Uncle's Christmas Gift to Niece

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Mark delivers a Christmas surprise to his niece Marie.
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This story is a continuation from "Christmas Gift from Niece to Uncle," which was (unfortunately) not true but is loosely based on real people and was inspired by actual events. I hadn't intended to write a next chapter, but after hearing from readers about how much they liked the first story, I decided to extend the evening for Mark and Marie.

All characters depicted are over 18. Only those involved (the uncle and the niece) would recognize themselves. And as one of those two, I'm really hopeful that the other will...

And PS, my writing style is very deliberately NOT inauthentic or gratuitous dialog (like all the "oh yes fuck your slutty niece with your huge cock and give her your thick baby batter" language), so if you're looking for that, you won't find it here. If you don't appreciate that kind of dialog, well, I hope you'll enjoy this.


After I made it to the top of the stairs and went through all the necessary pre-bed perfunctories (brushing teeth, taking a leak - taking special care to wipe up all the come from the unbelievable moment I just had with my gorgeous niece - and of course the obligatory and platonic "kiss" goodnight to my wife), I quickly switched into a new pair of pajamas and climbed into the twin bed I was assigned in the Airbnb in which the whole family is staying.

"There weren't enough queen beds for everyone, so I just took this room," my wife had said when we'd all checked in the day before. It was fine with me, not like anything was going to happen between the two of us, anyway.

And now, alone in the twin bed, it gave me the space to think about what had just happened. So wrong, the guilt and shame flooded over me, and I castigated myself for what I'd just done. "She's twenty years old, you're married, she's your niece, the whole family was there, what were you thinking?!"

But just as quickly as the guilt had washed over me, the memories of her touch - the electricity I felt, the intensity of the orgasm I'd had at her hand, and the feeling of her hand as she held my fingers inside her while she came - all that came flooding back, and without realizing it, I was starting to get hard again. And all those things I'd just said in self-criticism now sounded not nearly as bad.

Yes, she's twenty years old, and that means she's an adult by pretty much any definition, capable of making her own decisions and evaluating the likely risks and rewards.

And yes, I'm married, but truly, it's a marriage on paper only, and hasn't been consummated in years.

And yes, she's my niece, but she's not a blood relative - she's the daughter of my sister-in-law.

And yes, the whole family was there, but between the volume of the movie, being covered by a blanket, and because Marie was able to be as discreet as me, there was very little chance we'd be caught - and sure enough, we weren't. That emboldened me, and washed away any remaining guilt and shame. Come to think of it, "emboldened" was a good word for it - my dick was fully hard by this point, and it felt emboldened, too.

So I lay there quietly, listening to the rest of the house, and it sounded like everyone had settled in for the night - the last toilet flushed, a door down the hall closed, and the whole house was silent, except for the very faint sound of the TV downstairs. I feigned sleep and pretended to snore lightly, hoping that my wife would quickly fall asleep, while I was gently stroking myself thinking, pondering, debating going back down to see Marie again...

It wasn't much of a debate, to be honest, and you can decide if I won or lost it, because I was pretty sure I was going to go back down. As I quietly masturbated with my right hand, I lifted my left hand to my nose, and drank in the scent of her sweet young pussy. Sliding my fingers into my mouth, I could still taste her juices, and that got me more turned on, more desirous of the nubile flesh downstairs.

One thing I wrestled with - as things stood, if we were discovered by anyone, I clearly had way more to lose than she did, and while I didn't for a minute think that Marie would share our secret with anyone, I also knew twenty-year-old girls couldn't always be relied on to be discreet - the urge to share in that generation was strong, but this was obviously something that couldn't be shared with anyone, not even her closest friend.

Quietly picking my phone up from the table in between the twin beds, I quickly turned the screen brightness down so it wouldn't distract my wife, who was a heavy sleeper but I wasn't taking any chances. I pulled up the last text exchange between me and Marie, something innocuous about the final exams she'd taken the week prior, and typed in, "How's the movie?"

