane, but she wasn't a violent person.

Thirdly, he told me that I had to be convincing. Do not show any sign of weakness or indecision. If she became emotional, do not comfort her. Keep after her until she agreed to the arrangements. After telling me this; the methodology of Gina's well rehearsed diatribe from Friday night became clearer to me.

Lastly, he told me to readily agree to install the hardware that Gina wanted and to use that opportunity to install the voice and video recording equipment he didn't tell me about, or give me a business card for a guy who could help with that.

"Hmmm, if I did that couldn't it be problematic?" I proffered eloquently.

"I see your point John, but for our purposes it should be satisfactory." I was beginning to really like Attorney Adams. We had no intention of either the video or audio seeing the inside of a courtroom.

I pulled up in front of the house to park then thought better of it and drove straight into my garage as I always did. I wasn't going to do any of that bullshit about knocking on my own front door to be let in.

It was 11:45. I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen. Gina was standing at the sink pretending to wash a pan and doing her best to ignore my presence. She was dressed in her typically Sunday church attire. Had she really gone to church? If so, she was lucky she didn't spontaneously combust when she stepped inside. Or that the damn building didn't fall down on her!

"I see you are over your childish pouting and returned to your home where you belong," she snapped without looking at me.

I didn't say anything; I just activated the recording of the venom she spewed Friday night. When she heard her voice, she turned to look at me. As the recording continued, her mouth and eyes opened wider and wider. She looked like she was trying to formulate a sentence when I shut it off and put it back in my pocket.

My attorney tells me that this recording might come in very handy if you try to have me accused of abuse. And, that it will be very important when it comes to the custody hearing." I said quietly.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"I hope that I wouldn't have to Gina. I think you and I can come to some sort of agreement that would make it unnecessary. However, if you threaten me with taking my daughters away again, I most definitely would. And, I wonder what the school board, the church, or your parents and siblings would think if they heard it?"

She collapsed into a chair at the table with her head in her hands as she shook her head and started crying. "How could you do something like that to me?"

I almost lost my composure at that point, but maintained my calm. I walked towards her and stood tall over her. Ignoring her question, I spoke softly but firmly. "Gina, you mistakenly thought you had me over a barrel Friday night, but the truth of the matter is, we have each other over the same barrel. If we go after each other in a divorce it will tear our family apart and destroy our girls. Neither one of us can afford to take that risk. Look at me Gina."

She turned and looked up at me with tears running down her cheeks still unable to say anything.

"I have a proposition for you. One that gives you what you want, keeps our family together, and gives me what I need without a messy and risky divorce process." I offered. She looked up at me expectantly. "Would you like to hear my ideas?" She just simply nodded her head up and down.

"I will let you move your big dicked boyfriend into the guest room under the guise of being your nephew as you wish." She was sitting up straight in the chair now looking at me in disbelief. "But, Gina, you are going to give me something in return. You are going to sign a postnuptial agreement that says when Mary turns 18 and leaves for college, you will grant me an uncontested and amicable divorce. There will be a lot of legalize and details spelling out what happens if either of us violates the agreement, but essentially what it will say is, that you agree to walk away from the marriage with nothing but your personal belongings and $60,000 in assets at that time. That money will be used for you to start your life over somewhere else."

I took a deep breath and continued, "I will also prepare the guest room as you directed me to, except for the bedding. Get your own damn sheets for your lover! And, Gina I better never hear you threaten to take my girls away from me again, because I will fight you tooth and nail and take my chances in court."

"I'm sorry John, I know you don't believe me, but I do love you very much I promise I will never speak to you like that again."

What Gina didn't know was that if things went according to my plan, we would be divorced within a couple of years and I would have full custody of my three girls with Gina paying child support for quite a while. As I planned, with my bosses help, to take a demotion at work immediately, if there were any alimony due it would be minor. And, our joint assets would start to be eaten up by my income shortfall. Over time I would move some of our other monetary assets to different accounts in my name only. As I handle our finances, this shouldn't be too difficult. It just takes time.

Her tears had dried up and she was starting to look a lot more enthusiastic now and I could see the wheels turning in her brain. The hook is in the water, she just has to take the bait now. Please let her take the bait, my mind screamed silently.


Well, John's declarations were quite shocking to me, and for a while I was wholly despondent, but he has miscalculated. Mary doesn't turn 18 for ten years and I am very confident that I will have him dependent and loving me as he has all along; well before 10 years has past anyway. I will have my attorney read his absurd post-nup to be sure, but frankly I will sign almost anything because it won't matter in the long run.

"All right John, I guess you're right. Neither of us wants to hurt our daughters. I will have my attorney look the post-nup over, but I don't think we really need one. For your continued cooperation I promise you I will grant you a divorce when Mary leaves for college."


Gina did sign the post-nup, but I did have to make a concession in order for her to sign it. If my plan worked it wouldn't matter anyway but, I had to change the wording to reflect that the agreement was for the full 10 year period. Attorney Adams original language specified that if her lover left for any reason after 5 years the post-nup would become effective and we would have joint custody until Mary turned 18.

I took a week's vacation time in order to do the work necessary to turn the guestroom into Mr. Big Dick Jason's room. I also took the opportunity to install some IP based audio/video equipment in the hallway outside his room and other public areas of the house. I didn't install anything inside his bedroom because Attorney Adams told me that could be VERY problematic! The purpose of this equipment of course was to see if we could catch Gina and Big Dick in displays of affection (as Attorney Adams called it) In view of the children. That could be the determining factor in the child custody hearing.