The three little dots appeared immediately, indicating she was typing back, and my dick hardened in anticipation, hopeful that she hadn't changed her mind.

"Lonely," was the one word response. But that was all I needed - at that point, I made the decision to go back downstairs, but I wanted to get this other matter resolved first.

"Need to ask you something," I texted back.

"ANYTHING," came her emphatic response.

"It's not an easy question," I replied, to set her up for what I knew might be a challenging request.

"Does that mean it's HARD?" came her response, along with some laughing emojis.

Smiling to myself, "Yes, it most definitely is, but that's not what I meant," I sent back, with a smiling emoji of my own.

"Go ahead, Uncle Mark, you can ask me anything, I mean it."

"Ok, first of all, you can just call me Mark, it's okay to drop the Uncle," I said, adding a forehead smack emoji to let her know that I was being lighthearted about it.

The three little dots appeared again, she was writing, or thinking about what to write.

"Go ahead, MARK, you can ask me anything," and then after she added the hearts in the eyes emoji.

"Okay, it won't come as a surprise to you to know that what we just did, umm, would not go down well with the rest of the family," I sent.

"Yeah, no shit!" she wrote back, adding a laughing emoji.

"And that in this situation, where it would be embarrassing for you, it would be way more than that for me. I mean, I can be booted out of the family, but you sure as hell can't, right?" I explained.

"Yes, for sure, I get that. Does that mean you don't want to come down and watch the movie with me?" she sent, adding several sad and crying face emojis with a broken heart emoji.

"NO, IT DEFINITELY DOESN'T MEAN THAT" I wrote back in all caps, then added "(Sorry, didn't mean to yell there)"

"Yay!" she wrote back.

And then the three dots appeared again, and I saw, "So then what's the question?"

"More something I need you to do for me than a question," I replied.

"I said it before I'll say it again - ANYTHING." came her response.

"What I need is something from you that indicates that I didn't force or coerce you in any way, that you acted of your own volition and desire, and I need it to be something that, if it got out, it would be as devastating for you as us being discovered would be ruinous for me."

Pause. Three dots. "Any ideas?"

"That's what I've spent that last 30 minutes trying to figure out," I texted.

Pause. Three dots. "Gimme a minute."

"K," I sent back, wondering what she was thinking, wondering how my young college-age niece would solve this problem I'd laid at her doorstep. Thinking about her there, on the couch, wearing the flannel night shirt she'd come out of the bathroom wearing just an hour or so before, trying to come up with a solution to her uncle's problem, knowing that she wanted to do it because she wanted me to come back downstairs, somehow it got me all turned on again. She wanted me, and she was doing everything possible to get me.

For someone who'd been married for 25 years, and who hadn't had sex with his wife in maybe 10 or 15 years (I'd lost count), this young woman's desire for me was intoxicating. I had to have her, I had to spend more time with that young firm body, I had to lap at the delicious wetness between her legs, I had to feel my cock inside her, and I had to have more. In that moment, I was insatiable, and I knew that she would be mine - before the trip was through, she would be begging for anything and everything, unwilling and unable to deny me my deepest, darkest, most secret desires.

But it all depended on this one thing - we HAD to find a way to get her skin in the game, so to speak, so that we could share both the risks, and the rewards.

The three dots appeared again. "Mark? You still up?"

"Sure am," I replied, "In more ways than one."

Multiple hot flame emojis in response.

"Have an idea. Gonna send you a video, but you have to have ear buds in, otherwise it could wake someone up." She and I both knew who "someone" was, in the next bed.

I quickly and quietly got my buds in, then wrote "Fire away" and hit send.

A video attachment showed up. Nervously excited, I clicked on it, and Marie's beautiful face appeared, and I heard her sexy voice say in a most sensual manner, "Earlier tonight, while sitting on the couch with my family watching 'It's a Wonderful Life,' I did something with my uncle Mark that I've been dreaming about doing for years. I initiated sexual contact with him, then while under the blanket I was able to stroke his dick until he came. I then held his hand while he slid his fingers into my wet waiting pussy, and I had a monstrous orgasm. Now I want more, I want all of him, I want him to make me come and come and come again, and I want him now."

As she spoke, the camera moved from her face down to her breasts, capturing her hand grasping them and lightly tweaking her own nipples, then moved down over her tummy where her spare hand found its way in between her legs, and as she pulled her fingers out, she showed the camera the juices on them, then as she said her last words, "I want him now," the camera moved back up to her face to capture her slowly licking and sucking her own fingers.

I almost came right then and there, still can't believe I didn't. My god, was all I could think. Who is this young lady, and how much time can I spend with her on this trip? And how far will she let me go?

Three little dots. "That work for you?" Winking emoji followed a second later.

"Coming down." I replied.

I saw her response come in as I gently eased the covers back and stepped lightly onto the floor - "You'll be coming alright..."

Gingerly I walked across the room, ever so slowly opening the door so it didn't creak, carefully closing the door behind me then placing one foot in front of the other made my way to the stairs. Step by step, stopping briefly on each to make sure I could hear no sounds from any of the upstairs bedrooms, I made my way down. When I reached halfway, I could see the blue light coming from the TV room. Three quarters of the way down, I could see into the room, I could see the couch, I could see Marie sitting there, underneath the blanket, looking over at me with a lusty smile on her face.

I took the last steps and made it into the room and to the couch next to her in no time. She pulled the blanket aside, spread her arms wide and greeted me with the warmest most sensual kiss I'd had in years. Truth be told, I'd been dying to kiss her for a long time, ever since vacationing at the beach with her a couple years prior, watching her and some of her friends play on the beach in their ridiculously skimpy bikinis, trying not to stare as they smeared suntan lotion all over one another, as they lay on their stomachs with their bikini tops undone, ogling that young firm ass through my darkened sunglasses.

Her kiss was more than I imagined - I figured her lips would be soft and full but I had no idea they would be this welcoming, no idea that she'd be so expert with her tongue, kissing softly one second and with an animalistic passion the next, inviting my tongue into her mouth and lightly nibbling on it, and on my lips. It was safe to say her kiss had made me harder than before, a fact that she noticed, this time with no "How you doing down there, Uncle Mark," but just by expertly bringing both her hands from behind my head down to the front of my pajama pants, reaching inside, and releasing him.

"Mmmm, Mark, you're so hard again, may I take care of that for you?"

As desperate as I was to feel her hands on me again - and maybe this time also feel her lips on me - I learned a long time ago that whenever possible, it's best to have the woman come first, so it was all I could do to say, "Mmmmm Marie, if you don't mind, there's something I need to do first..."

With that, I pushed the blanket aside and with one quick movement lifted her nightshirt up and as she picked her arms up, I brought it over her head and tucked it behind her head as a pillow, as I gently eased her back onto the couch, and began to make my way down her body with my lips and tongue. Slowly kissing her neck, shoulders, arms, and then down to her chest, I was finally able to get my hands and mouth on her perky breasts. I've never been much of a big boob guy, I mean they're fine and all and certainly I enjoy them, but if given the choice, I'd take small orange-sized handfuls over big and bodacious cantaloupes any day.

Marie's breasts were perfect orange-sized, and it was clear that she enjoyed my licking and sucking of them, so much so that she brought one hand to the back of my head and the other to the breast I was sucking, squeezing it herself as I licked the nipple. I know how sensitive nipples can be, so I never overdo it with my teeth, but Marie definitely squirmed as I nibbled her nipples, moaning softly and with the hand on the back of my head, ensured that I didn't leave too soon.