Gina turned back into the woman I married the very next day after our conversation. She doted on me and the girls like she never had before. I mean it was weird. I had never seen her so happy and bubbly. I wondered if she was going to turn into a Stepford wife or something like it. Truthfully, it freaked me out.

She wanted to have sex every night, but I just couldn't do it. I knew I would have to eventually, if for no other reason than to keep up appearances. Well that, and the fact that even with my plan two to three years was a long time! I begged off politely telling Gina that it still hurt too much, but that at some point we would resume relations. She wasn't happy but said she understood and could be patient. Of course she could. In a few days some 19 year old big dicked kid was going to be fucking her brains out.

She never said about our situation the rest of the week. It wasn't until Friday morning that she brought it up again. It was like the previous traumatic weekend never occurred. Friday morning she simply stated, "Jason will be here for lunch tomorrow and to meet you and the girls. We aren't going to have any embarrassing incidents are we?"

"If you mean am I going to shoot him or punch him right in the mouth? Well no, but don't expect too much from me. The humiliation factor for me in meeting your lover in front of our family is going to be a bit much! You'll be lucky if I just don't walk away. Tell the SOB before he comes over not to try to shake my hand please. If he does, then you would have to find another lover for you 7 nights a week, because I would be in jail and he would be dead!"

She began to huff and puff. "Oh don't be so melodramatic. You aren't going to risk possibly going to jail and be away from your girls for years. But, I will tell him not to shake your hand." She rolled her eyes and strutted away from me.

"By the way, how are you going to explain this assholes presence to your family members? They are going to meet or become aware of him at some point?" I called after her.

"That's easy. I will simply tell them he is the son of my friend June, from back in my college days. I just call him my nephew for simplicity's sake."

"I guess you have it all figured out and nothing could possibly go wrong with your plan" I said in exasperation as I walked away from her trying to keep my anger under control.

Later that evening, alone in my office wondering what tomorrow would bring, I played devil's advocate with myself for about the 100th time. Was I doing the right thing? Should I just say fuck it, file for divorce, and let the chips fall where they may? And, again I came up with the same answer. No, this was the only way. I couldn't be separated from my girls, and it was my job to protect them. If I divorced Gina, even if I did get custody of our daughters, they would certainly be exposed to more of Gina's lovers. At least this way, I could keep a closer watch on them and hope Gina and Mr. Big Dick screwed up.

After spending the rest of the evening in my office, I dragged myself out of my chair and trudged upstairs to go to bed. I checked to make sure the girls were down for the night. They were still young enough to share the same bedroom, but I knew that wouldn't be the case for much longer. In fact Gina and I had already talked about the need for me to give up my office and let June move into her own room when she turned 13 in a few months. That would mean I would have no place to hide from the coming nightmare. As I looked at the innocent faces of my girls, my resolve hardened. I had to get them through this unscathed. I kissed each one of them on the cheek and headed for our bedroom.

I was hoping that Gina would be asleep, but my gut told me that wouldn't be the case. I was right. Gina was lying naked on the bed. She gave me that lustful look, that look that used to get me aroused. Now it just piqued me.

"Make love to me John, please. It is important sweetheart," implored Gina.

God she was beautiful. I still loved looking at her breasts, so I just stared at them for a moment. I remembered the first time I saw them. They were the most beautiful things I had ever seen. Her breasts were, and still are, her second best feature. I pulled my eyes away from her breasts and looked into her deep brown eyes that looked as deep as the North end of Lake Tahoe. I sighed heavily. Her eyes were her best feature. Some called them 'bedroom eyes.' I don't know, but they were the kind of eyes you could stare at and seem to just fall into them forever. All these years and now it's come to this.

I sat on the end of the bed without acknowledging her. After taking a deep breath, and without looking at her, with a sense of resignation, I pleaded with her. "Gina, please let's stop this madness while we can. Call Jason and tell him you've had a change of heart."

I turned and made eye contact. "We can go to counseling, work on our marriage. We can't do this to our daughters. They deserve better. Please I am begging you. Don't do this to us." I was nearly in tears at this point.

For a moment I thought I saw a flicker of doubt cross her face. I pressed on. "Give me some time, I will go on a diet and exercise program. I will look into what I can do to increase my libido. I will take whole bottles of Viagra. Anything, but if Jason shows up tomorrow we go down a rabbit hole we may never come out of. Please, for god's sake Gina." I thought for a moment I had her, but then I saw a look of determination cross her face.

She told me. "John honey, it will be ok. You will see that nothing changes between us. Now come make love to me." She patted the bed beside her.

"Come on baby let mama make you forget all your fears."

"Gina, I can't. I just can't. Please give me some time. We will have sex again in due course I'm sure. But the pain and hurt is just too much right now. I do still care about you, but if you are determined to go through with this, you have to give me time."

And then she drove another nail into the coffin that was our marriage.

"Ok John. I will give you time, but just so you know, instead of four or five nights a week I will be going to Jason's room six or seven nights a week until you regain your senses. Now, come to bed and hold me please."

And I did just that, like a condemned man taking his last steps toward the gallows. At least I tried. I did everything I could but the die was cast.

She sold out our marriage for a dick a couple of inches bigger than mine.

End of Part One

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