As much as I enjoyed her breasts, I had other places I needed to visit, so continued downward, over her flat fit tummy (she'd been a cheerleader in high school, and although had not continued that at SDSU, she loved to run, and she spent a fair amount of time at the gym), until I reached her navel, and then kissed side to side, focusing on her hips, and the line that went from her hip down to the sweet magic spot between her legs.

I was dying to get there, but I so loved the journey that I didn't want to get there too fast, so I slowed down, kissing lower and lower, and her squirms and squeals let me know I was driving her crazy. I hadn't been with a twenty-year-old girl for probably 15 years, but if my memory serves, back then I hadn't taken my time at all, and had just desired to get straight to "the good stuff." So I was pretty sure that's what Marie would have been used to - having someone linger and truly make her feel desired was new to her, and her body was responding accordingly, as her breathing deepened, and she settled back into the couch and began to emit low moans out of her luscious lips.

"My god, Unc, I mean Mark, you really know what you're doing down there" she moaned quietly.

My kissing continued, getting closer and closer to her pussy, and the closer I got, the more I could start to smell that sweet scent emanating from within her, the same scent I'd had on my fingers from earlier. I knew she was wet, and knew she was ready for more. Closer and closer I kissed, finally landing right at the top of her pubic area, and was reminded of what I'd discovered earlier, that she's totally hairless down there.

"Mmmm it's so fucking sexy that you shave her," I said softly in between kisses, to which she responded by placing both hands on the back of my head and guiding me right between her legs. With no further delay, I began by lightly kissing her sweet wetness, but soon slid my tongue out to part her lips, and effortlessly found her clit, to which she responded with a sharp intake of breath, and as I rolled it around using my tongue and lips, teasing and nibbling, her hands on the back of my head pulled me deeper, her breathing quickened, and her she started to moan more loudly.

"Shhhhhh," I managed to whisper as I took a breath, "You'll wake someone up." She instantly quieted, but after a few minutes of my attention to her sweet tasty spot, if her breathing was any indication, she was about to come. Knowing how to time it, my pace quickened along with her breathing, and right as I sensed the pending orgasm, I slid two fingers inside her to press against her g-spot, and I sense rather than saw her grab one of the couch pillows and put it over her face, stifling the "Oooooooooooooooooh" she emitted that was somewhere between a scream and a moan. I didn't let up, and felt wave after wave crash over her body, and gladly licked up the delicious juices that poured from her soaking wet pussy.

After what seemed like several minutes, as I responded to her sensitivity by gently sliding my fingers out and then gently kissing her outside, I began the slow steady climb back up her body, stopping at all the same places, lingering at her soft responsive breasts, lightly kissing and licking her nipples, and then making my way up her chest, spending time on her neck as she moaned softly, and then to her lips, where she hungrily kissed me, devouring the lips and tongue that had just given her so much pleasure.

"Mmmmm Merry Christmas, Marie. You taste better than gingerbread and peppermint and egg nog."

"Mmmmm Mark, you're incredible," Marie practically moaned as we kissed. "Why didn't I know this until now?"

"Well, we have a few days left on this vacation," I said, "I'm sure we can make up for lost time."

And with that, while still locked in the most sensual of tongue and lip enjoyment, I felt her hands slide from behind my head, down my chest to my hips, and then to the front of my pajamas, where she could feel how much I ached for her.

"Let's not waste any more time, mister, starting right now. You know how they say payback's a bitch? Well, in this case, payback is anything but a bitch. You're about to get the blowjob of your life for what you just did to me, so switch places and let's get those pajama bottoms off..."

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AceofSpades0121AceofSpades01219 months ago

I NEED more of Mark and Marie, to know they did more is great, but it would be better to know if they started to have rendezvoused (after Christmas), and you do a fantastic job of writing it.

DeLord12804DeLord12804over 4 years ago

It would be fair to leave Mark and Marie, (or her sister, or the rest of for that matter) twisting in the wind, now would it? Please don't leave us dangling here too long.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

So f@cking good! I need more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Thank you so much for the wonderful Christmas gift to all of us! Please keep going.

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